InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting the Future ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Meeting the Future.

Disclaimer: See chapter 1.

There will be some going back and forth between the present and the past. I hope it won't be too confusing.
Still trying to work on the rating. Not sure how things are going to go later on (have the story, but not sure what to include or not) but for the time being, there will not be any sexual in this. They have had sex, or she would not be pregnant, but I haven't planned on telling that part in detail. There might be some swearing, but then again, this is Inuyasha we're talking about. I will change the rating when needed.

Thank you to Ayupan who were the first, and only one, to review previous chapter.

" - Speaking.
' - Thinking.

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Chapter 2.

"Ya hungry?" Inuyasha asked as they headed down the stairs.

Looking over at Kagome, he saw her nod. "Ya go sit outside, 'n I'll get ya somethin'."

She watched him jump down the rest of the stairs and head in to the kitchen. Reaching the bottom of the stairs she walked through the livingroom and opened the doors to the patio.
She sat down in the hammock, breathing in the fresh feeling of the morning air. Slowly caressing her tummy she couldn't help but to reflect on all the past events leading up to this life-changing event. She was just days away from becoming a mother.
Well, it could actually happen any day now. She wasn't 'planned' for another 5 days, but it was plus - minus 2 weeks. So, either the baby could deside to drop by any day now, or it could deside to stay for another 3 weeks, more or less. But the midwife didn't think she was due just yet. They had been to see her yesterday for a check-up and the Midwife, Mamiko, had said that the baby hadn'tdropped yet, meaning it could still be a while. It had been 9 months, but she could still recollect the whole day when she found out she was pregnant.

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Sango looked up from the fire just in time to see Kagome walk in through the door. It was in the middle of November, but the weather was still nice and warm for the season. "Hey Kagome." she greeted the girl, standing up to give her a hug.

Kagome returned the hug fleetingly before sitting down in front of the fire, where Sango returned to her cooking.

"How are you?" she asked trying to figure out where the other members of the family where.

"Oh, I'm fine. Miroku's out in the back with the twins, and Kenji's sleeping." Sango answered before she started to chop some carrots. She was apparently working on some kind of stew for dinner. "How are you and Inuyasha doing? How's the house coming along?"

"Can't complain. The house is moving slow, as you might have seen. For some reason we just can't come to an agreement when it comes to the layout. But you know all this already. Other than that, nothing new." she eyed one of the carrots as Sango chopped them into smaller pieces. "Could I have one of those to chew on?"

"Ofcourse. Are you hungry? Want to stay for dinner?"

Kagome bit off a big piece and heard the crunching when she bit down on the carrot over and over again. "I cannot understand why, but for some reason I'm constantly hungry. I mean, I ate just before I headed over, and now I'm hungry again. Soon I'm gonna have to go home to mom to get some snacks, if this is going to continue. We're all out of Pokky." She leaned closer to Sango and stage whispered "I've even eaten Shippous share."

"He is going to cry if he finds out. But, hungry you say? For how long have this been going on?"

Kagome sighed and eyed the leaves left from the carrot, as if she actually was thinking about eating them. Deciding not to, she put them down and looked at Sango. "Just for today and yesterday. But it's driving me crazy. I can't go around eating all the time. I'm stuffed, but still hungry and it's driving me mad."

Sango added the chopped-up carrots to the simmering stew and put down the cuttingboard, before turning fully to her friend. Kagome had been like a sister to her since they first met. Kagomes problem were her problem no matter how small. Ofcourse, she had her own things to worry about, but sometimes it was nice to have other things to think about than what to cook for dinner, or if the childrens clothes needed mending. To be honest - she missed the action they all had before. She missed being a Taijiya. No, she wouldn't want to trade her family for anything in the world, but sometimes she wanted to just have a day off to just be her old self again.

So, now she took a deep breath and looked at her sister, who eyed her, hesitating.

"Kagome... are you pregnant?"

This aparently got the girls atention, making her sit up more straight and focusing even more on her.

"No. Well, I don't think so. I'm actually quite sure I'm not."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I still have the staff in my arm," she made a indication in a general direction of one of her upper arms "and it's suposed to be 99.9 percent foolproof against that."

Sango knew about the staff. Kagome had told her when she got back after getting it, but she couldn't really grasp how it worked. But apparently it prevented the girl from getting pregnant for 3 years after getting it.

"Are you absolutely certain? I mean 99.9 percent is just that. It's not a 100 percent. When was the last time you had your... period?"

Kagomes cheeks instantly reddened. She liked to think that she could talk to Sango about everything, but that didn't mean that it wasn't embarrasing to talk about certain things.

"Well it... it wasn't that long ago." She stuttered. "I mean it was in the beginning of October, and that's ju...s...t..."

"Just 7 weeks ago."

Kagome was quiet. Had it been that long? Really? But it should be impossible. Right? 99.9% was as good as 100... Right? And the doctor who had inserted the implanon, hadn't he told her that this was sure to keep her from becoming pregnant? Hadn't he?

"I have to go home, ok?" She stood up, looking through Sango, lost in her own thoughts.

"Sure. I'll see you later."

"U-huh" was the only answer she got from the chocked girl before she disapeared out through the door and out of sight.
She hoped she was wrong. Or did she? She knew that both Kagome and Inuyasha where going to be great parents when that day comes. But they had taken steps to prevent them from becoming pregnant, so perhaps this was not the best of times for them. Well, there is no reason to ponder more on that right now. Kagome might not even be pregnant. Perhaps her period had just decided to be a bit late. Or perhaps Kagome was wrong about her timeframe. She got up from her possition on the floor and headed to one of the slidingdoors at the back of the house deciding to join her husband for a couple of minutes before dinner.

Kagome was was a bit unnerved. What if Sango was right? What then? But.. 99.9 percent. Could it be? How many girls is that? She started counting.
'Well if 100 girls have an implanon, that means that 0.1 is going to be unsafe. That means that out of a 1000, one is unsafe. 10 in 10,000, and a 100 in 100.000' the numbers started to get higher and higher in her head. 'Just say that a 1000 girls have sex 5 times each... that means 5 are unsafe... 10 times - ten are unsafe... so that means that if 100.000 girls, who have the implanon, who are having sex say... twice a week - that makes 104 times per year... that would mean that... what's a 100 times 104? Too many, that's how much! Way too many! Oh my god! What if I'm one of them? What if...?'
Kagome was so lost in her thoughts she almost walked right past the well. Not even thinking about Inuyasha she jumped into the well, feeling a desperate need to find out whether or not Sango was right. Whether or not she was one of the unsafe.

To be continued.

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Please review!
Reviews = Love = Happy = More reason to Update = More chapters!
Nudge, Nudge. Wink, Wink!

Ok, so what do you think? Please tell me if there is anything wrong with the spelling. I tried to check it out but Google translate is not to be trusted at all times.

Next chapter will be up soon. It's written, but I need to check the spellling and such.

Is the thing in the arm really called an implanon? I just checked the swedish stuff out on wikipedia, and then went to the english site from there. So, Implanon is what I got, and that's what I wrote. But perhaps it's called something else. Please tell me.

This is based on my own experiences with pregnancies.
Kagome is really freaked out at the moment, just as I was, and for some reason you don't always think straight when you are. I didn't really think about the numbers as much, but I was in denial. I actually had that conversation with one of my best friends not even thinking about being pregnant. I had the inplanon in my arm and should have been safe, but no.
Besides, I have been taught that the Implanon can make you skip periods all together, or you bleed more or less constantly. It's individual. I was always on time (denial when I wasn't) and a friend of mine had to have it removed since she bled 3 out of 4 weeks.

Until next time!
