InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Minoue ❯ Reap What You Sow ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi. Any original characters do belong to me.
AN: Thank you very much to inufan625 for acting as my beta once again. An additional thank you goes to Knittingknots for her help as well. I greatly appreciate the time they've taken to help make me a better writer and this a better story.
Thank you very much for the reviews. I read each and every one of them, and greatly appreciate those of you that took the time to leave one. For responses to your reviews, please check my LiveJournal at .
InuYasha Fanfiction Guild News
I would like to thank each of you that are part of the InuYasha Fanfiction Guild that nominated, seconded or voted for one of my fics. For the Fourth Quarter of 2007, Minoue placed FIRST in the Best Romance: Miroku/Sango and Best AU/AR categories, Second for Best Drama, and Third for Best Serial. The Edge of Winter placed Second in the Best Canon category, Like Ice placed FIRST for Best Vignette and Third for Best Romance: Miroku/Sango, and Santa Surprise also placed Third in the Best Romance: Miroku/Sango category.
Feudal Association News
Another InuYasha awards group, the Feudal Association, is currently accepting nominations. The group has two new leaders: inufan625 and InuGrrrl. The Feudal Association is unique in that not only do you get to nominate and vote on fanfiction, but you also get to nominate and vote on your favorite fanart as well. For more information, please check out their new website at . They have also set up a LiveJournal community at . If you would like to join, please go to . Membership is open and they are accepting nominations through March 15, 2008.
Now, on with the story. Please heed the warning for the lemon at the end. It is not my usual fluff and you might want to skip it if easily squicked.
Chapter 26: Reap What You Sow (WARNING: violent sadistic Lemon near end)
Sango woke drenched in sweat and panting. She didn't understand why she had gone so long without nightmares, and suddenly they seemed to be occurring two or three times a week. Each time it was the same - she would return to her childhood home and then proceed through the shop to find all of the murdered employees before reaching her father. She realized from what they had told her that her brother was the perpetrator, and yet she still could not envision his face when she reached that far into her dream. Why could she not see it? She didn't understand since she knew that he was the one that struck the blows. Throwing back the covers and stumbling out of bed, she went to the bathroom to find a washcloth to at least wipe away the sweat.
Kirara gave her a worried mew when she returned to her bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she pulled the cat into her lap and began to stroke her. “I know, Kirara; I think I should go and tell Kaede about this. Maybe she'll be able to help. If not, I might finally have to call the therapist.”
The cat meowed in agreement, and Sango climbed back under her covers. Feeling somewhat better about her decision, she fell asleep.
~ ^~^ ~
Kagura was finally making some headway. She'd had a hell of a time tracking down which service provider actually owned the phone number for the missing girl. Once she had that information, it seemed like the physical address for them was a national secret. She liked to have never found out where their offices were located. She eventually resorted to staking out one of their post office boxes and following the employees that came to collect their massive amount of mail. This company apparently didn't want anyone to find them.
After all of that, she was amazed at how effortless it was to enter the building. Considering the difficulty she had finding their actual location, she walked in with unprecedented ease. She may have been expecting metal detectors and heavy security, but there was only a receptionist at the front desk to direct people that came in. Kagura went to the elevators and looked at the list of businesses that was posted there. IIBC - 41st floor. Grinning, she pushed the call button and waited for the car.
She stepped out into what was another receptionist area. Apparently IIBC held the entire floor. “Pardon me, but who can help me with the billing address for this phone number?” Kagura asked.
The girl looked at her warily. “That's done either online or through the call center. We don't do that kind of thing here. These are the administrative offices.”
“No, I know all of your billings are delivered back here with payment. Now, who can help me?” Kagura's eyes started to redden as she pulled her concealment ring off of her finger.
“I… I… What are you?” the girl asked, now frightened.
Kagura flipped her fan open and flicked it, just barely. A miniature tornado appeared and started throwing papers in a flurry around the office. “All you need to know about me is that I control the very air that you breathe. If you don't want me to increase the size of this and send it along with you through that window, I suggest you get me the information that I need.”
“I… I… what!” the girl exclaimed as the wastebasket was picked up and thrown across the room. The tornado moved over to the large ficus tree that was in the corner and hurled it at the window where it hit with a loud thump before crashing into the floor and sending dirt flying everywhere.
“Girl, next it will be your desk and you with it. What will it be?” Kagura demanded.
“All right, all right! Give it to me!” The girl's hand was shaking so badly that she could barely take the scrap of paper from the wind sorceress. Typing the number on the keyboard, the address popped up on her screen. Hurriedly, she hit “print” and the page began to roll off of her printer. “That… that… that's all we have. That's the billing address for that phone number.” Tears started to roll down her face as her printer also took flight and then crashed against the window. “I swear… please don't kill me.”
Kagura flicked her fan and the tornado vanished as quickly as it had appeared. “It'll do. You shouldn't make it so hard to find you. Makes people cranky by the time they do. Where are the stairs?”
The terrified receptionist pointed down towards the end of the hall. Kagura could see the Exit sign three quarters of the way along it. “Thanks. Sorry for the mess.” She strolled towards the stairwell and opened the door. There were only a few more flights to the roof. As the security guards finally came crashing into the suite to find out what had happened, she'd already taken flight on her feather. She would go back first to let Naraku know she was making progress and to check on Kanna, and then she was going to Tokyo. It was another post office box, but at least it was a clue.
~ ^~^ ~
Sango arrived early for class. It was the last week before they began their summer break near the end of July, and they would be out of class until the first of September. They had just had Monday off for Ocean Day, and then it was four more days of classes before their break. She decided it would be a good time to go and see if old Kaede was in her office. She walked down the long hallway until she reached her door, and then she knocked softly.
“Come in,” Kaede called and stood from her chair. She smiled when she saw it was Sango and waved her in. “What can I do for you today? I haven't seen you in awhile. Is everything all right?”
“Would you have time to talk to me for a few minutes? I don't know who else to turn to,” she answered.
“Please sit. It sounds serious,” Kaede responded as she sat back down in her own chair. She had heard rumors that the student had been spending a lot of time with Sensei Miroku, but she wouldn't be the one to bring it up.
“I've been having nightmares…” Sango started, but her voice trailed away as she looked at the floor.
“Nightmares? Has something happened to you, Child?” Kaede asked with concern. “Has someone done something to you?”
Sango shook her head, but couldn't look up. She was embarrassed and ashamed. It was just a dream, after all.
“Sango, please tell me what has happened,” the old counselor urged.
“It… it… it's… it's about the attack,” she finally whispered. “I started having nightmares a few weeks ago… but I don't understand. Why now? And why can't I see his face?”
“Why don't you tell me as much as you can remember,” Kaede suggested.
Sango nodded, and though she still couldn't meet her eyes she relayed as much of her nightmare as she could. When she stopped, she sighed heavily. “I just don't understand.”
Kaede sat back in her chair and looked thoughtful. “Do you remember when you had the first one?”
Sango nodded. “How could I forget that? It was the night I spent at Sensei's house.”
That caused Kaede to raise an eyebrow.
“Oh, no! Not like that!” Sango protested. “That wasn't what I meant!”
“Would you care to elaborate, then?” she asked with a chuckle.
Sango blushed, but then launched into an explanation about the gallery opening, her torn dress, and how the others already knew about her scar but didn't care.
“So you discovered that you had some pretty good friends,” Kaede said when Sango had finished. “Would it be too personal to ask who they are?”
“Well, the first was Higurashi Kagome. She's in my Buddhism class and trains at the same dojo I go to. Kagome is also going to marry InuYasha, who owns and runs the dojo. His best friend is Mir- Sensei Miroku, who both trains and teaches there. It was kind of by accident that the four of us started doing things together. I think that in the beginning Kagome didn't want me to feel left out, but she's turned out to be such a good friend to me,” Sango explained. “Sensei InuYasha was always kind of reclusive, so she started encouraging him to go out more. She felt like there was safety in numbers, so the four of us starting getting out once a week or so, usually on Saturday evenings since we were all at the dojo that day.”
“Sensei InuYasha? Is he the hanyou I've heard about?” Kaede asked.
Sango nodded. “He has a gruff exterior, but he's a very good teacher. It's a shame that people treat him the way they do because of his mixed heritage.”
“So he doesn't try to disguise what he is any more?” The old counselor was curious.
“He usually covers his ears when he goes out, but he doesn't try to hide anything else. I'd heard he was exposed by an old girlfriend who wanted to ruin him.” Sango suddenly stopped talking and looked down. She'd probably said more than she should have.
Kaede released a heavy sigh. “I know, and I'm ashamed that it was my daughter that attempted to do so.”
Sango's head snapped up. “What?”
“It's a long story, but to make it short, my husband died shortly after she was born, and I had to raise her alone. I wasn't able to give her everything she thought she should have, so she decided a rich husband would solve her problem of champagne tastes on a beer budget. We haven't spoken since that incident.” Kaede looked wistfully out the window.
“I… I'm sorry,” Sango offered.
Kaede shook her head. “All we can do is the best we can for our children, and then they must choose their own path. So you now have friends that you can spend time with and know your secret?”
Sango nodded. “I was able to tell them at least part of the story of how I got this scar.” She reached over and rubbed her right shoulder. “Or at least what the police told me after I woke up.”
The old counselor sat back in her chair and fell silent. When she spoke again, she said, “I think perhaps you are ready to face more of your past and your fears since you feel you aren't totally alone any more. Your nightmares are part of your memory coming back, even if the ending still eludes you.”
“But why can't I see his face? I know that he did it…” Sango's voice trailed away.
“But do you?”
Sango looked up in confusion to meet her eyes again. “What do you mean?”
“They said your brother was brainwashed, did they not?” Kaede asked.
Sango nodded in response.
“So maybe even though you know he struck the actual blows, you don't feel that he is responsible. Perhaps the face you want to see is that of the one that forced him to commit such an atrocious crime - the one who remains a mystery. Maybe you can't see your brother's face because you cannot find it within your heart to blame him.”
Sango's mouth slowly dropped open as she considered Kaede's words. She was right. She knew that Kohaku had struck the killing blows against the others and attacked her, but she could never make herself condemn him or hate him for it. That was saved for the nameless monster who had forced him to do such things.
They sat in silence for a few moments as her words sunk in. Kaede finally cleared her throat causing Sango to realize her mouth was hanging open. She blushed and smiled sheepishly. “Thank you. I wouldn't have considered that. It does give me something to think about.”
“Is there anything else I can help you with? Is everything else going all right?” Kaede asked.
Sango shook her head. “Yes, I mean no.” She sighed. “My other problem is for Mi- Sensei Miroku. I have a question I'd hoped he'd answer during the course of the class. If he doesn't this week, then I'll approach him about it.”
Kaede raised an eyebrow. She didn't miss that this was the second time she started to refer to him with such familiarity. “By any chance is Sensei Miroku at the dojo the same as our Professor Miroku that teaches Buddhism?”
Sango's color deepened and she nodded. “He's Sensei InuYasha's best friend. It's just a coincidence. That's all. I was in the wrong place at the right time. It's not like we're dating or anything.”
“I see.” Kaede found it interesting that fate was weaving such an entangled web between Sango and three people she'd never met before a few months ago. However, the girl's grades were outstanding, and she seemed to be coping with the world around her extraordinarily well in spite of her tumultuous background. And she could deny it all she wanted, but Kaede could see how the girl's eyes lit up when she spoke of Professor Miroku.
“It's like I said - we're just four people that do things together one night a week. Without Kagome, I wouldn't be there at all,” Sango elaborated.
“It's all right, Child. I was just thinking how fate seems to be lending you a hand. For what though, I don't know,” Kaede offered.
Sango looked thoughtful. “You know, Mrs. Higurashi sort of said the same thing - about fate, I mean.”
“She sounds like a wise woman.”
“And kind, like you,” Sango responded.
They were interrupted by a knock at the door.
“That's my next appointment. I hope I was able to give you some peace of mind,” Kaede said as she stood.
Sango nodded and responded, “Yes, thank you. And thank you for your time.”
“Don't forget I'll be here during the summer break. My office hours are posted outside the door. Don't hesitate to come back if you need anything.”
Sango thanked her once again and bowed goodbye.
Kaede didn't have time to further ponder their discussion as her next student came in.
~ ^~^ ~
Kagura had arrived back at the mansion hidden in the mountains that Naraku called home. She wondered who he had killed to acquire it, for it was full of things that certainly were not his own. She also knew he wasn't above having the entire household murdered in order to get what he wanted. There had been talk at one time of an elusive, eccentric, extremely wealthy, old inventor that lived in the wilderness that had suddenly disappeared. She wondered if he might be buried somewhere on the property. Shuddering at the thought, she hurried through the house to check on her younger sister first.
As she walked down the hall towards the suite Kanna occupied she heard cries and moaning, like Kanna was hurt and in pain. Running the rest of the way down the hall, she slid the door open and stopped dead at what she found.
The girl was stripped naked with her legs hanging over the edge of the table she usually dined at. Naraku had her small breasts crushed under his hands as he pounded into her with fury, an evil grin across his face. The large red spider tattoo on his back seemed to be pulsating as he thrust into the tiny void youkai.
Kagura just stared in horror and with hatred. Yes, her younger sister was approaching one hundred years old, but she still had the body of an undeveloped teenager. It would be another couple of centuries before she began to approach maturity - before she should even consider performing acts like this. Frozen to the spot, she saw that Kanna looked right at her and smiled before lifting her legs to catch her thighs and hold them up, pulling them even further apart for him.
Naraku's growl was inhuman as he hammered into her harder. Still not getting what he wanted, he suddenly pulled out and forced himself up her tight ass, causing her to cry out in pain. “That's it - scream for me,” he commanded as he tightened his grip on her breasts. “Scream again. Tell me how it hurts. Tell me how you want me to hurt you.”
“Naraku! Fuck me harder! Make it hurt!” Kanna cried out in compliance, tears now pouring down her cheeks.
Kagura started to move forward, wanting to stop the insidious scene. She was forced to stop when she saw Kanna grinning at her as she bounced on top of the table.
Naraku was glistening with sweat as he continued to thrust into her. He tightened his grip on her breasts to hold her in place as she started to slide across the hard surface. He then grabbed her tiny waist with his huge hands and took a step back, pulling her so her buttocks were clear of the edge. Wrapping his hands around her hips and digging his nails into her butt he changed her body angle so he was getting even more friction. She screamed as she bled, making him even more excited.
“Fuck yeah!” Naraku finally exclaimed when he exploded. He slammed against the small body hard as he ejaculated into her. He looked back over his shoulder at Kagura. “Well, did you enjoy the show? She's been begging me for weeks, you know. She said she was tired of being treated like a little girl. She wanted to be a woman. The best part is since she's youkai, she'll heal in a few hours and we can do it all again. Can't we, Kanna?”
“Yes, Naraku,” the girl answered, no emotion at all in her voice.
“Now, what was so important that you felt you must interrupt us?” Naraku demanded.
“I… I… I got a billing address for that phone number. I wanted to tell you I was going to follow up on it, but don't know how long it'll be since it's another post office box.” Kagura was trying desperately to hold back the bile that was trying to rise in her throat. How had it come to this?
Naraku picked up a remote control that had been set out of the way on the table and pushed a button. Kagura clutched her chest and went to her knees. “Don't forget, no matter where you go, that I control your heart. I can set this off and kill you in an instant. Defibulators are a wonderful thing, don't you think? So don't try anything. No matter what you think, I'll still keep my promise if you don't do as I say.”
Kagura met his eyes with hatred in her own. “Yes, I know.” It would be so much easier if she didn't feel responsible for her younger sister, but she was going to have to do something. She never expected anything like this. She knew he was cruel and vile but had no idea he was this depraved. She shuddered as he pulled out of Kanna, leaving her lower half a bloody mess.
“Kanna, say goodbye to your sister,” Naraku said with a smirk.
The child looked passionlessly at her. “I told you he liked me better than you.”
Kagura fled.
To be continued…