InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Minoue ❯ Kiss & Tell ( Chapter 39 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi. Any original characters do belong to me.
AN: Thank you very much to inufan625 for acting as my beta once again. An additional thank you goes to Knittingknots for her help as well. I greatly appreciate the time they've taken to help make me a better writer and this a better story.
Thank you very much for the reviews. I read each and every one of them, and greatly appreciate those of you that took the time to leave one.
Chapter 39: Kiss and Tell
Sango was nervous as she approached her counselor's door early Friday morning. She didn't know if she was doing the right thing or not, but she felt that she had to warn someone. She knocked softly and then pushed the door open when she heard, “Enter.”
“Why Sango, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Kaede asked as she rose from her chair. “Have you changed your mind about your courses next semester?”
Sango bowed and then straightened and shook her head in response. “I… I'm afraid that's not why I came. I wanted…wanted to speak with you about something else.”
“Please, have a seat.” Kaede indicated the chair near the desk. “You sound so serious. Is something wrong?”
Sango set her books down and then sat on the edge of the chair. She clasped her hands in her lap and looked down. “I don't know exactly how to tell you this.”
The old counselor furrowed her brow. “It doesn't have anything to do with Sensei Miroku, does it?” She knew things were more serious between them than either was willing to admit.
Sango's head jerked up, and she shook it fervently. “No! He's been great; I mean, he's been a great help. I mean, well, no, it's not about him. I don't know what I'd do without him.” She stopped and caught her breath. “Have you seen your daughter at all lately?”
It was Kaede's turn to look surprised. “What? Kikyou? What does she have to do with anything?”
“We think we've found the man responsible for what happened to my family,” Sango said softly.
“What does that have to do with my daughter?” Kaede questioned.
Sango closed her eyes and sighed. “I'm sorry. I didn't know what I should do, but I had to tell someone. We think she is involved with him.”
Kaede sat back in her chair. “How?”
Sango really didn't want to tell this woman she respected that they had a witness who saw her daughter being fucked like an animal. After gathering her thoughts she said, “His name is Naraku, and he's an expert at manipulating people. He is really nothing but an evil man that uses whoever he has to in order to get what he wants. He killed a wealthy inventor and took all of his money and then needed to find another house to hide out in. In order to get the kind of property he needed, he had to find the right kind of real estate agent. Kikyou's name kept coming up.”
“How do you know all of this? And if he's done what you say, why hasn't he been arrested?” Kaede asked.
“I can't tell you how I know what I know, but the information is reliable. He's very good at covering his tracks so he leaves no evidence. He also uses other people to do his dirty work, so if anyone gets caught, it's them, and he remains clear,” Sango answered.
The counselor nodded in understanding. “Like what happened to your brother. But I don't understand how my daughter could be involved with such a man. Helping him buy a house doesn't make her guilty of anything.”
“He's very handsome and very wealthy, and apparently very charming when you first meet him, or at least that's what I've been told by someone who knows him well,” Sango said.
The pieces were starting to click into place, and this time it was Kaede who closed her eyes. “And he's not married, I presume.”
Sango nodded. “I'm sorry, but I had to say something. He's left a lot of bodies in his wake, and I didn't want your only child to become one of them. I didn't know if there was some way for you to talk to her - to warn her. I don't know what happened between you, but maybe if you took the first step… I know I'd give anything to be able to talk to my father again. We didn't always agree, but I wouldn't want angry words to be the last ones we ever had.”
The old woman sighed and fell silent, contemplating what Sango had said. The student anxiously stared at the floor, waiting to be told it was none of her business.
Kaede finally broke the uncomfortable silence. “Words of wisdom from one so young, but then you have been forced to grow up much faster than others your age. Tell me everything you can, and then I'll try to figure out how to handle it.”
With a sigh of relief that she was being taken seriously, Sango began to tell Kaede everything she could about the evil man and what they thought were his plans.
~ ^~^ ~
“What do you mean, she can't do it until next week?” Naraku practically screeched. “I want that information!”
“Boss, she has other clients. She was already booked up today with a couple that flew in from Singapore just to meet with her. Kikyou is stuck with them all day showing properties. She can't do it over the weekend because there's too big a chance that the girl will be there and might recognize her. In fact, she says the boy might recognize her, too. She needs to go during the week when both the boy and the girl should be at school. The shrine is closed on Mondays, so she will go Tuesday if she can work it into her schedule. If not, she plans to go Wednesday. That was the best day for her to go midday, when hopefully only the old priest will be around. She knows this is important to you, but people will start asking questions if she ditches or postpones her meetings with other clients. Believe me, we discussed all of the possibilities, and this was the best plan.”
Naraku sat back and willed himself to calm down. He did hire this man for his ability to plan in addition to his love of killing. “All right. Why don't you see if she is available for an outing Sunday, and take her to the National Art Center. There were pictures of Sango there at that opening, and it's run by the hanyou's half brother. Why don't you find out if there is a connection? Kikyou knows a lot of people, and she used to date the half-breed, so maybe she knows someone there that can tell you something. I don't believe it was a coincidence that she was at that gallery. It was an invitation only event.”
Bankotsu nodded. “I'll put a call in to her, but don't expect her to call back before tonight. Remember, she's tied up for the entire day.”
`Tied up? I know how I'd liketo see her tied up,' Naraku thought as he dismissed the mercenary with a wave of his hand.
Bankotsu was thoughtful as he headed back down to the lower level. He didn't miss the vehemence in the man's voice when he mentioned Sango's name. Why was he so obsessed with her? What had she ever done to him? Was it because she had survived the attack that was supposed to kill her? They already knew the Sacred Jewel had long passed from her family's possession, so his fixation over her was beyond his understanding. He shook his head and returned his thoughts to more pleasant things. He already knew that Kikyou was available on Sunday, and he'd just been ordered to spend at least part of the day with her.
~ ^~^ ~
“Well, InuYasha, what should we do tonight?” Miroku asked. It was late Saturday afternoon, and everyone had cleared out for the day.
The hanyou growled in response.
“Now, now, don't take it out on me. It's not my fault finals are next week and the girls need to study. And I'm sure they are perfectly safe at the shrine with Sesshomaru's men and Kirara to watch over them. However, I've become accustomed to our Saturday night outings and have no desire to sit home and mope. I don't know about you, but I could use the distraction.” Miroku was talking as he helped lock up the dojo.
“I've gotten so used to Kagome and Sango coming up with stuff they want to do…” InuYasha's voice trailed away.
Miroku walked over and clapped him in the back. “It's like old times - just you and me tonight.” He pulled his hand away and scratched his chin. “Well, no, not exactly. I couldn't get you to hardly leave the property in the old days. That girl has done you a world of good. So think - what would you like to do?”
The hanyou knew he was right - if he stayed home he would just mope around and dwell on not having Kagome to keep him company. “I wouldn't mind some red meat.”
“How about Ushikou Honten? I've heard some good things about it, and beef is their specialty. We can take the train and walk from the station,” Miroku suggested.
InuYasha nodded in agreement. “That sounds okay. When you mentioned it for the four of us, they said `TMI.'”
Miroku laughed. “Yes, they did consider knowing where the cow was born and raised along with the date it was killed as `Too Much Information.' Once they found out how much about the meal was on the menu, they wouldn't go. I'll call and make the reservation.”
He returned from the office and said, “We're on for 8:00. Let's go shower and change so we can be on our way.”
~ ^~^ ~
“I don't suppose you asked Miroku for some hints about what will be on his final when he took you home the other night, did you?” Kagome asked, rubbing her forehead. “I can't believe how much we've covered!”
“Kagome! I wouldn't-” Sango protested.
“I was just kidding! I know you wouldn't do that - I was just hoping - a little.” Kagome closed her book after stuffing a piece of paper in it to mark her spot. “I don't know about you, but I could use a break and something to eat.”
Sango admitted, “I'm getting hungry, too. I think when we come back, I should study for my Morals class.”
“Let's go downstairs and see what Mama left for us. I can stand going over my Elementary Pedagogy notes after dinner.” Kagome stood and stretched. “It feels good just to stand.”
Sango followed Kagome down the stairs. “So everyone went to the movies tonight?”
“There actually was a double-feature, and they went to dinner first. I think Mama was trying to give us some breathing room. He means well, but sometimes Souta doesn't know when to stop asking questions.” She had opened the refrigerator and was rummaging through the contents. “How about some leftover Oden?”
“Sounds good to me,” Sango responded. “So what do you think our guys are up to tonight?”
“If it were up to InuYasha, he'd probably holed up in the house with the television or a book. Miroku is probably trying to talk him into going out, though - probably somewhere they wouldn't go with us.”
“Like one of those nightclubs?” Sango hesitantly asked.
Kagome actually laughed. “I don't think there's any way at all he'd get InuYasha into one of those places. If nothing else, they're too loud, and he certainly isn't interested in picking up any girls. You're not worried about Miroku, are you? Picking up girls, I mean.”
Sango sighed. “No… I… I don't think so. But we're not engaged or anything like you are…”
Kagome pulled out a chair and sat at the table across from her friend. “Sango, we both know that a ring is only as good as the faithfulness of the two people involved, and I would be devoted to InuYasha with or without it, and he to me. You've learned that Miroku really isn't like what all of the rumors made him out to be. Or at least if he was, he isn't any more. I haven't seen him interested in another girl since you walked through the doors at the dojo. Before, it seemed like it was a new one every week. He's changed, and it's all because of you. I don't think you have anything to be worried about.” Of course if she were really being truthful, Kagome would say it was more like a new girl every day, but figured Sango didn't need that much information.
Sango confessed, “I let him see my scar the other night.”
“What?” Kagome exclaimed. “Doesn't that mean that you had to-”
“Take my shirt off? Yeah,” she answered. “I had to know - I had to know if he could stand the sight of it. I was so afraid that he would run.”
“So what happened,” Kagome asked softly.
Sango wiped away a tear that had escaped and smiled. “He stayed - he touched it - he said I was strong, and then he kissed me.”
The miko smiled. “I told you all you needed was a little faith in him.” She stood up to stir the Oden. “It's just about ready.”
They were eating in companionable silence when Sango said softly, “I hope I did the right thing.”
Kagome looked up from her bowl of soup. “About your scar? He had to see it sooner of later - or at least if you're in any kind of relationship, he would. At least you got-” She stopped when she saw Sango shaking her head. “What is it, Sango? What did you do?”
“I went to Kaede-san and told her about Kikyou,” she answered.
“What? What do you mean?” Kagome asked, though her voice was filled with worry, not anger.
“You heard what Kagura said. When Naraku is done with her, she'll disappear. He'll kill Kikyou, and Kaede-san will never know what happened to her. You saw those bodies in the freezer; you know what a hideous man he is. I know Kikyou was horrible to Sensei, but no one deserves that. I just worry now that Kikyou may go and tell Naraku that someone is on to him, or that she may be so tightly in his clutches that she can't get away, just like Kohaku and Kanna. But I had to say something.
“And Kaede-san may not be successful in trying to talk to her, anyway. She said they haven't spoken since Kikyou did what she did to Sensei. Kaede had not raised her daughter to be so greedy and selfish and told her she was ashamed of her. In fact, Kaede-san had even thought about going to Sensei and apologizing to him. She always liked him and thought he was very honorable to reveal himself before the relationship progressed any further. She was saddened that her daughter was so vindictive to someone who obviously cared about her.” Sango fell silent.
Kagome considered her words before responding, “I understand. If I knew someone in trouble that didn't know it, and I could find a way to help them, I'd probably try. In fact, I know I would. And you've been affected more by his actions than any of us. If you felt that she should be warned, then I'm glad you at least tried. It might be the blood of one less victim on his hands.”
“I've lost my family to a legend that's been out of our hands for years. I hate that so much blood has been spilled over something I've never even seen,” Sango said with agitation.
“You haven't, have you?” Kagome asked softly.
Sango shook her head.
Kagome pushed back from the table. “Come on, and I'll show it to you.”
The miko led her friend out of the house and towards one of the storage buildings on the shrine property. She slid back the shoji, stepped through the doorway, and reached over to flip on the light. One lone bulb dully lit the inside of the building, casting an eerie glow over the contents. “I've told Jii-chan we really need to upgrade the lights in these buildings,” Kagome commented as she moved through the narrow aisles left by an overabundance if items on the floor and shelves. “It's in here,” Kagome said as she laid her hand on a simple wooden box that was plastered with sacred sutra.
Sango placed her hand over the box. “Don't open it.” She glanced around the room and observed that not only were there ofuda on the box, they were on the walls of the building itself. “I get the feeling that the items in this building weren't meant to be disturbed.”
Kagome nodded as she noticed what had drawn her attention. “Those were all placed by my great grandmother - the one that the Shikon no Tama was given to for safekeeping.
“It's sealed, so let's leave it that way,” Sango said.
The miko agreed. “All right, but if ever for some reason you need to know where it's hidden, you do. It would take a long time for somebody to find it if they didn't know exactly where to look.”
Sango looked at the amount of stuff in that one building alone. “I won't argue with you there.”
“Well, come on. We'd better get back to studying,” Kagome said as she made her way back towards the door. Once Sango was out, she turned off the light and closed the door. Together, they returned to the house.
~ ^~^ ~
“You've been awfully quiet tonight,” InuYasha said as he and Miroku left the restaurant. “Even when those girls were obviously hitting on you. Are you feeling okay?”
“I'm sorry; what did you say?” Miroku responded.
“I just asked if you were feeling okay. I couldn't believe you didn't give those twins and their friend a second glance. I think you could have had all three at once if you'd wanted them,” the hanyou commented.
“You mean we could have had all three,” Miroku said. “I didn't miss that they were hitting on you, too.”
“They…they… they… what?” InuYasha stuttered.
Miroku chortled. “You really have no idea that women find you hot, do you?”
The hanyou blushed in response and changed the subject. “So what has had you so serious the last couple of days? Did something happen at school?”
“Not exactly,” he answered and then startled InuYasha with, “Are you going to try to keep me from seeing Sango after this semester is over?”
InuYasha slowly released his breath before he replied, “I never thought I would see one man change as much as you have in such a short time. You haven't come in smelling like you've just been laid in months, and I know you've actually turned down some of the more aggressive ladies at the dojo. As far as I know, you've always acted honorably where she is concerned. As long as you don't make it obvious to the students, I won't object. I know Kagome has been good for me, and there's no doubt that Sango has been good for you. But what made you ask me that now?”
“You know I took Sango home Thursday night,” Miroku started. The hanyou nodded so he continued, “Things almost got out of hand.”
“What do you mean, Miroku - almost,” InuYasha nearly growled.
“I… I… I couldn't help myself. I kissed her,” he said.
“And…” the hanyou prompted.
“I didn't mean to, but I paid more attention to her scar than I intended,” Miroku admitted. “I ran my hand over it, and she jumped away. She accused me of only feeling sorry for her and told me to get out.”
“What happened?”
“I asked her if it hurt, and she ended up showing it to me,” Miroku nearly whispered. “I've never seen anything so horrendous in my life. I can't believe one human being could do that to another. The pain she must have gone through…”
“Live as long as I have, and you get few surprises where humans are concerned,” InuYasha observed. “Did you work things out with her?”
“I kissed her again.”
InuYasha raised an eyebrow.
“Well, she was standing there in her bra, and the next thing I knew she didn't even have that on… I had to get out of there before we went too far,” he confessed.
“Are you sure you don't want her because you know you can't have her, and then you'll toss her aside when you can?” the hanyou asked seriously. He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear him say it.
“InuYasha, how can you… but you know me probably better than anyone. You know I've changed. I've made changes I didn't know were possible and didn't even realize I was doing it. I know the first time I met her that I said I was going to marry her, and you thought I was crazy, but it's true. I can't help it, my friend. I've fallen in love with her. Even I don't understand it or know exactly how I want to proceed, but I know I want to spend my life with her. I'm not asking if you will help me. I only want to know that you won't stand in my way.” Miroku fell silent.
InuYasha replied, “Like I said, I won't object as long as you're treating her right and don't get carried away around the dojo.”
“You mean like when you're sparring with Kagome and end up on the floor with her kissing you?”
The hanyou blushed and grinned.
To be continued…
InuYasha Fanfiction Guild News
The IYFG is currently in the middle of voting for the third quarter of 2008 (July - September). Thank you very much to dreaming_trees , landofthekwt , knittingknots , kmoaton , kryptoinuyasha , and ktshabatie for the nominations, seconds, or even the attempt to nominate or second the following:
Minouefor Best AR/AU, Best Serial, and Best Characterization (InuYasha)
Gone Wrongfor Best Short Short
Wash Away the Painfor Best Vignette
Voting continues through Saturday, November 29th. If you are a member of the Guild, please take a few minutes to go and vote for your favorites, no matter what they might be. Good luck to everyone this quarter!