InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ Gifts for All ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I am but a fan who likes to mess with the characters' lives.
Chapter 7:Gifts for All
Sada had past the test; she was now a member of the Band of Seven. Well, it was more like the Band of Six now. Bankotsu had let her join, even before their deal was complete. She now was going to give her new teammates their flesh and blood back. Bankotsu let her lead the way to wherever she needed to go. There was no specific place she needed to go to bring them back to life; she just needed five people all at once.
They arrived at some random village in the middle of a forest. Sada jumped down and looked around the village for some healthy looking males. She found quite a few males and round them all up, tying them up so they couldn't escape. After she found five men, she walked back outside the village and threw them in front of her teammates. “What are these guys for?” Bankotsu asked. “There's no way to recreate flesh and blood, so we take it,” she said as she drew a witchcraft symbol in the dirt. “What's that for?” Jakotsu asked. “I'm skilled in witchcraft. It's how I'm giving you your lives back,” Sada answered, finishing the circle. Sada took a few steps back “Get ready” Sada said then started chanting a spell.
Bankotsu watched as Sada started chanting something. He looked at his hand; it was giving off a faint blue color. He noticed that his teammates glowing with the same faint blue and the five members where glowing with a faint red color. After a few moments, Bankotsu felt a slight pain growing inside him. His eyes grew wide as he felt his spirit being ripped from his body. The rest, he couldn't quite place, it was all darkness.
Sada watched as her teammates and the five males she kidnapped felt the pain of the transfusion. She saw the ten bodies disappear and the red and blue auras combine in the craft circle, blue overpowering the red. She continued chanting as she watched the bluish purple aura start forming into the figures of her new teammates. When the glowing stopped, she stopped chanting and walked over to her companions. “What the fuck was that?” Jakotsu said, breathing hard. “Transfusion. I took their skin and blood and molded it into your bodies' figure with your spirits,” Sada said and walked over to where her companions originally stood. She bent down and picked up all the jewel shards that where there. “This is the only way Inuyasha will be able to track us. So let's go have some fun,” Sada said with that malicious smirk of hers.
All day, the Band of Seven went on a rampage, destroying village after village, stealing life after life, no matter whom it belong too. At the end of the day, the Band of Seven was now covered in blood and laughing their heads off. “That was awesome!” Jakotsu said wrapping his arm around Sada, “Who knew a woman could be so much fun to hang out with?” Sada smiled, “I'm glad you accept me.”
“Accept you? You're a sister now! We're all family,” Jakotsu said with a smile that made him seem a bit drunk.
They wondered upon some hot springs after a bit. “We could use a wash,” Bankotsu said looking at their blood-soaked clothes. Sada looked up at the sky when she heard something. She smirked evilly when she saw serpent-like demons flying overhead carrying souls. “What are those?” Jakotsu asked, looking up as well. “Soul collectors,” Sada said then looked to Bankotsu, “May I be excused? I have some business to take care of.”
“What kind of business?” Bankotsu asked with a smile. “Same business I have with Inuyasha. This person has interfered with me and I must kill her.”
“Oh! Can I watch?” Jakotsu said eagerly. “I do not have a problem with an audience, but am I allowed to go?” Sada asked. “Sure, why not. Let's have one last show,” Bankotsu said with a smile. Sada nodded and followed the soul collectors to their master, Kikyo.
Kikyo turned around and saw a woman with the Band of Seven behind her. “Something's wrong. They no longer have jewel shards in their necks,” she thought to herself as she stared down the woman. “Who are you?” Kikyo demanded. “My name is Sada. Remember it, for I shall be the one killing you tonight,” she said with an evil smile. Kikyo clenched her fist around her bow and glared at Sada. “I won't be that easy,” she said and pulled out an arrow. Sada laughed, “That stupid witch, Urasue, thought you would be enough to stop me. I'll make her see no one can stop me.” With that, Sada took out her Jakujou and prepared for battle.
Kikyo shot an arrow at Sada, but she blocked it with her Jakujou. Being a witch, she enchanted her Jakujou to be able to repel any attack, so she sent Kikyo's arrow right back at her. Kikyo tried to dodge the arrow, but she got hit in her arm. “I think I'll make your death slow and painful,” Sada said with an evil smile. Kikyo gritted her teeth and sent her soul collectors to attack Sada, but as the came close to her, she sliced them all, beheading most. Kikyo felt completely helpless, her arm was bleeding heavily and her soul collectors couldn't do anything. Sada grew bored and used the crescent blade to slice Kikyo up rapidly. Kikyo fell to the ground, bleeding heavily from wounds all over her body. “This is fun,” Jakotsu said happily. “Who knew she was good at torture?” Bankotsu said intrigued. Sada loomed over Kikyo and stabbed Kikyo through her stomach, her favorite wound to cause. She then flipped Kikyo over so she was lying on her back. She smirked as Kikyo whimpered in pain. Sada took the same blade and slowly chopped off Kikyo's feet and hands. She stopped for a moment to listen to Kikyo cries of agony. Sada then slowly cut Kikyo's arms off at the elbows, then the shoulders. She then did the same to her knees and hips. She didn't even wait for Kikyo's cries to subside, though it did surprise her that the bitch was still alive. She then slowly cut off Kikyo's abdomen and smirked at the severe pain she was in. Then, in one clean swipe, she chopped off Kikyo's head and watched it role towards her feet.
Bankotsu and the rest of the Band of Seven applauded and Sada bowed. “That was fun,” she said with a smile. She looked down at Kikyo's head and picked it up by the hair. “I've got another idea,” she said with a malicious smirk. “Really?” Bankotsu said with a smirk. “Is as fun as that?” Jakotsu asked. “Depends. Wanna see Inuyasha squirm?”
Inuyasha and Kouga finally awoke and found themselves in a hut and their wounds bandaged. “Good, you're awake,” Shippou said with a smile. “What happened?” Kouga asked. “Sada beat you both up pretty bad. Sango made a smokescreen so we could get out of there. It's a miracle that you're both alive,” Shippou said with a frown. They then heard some clashing outside. Kouga and Inuyasha, regardless of Shippou's pleas to stay there, ran outside to see what was going on. They see the Band of Seven fighting Kagome, Sango and Miroku. “Hey, Inuyasha,” Jakotsu said with a smile. Everyone turns to Inuyasha and he growls. “What do you want?” he demands. “We want you to meet the newest member of the Band of Seven,” Bankotsu said. “You all ready know her, but she's got a gift for you,” Jakotsu said with a smirk. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow but fell down when Sada appeared right in front of him without warning. “Here's a little present,” she said and threw a bag on his lap. The cloth fell and Inuyasha saw Kikyo's head in his lap. He immediately freaked and threw it off his lap. He stared at the head and became enraged. Sada laughed heartily at Inuyasha reaction. “That's what you get for butting in my business. You and your friends are next,” she said and hopped on Ginkotsu and took off with her companions.
~*~First off, I'd like to give props to my friend Cat, who gave me the idea for Kikyo with her Two-Faced fan fiction. Well, the part about beheading her and scaring the crap out of Inuyasha. Now, to the Kikyo lovers who read this fic, if there are any, I'm sorry, but I had a hell of a time doing this! -^^- ~*~