InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ Bloodless Night ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I am but a fan who likes to mess with the characters' lives.
Chapter 8:Bloodless Night
“Kikyo…” Inuyasha thought as he glared at the ground. He got up, grabbed Kikyo's head, and set off to find Kikyo's remains. Not a good idea, for when he followed the smell of blood and death, he didn't expect to see Kikyo in pieces. Inuyasha fell to his knees and hands in front of Kikyo's remains. “Kikyo,” he said mournfully, then he punched the ground out of pure hatred for Sada. Inuyasha dug a hole in the ground and buried Kikyo in it, put the pieces together so she looked as normal as possible. He then pushed the dirt back over the grave and stood there in moment of silence. When he returned to his friends, they all felt really bad for Inuyasha, well, Kouga didn't, but he still kept his mouth shut. “Inuyasha…” Kagome said, not knowing what to do.
Meanwhile, Sada told her companions that she would be going for a walk. She did, but then she stopped at the hot springs they found earlier. She washed out the blood in her outfit, though you couldn't really see it with all the black and red. Afterwards, she sat in the hot spring, feeling thoroughly relaxed, something she hadn't felt in years since she was at her hideout behind the waterfall. This was also the first time in years she had time to remember everything that made her who she was. She stared at a scar on her arm from when her father got too violent and almost broke her arm clean in half. The result was a compound fracture that left her arm unusable for six months. Everyone in the village knew what was going on, but no one, not even the other males in the village had the balls to stand up to her father, just because he was head of the village. That's why she was so relieved when the Band of Seven appeared when they did.
Sada's trip down memory lane was interrupted when she heard something from behind her. Her back was to a rock and she used that to her advantage. She peered around the rock and found Bankotsu in the hot spring as well. It surprised her a bit, but she figured he wanted to wash up too. What didn't surprise her was that she couldn't take her eyes off him. Even as a girl, she thought Bankotsu was hot, and now that she was matured, he was a god. She couldn't help herself, she made her way over to Bankotsu.
Bankotsu was sitting in the hot spring, relaxing and massaging his left shoulder. The monk had got a lucky hit and hit him pretty hard, so it was kind of sore. He froze when he heard something moving in the water. He turned his head towards the sound and was surprised to see Sada in the hot spring as well. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Oh, just relaxing,” she said as she sat next to him in the water. Bankotsu couldn't help but notice her half exposed chest and Sada seemed to notice. Sada teased Bankotsu by moving ever so slightly in the water, then she slowly and teasingly moved over to Bankotsu's left side. “You're arm sore?” she asked in a silky voice and started massaging his shoulder, the water moving around her in a teasing way. Bankotsu could feel the heat in his body rising, and pretty quickly. Sada moved in front of Bankotsu, pressing her body against his and pinning him to the rock he was leaning on. She moved her index finger around his chest, tracing his muscle patterns slowly, in a seductive manner. “What do you say we have a little fun?” she asked in a seductive voice.
Bankotsu couldn't stand it anymore. He jumped on top of Sada, pinning her near the edge of the hot spring, so only her head and part of her chest where above the water. He put his lips on hers and started kissing her passionately. Sada wrapped her arms around Bankotsu's neck and started kissing him back, with equal passion. Bankotsu made his way down her jaw and neck, kissing and nipping all the way down, making his way to her chest. Sada arched her back a bit. Her face had a satisfied smirk, but not with Bankotsu's performance, but just his action. “Perfect,” she thought, “He's finally becoming mine.”
“Uh…Bankotsu?” Sada and Bankotsu snap up and see Jakotsu standing there with wide eyes which turn into an amused smirk. “Well, that explains why you let her in so easily,” he said with a playful smirk. “Shut up, Jakotsu,” Bankotsu said getting off Sada and out of the hot spring. He put on his clothes and looked back to find Sada gone. “Where'd she?” he thought then he saw Sada coming out of the bushes fully clothed. “So, what's going on, Jakotsu?” Sada asked while fastening her Jakujou to her back. “Kohaku's here. He said Naraku wants to see us,” Jakotsu said blandly. “Does he know I've joined?” Jakotsu shrugged, “Bankotsu's the only one who's met Naraku and we haven't told Kohaku yet.” Sada smirk, “Good, then let's keep it a secret. This way, we can get rid of Naraku, instead of answering to the bastard.” Bankotsu and Jakotsu smirked with the plot and agreed. Sada snuck back to the campsite while Bankotsu and Jakotsu walked back casually. With silent communication, Bankotsu told them what was going on and they followed Kohaku back to Naraku's castle, Sada following stealthily behind them.
~*~ All right, now I don't care what any of you say. Any man would get frustrated and loose his cool like Bankotsu did. And this chapter is where the romance first comes in. Trust me, not much more like this, it killed me. ~*~