InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ Freedom ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I am but a fan who likes to mess with the characters' lives.
Chapter 9:Freedom
“It's about time you showed up,” Kagura said as she saw the Band of Seven approach. Naraku and Kanna where there as well, also waiting for them. The Band of Seven didn't say a thing, but when a crescent blade came out of nowhere and cut Kohaku in half, Naraku became very defensive. Kagura used her Dance of Blades attack on the source of the attack, satisfied that she killed whoever was there. She was dead wrong. She freaked when her attack was sent back at her, Kanna and Naraku. They all get hit, becoming greatly wounded. “They hell!!” Naraku said as he got up. He saw a woman wearing a black kimono with red armor come out of the distance and closer to him. “What are you waiting for!?! Kill her!” Naraku ordered the Band of Seven. Bankotsu laughed, “Now, why would we kill on of our own?” Naraku's eyes grew wide with realization and got ready to fight, as did Kagura and Kanna. “Sada and I will handle Naraku. The rest of you deal with the other two,” Bankotsu said as they charged at Naraku.
Naraku retreated deeper into his castle, Bankotsu and Sada on his heals. Sada got tired of his running used the crescent blade of her Jakujou and ensnared Naraku with the chain. Naraku glared at Sada as she held him captive. Sada smirked, then without warning released her hold on Naraku. Naraku was confused for a moment, but all was made clear when Bankotsu came crashing down with his Banryu. Naraku was blasted backwards and Sada attacked again with the crescent blade.
Meanwhile the rest of the Band of Seven where have their way with Kagura and Kanna. Since their attacks weren't magical, Kanna's mirror had no effect, so she was helpless. She had tried to take their souls, but Jakotsu had broken her mirror when she tried. Renkotsu had set a fire trap all around them so they couldn't run. Kagura tried to use her Dance of Blades attack again, but nothing seemed to work. Ginkotsu finished them off in a deathly explosion of gunpowder and blood.
Naraku was fairing only a little better than his incarnations. He had at least weakened Bankotsu with a blast of his miasma, which seemed to be taking its toll on him. But the weaker Bankotsu grew, the stronger Sada became. She seemed immune to his miasma. Naraku grimaced as Sada stabbed him through the stomach with her Jakujou. While she had him down, Sada went and sliced off Naraku's head. She panted as she stared at his dead body. It was finally over; Naraku was dead. The Band of Seven didn't have to answer to anyone anymore.
Sada went over to Bankotsu, who was barely able to stand. He was using his Banryu as a crutch. Sada was tired as well. Even if she seemed immune to the miasma, it still took an effect on her. She went over to Bankotsu and carried him out of the castle on her back. When the other members saw Bankotsu and Sada, they ran over to them. “Sada, is Bankotsu all right?” Jakotsu asked. “Not if we don't hurry. Come on, I know a place where I can make an antidote,” Sada said and everyone got on Ginkotsu and went west.
Later that night, Bankotsu woke up to find himself out of the castle and in a cave of some sort. He looked around and noticed that everyone else was there as well. “Good to see your up,” Sada said. He looked to his right and saw Sada wrapping up one of her wounds on her arm that she received from Naraku. “Where are we?” he asked. “My old hideout, before you guys came into my life. It's secluded so it's a great place to rest up,” she said as she finished up dressing her wound. “Hey, Sada.” Sada looked to Bankotsu, an eyebrow cocked. “Thanks,” he said and went back to sleep. Sada smiled at Bankotsu's sleeping figure and laid next to him. She snuggled close to him and brushed his bangs out of his face gently. “Rest up, Bankotsu, my sweet. Tomorrow, Inuyasha and his friends will be looking for us, and we still need to kill him, his friends, and his brother, Sesshomaru.”
~*~ All right, I'm gonna apologize right now to the Sesshomaru-sama fans. I love him to death too, but this is all necessary. But I promise, I'll make him put up a hell of a better fight than Naraku did. ~*~