InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Passionate Disputes ❯ Koga's Chosen Mate ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Koga's Chosen Mate

Author's Notes: I'm bringing in a new character to the fanfic to really heat things up. Her name is Ayame and she is truly Koga's fiancée. From what I've read, she only appears in the anime and not the manga. She's not in any of the English episodes yet and probably won't be for a while but I've been reading all the episodes, even the ones that haven't been dubbed yet. Actually, Inu Yasha isn't even done airing in Japan although I think it might be close to being done by the looks of it since they're narrowing on the final jewel shard. Anyway, the site where I know all of this is called "Inu Yasha Companion" and here is the link:

To go straight to the up-to-date episode guide, click on the word "Anime" then you have a choice to either view the "Television Series" or the "Films". I hope everyone enjoys this site. It's really filled with good information about Inu Yasha. Enjoy! And another note, for now on I'll be updating every Tuesday instead of Monday for now on because that's the only day I have class and can go to the comp lab. And if I can, I'll try to update twice a week but no guarantees. Once I'm done work, my ride usually comes and I go home right away so I sometimes have no internet access although most of the time I have a little bit of time but I always use that time to check e-mails, respond to a message board, and update my live journal account, so most of the time I might not have time to upload a new chapter. I'll do my best though. I was lucky this week cuz of another commitment I have which allowed my have hours of free time in the lab since it was at school anyway so I was able to post another chapter up today. And for one final note, to alien*ryoko who reviewed, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I never meant to trick anyone. I've fixed that error in the summary now. Yes, this fic will be a lemon but that is still a few chaps away and will happen near the end of the fic. And thanx to all of those who reviewed so far. Keep reviewing please!

"KOGA!!! Stop all this fighting right now!"

"Ayame!" Koga gasps.

"Yes Koga, it's your fiancée, Ayame. You promised me first. Remember?" Inu Yasha grins and sheathes Tetsusaiga while Kagome sighs with relief.

"Yeah but...but," Koga protests.

"Don't you dare give me any buts mister. You promised so I intend you keep your promise to me. I'm here to make sure that you do," Ayame orders.

"When I saved you, I wasn't thinking straight. I don't want you as my mate anymore. I want my Kagome."

"I'm not your woman Koga."

"Yes, you are. I claimed you long ago."

"But you claimed me first."

"Well...umm...I release you, Ayame and now I claim Kagome as my mate. There, that should settle it."

"Oh no you don't. I'm not letting you off the hook that easy. A promise is a promise no matter what and you don't go around breaking your promises to other people."

"Right Ayame. I couldn't agree with you more. And I promised myself to Kagome so, as you can see, I can't break that promise either. I guess I could have both of you then."

Ayame pounds him on the head using her fists. "YOU TWO TIMING BASTARD!!!!!"

Miroku whispers to Sango, "Geesh! This guy is worse than me. At least I don't around publicly admitting that."

Sango takes his staff and hits him on his head with it and screams, "You're just as BAD as he is!"

After that distraction is over, Ayame states, "Besides, as far as I can tell between those two, Kagome was claimed by Inu Yasha long before you ever did." Everyone acts surprise when they hear her say that.

A sneaky idea pops in Inu Yasha's mind so he suddenly snags his arm around Kagome and says sheepishly, "Um yeah! That's right Ayame! I claimed her first. Sorry Koga!" Shippo just sits there in Kagome's arm looking stunned. Even Miroku and Sango are stunned at Inu Yasha's sudden action towards Kagome. She just looks up at him in disbelief but her look isn't missed by him so he whispers to her, "Just play along, alright?" She smiles and nods her head slightly in understanding.

"Yeah Koga, Inu Yasha claimed me long ago. Too bad for you!"

"No Kagome, you're mine! You'll always be mine. I won't lose you to some half-wit demon."

"Half-wit, am I? And what about you? You're just a no-good wimpy wolf."

"Don't you ever DARE to call me names albino runt."

Inu Yasha clenches his other hand, which is not around Kagome, into a fist. "Don't you DARE call me albino runt, you stupid pathetic fucking wimpy wolf. Now you've gone too far." They both growl at each other preparing themselves for another fight.

Suddenly Ayame intervenes between the two pleading, "Stop it you guys!"

Kagome tries to help too and looks at Inu Yasha, frowning. "Yeah, stop it. Don't make me use the S-word Inu Yasha."

He looks back at her. "What? Are you taking his side?"

"No, I just want the fighting between you to stop. That's all."

"Yeah but you know if I'm down, that will give him plenty of opportunity to strike me. Geesh! Use your brain wench!"

"Don't you dare call my women names, flea bag."

"Oh shut up fucking wolf! I'd had it up to here with you. Leave Kagome alone NOW!"


Ayame suddenly interrupts, "Koga, I demand that you stop fighting now. I am your fiancée and you'll will keep your promise to me or else I'll pulverize to to a bloody pulp myself." She takes her fist and slams it into her hand to emphasize her point. Koga stares at her in disbelief and actually starts to fear her.

Koga sighs then lowers his head down in defeat finally giving in. He raises his head and first looks at Ayame. "Arrrggg! Fine Ayame, I'll stop this petty fighting." Then he looks over to Inu Yasha, looking him directly in the eye. "You win this time around mutt face." Then he looks back over at Ayame. "I will honor the promise I gave you. Are you happy now?"

"Very!" She pats Koga on the head, which aggravates him to no end, and says, "Good wolfie!" Then she turns towards the rest of the group. "I'm really sorry that all of you had to witness this. Koga and I will be going now and leaving you all in peace. Come on mate!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, I'm coming! Come on guys!" Koga signals for them to follow but he falls behind on purpose and, once Ayame is out of hearing range, he suddenly turns around to face Kagome and tells her. "Kagome, I'm really sorry about all the trouble I put you through today. I really do love you and I want to see you happy. I don't except the fact that you and Inu Yasha belong together but I see that I have no choice. I am an honorable wolf and stay true to my words. And I really don't want to be pulverized to a bloody pulp from my so-called fiancée either so I'll leave you in peace for now. But remember that I just may come back and claim you as my mate in the future if I can. Remember that! So long my sweet Kagome!" Kagome gulps, fearing him and Koga smirks then he eyes Inu Yasha again. "You better take care of her dog breath or I'll kick your sorry ass from here to Mt. Hakurei if you don't. Seriously!"

"Humph! Whatever dirt bag!" Inu Yasha just snorts off Koga's comment and smirks, tightening his grip on Kagome. "Don't worry Koga! I plan on taking good care of Kagome so just don't ever come back and bother her again." Koga scowls at the comment. Then Koga stares at them in dreadful silence for a while until Ayame yells at him to hurry up. He turns around and resumes his leave.

Once they're out of sight, Inu Yasha releases his hold on Kagome and they both breathe sighs of relief. Inu Yasha is the first to speak, "Jeeze! I'm so glad that's over with."

"Me too," Kagome agrees.

Suddenly Sango runs up to Kagome and squeezes the life right out of her. "I'm so happy for the both of you."

Miroku asks, "Yeah! Me too! Since when did you two become involved with one another? You're gonna have to give me some tips Inu Yasha."

"Oh shush Miroku. You don't need anymore tips. I think you have all the expertise you need."

"But Sango..."

Inu Yasha suddenly bursts out saying, "Look guys! Kagome and I aren't involved with one another."

"Yeah we're not" 'Although Inu Yasha, I wish we were.' Kagome face shows deep sorrow but she keeps it concealed from everyone.

"It was just an act to get rid of Koga and it worked. Now can we please continue our journey to the well."

"But I thought..." Sango contemplates for a second. "Never mind then. Lets continue." They continue their journey to the Bone Eater's well.

Date: Mon. Feb. 19/04