InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Becomes' Present ❯ Jealousy ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Past Becomes Present


Love is as strong as death; jealousy is as cruel as the grave.

Old Testament: Song of Solomon, viii, 6

Kagome walked happily down the streets of Akita. She had gotten vegetables for a stew that her
mom was making for some "guests" that were going to be coming. But what bothered Kagome was that
she knew that there wasn't going to be any guests that were going to be visiting their home. But
since her mom always had these strange feelings about things like this, she didn't question her.
So as she made her way to her house she thought about what was weird about her Okaa-san, Ojii-san,
and her younger brother Sota.

Her house wasn't anything special that is if you didn't call a shrine anything special. There was
the normal stuff that was put in mind when you thought of a shrine. But there was one thing
different, the well house. Sure it sounded weird, who in their right mind would build a house
for a well. But it actually went with a legend that had supposedly happened during Senguko Jidai.
It involved a hanyou, a monk, a demon exterminator, a kitsune, and a miko. Though Kagome knew the
legend by heart she, as hard to believe as it is, played a part in it. Yep that miko was Kagome.
Though she had already played her part and was grateful that it was played and done with. Because
of that stupid well her whole world was turned upside down and inside out.

Kagome herself was a beautiful woman. Her long ebony hair glowed with a unearthly glow, her blue
grayish eyes spoke of wisdom beyond her years and her body that spoke of training. Kagome had the
body you could have wet dreams over (if you were a male) and a body that was envied from everyone
(either male or female). She also had a kind, giving heart. She was betrayed because of it but
that big betrayal wouldn't change her ways even though the person that betrayed her was supposed
to be her best friend. He (the one that betrayed her) was only wanting to be with his only true
love, she could understand that. As the Shikon No Tama was completed, InuYasha had wished to have
his love back, accidentally sending Kagome back to her time. She really didn't mind, she got to
finish her schooling and go onto college, which was why she was in Akita. She had gotten offers
from all over Japan, her to go to a school that was in Akita but since Kagome had gotten back she
had noticed that her mother wasn't has heathly has she played to be. Her mother had has three
heartattacks since she had gotten back which was only for five years. So she had her mom transferred
to a nicer shrine in Akita. Sure she missed her friends Ayumi, Yuki, and Eri but maybe alittle, Hojo.
'He was just so dense!' Kagome thought as she neared her home. Hojo was a young man who had a
huge crush on Kagome when she was a freshman in her school. He was a decent looking guy but too
dense and sugar coated for her tastes. Kagome turned the corner that would be close her house.
She saw her newly formed friend Jukion walking towards her.

Jukion was a fairly pretty girl. She was Chinese and Japanese earning features from both races.
She had more narrowed eyes then that of a Japanese person which were colored a soft brown. Her
hair was feather close, cut at the jaw and was an even softer brown then that of her eyes. She
a lean, non-curvy body but she was popular.

"Oi Jukion-Chan what's up?"

"You need to get to your house!" She was bubbling with excitement now adding a beautiful sparkle
to her eyes.

"And why is that?"

"Because Yokashino Sessho-Maru is there! Didn't you know?" Jukion asked suddenly looking at her
friend like she had grown a second head.

"Hello! I was buying veggies at the market!" Kagome said none too sarcastic.

"Well call me when you are done with your guest and give me juicy details! Ja ne!" Jukino gave
a quick hug and ran off to Kagome's right. Shaking her head slowly Kagome went to the left,
heading towards her shrine again. Yokaishino Sessho-Maru? It couldn't be the same Sessho-Maru
I knew...Even it was why would he be at some "lowly ningens" home?
Kagome pondered as she
finally reached her home. She spotted a black limo pulled up to the curb, the driver glanced at
her, turned around then glanced again. 'Nasty! Go get someone your own age!' Kagome shouted
in her head. She walked slowly up the many steps of the shrine steps.

As Kagome reached the top she felt Buyo come up to her bare leg and rub up against it. Kagome
smiled softly and rubbed Buyo behind the ear earning a soft purr. Kagome left Buyo to her fur
cleaning and headed up to her house. Slipping in and taking of her sneakers she pulled on her
fluffy white slippers.

"Oi Okaa-san I got you your veggies! Okaa-san?" Kagome asked as she looked in the kitchen where
her mother usually sat and read some American romance novel. Kagome put the veggie bag on the
counter and headed to the living room. She saw her mom talking to someone that was seated on
the couch, her mom seated on a chair next to the couch. "Okaa-san you know that you aren't
allowed...Oh I am sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. I will go to my room..." Kagome finally took
notice of the men that sat on the living room couch. There were two in all, both male.

The first one had long pale blonde hair that might reach the back of his knees. He had priecing
green blue eyes that were cold and detached. His features looked of old noble ones often seen in
romance novels, his lips set in a straight line. Kagome also noted that he had usually pointed
ears that were barely concealed by his flowing locks. He was dressed in a plain black suit.

His friend, Kagome assumed, had more of a boyish cuteness. He had more messy hair that was blonde
but not as pale as the other, that might reach his waist. As Kagome noted he had a look of innocence
and a boyish appearance that would give out during High School. He also had priecing eyes but of
a more green then blue/green. He lips on the other hand were set in a slight smile. Nothing then
that looked outlandish. He was dressed in an off black suit, looking less expensive then the

"Oh nonsense Kagome-Chan, I was wondering when you were going to come. What took you so long?"
Her mother asked concern shining in her soft brown eyes.

"Jukion told me about some guy named Yokaishino Sessho-Maru being here." Kagome shrugged dismissing
it as some rumor. "I am going to change and get to my duties. The veggies are on the counter."
Kagome went up the stairs and headed to her room.

"Oh dear sorry about that...My daughter hasn't been the same since she got back from a...Friend's
place five years ago. She is more withdrawn. Now would you guys like to stay for a bite to eat?
And don't give me that "We have something to do" because I know that your limo is broken outside
the shrine. So would you like to?" Higurshi-san told them in that motherly voice.

"Yes we will stay." The one with pale blonde stated in a cold voice.

Kagome took out her miko outfit. It was a smoky blue pair of hakamas and a white blouse (think of
what Kikyo wears but with smoky blue hakamas). Kagome changed and put her hair up in a tight
high bun; also putting on some split toe socks in the process. She slowly walked down the stairs
apron reaching the bottom she called out.

"Okaa-san had anyone called or asked to see me?" Kagome asked her mother, she had to peek her head
in the kitchen door. She took note that the more boyish looking one was sitting quietly next to
the table. 'I wonder where the other one got to.' Kagome thought.

"I don't believe so...No wait...Hojo left a message saying that he and this one girl got together.
Eri and Yuki called to...They both said to try and come down 'a-sap' and that Ayumi got all mean
like. That's how they put it." Higurahi-san said smiling at her daughter. Kagome giggled
thinking of Hojo.

"Well I do need to call Hojo and Ayumi but I will do that later. Now don't over work yourself
Okaa-san, you hear me?" Kagome asked in a playful but more serious voice. Her mom nodded then
went back to cutting. Kagome walked to a couple that had appeared at the top of the stairs.

'They look American...Most likely honeymooners.' Kagome thought looking at the "mushy" scenes.

"Excuse me do you know what I am saying?" The male of the two asked.

"I may be Japanese but I am not totally stupid. Nay I am joking, I can understand you. Do you
need some help?" Kagome joked.

"Well yes...They said that this shrine was some how involved in a great legend in Senguko Jidai."

The young woman spoke up with a soft voice, Kagome smiled she was used to people asking her about
the legend.

"Oh yes along time ago in Senguko Jidai, this shrine stood and..." Kagome went on for about ten
minutes recapping the main things of the legend.

"Wow that is amazing! I would think it would be great to be back in time." The woman spoke in a
wistful voice.

"It would lack the modern convenicenes such as running water. Imagine every time you take a bath
it being in a public bath house." Kagome said in a soft voice.

"I wouldn't like it to much." The man said in a gruff but soft voice. "Thanks for the help, we
need to get going. Are we supposed to bow?" The man asked confused.

"It would depend but you don't need to I don't care. I am happy that I was able to help you, now
you people are going to Tokyo right?" Kagome asked her voice going to her normal speaking level.

"Yeah we are touring over Japan. Why you ask?"

"Well for a recommendation you should go to Tokyo Tower. It has a really great view of the city."

"Thanks." The couple left as they looked around for a few seconds. Kagome went to sweeping the
pathways until she felt someone watching her. She turned around somewhat slowly and saw the man
with pale blonde hair staring at her. 'That gaze...It is so like Sessho-Maru's.' Kagome thought
noticing the cold yet collected look in the man's eyes.

"Hello, we didn't get to introduce ourselves when I arrived home. I am Kagome HIgurashi." Kagome
put on a friendly smile though her inner power was tingling.

"I am Sessho-Maru Yokaishino." Kagome noticed that this Sessho-Maru said his name the same way as
the Senguko Jidai Sessho-Maru said his name. With power and a deepness that demanded respect.

"Well it's nice to meet you Yokaishino-san...Do you need any help? Need any information?
Anything?" Kagome said while gripping her sweeping broom as though it were a lifeline.

"Hai I do. Why if you are at least twenty years of age, still living with your mother?" Sessho-Maru
asked with a monotone voice.

"Well my mother has had at least three heartattacks since I got back from.... A friend's place. After
I got out of High School, I got offers from colleges/universities all over Japan. I wanted to go
the one here in Akita...Bu tI couldn't leave my mother with only my Ojii-san and my brother so I
took her to this shrine...It was connected to the one that we maintained in Tokyo." Kagome didn't
know why she had practically told this Sessho-Maru her life story but she felt comforted in a way
with his presence.

"I see. Who was this friend that you were visiting...It seems as though you were there for more
then a simple sleep over." Sessho-Maru stated. 'This can not be the onna I knew back then...She
should be died by now.' Sessho-Maru thought with a saddened feeling, not showing it.

"Well look at the time I got to help my mom. It was nice to meet you." Kagome who was not shaken
easily mostly because she had faced death in the face when she traveled back in time. 'Why would
he care about that? He is not Sessho-maru...At least the one I knew.' Kagome thought while putting
her broom away and heading towards her home to help her mom.

Sessho-Maru watched her as she went into her home. `She can't be my Kagome…My Kagome should have died a long time ago. But this Kagome acts so much like my Kagome…And how she talks, walks…Everything about her reminds me of my Kagome. My Kagome.' Sessho-Maru thought sadly of the last time they were together…Right before she disappeared.


Sessho-Maru headed towards the form of Kagome surrounded by Tulips. She turned towards him with a smile plastered on her angelic face (right now she is only like sixteen).

"Hello Sessho-kun, why are you here blessing me with your oh so greatness?" Kagome asked with a slight sarcastic humor to her voice.

"Well since I was close by I thought I might grace you with my great yokai being." Sessho-Maru said with a joking ring to his deep voice, while he sat next to Kagome he saw that she wasn't really in the mood to be joking. "What is bothering you Kagome-Chan?"

"Well you see I haven't thought of, until now what would happen if the wish was made on the Shikon No Tama. What will happen to us?" Kagome took hold of Sessho-Maru's hand.

"I don't know…But you can always stay with me. Rin would love that. But why be worried?"

"No reason really." Kagome thought of her home in the future. `Why haven't I told Sessho-kun about the future? I should before I have to leave.' Kagome thought better of the idea. `Not right now…The sunset is to pretty to ruin the moment.' Kagome sighed when she felt Sessho-Maru's arm go around her waist pulling her closer to him. "I wish we could stay like this forever." Kagome said softly.

End Flashback

Sessho-Maru shook those memories from his mind and headed back into the home. He headed into the living room that he had been in a few minutes before. He saw that Yashamino was the kitchen watching Kagome's mom making stew. Yashamino was actually the reincarnation of his half-brother InuYasha, but the only difference was the looks and his attitude. Where InuYasha was gruff, Yashamino was soft spoken, where InuYasha was outgoing, Yashamino was shy and uncertain. Yashamino was the side hidden in Inuyasha, no one knew but Sessho-Maru. Sessho-Maru had found him when he was taking a walk around his estate. Yashamino was some son of a servant that Sessho-maru employed, his parents and him were more then happy to learn that Sessho-Maru was going to take in Yashamino.

Kagome was sitting on her bed looking at a picture she had taken of Sessho-Maru the day before she lefted. He was actually smiling at in the shot. Kagome had insisted that she take a picture of him, that is after she told him that it wasn't a yokai and there was no need for protecting. Kagome had taken a few pictures of him but this was the only one that had come out good, the others had Shippo, Sango, Miroku, or InuYasha trying to attack him in the background. After she got back from the past she had developed the film and drawn pictures of them on the walls of her bedroom. Some had battles, others were yokais that she had met and others were fighting scenes she had been in. Her mother being horrified that her "baby" girl was in that much danger. Kagome conviced her to settle down and Kagome ended up cooking dinner that night. Sota himself was in America visiting their Dad, Kagome didn't want to visit him because why would she want to visit someone she didn't even know. Her Ojii-san was visiting some sister in China. `Dang I know my Aunt more then I know my own Dad!' Kagome thought. After a few minutes she got up and changed into a pair of black lounge pants and a midnight blue tank top. When she went to her door she noticed that someone was knocking.

After Sessho-Maru had noticed that Kagome was gone and that Yashamino was just sitting quietly, he went to see what Higurashi-san was doing. He saw that she was sitting reading an American book called Three Fates by Nora Roberts. She looked up from book reading and smiled softly, which painfully reminded him of his Kagome.

"Could you go get Kagome from her room? I wold but the doctors say I can't overwork myself. Her room is the one at the end of the second story hall to your right. Oh thanks you so much!" Higurashi-san said thankfully.

As Sessho-Maru neared her room he felt her aura change from sadness to humored happiness. `I wonder what changed her moods.' Sessho-Maru thought as he heard her change her clothes he chooses that time to knock on her door. He caught a glimpse of her bedroom walls and almost fainted when he saw himself looking emotionless.

"Yes Yokaishino-san?" Kagome asked in a normal speaking level but it had a surprised tilt to it.

"Your mother wished for you to come down." Sessho-Maru said as he got over the shock of the pictures on the walls. "I need to ask you a question."

"Umm so-ka shoot." Kagome said in a nervous kind of voice.

"How did you draw those pictures? What are they of? Did…" He got cut off by Kagome's humored voice. `It sounds beautiful.' Sessho-Maru thought as he listened.

"You said `a question' meaning that you wanted to only ask one. So which one do you want me to answer?" Kagome said tilting her head to the side a little. `He reminds me so much of Sessho-kun…But why would he come here if he is still alive?' Kagome thought while once again taking in his features.

"Okay, how did you think up those people on your walls?" SesshoMaru really wanted to know how she drew all those pictures of him and his Kagome's group. He heard the faster beating of Kagome's heart and the nervous scent she was sending off.

"I just thought of them. Why do you want to know? Besides why are you here? What do you work as?" Kagome wanted to know about this guy. `He can't come in here asking questions about my past!' Kagome thought angrily, her scent changing from her usually calming waterfalls and ocean scent to a raging storm. SesshoMaru notices the change of her scent.

"Well you didn't ask me a question but I will answer them. I was just curious. My limo broke down in front of your shrine and your mother was nice enough to let my friend and I into your home. And I am surprised you don't know what I work as…But I work as a president of Yokai Electronics, I own department stores, I have my own clothing line, and on my spare time I do writing. Is that good enough for you?" Sessho-Maru had never talked this much but he felt as if it was okay. Kagome was gaping at him.

"You have your own clothing line!? I mean, yeah it's enough information. Do you want to look at my protaits?" Kagome didn't know why but she felt as if she could trust him. `Maybe he is like the reincarnation of SesshoMaru.' Kagome didn't even want to think that, if he got reincarnated that would mean her Sessho-kun had died. She couldn't even bear the thought of him dead.

"I would like that." Sessho-Maru stepped into her room and saw most of what he had seen first hand. He saw a picture of InuYasha looking at the night sky while sitting up in a tree, he saw Sango polishing her weapon, he saw Miroku laying on the ground with a huge lump on his head and a red handprint on his face with Sango standing of in the distance looking mad, angry and sad. He also saw Shippo just sleeping in a sleeping bag by a fire. But what caught his eye was the picture of his self. He was sitting under a Cherry Tree in full blossom, the wind had picked up his long silver locks, and he had a soft look to his face. His arm was resting on a raised knee, looking off to the distance he saw a small Rin, Shippo, and Kagome in a expensive Furisode he remember he gave his Kagome once she and he first kissed. `But she said that she made them up. But how would she know about the Furisode?' He thought while looking at the little scene. He also saw a picture of Rin smiling with her gap and Jaken looking sour. `Most likely being so close to Rin.' He thought about this loyal retainer. `They look so life like.'

"So do you think they are good?" Kagome drew him out of his thoughts. `He was staring so intently at the picture of Sessho-Maru and the scene with me and my kids.' Kagome thought seeing that she had drawn him out of his mind. (She sees Rin and Shippo as her children.)

"They are good, they look so life like." Sessho-Maru moved for the door and added with a cold like voice. "For a beginner." He lefted after that, while Kagome fumed about stupid males who didn't know anything. She made her way to her mom. She saw her reading her book that Kagome got her.

"Oi Okaa-san let me finish this." Kagome took the spoon from her mom's hand.

"But have you finished your homework? I don't want you to get in trouble." Higurashi-san said as her book seated her.

"I have finished all my assignments, done my miko duties and am now going to help you with dinner." Kagome said as she stirred the stew.

"Yashamino we can go now. The limo is working again." SesshoMaru came from outside and headed to Yashamino.

"Well before you guys go you can have a bite to eat. The stew is ready and I don't want it to go wasted, now sit down and I will serve you all." Kagome said to Sessho-maru and everyone else, the phone rang at that time. "I'll go get it Mom, you just stay seated." Kagome headed to the cordless at the end of the counter.

"Moshi moshi, this I the Higurashi home, how may I help you?" Kagome spoke in a sweet voice. Sessho-Maru with his yokai could hear what the other end said.

"Is this Kagome?" It was a woman's voice.

"Hai it is, who is this?" Kagome asked politely.

"Duh girl it's Ayumi!" The girl now known as Ayumi spoke in happiness.

"No way!? Kami-sama it's been along time since I have spoken with you! I heard that you were all mean like from Eri and Yuki. Is there truth to that, Ayumi-Chan?"

"I have been a little testy because well I am getting married!" Ayumi said in a happy wistful voice.

"Wow who's the lucky guy?" Kagome slightly wished that she had her Sessho-kun with her, she would have been happier but since she was Kagome she still was happy.

"Well you wouldn't believe it but it's Hojo! After we started to work together and he got promoted he asked me. I am so happy!"

"I am happy for you." Kagome said with happiness in her voice but not her eyes. Everytime she saw or heard about someone getting married she thought about what she and Sessho-Maru would have had together.

"Me too. But that's not what I called about, I want you to be my Maid of Honor! So what do you say?" Ayumi's voice rang over the phone.

"Well what about my mother? I mean she can't travel…" Kagome stopped as her moo glared angrily at her.

"I can to travel!" Higurashi-san said in an annoyed voice. "Besides Kagome-Chan if you don't get out much how are you going to meet someone and give me grandchildren?" Kagome just blushed at the suggestion.

"Okay I will be honored to be your Maid Of Honor! When's the wedding? Is there going to be anyone big there? Where is it?" Kagome asked with a slight blush.

"Um…In like two weeks. No one that is fat but if you mean reputation, then yeah. In Yoyogi Park! Remember when we both dreamed of getting married there? And that we bet each other on who would get married first?" Ayumi laughed at a memory.

"Oh Yoyogi Park? It is going to be beautiful there! Who is going to do you pictures? You always know that I can, I did take photography in High School and I showed you some of `those' pictures I took." Kagome said.

"Yeah I remember those…That one guy was so hot! Well yeah it would be great if you would do that, I was going to ask you. But when you get here you have to see my wedding dress and I have to have you go to a sitting with my designer! She is a fashion goddess." Ayumi sighed in contentment.

"Now tell me who is going to be there and is has a rep." Kagome insisted.

"Well there is going to be Rumiko Takahashi, she is a old friend of Hojo's family…There is going to be this president from a electronics company…He's name is Mokino Hakashi from Sunset Electronics. Oh and Hojo knows the president from Yokai Electronics and he sent him a invite but I don't know if he is coming…But Hojo is going to be so happy that you are coming! Are you coming here soon?"

"Hai, I will call my Dad and tell him to give me money so I can go." Kagome giggled.

"So you finally found him?" Ayumi snorted at the obvious dislike.

"Yeah, Sota is in American visiting…He doesn't even now English! Pfft baka…But at least my Dad's good for something. You know?" Kagome said then noticed that she had everyone staring at her. "Gomen Ayumi-chan but I have to go. I will get in touch with you when I arrive in Tokyo. Kay love you girl, blessed be my friend!" Kagome giggled at the laughter that came from the other end.

"Blessed be my friend." Ayumi hung up with that.

Kagome just went back to getting the stew in bowls. Handing out bowls she sat next to her mom. Her mom was at the head of the table, Kagome on her right, Sessho-Maru on her left and Yashamino next to Sessho-Maru.

"Was that Ayumi-Chan? How's she doing?" Higurashi-san asked.

"Hai that was, she called me up because she got engaged to Hojo-kun and wants me to be her Maid of honor. So I am going to get money from Dad's account and you and me are going back to Tokyo!" Kagome said excited. "And then I can visit our old shrine!"

"Yes you can, I hear that some reincarnated priestess is residing there. I think she is the reincarnation of a Kikyo who was in that legend, remember?"

"Oh hai I do." Kagome's voice steady but her eyes starting to water. "Oh Sessho-Maru my friend Ayumi said that her husband-to-be sent you a invite but she doesn't know if you are coming. Are you coming? And mom Takahashi-san is going to be there! I can finally show her my drawings and that manga I have worked on forever."

"I am happy for you!"

"I am not going. What is the last name of this Hojo?" Sessho-Maru asked, he already knew who Hojo was and was already was going. `I will get to see her more…' Sessho-maru stopped those thoughts, he had to honor the memory of his beloved Kagome.

"Hojo Hikamrua, he is the vice president of Sunset Electronics. Do you know him?"

"Hai I do. This was a good meal, thank you for it but you see me and my friend here needs to be leaving." Sessho-maru stood and Yashamino followed. Kagome followed them to the door.

"You are welcome. Goodbye Sessho-Maru-san and Yashamino-san!" Kagome waved to them as they went to their limo. "Thank kami they are gone…"

"Why this that Kagome dear?" Her mother asked from behind her with a slight smile on her face.

"That Sessho-maru was cold and that Yashamino was to quiet. You would swear that that Sessho-Maru was trying to be my Sessho-Maru from Sengoku! But that Yashamino looked like Inuayasha and yet he didn't act like him. Maybe he was the reincarnate. But no matter, you have to go inside, I have to do some planing!" Kagome ushered her mom in her bedroom that was moved from upstairs to downstairs. After her mom fell asleep, Kagome made calls to get plane tickets, ask the doctor if it was safe that her mom travel, got some new clothes, e-mailed her homework to her teacher, and then went to bed. But before she did she looked at the picture of Sessho-Maru that was next to her bed, she then went to sleep dreaming about him.

Sessho-Maru was greatly disturbed about how he had acted around that Kagome. `Okay so she acted like MY Kagome, spoke like her, and walked like her. But certainly she can't be MY Kagome…MY Kagome should be dead by now. That is that that I want her to be dead.' Sessho-Maru thought as Yashamino started talking to him.

"Sessho-Maru who was that girl?" Yashamino asked him in a soft voice.

"That was Kagome Higurashi. Why do you ask?" Sessho-Maru arched an elegant eyebrow.

"She reminds me of someone I once knew…. But I can't remember. It's no big deal." Yashamino said in a gruff voice now sounding like InuYasha. You have no idea who she reminds you of. She certainly is the Kagome but why would she not jump happily in my arm so we can ride off into the sunset? Sessho-Maru thought then added. I have read one to many American romance novels. When he arrived at the airport he went into his private jet that is after he escaped his many female fans. When he drifted off to sleep he dreamt of his Kagome.