InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pushing You Away ❯ Untitled ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the show Inuyasha or any of the characters in it, they are copyrighted to the great Rumiko Takahashi. (Except Inuyasha he's mine ^_^ so sue me!)

Sesshoumaru stopped about an hour later at a small cave with Jaken standing outside it.

"It will take my brother a while to find us here, there is a lot of wind so the scent gets carried," Sesshoumaru said as he stopped gracefully outside of the cave. Jaken looked surprised/horrified to see that Sesshoumaru had brought a human with him. Sesshoumaru walked into the cave and dropped Kagome on the floor roughly "Stay here," he ordered before going back outside to speak to Jaken.

Kagome got up and ran to the side of the cave to listen as soon as Sesshoumaru disappeared from site. "Why have you brought this human Master Sesshoumaru?" Jaken asked in a revolted tone. Kagome felt fear again as she saw the evil glint reappear in Sesshoumaru's eyes. "This is my brother's wench, I found her in the woods after a fight with my brother," Sesshoumaru informed Jaken "If I claim her as my mate, and my brother finds his wench sleeping next to me and believes he has been betrayed, he will trade me the tetsusaiga to get her back,". Kagome felt her knees grow weak with horror. "Sesshoumaru sama, you are very clever, but would you really mate with… a human just to get the sword from your brother?" Jaken said, clearly disgusted. Sesshoumaru did not reply but said "Jaken you must watch for my brother and tell me when he gets near, so I can make sure the scene he sees will convince him his wench has betrayed him,". Jaken nodded.

~*~REVIEW PLEASE~*~ As soon as I get 1 more review I will update!!

(Warning: Lime (/Lemon?) Scenes in the next Chapter!)