InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pushing You Away ❯ Unwanted ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the show Inuyasha or any of the characters in it. (Except Inuyasha, he's mine hehe ^_^ so sue me)

"Crap!!" Kagome thought to herself "What am I supposed to do??" Kagome felt like there wasn't enough blood going to her head and went dizzy with fear. Kagome didn't hear what else they said, she had gone into a trance, trying to figure out what to do. This was turning out to be the worst day in her life, which was pretty bad considering she'd previously had quite a few bad experiences including: having the soul sucked out of her, been attacked by countless demons, and watched a certain undead bitch make out with the guy she liked while she was strapped to a tree.

A minute later she was awakened from her trance by two clawed hands digging into her arms. Kagome slowly came back to reality.

"It won't work," Kagome stated firmly. Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrow "what's that?" he asked. "Inuyasha won't trade the tetsusaiga for me, he doesn't care about me," Kagome said not sure whether or not she was lying. Sesshoumaru grunted and dragged her to the back of the cave.

"Well what are you going to do if he doesn't come?" Kagome asked trying to buy time. Sesshoumaru didn't respond but pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him and kissed her hard. Kagome gulped as she felt Sesshoumaru's warm lips practically eating her own. Fear overtook her again as Sesshoumaru's tongue forced it's way into her mouth and started to roam all over it.

He grabbed her arms and placed her arms around him, but her arms just fell limply back. Sesshoumaru placed her arms around him again and murmered something that sounded like "keep them there," but it was hard to tell since his mouth was pressed to hers. Kagome let her arms fall limp again. He withdrew from her mouth and growled dangerously "You will do as I bid.". It took Kagome a few seconds to form words in her mouth but then she retorted defiantly "You can't kill me remember? That would mess up your plan.". Sessoumaru snorted "Ignorant human, I can't kill you but believe me it would be very painful to defy me,". Kagome nodded silently in fear. Sesshoumaru laughed and then placed his mouth over hers again.

~*~PLEASE REVIEW~*~ I will put up a new chapter as soon as I get one new review

(WARNING to all under 18, the next chapter is even worse Lime (/Lemonish?) stuff)