InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Takahashi High ❯ Spiders, Cherries, and Kouga ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer - Me no own, so you no sue. M'kay?

RedHerring: You know, I think I might have done something weird and accidentally switched it to the wrong text dealy-doo. I vaguely remember a strange message popping up saying something about text, but I just hit my keyboard and it went away, and next thing I know, I'm able to post my chapter, but it got goofed. *shakes head* Honestly, I should be Amish! Is there a way to go back and fix it? Thanks for the advice!

eMeLyNoOoPeE: lol Not, you aren't annoying me. I love getting reviews!! You bring amusement when you review, so that's good. *smiles* I'll stick an Inu/Kouga fight in soon. Hope I do a good job!

Relix: hehe! Enjoy!!! =^_^=

Shadow~Magician: I'm using Microsoft Word, too, but I've got 2 computers, so I have to type it on one and put it on a floppy to post it on the other, because only one computer has word and only one computer has internet, and somehow I screwed it up. Hehe! Fight, next chapter! Don't worry, you aren't pestering me one bit, I love reviews!

Kagome woke up Monday morning to the annoying beep of her alarm clock. She shut it off and sat up, cursing whoever decided to make school so damn early. She quickly dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a red tank top and walked down the stairs.

In the kitchen her family was already eating, so Kagome slid into the seat next to her brother. Pouring herself some cereal, she listened to Souta tell their mother about his sleepover, and asking if he could do it again.

Before Kagome finished eating, the doorbell rang. Souta jumped up and answered it, exclaiming that it was probably Shippo.

"Why would it be Shippo?" Kagome asked, looking at her mother.

"Since Shippo lives so close, they've decided to walk to school together." She replied.

Kagome nodded and continued eating, drifting off in her own world.

"Hurry up, wench, or we'll be late for school!"

Kagome choked on her cereal and looked around quickly to see Inu Yasha leaning against the doorframe with a smile, Souta standing next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Kagome asked, standing up.

"Well, I figured I'd give you a ride to school, since my parents said I can start driving my car again." Inu Yasha explained. He greeted Kagome's mother and grandfather politely after saying that, and Kagome quickly finished eating.

She put her bowl in the sink and said, "I'll go grab my bag."

Grabbing Inu Yasha's hand she led him up the stairs into her room. She picked her backpack up off the floor and said, "Ready."

Inu Yasha just smirked at her and grabbed her waist. Pulling her close to him, he placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

He pulled away and held onto her hand, walking back downstairs. Kagome called bye to her family as they left the house and walked down to his car.

"Thanks for the ride." She told him when they were both inside the car.

"No problem. I'd rather drive you, anyways." He said as he drove down the road.

"Oh? And why is that?" Kagome asked, glancing over at him.

"So I can spend more time with you." He said gruffly. "And so I can make sure Kouga won't both you." He mumbled under his breath.

Kagome glared at him and said, "You're crazy! He isn't going to both me!"

"And you're naïve if you believe that!" He yelled, turning to look at her.

They both ignored each other for a moment, Inu Yasha finally being the one to break the silence.

"Look, I know Kouga. I know what he is like. I just don't want him to hurt you. Please trust me on this, Kagome."

Kagome sighed and nodded her head, feeling it was useless to continue arguing with him.

At the school, Sango was in quite a predicament.

"Miroku, I'm not going to kiss you!" She hissed, turning away from him.

"Why not?" He whined, crossing his arms in front of him like a little kid.

"Because we're in public!"


Sango rolled her eyes and turned to walk away when she saw Inu Yasha and Kagome walking over to Sess and Rin. She started walking over to join them, when suddenly Miroku grabbed her by the waist, twisted her around to face him, and planted both hands firmly on her behind.

Sango's face began blushing furiously and she hissed, "Miroku, what the hell are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm holding your ass hostage till you kiss me." He squeezed slightly and looked down at her expectantly.

Sango pushed against his chest, but the more she pushed away, the harder he pressed herself against him. Finally realizing that she was pressed directly against his groin, she stopped struggling.

Sighing, Sango stood on her tiptoes and gave him a tiny kiss. Miroku released her and smiled.

"Now was that so bad?" He asked cheerfully.

Sango ignored him and walked over to her friends. Miroku followed her, smiling.

When they reached them, Kagome and Rin were stifling their giggles. Inu Yasha was smirking at Sango, and Sess was just watching the whole thing with a slightly amused look on his face.

"What's up, guys?" Sango asked casually.

"You tell us, Sango." Inu Yasha said.

Sango froze and looked up into his face. "What do you mean?"

"I always thought you didn't like PDA. What was with that grab-ass charade you guys had going on back there?" Inu Yasha grinned at the look on Sango's face.

"I-We… That was… Uh…" Sango flushed deeply, so Miroku stepped forward.

"I believe what the lovely lady is trying to say, is mind your own damn business." He stated calmly, a slight smile attempting to break through.

"Yes, exactly!" Sango spat, glaring at Inu Yasha.

"The show isn't free. Pay up." Miroku finished, holding out his hand.

Sango groaned and grabbed Miroku's hand, pulling him away from the group and up to the school. "Don't you ever know when to shut up?"

Kagome, Rin, and Inu Yasha started laughing, and even Sess let a chuckle slip out.

Rin, still giggling, grabbed Sess's hand as the four of them began walking up to the school. "Anyone up for getting ice cream after school?"

"Sounds like fun." Kagome answered while Sess and Inu Yasha just nodded their heads silently.

"Who'll ask Sango and Miroku?" Rin asked cautiously.

Kagome giggled and removed her cell phone from her pocket. She typed up a quick text message and sent it to Sango.

"She can ask Miroku if he wants to go." Kagome said as she closed her cell phone.

The bell rang above them, so the fours teens all walked to their classrooms, Sess kissing Rin's temple before walking off.

A few minutes into the lesson, Sango sent a message back. Kagome read it under her desk and began giggling. She handed it to Rin, who giggled when she saw it too.

kag-sure we'll go. but no more makin fun!-sango, kag-i still want my money!-miroku

Kagome put her cell phone away when Rin handed it back to her. Inu Yasha was once again, asleep.

When lunchtime rolled around, Kagome was walking with Rin and Sango down the halls. Suddenly she saw Inu Yasha leaning against the wall ahead of them. He motioned for Kagome to follow him, so she said bye to Rin and Sango and walked over to him.

"What's up, Inu Yasha?"

Inu Yasha just smirked and led her to a utility room. Kagome looked around, confused.

"Uh, what are we doing?"

"I haven't gotten to kiss you all day." Inu Yasha stated simply.

"Yes you did. At my house, remember?" Kagome reminded him.

Inu Yasha took a step forward. "You call that a kiss?"

Before Kagome could answer, Inu Yasha closed the space between them. His lips, gentle but persistent, coaxed hers open. His hands rested comfortably on her hips as his tongue assaulted her mouth. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck, whimpering slightly as Inu Yasha memorized the inside of her mouth. His tongue tenderly massaged hers, distracting Kagome from his hands. One was resting on her bottom, while the other slowing went below her shirt. But as soon as Kagome felt skin against skin, her eyes snapped open. She pulled back from Inu Yasha's warm mouth causing him to growl.

"We should get to lunch." Kagome whispered thickly.

Inu Yasha sighed, but nodded his head, removing his hands.

Making sure the coast was clear, they stepped out of the utility room. Inu Yasha and Kagome walked hand in hand as they went down to the lunchroom.

After lunch, the six teens ambled down to their language class. They all took their usual seats next to each other and talked randomly until the teacher arrived.

Sess, who was sitting next to Rin, had his hand resting on her leg. He did this every class, so Rin took notes, unfazed by this. But when he began caressing her thigh beneath the desk, Rin squirmed slightly.

Sess held back his smirk as his fingers trailed the inside of her leg, stopping right before her heat. Rin struggled to keep her eyes open as Sess evoked delicious feelings inside of her. Sess's hand followed the seam of her pants up and down, so close but never touching. He brought his fingers farther down her leg till it was resting right above her knee. In a calm, lazy manner, he moved his fingers down to underneath her knee and squeezed.

Rin, being extremely ticklish, squeaked loudly and jumped in her seat. Sess quickly removed his hand just as the entire class turned around to look at Rin.

"S-Spider. I thought I saw a spider." She said, her voice shaking slightly.

A few students laughed when Rin said that, but turned back to the teacher when he began teaching again.

Rin took a deep breath and glared at Sess, who was smirking. As she turned back to her notes, she felt something light bounce off of her head. Turning around, she saw Sango and Kagome pointing hurriedly at a crumpled piece of paper behind her. Rin scooped it off the floor quickly and opened it on her lap.

~Rin-A Spider, huh?-Kagome and Sango~

Rin blushed and Sess grabbed the note from her. He read it, turned around, and grinned at the girls. Hearing them laugh, Rin stuck her head in her hands and groaned.

When the final bell at the end of the day rang, Rin hurried outside, hell-bent on avoiding her friends. She was held up in the hall twice by teachers, but thought she had succeeded in evading everyone else. So you can imagine her shock when all her friends were standing around her car. She huffed and walked over to them.

"Hope you weren't planning on leaving, Rin. We're going out. Don't you remember?" Sango said, crossing her arms in front of her.

Rin shook her head and said, "I was coming to wait for you."

Inu Yasha snorted and Kagome elbowed him in the ribs, silencing him.

Sess walked over to Rin and grinned down at her. "Ready to go?"

Rin glared at him. "You embarrassed me in class, Sessy!"

Sess sighed, but before he could answer, Miroku spoke up.

"Don't feel bad, Rin! I groped Sango this morning in front of everyone, and got a kiss from her!"

Sango blushed and began stuttering as Rin laughed.

"You know Miroku, I feel better now. Ready to go, guys?"

Since the ice cream shop was close to the school, they decided to walk there instead of drive. Miroku tried twice to stick his hand in Sango's back pocket, but she smacked his hand away both times. Rin laughed and, having forgiven Sess, slid her tiny hand in his, their fingers lacing together. Kagome was jumping on and off the sidewalk while they walked, making Inu Yasha nervous.

"Damnit Kagome, what are you, a little kid? Get out of the road!"

Kagome just stuck her tongue out of at him and continued.

Inu Yasha growled at her. "Why can't you just walk normal?"

"Because walking is boring, and this makes it fun!"

Inu Yasha jumped in front of her, causing her to stop, and crouched low. "Get on. Getting a free ride has got to be tons more fun that jumping around on the sidewalk."

Kagome giggled but obliged. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he gripped her thighs.

Resuming walking, Inu Yasha nearly choked as Kagome pressed her breasts flush against his back and whispered, "You're right, this is lots more fun."

Once at the ice cream shop, Inu Yasha regretfully let Kagome down. They all walked inside and found a rounded booth to sit at. Rin offered herself and Sess to order the ice cream, so everyone gave their money to Rin, who pulled Sess to the counter.

They had to wait in line behind a woman that had twelve kids with her. They were all wearing soccer uniforms, so Rin assumed she was taking them out for ice cream before practice. That wasn't necessarily a good idea, but to each his own, Rin thought. The kids kept changing what they wanted, so Rin leaned against Sess as he wrapped his arms around her.

He leaned down next to her ear and whispered, "When is your father leaving?"

"Tomorrow." Rin said, her sadness falling across her face.

Sess tightened his grip on her, trying to offer her any amount of comfort he could.

"You want to spend the night tomorrow?" Rin asked him, looking up at him.

Sess smiled down at her and kissed her forehead.

"Sure." He agreed.

Rin did this often when her father would leave. She was afraid of being in her house all alone, even if she did have all those servants with her. They never had sex. They would stay up and watch movies, eventually falling asleep on the couch. The first time Rin asked him that, he honestly thought they were going to have sex. He was incredibly shocked when Rin fell asleep around 10:00. Unsure of what to do, he tucked her into her bed and went into a guest bedroom for the night. They talked it over in the morning, and it was decided that sleepovers were okay, as long as sleep was all they did. If Sess thought he could control himself, then sleeping in the same bed was okay, too. But her bed was only a twin, so it was much more comfortable to sleep on the couch.

Sess's parents were okay with him spending the night, because they trusted the teens. But Rin's father was a little less trusting. He likes Sess enough, but he's the typical father, believing no boy was good enough for his daughter, and if he ever found out that they were sleeping together, Sess had no doubts in his mind that he probably wouldn't survive the mans wrath.

The woman with all the kids finally got fed up and ordered a single scoop for everyone. Hustling them out the door and ignoring the complaints, the woman smiled apologetically at Rin and Sess. Stepping up at the counter, Rin jumped back into her happy, bubbly self.

"Okay Joe, see here. I want a double scoop of your finest chocolate ice cream on a waffle cone, you got that? Then I'm going to need a medium sized bowl of your strawberry ice cream, and they better be some damn good strawberries, you here? I'm also going to need a chocolate shake, large size, got that? Add a little cherry on top, if you will. For myself I'd like a peanut butter cup shake, and I better enjoy it! Last but not least I'll need two ice cream mountains. And they better be some high mountains! You got all that?" Rin had said all this extremely fast, and in a strange voice, so the guy at the counter was just staring at her.

"Uh, my name is Manten, not Joe. And, can you repeat all that?"

Sess chuckled and shoved Rin behind him so he could repeat everything. Manten gave Sess the total, who collected the money from Rin. As Manten began preparing the ice cream, Sess turned around and kissed Rin softly.

"You're so strange." He murmured against her lips. "That's why I love you."

Rin held her breath and stared up at him. They had been going out for months, and although both knew they loved each other, they had never actually said it.

"I love you, too." Rin said in a whisper.

She hugged him tightly, happiness just flowing out of her.

When Manten had their order ready, they had a hard time carrying it back because Rin was clinging tightly to Sess, refusing to let go. They finally made it back to the table with everything still intact.

Rin hugged Sess around the middle when he sat down and draped one of her legs over his. Sess held her close, smiling down at her.

"Well it looks like Rin has no problem with PDA." Inu Yasha said, laughing.

Rin just giggled and shook her head.

Sango smiled at Rin, knowing something good had happened for her, remembering to ask her about it later. She pulled her chocolate shake towards her and leaned back, sipping it through a straw.

Miroku looked over at Sango and smiled as he ate some of his chocolate ice cream. "Can I have your cherry?" He asked Sango suddenly.

Sango choked on her shake and leaned forward, coughing. She took a deep breath and looked over at him, face red. "What??"

Miroku smirked and picked up the cherry out of her shake by the stem. "Your cherry." He looked her in the face, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

"Che- Oh you mean, Oh. I thought you meant… Well it doesn't matter what I thought. Yes you can have my cherry. From my shake! I… I- Oh, stop talking Sango!" Face flushed, eyes down, Sango groaned and clamped her mouth shut.

Kagome had pressed her hand tightly over Inu Yasha's mouth to keep him quiet, all the while trying not to laugh. Rin was pursing her lips, a laugh trying to break through, and Sess had his lips against Rin's temple preventing him from laughing.

Miroku leaned forward and said, "I can take both cherries, you know."

Sango screeched and covered Miroku's mouth with both her hands while the other four began laughing. Miroku winked at Sango and kissed her palm, causing her to blush and pull her hands away quickly.

Miroku held the cherry in front of Sango's face, laughter twinkling in his eyes. "Well, do you want your cherry or not?"

Sango glared at him and said, "Oh shut up!"

"So I can have your cherry, then?"

Thoroughly pissed, Sango grabbed the cherry and popped it in her mouth, dropping the stem on the table.

"Hey, I wanted that!" Miroku whined loudly before capturing her lips in his own. He maneuvered his tongue into her mouth smoothly, getting hold of the cherry. Pulling back, he held the cherry between his teeth and grinned at her.

Sango tried to steady her uneven breath, watching him closely. She swallowed thickly and looked down, blushing. Miroku opened his mouth to say something, but Sango held her finger in front of his lips.

"If you are going to say one more thing about cherries, I'm going to kick the crap out of you."

Miroku just grinned at her.

Sango spent the remainder of the time with a blush still on her cheeks, while everyone else talked, pretending they didn't notice.

Kagome, Rin, and Sango all excused themselves to the washroom when they finished. Unable to contain her excitement, Rin told them what Sess had told her while they waited for their ice cream. Kagome and Sango jumped on her, squealing.

"That's great, Rin!" Kagome said while Sango nodded her head vigorously.

Rin clapped her hands together happily and danced in a circle while she waited for the others.

Stepping out of the washroom, Kagome found herself directly in front of Kouga. Instinctively taking a step back, Kagome bumped into Rin and Sango.

"Kagome." Kouga sneered when he say her.

"What are you doing here, Kouga?" Kagome asked, trying to stay calm.

Kouga ignored the question and took a step closer to her. "We never got to finish talking the other day, Kagome."

Sango and Rin stepped in front of Kagome, staring him down.

"We've got to get going, Kouga." Rin stated firmly.

Kouga was about to say something back, when suddenly Inu Yasha bellowed from behind him, "What they hell are you doing here!"

Kouga turned around and glared menacingly at Inu Yasha. "I came to talk to Kagome. What's it to you? She's not your girlfriend!"

"Like hell she's not!" Inu Yasha spat.

Kagome kept quiet, knowing now wasn't the time to bring up the fact that Inu Yasha hadn't actually asked her to be his girlfriend.

"Listen ass whole, I have a right to talk to whoever the hell I want!" Kouga snarled at him.

Inu Yasha stared at Kouga, hate etched all over his face. Finally he said in a deathly calm voice, "I kicked your ass before and I'll do it again. Outside, now!"