InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Takahashi High ❯ Fight! ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer - I own nothing! *sob*

inu_obsessed_chic27: Thanks for the review! Completely understand about the dial-up, my friend has it and she's only online for short amounts of time, too.

eMeLyNoOoPeE: lol!!! You know, I was considering have Kagome go in there and beat him up, but then I thought, what would that do to Inu Yasha's ego? He'd be such a baby about it, and what good would that do for my fic? But never fear, Kagome does some damage later on… =D

A/N - Okay, fight, fight, fight! Sheesh, I hope I did a good job! I've haven't seen very many fights in my life, and the main one that sticks out was the one I saw at Warp Tour, but that one wasn't very good! So, bear with me, if it's terrible, I'm sorry!! And I'm sorry about all my writing errors! I don't notice them at first, and I don't know how to edit my chapters after I've already posted them. Help, anyone? I've very new at this, and I don't want to screw it up and somehow delete everything. I'm cursed when it comes to technology…

Outside of the ice cream shop, Kouga and Inu Yasha stood, facing each other. Kagome, Rin, Sango, Miroku, and Sess were standing behind Inu Yasha, all quiet except for Kagome.

"Why are they fighting? Someone stop them!" She said in a harsh voice.

When no one made a move, she took a step towards Inu Yasha, but four sets of hands reached out to stop her.

"Kagome, let them be. This is their fight." Sango said, not meeting her eye.

Kagome pulled away and marched up to Inu Yasha who, at the moment, was trading insults with Kouga.


"Ass whole!"

"Mother fucker!"

"Oh, your mom finally told you?!"

Kagome grabbed Inu Yasha's arm. "Inu Yasha, please, lets just leave."

Inu Yasha looked at her like she was crazy. "Leave? Why the hell would I do something like that?"

"I don't want you to get hurt!" Kagome replied, tears welling in her eyes.

Inu Yasha glared at her. "You think that dip-shit can hurt me?"

Kagome's lip quivered, and Inu Yasha placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll be fine." He answered, before motioning for Sango and Rin, who walked over and pulled her back.

Kagome grasped Rin and Sango's hands in her own, watching fearfully as the fight began.

Without warning, Kouga and Inu Yasha each charged at each other. Inu Yasha got the first blow in, and he made it count. He punched Kouga right in the gut and stepped back as Kouga fell to his knees. Kouga wheezed for a second or two before rising to his feet unsteadily. He lunged at Inu Yasha, punching him in the face while Inu Yasha kicked him in the chest. Kouga stumbled backwards, but recovered quickly and kicked Inu Yasha's feet out from under him. Inu Yasha landed painfully on his back, and Kouga leapt onto him, punching his stomach repeatedly. Inu Yasha grabbed the collar of Kouga's shirt and flipped him over to that he was on top. Without wasting a second, Inu Yasha began wailing on Kouga's face, blood trickling out of his nose and mouth.

Kagome, unable to take anymore, began screaming at them to stop. "This isn't going to solve anything, stop it STOP IT!"

Inu Yasha looked up at her, a black eye forming on his right eye. Kouga used Inu Yasha's distraction to his advantage, and slugged him in the jaw. Inu Yasha grunted and fell back as Kouga jumped to his feet. He ran over to Inu Yasha and began kicking him in the back.

Kagome turned around and glared at Sess. "That is your brother! Why don't you help him!"

Sess glanced down at Kagome. "Inu Yasha would never forgive me if I stepped in on one of his fights. Inu Yasha fights one on one, with honor. You will never see him fight like a coward and hit an opponent while they are down, like you see Kouga doing as we speak."

Kagome choked back a sob, tears streaming down her face as she watched Inu Yasha. He had curled in a ball, protecting his vital organs. Kouga, finally growing tired from kicking, began circling Inu Yasha, taunting him.

"So you've pussed out now, have you? Aren't even going to fight back? I knew you were a pathetic little bitch that couldn't fight. I just let you win all those fights, because I felt bad for you!"

Kouga's expression of sick pride soon turned to shock as Inu Yasha began laughing and rose to his feet.

"Kouga, you dumb fuck, have all our fights taught you nothing? This is twice that we've been in this position, and twice that I come out on top! And just to prove that I'm the better fighter, I'm going to explain it to you before I beat your ass. While you were kicking my back, I was protecting the important parts of my body! So, you got tired out, and I feel like I've got a mosquito bite!" With that, Inu Yasha bounded over to Kouga, held onto his collar, and punched him three times in the face. Kouga fell backwards, blood everywhere.

"Now whose the bitch!" Inu Yasha yelled at him.

Kouga groaned and turned over, rising up on his hands and knees. He unevenly got to his feet and limped away, calling over his shoulder, "This isn't over!"

Inu Yasha stood awkwardly on his feet and smirked. Kagome, relieved that it was over, hurried over to Inu Yasha and wrapped her arm around his waist, allowing him to lean slightly on her.

"How'd I do, Kagome?" Inu Yasha asked, grinning down at her.

Kagome just glared at him and stated to the others, "I'm taking him to my house to get cleaned up."

The six of them walked down to the school, Inu Yasha bragging the whole time about the fight. Once at the school, Kagome proceeded to put Inu Yasha in the passenger side of his car, but he had other plans.

"What the hell are you doing, wench? I'm the only one that drives my car!"

Kagome glared at Inu Yasha. "I am driving. You are in no shape to drive!"

And before Inu Yasha could protest, Kagome grabbed his shoulders roughly and shoved him into the seat.

"Sit boy!"

A growl rumbled from Inu Yasha, but Kagome just rolled her eyes and shut the door. Turning to Rin and Sango she said, "I'll see you guys later."
They both nodded and Rin said quietly, "We'll call you tonight."

Kagome just nodded her head, jumped into the driver's seat of Inu Yasha's car and drove away. Inside the car they were both silent, Inu Yasha basking in his victory, Kagome praying that her family wasn't home to ask questions.

Pulling into her driveway, Kagome parked the car quickly and hopped out. She helped Inu Yasha out of the car, despite his many protests.

"Damnit Kagome, I don't need you to help me!"

"Then why are you leaning on me?" She snapped.

Inu Yasha fell silent, but scowled heavily.

Inside Kagome's house she brought Inu Yasha up the stairs and into her bathroom, where she sat him on the toilet and told him to remove his shirt. Inu Yasha smirked at her but Kagome just turned around and walked out of the bathroom to grab her first-aid kit and check for her family.

"Mom? Souta? Grandpa?" Kagome walked back downstairs, calling for her family. Receiving no response, she walked into the kitchen where she saw a note on the table.

Kagome-Hey sweetie, sorry we missed you. Grandpa hit big on Bingo, so he took us out to eat. We waited for you, but since you never showed, we left. Grandpa promises to take you out, though! Love-Mom

Kagome sighed, regretting not being with her family, but happy she can tend to Inu Yasha without them around.

Grabbing her first-aid kit she walked back into the bathroom. Inu Yasha was examining his wounds proudly in the mirror.

"Would you look at this, Kagome? Hardly a scratch on me, and that bastard can barely walk!"

Kagome ignored him and led him back to the toilet. Kagome removed her antiseptic and began cleaning the open wounds on his back that Kouga's shoe inflicted. There weren't many, but Kagome still cringed, wondering how he could act so smug when he was just in a fight.

When she finished with his body, she put everything away and said, "I'm almost done, wait here."

"Feh!" Inu Yasha called after her, but stayed where he was.

He waited for a few minutes before Kagome walked back in.

"Close your eyes." She said to him.

Inu Yasha closed his eyes obediently, only to leap backwards and fall in the bathtub when he felt something cold and wet hit his eye.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!"

Kagome stood over him glowering, holding a piece of raw steak in her hand. "What does it look like? I'm stopping the swelling on your eye!"

"Look wench, steaks are for eating, nothing else!"

Kagome sent death glares to Inu Yasha. "First of all, stop calling me wench! Second of all, stop being such a baby!"

Inu Yasha, still lying at the bottom of the bathtub, folded his arms and turned away. "You aren't putting that steak on me!"

Kagome sighed and kneeled next to the tub, reaching the steak over to place it on his eye. Inu Yasha moved away quickly.

"Inu Yasha!" Kagome said in a warning voice.

He just avoided the steak again and said, "Nu-uh!"

They grappled for a few minutes, Kagome finally catching him off guard and slapping the steak on his face again.

"There!" She panted, standing up.

Inu Yasha growled at her, sulking in the bathtub.

"Keep it there!" She called over her shoulder as she washed her hands in the sink.

"Feh!" He said under his breath, though he kept the steak over his eye. He had to admit, it felt good, in a weird way.

Kagome sat on the toilet and rested her chin in her hands as she watched Inu Yasha. "What are your parents going to say when they see you?"

Inu Yasha just shrugged. "Who the hell knows. I'll just explain why we were fighting. That should make a difference."

Kagome sat in silence for a few minutes, chewing on her lip. Finally, she asked the question that had been burning inside of her all afternoon. "Inu Yasha, what are we?"

He gave Kagome a dumbfounded look. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Kagome shifted where she sat and said, "Well, this afternoon, Kouga said that I wasn't your girlfriend, and you said-"

"I know what I said."

Kagome clamped her mouth shut and just watched him as he flipped the steak over and set it back on his eye.

Sighing, Inu Yasha continued. "I like you, Kagome. I had thought that was pretty damn obvious. What do you want me to do? I've already asked you out. Do you want me to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

Kagome began chewing on her lip again and slowly nodded her head.

Inu Yasha sat up in the bathtub and smiled at her. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Kagome grinned and threw her arms around Inu Yasha in a tight hug. "Of course!"

Inu Yasha rasped, "Kagome, as happy as I am about this, could you loosen up a bit? You're strangling me."

She quickly released her grip and pulled back. "Right, sorry!"

H grinned at her and stood up. "Well, now that that's settled, how about we get rid of this steak? It's beginning to smell real bad."

Kagome laughed and, after checking his eye, disposed of the steak. "I hope grandpa won't notice it's gone before I have a chance to replace it."

Inu Yasha washed his face and said, "I'll replace it. It was on my face, after all. Even if you put it there."

Kagome rolled her eyes and handed him his shirt.

"So, where's your family? I figured we would have heard Souta running around long before."

"My grandpa took them out to eat, so they'll be gone for a while." She answered, walking about of the bathroom.

Inu Yasha smirked as he followed her into her bedroom and watched her sit down on her bed.

Kagome, however, brought out her backpack and removed her books.

"What are you doing?" He asked her, slightly annoyed.

"What does it look like? I have a math test next week that I need to study for." She replied, flipping to the correct pages.

Inu Yasha leaned against the doorframe and groaned. "Can't you study some other time?"

Kagome looked up at him. "Why would I study some other time? My test is in a week, I'm not doing anything else, so, I study. It makes perfect sense to me."

Inu Yasha walked over to Kagome and sat next to her. He cupped her cheek in one of his hands and leaned in to kiss her. Kagome kissed her back softly, but refused to open her mouth when Inu Yasha slid his tongue across her lips.

He pulled back exasperated and said in a whisper, "Come on, no one is home."

Kagome blushed and said, "And my mother will kill me if she finds you here."

Inu Yasha sighed and pulled away completely. Although he wanted to continue, he knew that Kagome didn't want to, and he didn't want to piss her off, especially now that they were officially together.

Kagome stood up and grabbed his hands, pulling him off the bed. "Plus, do you really want to be here and let her see you all beat up like this? She'll get pretty mad, and would probably forbid me from being with you."

Inu Yasha's eye widened and said, "You know, I think I should be going now."

Giggling, Kagome led the way to the front door. Before she could open the door, Inu Yasha wrapped his arms around her from behind and began lightly nibbling on her neck. She stifled a moan when he began placing wet kisses against her pulse and leaned against his hard body.

Inu Yasha smirked as he slowly brought one hand under her shirt to caress her flat stomach. She closed her eyes, taking pleasure in his ministrations, unaware that he was working intently on leaving a hickey on her neck.

When he was confident that the hickey was noticeable, he pulled away and whispered, "See you tomorrow."

Kagome nodded her head absently as he let himself out of her house, smirking.

Two hours later, which Kagome spent completely studying, her family came home.

She heard her mother call up the stairs, "Kagome, could you come help us put groceries away?"

"Sure!" She called back, putting her books away. She stood up and stretched her arms above her head. On the way to her door she passed her mirror and just happened to glance at it, spotting the dark hickey on her neck.

"Inu Yasha!" She hissed through her teeth, rushing over to get a better look. Fuming, she pulled out her make-up and began covering it the best she could. Semi-positive that it was unnoticeable, she hurried downstairs.

"Did you have a good time?" Kagome asked the conversationally.

Her mother smiled at her. "Yes, it was a lot of fun. Grandpa will have to take you out some time. We're sorry we missed you, though. Everything alright after school?"

Kagome nodded. "I'm sorry, I forgot to call and let you know that Rin invited us to go to the ice cream shop after school, so that's where I was."

Ms. Higurashi just nodded her head. "Well, next time I'd like to be informed."

"Okay, sorry." Kagome replied.

When everything was out away, she walked back upstairs and quickly picked up her phone, dialing Inu Yasha's number.

"Hey baby." He answered smoothly when he picked up.

"Don't you `hey baby' me! Do you know what is on my neck!" It wasn't a question.

"It's just a hickey, Kagome." He snickered into the phone.

Kagome seethed. "Do you know how much trouble I would have been in if my mother had seen it??"

Inu Yasha rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, no?"

"A lot you moron!"

Chuckling, he answered, "Okay, I'm sorry. Come over and I'll make it up to you."

"Oh shut up. I have to study some more. Bye." Kagome said in an irritated voice.

Inu Yasha just laughed as she hung up.

As soon as she put the phone down, it rang again. Not bothering to check the caller-ID, she picked it up and said, "I'm not coming over to make-out with you, so drop it!"

"Aw, why not Kagome?" Asked a feminine voice.

Kagome cackled. "Rin, I'm so sorry! I thought you were Inu Yasha!"

Rin giggled as she answered, "Yeah, I figured."

"Miroku, knock it off!" Sango spat.

"Okay, you guys need to warn me when you both call me, otherwise it freaks me out."

Sango and Rin both laughed, although Sango's laugh was cut short when she yelled for Miroku to stop touching her again. "I'll tell Mushin you're being a pervert!" Sango threatened.

Kagome laughed. "You're at his house, then?"

"Yeah, I came over to work on a project, and now I can't go back home because he's hidden my keys… Somewhere."

Rin giggled. "So Kagome, everything alright with Inu Yasha?"

"I guess. I got him cleaned up. We're officially a couple now, though." Kagome added happily as an afterthought.

"That's great, Kagome!" They congratulated her.

The three of them talked for a few more minutes before Sango said, "Ugh, I hate to hang up on you guys again, but I've got to go kick the crap out of Miroku. No, no, put your shirt back on, damnit! Miroku, stop being such a damn pervert! Mushin!!"

In the background, Rin and Kagome could here Miroku reply, "Mushin just left, Sango my dear."

"Oh crap. Okay, I'm hanging up now so I can get my keys back from the idiot. Talk to you guys later."

Rin and Kagome laughed and said bye as Sango hung up the phone. Turning around, she glared at Miroku. "Didn't I already tell you to put your shirt back on?"

Miroku stood in front of her, grinning. Tempted, she sneaked a peak at his chest, instantly regretting it. His hard, muscular chest looked so inviting, Sango just blushed and looked away.

"How about, instead of me putting my shirt on, you take yours off so we're even?"

Sango rolled her eyes and walked over to his bed where her books were spread out and put them in her bag. "How about you just take my keys out of your pocket so I can go home?"

Miroku winked. "Come and get them if you want them so badly."

Sango turned around and blushed. "Damnit Miroku, I'm not reaching my hand in your pocket! Just give them to me already!"

Miroku sauntered over to Sango and gripped her waist in his hands. "Alright, but it'll cost you."

Sango rolled her eyes and gave him a quick kiss. "There, happy now?"

"Yes, but I'll need more than that." With that said, Miroku pushed Sango back onto his bed, landing on top of her. His mouth was instantly on hers, passionately kissing her. He nipped her bottom lip, causing her to gasp. Miroku plunged his tongue inside of her mouth, pleased when she responded, however shyly. Her tongue gently pressed against his as his hands trailed up and down her body. His left hand slowly came upon her breast, causing her to squeak. He grinned into the kiss and squeezed her breast lightly. Sango unintentionally moaned into his mouth, causing him to smirk. Sango finally turned her head away, gasping for air. Miroku however, continued his assault on her ear, kissing and sucking her earlobe gently. He was about to tease her nipple, hoping to get another moan out of her, when her cell phone rang.

"Damn." He muttered. He crawled off of her, watching her catch her breath. She walked over to where she left her cell phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" She asked in a shaky voice.

Miroku, still sitting on the bed watching her ass, only heard Sango's side of the conversation.

"Dad, I… No, I forgot. I'll just get some on my way home. … Where am I? … At…school. … Doing a project with some girlfriends. … Fine. … Fine, I will. …"

She closed her phone and turned around. "I need to go."

Miroku fished her keys out of his pocket but held onto them. "Why did you lie to your dad?"

Sango shook her head. "It's easier if he doesn't know what's going on. He can be an ass sometimes."

Miroku put his shirt back on and asked, "Why haven't any of us met him?"

"You have." Sango replied as she put her shoes on.

"No we haven't. Whenever we were at your house, he was never there."

Sango shrugged. "Like I said, he's an ass." She stood up. "Keys, please."

Miroku tossed them at her and grabbed her backpack. "I'll walk you out."

They walked out to her car and Miroku waited her for to put her bag in it. She turned to him and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Miroku leaned in and kissed her lips gently. "See you."

Sango got in her car and drove away. She drove down the street, smiling to herself as she thought about Miroku. Yeah, he was a pervert, but he was her pervert. Giggling at that thought, she pulled into the liquor store.

Walking down the rows, she picked out her fathers favorites. Jack Daniels, Hot Damn, and a Vodka. At the counter she pulled out her money and handed it to the cashier. He gave her a pitying look.

"Old man run out again, Sango?"

She nodded and said, "You know I really appreciate this, Jinenji."

He shook his head sadly and said, "You shouldn't have to do this for him, though. If the bastard runs out, he should get it himself."

"Hey, if it keeps him from getting violent, then I don't care. The stuff knocks him out pretty damn quick."

Jinenji sighed as he bagged the stuff. "If you weren't my favorite cousin, then I wouldn't even consider doing this."

Sango grinned at him. "That's why I love you! And it's not like you're going to get in any trouble, I'm not going to tell anyone."

Jinenji smiled sadly at her and told her the total. When she paid and left, he mumbled to himself, "Man I hope that guy dies pretty damn soon, Sango and Kohaku don't deserve this."

Back in her car, Sango sighed heavily. She was lucky, compared to some. Sure, her father was an alcoholic, but at least he wasn't an abusive alcoholic. Her mother passed away from cancer when Sango was thirteen. After that, her father just plummeted, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. And that left Sango to take care of Kohaku and everything else.

On the few occasions she had friends over, she made sure that her father had enough liquor to keep him in his room so no one saw him. She felt terrible, but she was embarrassed of him. He didn't take care of himself. The only reason they had enough money for bills and such, since the man hadn't had a job in years, was because her father's side was wealthy. Once Sango was old enough to get a job, she began saving her money. When she was old enough to move out, she was planning on filing for custody over Kohaku, and getting an apartment for the two of them. What happened to her father after that, Sango couldn't bother herself with. He was an adult, and he'd have to face adult consequences for his shit.

Sango pulled up to her house without even realizing she had arrived home. Shaking her head, she grabbed her fathers alcohol and her bag. She walked inside her house and found him sitting on the floor.

"Get up, I have your shit." She said to him.

He looked up at her with a mournful expression on his face. His words slurred, he said, "I love you, Ango."

Sango just handed him the bag and walked past him. "Get back in your room, Dad."

He gripped the bag like a safety blanket and ambled back into his room while Sango prepared dinner for her and Kohaku.