InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Takahashi High ❯ Art & Soul Cafe ( Chapter 47 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Me no own, so you no sue. M'kay?
A/N: Thanks for waiting so patiently! I hope you aren't disappointed.
Shaid : Aww, sorry to make you wait so long. I'll continue to update, though. ^_^
InuYashasLoveLorn : Thanks! Glad you like my fic so much. ^_^ Let's hope that I don't get writer's block, you know? hehe
hanyou_gurl004 : 10 Kazillion? Cool! lol It's hard to say when I'll be updating next, because my life is SO stupid right now, but I'm writing as much as I can, whenever I can. But don't worry, it's not like I'll just leave my fics and never finish. ^_^
Miztikal_Dragon : Thanks so much!! Poo on Bankotsu. lol Well, glad you liked my fic. ^_^
inuyashaluver6 : Don't worry, Kirara is fine! ^_^ She just find of fell out of the story, but she isn't dead. I contemplated bringing her back, like Sango seeing her asleep on the windowsill or something, but I don't know. lol Well, glad you like the fic!!
essie : Glad you like it, thanks so much!! ^_^
aquablueflamedragon : Thanks!!! You're so nice. ^_^
sunnyk1911 : Thanks for your ideas, they're helpful. ^_^ I know, I've been gone for a month so I've been slacking a bit, but I'll get back on it ASAP! lol Well, hope you keep reading!
ChickensEveryWhere : Have fun in NYC! When do you get back? Poor Rin. Hope you keep reading!
InuDemoness : lol! I'm back and updating! hehe Sess probably would have killed them had Inu and Miroku not stopped him. Cute Miroku! hehe Funnel cakes rule! lol Well, hope you keep reading/reviewing!
Too lazy to sign on.. : Don't worry, I'll never stop updating! Well, until it's finished... lol Anywho, Hope you keep reading! ^_^
Higurashi Kagome : ^_^ Thanks, hope you keep reading!
lilazngrl : hehe! I'll update as quickly as I can. ^_^
inuzands : Thanks!! Glad you like my fic so much!!! Like is crazy, but I'll continue updating and stuff. hehe ^_^
CrazyPanda : Hope your family reunion was fun. lol I love Indiana. I have lots of family there. teehee Girly girls, I know! Anywho, hope you keep reading!
Friday morning, Miroku could be seen running around his house on his phone only wearing a pair of boxers. Mushin paid no mind to the half naked boy, but Miroku's parents were in shock. When Miroku finally hung up the phone his father grabbed his arm and said, "Miroku what in God's name are you doing?"
Miroku grinned and stole a piece of toast from his father's plate. "Running around the house in my boxers. What does it look like?"
"But why ?" His mother asked, scandalized.
Miroku shrugged and took a large bit of the toast. "Because I haven't had any time to get dressed yet."
"Well who were you on the phone with?" She questioned.
"Sess and Inu Yasha. They're coming over right now to help me with something." He answered.
Suddenly the doorbell rang. Miroku took off to answer it while his mother called, "Go get dressed before anyone sees you, Miroku!"
He ignored her, and opened the door to find a shirtless Inu Yasha and a half asleep Sess with only two buttons buttoned on his shirt. Miroku's mother came out of the kitchen to see who was at the door and she shook her head at the sight in front of her. "Do none of you boys know how to dress yourselves properly?"
Miroku just laughed and let his friends in. "Listen guys, there's a slight problem with the surprise today that I need help with."
"Surprise? What surprise?" His mother asked as they walked to Miroku's room. "Miroku?" She called after them.
"Mushin, a little help?" Miroku called back.
Mushin finally put down his newspaper and explained what exactly Miroku was doing.
"So, what's the problem?" Inu Yasha asked, crossing his arms in front of him.
Miroku sighed as he looked around his room for a pair of decent pants before explaining his problem.
Rin sang at the top of her lungs while she pranced around her house holding her cell phone in one hand and a piece of chocolate cake in the other. She took a bite of the cake while she waited for Kagome to call her. She had called her cell phone and left a message, hoping she could find someone to talk to. Sess had said that he was on his way over to Miroku's house for some thing or another. So, bored out of her mind, she called Sango and Kagome. Sango was in the shower, so she called Kagome. She hated getting ready in the morning with no one to talk to, and normally Sess filled that spot. Finally, her cell phone rang.
"Good morning!" She said happily when she answered.
Kagome laughed. "Morning Rin. So what's up?"
"Kaggy, feel like talking to me today before school?"
Kagome was quiet for a second. "Only if you never call me 'Kaggy' again." She replied.
Rin laughed. "Okie dokie!"
"So, think you can help me?" Miroku asked his friends.
Sess rubbed his chin thoughtfully and Inu Yasha shrugged. "Sure thing man. Nothing better to do."
Miroku rolled his eyes as he searched a pile of clothes for a clean shirt. "Thanks for your enthusiasm."
Sess grinned. "Well, I'll definitely be able to help you with the first part, but don't you think Inu Yasha would be better suited for the second part?"
Miroku grinned and Inu Yasha growled. "Yeah yeah, whatever. You know, it's just because I'm better than both of you."
Miroku laughed. "Or you're just a bigger ass hole."
Inu Yasha smirked. "That's true too."
Rin sighed dreamily while Kagome grinned. "That's how you imagine your wedding, Rin?"
"Yeah, isn't it great?"
Kagome gave a genuine smile, even though Rin couldn't see it. "It really is. So, have you set a date yet?"
Rin rummaged around her massive closet looking for an outfit. "After graduation, obviously. But during the early summer, you know?"
Kagome sighed happily as she walked into her bathroom looking for her hairbrush. "I still can't believe that you guys are going to be getting married!"
Rin squealed girlishly.
At school that day, all three of the guys were rather busy, though the girls weren't sure why. Inu Yasha and Sess had no chance to explain to Kagome and Rin who they were calling in between classes that day, because miraculously, Sango was always around. Sess was seeming to have a lot more success than Inu Yasha, who was getting angrier and angrier with the more phone calls he was making.
Miroku had left the school during lunch, claiming that he needed to pick something up. Sess gave him a slip of paper with something written on it, but as he was about to tell Rin what it was, Sango plopped down at the table and asked where Miroku was. Kagome laughed at the way Rin pouted. Finally Rin stood up, grabbed Sess's hand, and dragged him out of the room. She came back a few minutes later, grinning uncontrollably, and couldn't resist hugging Sango and squealing about 'cuteness'. Sango laughed and shook her friend off of her.
Knock it off, I'm desperate to know what he's doing!
Kagome opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off as Inu Yasha suddenly sat down heavily next to her and announced, "It's about damn time!"
She gave him a curious look, but Inu Yasha only gave her a quick kiss and whispered, "Later."
She nodded and turned her attention back to her lunch.
Miroku drove quickly away from his school and towards a tuxedo shop. If the piece of paper was correct, then Sess had reserved him one of the most expensive tuxedos there. That morning, Miroku had been on the phone for at least half an hour, trying to reserve himself a tuxedo that he could pick up as soon as possible that day. However, for several different reasons, it wasn't working out. They didn't have his size, they couldn't get it to him until Tuesday, they wanted to charge him an extra $25.00 for ordering the tuxedo from another store, and to get it there on time. So, fed up, Miroku asked Sess for help. And sure enough, by lunchtime, Sess had the tuxedo that Miroku needed, waiting at the store at that very moment, for regular price. Even though it was one of the much fancier suits, with Sess's persuasive demeanor, it was ready.
Once he arrived at the shop he leapt out of his car and ran to the front of the shop. Knowing that his lunch break wasn't very long, he threw open the door, ran to the counter and panted out, "I'm here to pick up a tuxedo!"
He gave the information to a rather snooty man at the counter and paid quickly. The man sauntered to the back room to retrieve the tux and Miroku glanced at his watch. "Damnit." He muttered under his breath, realizing that he was going to be cutting it close. After several long minutes, Mr. Snooty-Man came back and grudgingly handed over the tuxedo. "Take good care of that, young man." He called to Miroku's retreating back. Miroku quickly ran out of the store. He set the tux in the backseat and hurriedly drove back to the school.
Making it with only a few minutes to spare, he ran through the crowds of students making it to their lockers and looked for his friends. He finally spotted the back of his girlfriend's head and rushed towards her. Miroku placed a kiss on Sango's cheek as she was about to take a bite of the enormous cookie she was holding. She snapped her head towards him, and grinned when she saw him. "Hey! Where were you?"
Miroku winked at her and took a bite of the cookie she was holding. She laughed and handed it to him. "I take it you didn't have time for lunch then?"
Miroku gratefully took the cookie. He nibbled on her neck while making chomping noises, grinning as she laughed and pushed him away. The bell rang and he said, "See you later!" and ran off.
Sango rolled her eyes, still grinning, and wandered to class.
After school Inu Yasha could be seen sitting on the hood of his car screaming into his cell phone, his girlfriend standing beside him shaking her head at his loudness. He finally calmed down when she placed a hand on his thigh and spoke more rationally into the phone. "Look, you told me just a few hours ago that everything was fine. What's changed now? ... NO! I already told you! Seriously, do I need to explain this to you again, or are going to pull your head out of your ass and do what I'm telling you!" After a minute, he smirked. "That's what I thought." He hung up the phone and stated happily, "I love being an ass."
She laughed and kissed his cheek. "Do you really have to be so mean?"
He nodded. "Of course. Otherwise, I won't get anything my way."
She sighed and wrapped her arms around his body, hugging him. "Shut up. So who were you calling?"
He rubbed her back. "I was just doing a favor for Miroku." She gave him a look and he sighed. "Okay, Miroku wasn't able to reserve the tux that he needed, so Sess helped him. Then, the place that he was going to take Sango tonight wasn't going to let him do his surprise thingy because he didn't give a 2 week notice, so I called them up and changed their minds."
"So that's what Sess told Rin at lunch?" She asked him. He nodded and she grinned, "So do you know what his surprise tonight is??"
He shrugged. "No, but we're all invited."
Kagome stared at him for a second before hitting him hard on the arm. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!"
"We're invited to go see Miroku's surprise tonight and you DIDN'T tell me sooner?! What's wrong with you?!"
He grumbled and the two of them got in his car.
Rin called Kagome on her cell phone as soon as Sess drove her home. "Hey Kagome, do you know about tonight?"
"Yeah, Inu Yasha just told me." She glared at him and he rolled his eyes.
"I know, Sess didn't tell me till a little while ago, now I have to rush around so I'll be dressed on time!" The two girls continued to talk until Inu Yasha pulled up to Kagome's house. She finally hung up with Rin and opened the door to let herself out, but Inu Yasha grabbed her arm. "You hit me, yell at me, and completely ignore me while I drive you home, and try to get out of kissing me?" He asked in a low voice.
She pretended to give an exasperated sigh and said, "Inu Yasha, I have to change!"
He tugged her towards him, which pulled the door shut behind her. Leaning close, his lips met hers as he moved his hand behind her head. His fingers ran through her soft hair as he nibbled on her bottom lip. Kagome's mouth drifted open slowly and he massaged her tongue with his own. Kagome caressed his cheek before pulling away. "I'll pick you up in a few hours." He mumbled against her lips.
Kagome nodded and got out of the car. As Inu Yasha drove away, his cell phone rang.
"Hello?" He answered as he drove towards his house.
"Hey, how'd everything turn out?" Miroku asked.
"Good. Those bastards wouldn't listen at first, but it's fine now."
Miroku laughed. "Well thanks man, I really appreciate it. Now that that's out of the way, I can focus on other stuff before we meet tonight. Tell your brother I say thanks, too." They hung up just as Inu Yasha pulled up to his house. He parked in his garage beside his brother's car and walked inside to find Sess in the kitchen. Inu Yasha sat across from Sess at the table after grabbing some food and said, "Do you remember what time we're supposed to bring the girls tonight?"
Sess looked up from the newspaper. "Uh... I think Miroku said 9."
Inu Yasha thought for a second before shrugging. "Sounds about right."
The two of them finished their food before going upstairs to waste several hours before they had to leave.
Sango sat in her living room doing her homework as she ate a peach. She tapped the pencil on the coffee table as she read over the page in front of her, but jumped slightly when the doorbell rang. She closed her books and got up, throwing the pit of the peach away on her way to the front door. She opened the door and was shocked to see no one standing there, but rather a balloon saying 'I love you' with a note tied to the string, and being held from blowing away by a small bag of candy at the end of it. She smiled as she grabbed the string and tugged it inside, after looking around for Miroku. Seeing no one, she closed the door and rushed back to the couch to read the note.
'To: The love of my life
Where: Art & Soul Cafe
Time: 9:00
Why: Because I love you'

Sango grinned at the invitation. It was very nicely decorated, obviously an invitation card made by the Art & Soul Cafe. She set it on the coffee table before venturing off to her room to shower and get ready.
At 8:45, Sess and Inu Yasha borrowed their mother's car and drove off to pick up all three girls. First was Rin, who pranced down to the car, wearing a poodle skirt and a black top, her hair up in a wavy ponytail. She looked straight out of the 1950's, causing Sess and Inu Yasha to laugh. She hopped into the backseat and kissed Sess's cheek before buckling in. Next stop was Kagome's house. Rin bolted out of the car before Inu Yasha could get out and ran up to the front door. Kagome answered and yelled a goodbye to her mother before walking to the car. She was dressed in a white tank top with a full-length jean skirt, with patches of different pieces of jeans material all over it. It had a slit up the back going up to her knees. Kagome tugged Inu Yasha's hair playfully before settling in the car.
From Kagome's house they drove to Sango's. Kagome and Rin ran up to her door and knocked repeatedly till Sango answered. She answered and laughed at their enthusiasm. They three of them walked back down to the car and piled in the backseat. Sango was wearing a soft pink dress that had no sleeves and stopped right below the knees. It had a semi-tight bodice and flowed out gently from the waist down, with white lace along the edge.
"So, what's Art & Soul?" Kagome asked as they drove towards the place.
Rin bounced excitedly in her seat. "It's this cute little Cafe! Lots of groovy people can go on this stage thingy and perform or something. And it has the best biscotti!"
Sango gave a confused smile. "So, why did Miroku ask us to go there?"
Sess and Inu Yasha clamped their mouth's shut, Rin giggled, and Kagome pulled Sango into a one-arm hug. "You'll see." Was all she said, smiling.
The five of them arrived at the Cafe right on time and walked inside. Inu Yasha gave Miroku's name to the employee that came to greet them, and she brought them to a table right at the front of the stage with a 'reserved' sign on it. They all seated themselves at the round table and the woman took their drink orders before leaving. The Cafe was dimly lit, giving the place a quiet atmosphere. There were six seats at the table, all on one side of the table so they could face the stage. The five of them sat around talking, while Sango looked out for Miroku, who was nowhere to be seen.
By 9:15 Sango had given up looking for Miroku and finally joined the conversation. However, a few minutes later she started asking every once in a while if anyone had seen Miroku. By 9:30, they finally told her to shut up. Sango laughed as Rin shushed her every time she opened her mouth to speak, and settled back in her chair, looking around the room. There were theatrical paintings and pictures all over the wall, and Sango enjoyed looking at all the different art around her while a girl of about 20 stood on stage, playing a guitar and singing a calming song she wrote.
Sango was able to join the conversation again as more people went on stage, performing songs and reciting poems. At 10:00, the owner of At & Soul Cafe came out onto the stage. He was a very tall, thin man, wearing a black beret, a tight, black turtleneck shirt, and black slacks. He was smoking a cigarette, and he held out his hands with a smile on his face as people in the audience clapped politely for him. "Thank you everyone, thank you. You're too kind, really." He allowed the clapping to go on for a bit longer before continuing. "Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce a new talent. He is a delightful young man, who has decided to come on stage and say something to a special certain someone in our midst. Please put your hands together for Miroku Houshi."
Sango's jaw dropped and everyone began clapping. Miroku walked on stage, looking extraordinarily handsome in black slacks and a white wife-beater with a white button up shirt over it, unbuttoned. He had one hand in his pocket while the other hand held a piece of paper in front of him, a bright light shining on him. He smiled at Sango before speaking.
"In my life, I have been blessed extraordinarily. Great friends, a supportive family, an easy life. But I have always sensed something missing. A void, deep in my soul. That is, until I met Sango Taijiya. Granted, at first, Sango couldn't stand me." Several people laughed, and Sango grinned, looking down. He chuckled lightly and continued. "But things soon changed. I finally got the guts to ask her out, even if I did have to bribe her with her flip flop first." More laughter. "From there, things were looking up. The void was gone. She was everything I could have hoped for, and more. She liked me for me. Still does, I hope." He grinned and winked at her. "Sango was more and more of a blessing everyday. She was constantly on my mind, and I eventually came to the realization that I loved her. And not just the petty high school love that dissipates after a few months, but the real love, true love. Taking a great leap, I told her that I loved her, and miraculously, she felt the same way." Several girls cooed. "Sango is an amazing woman, who has stolen my heart. I've never felt this way about anyone else, nor will I ever feel this way about anyone other than Sango. She is the love of my life, and I want her to know that, forever." Everyone clapped, and Miroku jumped off stage. Sango stood up, and as he made his way over to her, the light followed. He finally stopped in front of her and pulled her into a tight hug, while she smiled so widely her face almost hurt. He kissed her neck and she whispered, "I love you so much."
The clapping stopped and the owner came back out onto the stage, causing the light to leave the couple and focus back on him. He smiled. "That was amazing. Never have I heard such heartfelt words come from such a young man. Young love, ladies and gentlemen." Everyone clapped again, and Miroku and Sango sat down. He introduced the next performer, a man with bongos.
Kagome and Rin congratulated Miroku on what he did, and Sess and Inu Yasha nodded in approval. Sango laid her head on his shoulder and kissed his neck.
Hours later, Sess and Inu Yasha drove their girlfriend/fiance home while Miroku, who had brought his own car, took Sango home. But halfway to her house, Sango asked him to pull over. She took off her shoes and they got out of the car. From there, they walked through a large flower field. Sango laced her fingers through his own and leaned into him. "That was amazing Miroku. Thank you."
He kissed the top of her head. "I meant every word of it."
She smiled happily and stopped walking, wrapping her arms around his torso. He placed his hands on her back and she looked up at him. He slowly moved his head down, looking at her soft pink lips. Sango raised herself up slightly and met his lips part way. It was a simple chaste kiss, but nothing but love was expressed in the sweetness of it. Pulling back, Miroku rubbed his nose with hers. She smiled sweetly and hugged his body tightly. She placed her head in the crook of his neck, softly kissing the warm skin. Miroku ran his hands up and down her back as the gently moved back and forth in each other's embrace.
After what felt like an eternity, they headed back to his car. They finished driving to Sango's house, and when Miroku stopped the car, they met each other in another kiss. This one was more heated than the last as Miroku laced his tongue around hers. They finally pulled back from the kiss and Sango gave him a sweet smile before exiting the car and walking up to her house.
Sess drove to Kagome's house first, and Inu Yasha got out when she did. "Hey Sess, why don't you take Rin home and pick me up when you're done." He said as he held Kagome's hand. Sess nodded and Rin hopped into the front seat. Once at Rin's house, Sess stopped the car and turned to his beloved fiance. She smiled at him. "Amazing, wasn't it? Who would have thought that the most perverted boy in the entire school could come up with something as sweet as that." Sess laughed and leaned closer to Rin. "Very true."
Rin giggled and cupped his cheek. She kissed the tip of his nose, his cheek, his chin, and his other cheek, avoiding his lips. Sess growled slightly and Rin grinned before kissing her awaiting lips. Rin stroked his cheek gently while they kissed. When they pulled away he grabbed her hands, brought them to his lips, and kissed them gently. "I love you, Rin."
She smiled at him as she opened her car door. "I love you too, Sessy."
She closed the door behind her and waved to him before walking up to her house. Sess watched her walk inside before driving away to pick up his brother.
Inu Yasha and Kagome walked up to her door and sat on the cement in front of it. Kagome leaned in to him and he wrapped his arms around her. His fingers gently stroked her bare arm and she sighed happily. "That was so romantic." Kagome mumbled. Inu Yasha bent down and kissed her temple. Kagome smiled up at him. He gave her a small smile before leaning down again, capturing her lips in a small kiss. She kissed him back briefly before removing her lips from his and wrapping her arms around him, hugging him. He hugged her back, his lips resting against her neck, kissing and licking softly. They stayed how they were until Sess pulled up to the house. The whispered 'I love you' to each other and pulled away. She walked inside her house and he walked down to the car where his brother waited.