InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Prince ❯ Chapter Eighteen ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Eighteen:

Kagome warped right in front of her house. Kagome couldn't believe the present status of her home. The house looked old due to the lack of work. The windows were shattered and beyond repair. The house was rotted and decayed with what looked like dry blood for many years.

Kagome rushed over to her old home but to worried to enter, for fear the house would topple down. She started to cry "I'm sorry Mom, Grandpa, Souta if I was here-" She stopped short because she couldn't control her tears. "If I'd have been here, If I hadn't left, if I never met Inuyasha this would have never happened!

She sobbed and walked over to a dry spot. Even this is old and has been dried for years I should figure out whose blood this is. Kagome uses her Vampire senses and realized what human the blood belonged to. Kagome was devastated even more now. The blood belonged to her Mother and Grandfather!

"Um excuse me miss, what are you doing here?" An old raspy voice asked. Kagome whipped her tears and turned around quickly only to find an old man standing there with a black cane in his left hand. His back slouched down due to old age. He was wearing a white shirt and green pants.

"Oh I am so sorry, I was just wondering what happened to this house?" Kagome asked. The old man looked both sad and furious at the same time. He took a deep breath and spoke "This is the work of a man named Inuyasha! He killed my mother and grandfather!"

He took another breath "I was mad at my sister for a long time because she left us all devastated when she left and never came back! I hated my sister because she wasn't there to stop Inuyasha!" He took another deep breath and then started to cry "But that's when I realized she left us to protect us! She left because of that evil bustard ruined her life and ours as well. I only survived because I wasn't home when this happened. When I arrived home and found them both dead I left and never looked back. I went down to the police station and told them what happened and they threw me into a insane asylum and remained there for ten years! But I came back and built myself a little hut so next time Inuyasha was out I could kill him!"

The old man stopped talking and smiled "I'm sorry I talked so much you probably think I'm crazy as well. My name is Souta, and I survived a vampire's massacre." Souta looked at Kagome in a different way. "You know you look like someone I used to know…what's your name?" He asked and Kagome smiled at him and started to cry a little again but got a hold of herself. "My name is Kam" The old man smiled and said "It was nice meeting you Kam, but I must go I left tea going." Kagome nodded "it was nice meeting you."

He turned and left. Kagome stood and looked at the house for a little while longer and heard a sound over near the little house. She ran over to the house and saw Souta on his back dead with two puncture wounds on his neck. "Who did this!" Kagome whispered only to hear someone talking to her through her mind "It was me love sorry I was hungry!" He laughed then making Kagome lose it. "Inuyasha you just wait I am going to kill you by my own hands!" He chuckled replying "I look forward to it love." Then he was gone and I teleported back home.