InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Varsity Drama ❯ Hot for Spring and Cold for Summer ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Varsity Drama By: Haruka-chan   Chapter 17: Hot for Spring...Cold for Summer   She sat on her bed as the tears just kept running down. Why was she crying damn it?! She really shouldn't be upset, after all he had the right to leave whenever he wanted, but why now, why when things were getting perfect?! "Rin?" asked Sango as she knocked on the door. She looked towards the door and said nothing. Sango walked in and looked at the girl who was a stranger to them, Rin was sunny, loud, excited, she was on a sugar rush 24/7, but now she was replaced with this other intruder! "Hey sweetie how about some breakfast?" asked Sango. "Rin?" "Honey?" "Just leave me alone!" she hissed. "I don't want to eat right now!" she said before throwing a pillow over her head. Sango closed the doors and looked at the others who stared back at her. This was some shit they were in. Sango felt her anger take a toll on everything. "I don't understand him! Why her out of all the bloody bitches he could have done this to! Maledizione!" She yelled. "Calm down this isn't the time to blame anyone," said Kagome. "What did that bastard say?" asked Sango. "Not much I didn't really understand, but I really don't want to blame him for anything" said Kagome. "I would have never thought that Mr. Himura would do something like this," said Miroku. "Maledizione! Maledizione!" yelled Sango. Sesshoumaru looked towards the door. "What would be a possible reason for him to do this to her?" he asked. "I don't think he did it because he wanted to hurt her but instead I think someone is messing with his head. He is caring and would never in a thousand years hurt her" said Kagome sitting next to Inu-yasha. "Nothing makes sense anymore, it seems every time we fix our lives things just come crashing back down on us" said Sango. "But that's life for you isn't it?" asked Miroku. "I think you need to have another conversation with Mr. Himura." Said Inu-yasha. "I agree" said Kagome standing. "We'll come back in a couple of hours to check on her, please keep an eye on her Sesshoumaru" said Sango. Sesshoumaru nodded as he watched them leave with long faces. He looked towards her door, before he walked slowly toward it. He knocked softly before turning the knob and walking in. "I told you I don't care if you think I need to eat I just want to be left alone" she said softly. "I understand but starving yourself won't help you or him get back together." Said Sesshoumaru a little harsher then he meant it. "No...but maybe then he'll come back...." She said softly as tears fell on the pillow she was holding. Sesshoumaru looked down at the floor this was way too much for him to handle. When he signed up for this class he was sure he would pass it just like the others but at the moment that wasn't what was happening at all. Rin looked at where he stood his silver hair falling over his shoulder, she was so selfish sometimes she didn't even realize till this moment. She got out of bed and walked towards her closet, she pulled out a pair of jeans and sweat shirt, and slowly pulled them on, she didn't bother to comb her hair or to apply make up or to do anything at that, she pulled on her shoes and grabbed her keys.   Sesshoumaru watched confused and startled by her sudden actions. Rin looked at him from the corner of her eyes before opening her mouth to speak. "I need to think, don't worry I won't do anything stupid" she said with a weak smile. He nodded but he didn't trust her, so he waited until she was out of the door and before he grabbed his own jacket and keys and was running out to follow behind her. She walked slowly towards the elevator but then looked at the stairs she smiled softly remembering the time she and Himura thought it would be healthy to walk up the stairs to his apartment. "I can't do it...I need you" she whispered as she leaned against the door. "I can't be strong and wait...I was never strong just pretending to be someone who didn't need anything." Sesshoumaru stood ears shot listening to her small cries. He then heard her sniffle and open the door to the stairs, which of course was a surprise to him. He followed suite quietly after her, he had an idea where she was going.   She stopped in front of the door and before she could knock it opened. He stared at her his heart breaking at the sight of her, she bit her lips in order to hold the tears back but she just couldn't they ran free she threw herself at him, holding him as close as she possibly could. "Don't I don't care where you go I'll go with you...can't you understand that I love you?" she asked rubbing her face in his shirt which smelled strongly of him. "Rin..." She looked up at him, and placed a finger to his lips and shook her head. "Shhh don't say a word just hold me and just pretend for a second that you care that you love me."  "There is no doubt in my heart that I love you and only you,” he whispered. She nodded as he lead her into the apartment slowly, fingers intertwined and lips reaching for one another. Sesshoumaru watched almost heart troublingly as the door closed. He knew that she needed him, but a part of him cried out "I need her" she was what made him smile, made him want to smile, she changed the way he looked at the world around him. He was in love with her.   He looked at her; he could tell that she hasn't eaten anything for a while. He cupped her face as he felt the tears brush his skin. This was the woman he loved and made love to she was always in him mind, always in his heart and soul but what can a man do when he has nothing to offer the woman he loves but his life. "You didn't eat,” he stated. "I couldn't" He took her hand and led her to the kitchen, where he started to pull out everything needed to make a sandwich. She sat and watched as he made her the first thing she was going to have since Saturday night. She smiled as she watched him. "I love you" "I know" "Then don’t torture me" "I'm trying but I can't do it" "Don't tamper with your health you should know what it could do to you" "Do you know something I don't?" "What do you mean?" "Like do you know something about me...that might concern I pregnant?" "No of course not! I would never leave you for such a thing!" "Then why are you leaving me?" "I can't tell you!" "Why not?" "Because I love you!" "You say that but so far you have yet to prove that to me!" "Eat this" "I don't want to" "Please for me" "You haven't eaten either" "I...I was busy" She stood and kissed him softly. She placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes. "Being with you is enough for is all I need to live." "I know I feel the same way but here at least eat for me" "Only if you eat with me" "Ok"   Kagome walked next to Inu-yasha as they made their way towards the park, it was strange it almost felt as if they were in two different places. She looked at him then ahead. "What you thinking about?" "Nothing" "Kagome" "What?" "Are you doubting me?" "What?" He stepped in front of her and held her in place. He looked into her eyes. "Are you having second thought about us?" "Wow Mr. Cocky is scared?" she asked with a smile. "No! Why would I be?" he asked. "I see is that so?" asked Kagome. "Kagome! God stop making me do and say things I don't want to!" "What?" "Kagome..." "Don't touch me you creep!" "God damn it!" Kagome's heart was breaking; she had some luck with impossible relationships. She just had enough of it she didn't need a man to tell her anything! Inu-yasha stood at the spot from where she fled, he was being such a jerk, he just got her to trust him and already he blew it, he was getting nervous about how he felt about her and now he pushed her away.   Sango and Miroku was about to enter the park when they saw Kagome trying very hard to open her car at that moment anyone would have thought she was trying to steal it. "Kagome" She turned towards them trying to dry her tears as she faced her sister. She smiled at them and waited for them to say something, anything. "What's wrong why are you crying?" "Nothing I fell and uh hit my head against a bench" "Kagome" "What?" "What really happened as believable as your story is, I want to know the cause of this" "Inu-yasha" "It had to be that jack ass!" "No I guess I was suffocating him" "Is that what he said?" "No but that's what he meant"   Rin placed her head on his chest and they lay next to each other naked and happy almost forgetting that they were no longer together. He ran his hand softly up and down her back. "Rin you shouldn't have come," he said. "I needed to be near you to be with you, in your arms like I'm now" she said looking up at him. "I needed you too, but I can't take advantage of you" he said. "Loving me isn't taking advantage of me!" she hissed softly. "Rin" "Explain to me why you don't want me!" "I do want you! God knows just how much I want you and how much I wish I could freeze this moment, but things don't always go as planned or as we like them to!" "Then forget about those plans and make new ones! I won't leave you! Not now or ever" she said. "Rin" "I love you I thought that would be our wall against the world" "Some times that wall is broken by blood" "Blood? What do you mean?" "Rin I'm going to London to teach in the school you mother appointed me to, she wants me to be the head master of the school, she wants you to come home...and I told her that I won't be used as a tool to bring you home and to take you away from your heart...Kagome and Sango" "'re my heart as well, and if that means leaving Kagome and Sango to live with my mother I'm ready to do it. I know Kagome and Sango will follow me...but they found who they where looking for just as I have found you. And I couldn't possibly ask them to come with me but I won't let you take this journey alone, we will go there together if that is what my mother wants then she will get it" "Rin I don't want you to be unhappy" "I won't be as long as you're by my side" "Rin don't let her win this, your going to be so much more then what she wants for you, you will be great all on you on" "But I need you for me to be great" "Rin" "I want to be great together with you." She took his hand and placed it over her heart. "This heart beats for you."   Sesshoumaru sat at home sipping his tea when she walked in through the door, her lips turned upwards into a smile, which he hasn't seen since the night of her grandfather's birthday a week ago. She looked at him before walking towards him and sitting down next to him, he said nothing as she placed her head on his shoulder. Sesshoumaru watched confused as always with her. "Thank you" "For what?" "For always making me feel as if I have a home to come back to,” she said looking away. "And it will always be open for you" "I know and my heart will always be open for you" "Rin" "Hmm" "What's wrong?" "Nothing...I'm sadly happy" "You're going with him" "Yes" The clock ticked away softly as they sat there just in each other's presence. Sesshoumaru wondered how long this would go on, he wasn't complaining at all in fact he was hoping time would just stop now. She would leave his side. How did it ever come to this? How did the great Sesshoumaru Takagi fall for a girl whose heart belongs to someone else? That's a question that even the scholars of Rome and Greek couldn't answer. She fell asleep after a couple of hours but he on the other hand stay awake watching her, wondering what it would be like to never see her again, to never know what it felt like to be held by her heart, to be surrounded by her sunshine. He really was going crazy and she was the cause of it.   Kagome finally got home, and looked around; to those who would have been next to her, a fairly clean and neat apartment would be in their view, but what Kagome saw was bacteria everywhere and she needed to get Mr. Clean out and her scrubbing gloves. She walked into her room the horror grew, why was there a crease on her bed? She placed her purse in her closet under the one labeled ‘bad week w/ green’ box, which held about two more purses. She then took her shoes and put them under alphabetical order to the name of the brand, and pulled on her bunny slippers, which came from the pink family out of the other animal and color family. She sighed what was happening why was she obsessed with what he said to her its not like he even knows who she was or what she liked or anything! Kagome stood fixing the crease on the bed, before walking towards the cleaning closet which consisted of many things that could be bought of the home shopping network on Tuesday’s cleaning special. Kagome pulled on her gloves and looked at the apartment and attacked as if she was the chick from matrix on a web upload of house cleaning special.   Inu-yasha was on his way to the apartment when he ran into ‘Kookyo’ he did attempt to run but she was just too fast for him, it was like she was a creepy dead chick stalking his ass, and she was obsessed with taking him through hell. “Inu-yasha, you look down, the look alike giving you trouble?” she asked applying her kiss of death ruby red lipstick. “Listen Kikyou I’m not in the mood, having a bad day, hell having a bad week.” He said rubbing his eyes. “Then come with me to Hiten and Maten’s party!” she exclaimed as she grabbed on to his arms. “We’ll go as ‘room mates’.” Inu-yasha weighed his options, he could either go home and watch Kagome blow up in his face about how he says the wrong things at the wrong time, or he could go with Kikyou get drunk forget that he ever went to the party and make up with Kagome all while not remembering if she hits him with something hard, cause he was going to wake up with a head ache anyways. “Fine let’s go.”  “Oh my gah! Really?” she almost jumped up on his shoulder. “What in the hell is ‘Oh my gah’? Is that some kind of chant for you?” he asked. “No just don’t want to say the lords name in vein.” She said. “Yea but you give blow jobs in churches.” Said Inu-yasha confused. “Yea so all my sins could be forgiven, the father said he would personally pray to god so that I’m excused and let into heaven.” She said as she got into her red car. “What church do you go too?” asked Inu-yasha as he got into the passenger side. “St Ho’s” said Kikyou as she started out of the parking lot. “Explains a lot,” he said as he looked out the window, what in the hell did he just get himself into.   It was about 9:15 did Kagome finally finished cleaning and was sitting on the steps to the kitchen. What was her life becoming and she wasn’t even 21 yet, she still had a couple of months to go, 5 hours, 13 minutes, and 47 seconds to be exact, though she could probably get down to micro seconds. “I’m seriously getting too old for this shit!” she exclaimed. Then she heard the door opening she was about to give that bitch a broad way musical, but it wasn’t Inu-yasha no it was the other breed of bitch. “Kouga.” “Hey beautiful.” He said with smile. “I see that you’re not with that dog.” Said Kouga. “He has his life, I have mine.” “He sure does, I saw him at Hiten and Maten’s party with Kikyou the babe next to me.” “So what is your point?” “I thought he was ‘tapping’ you.” “Well apparently you were wrong, now Kouga I have a request ok, I want you out of my house within 24 hours, I really don’t give a rat’s ass to what that old fart thinks, he can fail me and make me repeat another year of med school but I repeat that I will not have a fucker like you in my house, so get packing so I can sterilize that damn room with Mr. Clean and NASA toilet cleaners!” Kouga smirked and walked towards his room, “Its cool that your pissed about the dog don’t take it out on me, I mean you could go and have a drink if you want, help you ease out of that fit.” He said. “No” “Some fresh air from the amino will help you.” “I don’t use amino and no thanks I feel clean when I’m around here.” “Kagome what are you so afraid of, I mean come on dog boy is busy with that ass of Kikyou’s why don’t you and I get a drink?” asked Kouga. “Fine what the hell.”   They walked into a small bar where she sat down on the stool and looked at the waiter. Who looked back at her as if she was a moron of the street, then he looked at Kouga and almost pulled out the book which clearly states that if you look or act like an animal they had the right to throw you out and blame it on the health departments rules. “What will it be?” “I want a perfect 10.” Said Kagome slapping down her hand on the counter. “Ma’am did you already have something to drink?” “No I didn’t have anything to drink yet, but I need some soon if I’m going to make it through this night.” “Coming right up.” “Hey don’t mind her she just inhaled too much amino, that damn Mr. Clean if his head wasn’t so shiny nobody would buy his shit.” Said Kouga drinking down his lite beer. “Shut up you fucker, I was serious I want you out of my house and that bitch too! I want all of you out!” said Kagome grabbing the drink from the waiter and taking a big gulp. “My life is turning into hell! All I wanted was to live happy with my sisters, but no I had to go to medical school where I met a dumb-good-for-nothing-old-fart who paired me up to live with people I don’t like!” she said to the young man next to her who was smiling up until she started to talk. “Kagome calm down it’s not a big deal, I mean it’s just a place to live.” Muttered Kouga. “My life is like my home, my father was whore he got two other women pregnant when my mother was with me, I never got to really know him cause the bastard decided on night he was going to have a heart attack and die. My life that I created with my half sisters was cozy it didn’t bother me and it held me in place.” She said placing her head down on the counter. “I want a shot of vodka!” she said to the waiter who nodded and hurried of to please the on occasion psychos that walk in. “Wow deep!” explained Kouga. “Yea…hey I’ll be nice you need to get out of my house in 12 hours.” She said. “Yea thanks.” They sat in silence most of the time with some infrequent stupid jokes from Kouga, but after consuming a large amount of alcohol she was ready to face of anyone. And the result of that face of lead her to Hiten and Maten’s party which mostly consisted of strippers and whores, but hey sometimes one just needs to fuck it all and try it out.   “Hey Kagome what you doing here?” asked some of from her class but she just couldn’t make out anyone at that very moment. “I don’t know, thought I’d stop by.” She said as she looked around the room and saw the silver hair, which she came to see. Kouga was telling the truth, until this moment she didn’t believe him but now that she saw for herself she felt her insides twist in knots, maybe it was an early hangover, maybe she needed some more to drink, maybe it was her heart breaking to pieces and falling into the pit of her stomach. Kikyou was smart enough to bring him enough drinks to make him think she was Kagome. She smiled when he placed his arms around her and pulled her close. He smiled at him, and pushed her hair back. “You’re beautiful you know that?” Kikyou giggled like a child and placed her lips on his. “Thank you.” Kagome stood watching as they kissed and while her heart fell out of her chest and kept falling until it reached hell. She pushed back the tears and watched a bit more. “Kagome.” At the sound of that name Inu-yasha turned to look at who was calling her, and found that she was standing in the middle of the room watching him, he then looked at the woman in front of him and almost jumped the ceiling when he realized who’s throat he just stuck his tongue down. “Holy crap!” he exclaimed as he broke for a run for her, she saw this and made a run for it herself, she pushed all the people out of her way before she was finally outside the apartment, she pressed the button to the elevator which to her lucky stars came fast enough for her to out ran him. She sighed and pushed the button to her apartment floor. Inu-yasha knew where she was going, so he decided to take the stairs down to the 5th floor from the 20th floor he was on.   They both arrived in front of the apartment at the same time, well Kagome got their first officially as she tried to push the key into the key hole and after trying for the third time she finally got the door open but didn’t close it fast enough because Inu-yasha got in. “Kagome!” he exclaimed as he grabbed her hand. “Damn it listen to me!” “What?!” “Kagome I just came to the party to forget what I said to you. I didn’t want to kiss her, it was an accident, and I want only you!” “So what you thought hey since the real one is such a bitch why don’t I go to the one that’s sort of looks like her and fuck her?” “No I wanted to think of a way to apologize about what I said, it wasn’t true.” “Maybe that was true, maybe that is what you really think, but what ever it doesn’t matter to me, I don’t care about you anyway.” She said as she tried to free herself from his grip. “You don’t care?” he asked looking at her with a glare. “No I don’t care, I never cared, and shit would you just leave me alone!” asked Kagome. “No I can’t fucken leave you alone, shit when I’m alone all I think of is YOU! I can’t sleep good if your not next to me, I feel like shit every time I say something stupid to hurt you and most of all Kagome Higurashi I’m fucken madly deeply in love with you!” he yelled at her. She stood still for a second staring at him shocked and hell she was shocked and didn’t have time to think of feeling anything else. He just said he loved her, the chances of that being true was hmm 45% but she was willing to believe him, sort of. “Inu-yasha don’t throw around words such as those, if you can’t live up to the expectations and obligations that come with it!” “I mean every word, I never felt anything for any girl I fucked, that was until I met you, I wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you, I wanted to sweep you up in my arms and fuck your brains out! You know you wanted it as much as I did, I liked doing your ridiculous habits of arriving at a fair two hours before it opened, I like the way you eat and smile after, I love how you clean the damn place until all the germs that wasn’t here is gone, as crazy as you are, I love everything about you, and hell Kagome I thought you were her, I had a little to much to drink, I know you probably don’t believe me now, but let me be here to prove to just how much I love you.” Ok So he meant it, but he was still kissing her, and damn he still had her bloody lipstick on his lips, she walked a bit closer and placed her fingers on his lips, and slowly wiped away the red from his lips. “You had some of that bitch’s lipstick on.” She stated simply. She was about to turn and leave when he pulled her to him, placing his lips on hers and making her wish she never let him out of bed that morning. “I’m ready to turn in.” he whispered in her ear and picked her up carrying her to their bedroom. She looked at him as he locked the door, and made his way to the bed and just depositing her on it. “You promise that it was just me?” she asked softly. “Just you, only you.” He said as he kissed her again. Nothing mattered just for that moment she just wanted to be with him for a while, let his love make love to her, let his arms wind around and make her scream. [AN: I wanted to write a lemon, actually I was debating whether not to write it but then I thought hey I will write a good lemon on the next chapter.]   Sango and Miroku stopped by Sesshoumaru’s where he told them almost everything, as Rin slept on the couch. She looked a bit more alive then when they left. Sango walked over and placed a kiss on her forehead and looked at her. “I feel so helpless that I can’t help her.” “Sango this is something that she has to do on her own, we can’t stop her from feeling the way she feels.” “I agree, it’s better you go and get some rest. She’ll probably explain a lot in the morning.” “I guess so, but thanks for taking care of her Sesshoumaru.” “See you later Sesshoumaru.” He bid them good-bye and locked the door. He stood their for a second, she told him of how she was going home, to London to live with her mother and continue her relationship with that man. Why did it feel as if he didn’t want to let her out of the door when she was finally time for her find him? Of course he knew, he was in love with the girl what else could possibly make him want to stop her? He dismissed the thought of following her, he was going insane and to hell. Sango and Miroku made it to their apartment they unenthusiastically got into bed. It had been a hell of a day looking for the man who hurt Rin so much, he was better at hiding then most, Miroku remarked. It was as if suddenly their fun and games came to an end and reality hit them like a ton of bricks. “Miroku?” “Hmm?” “Do you think we should kill him?” “No” “Yeah, I’m just so mad at him! You know when we were kids, me being the oldest I made a promise that I would look after them, but it seems that it was nothing but words, I couldn’t protect her from getting hurt, Miroku I have never seen her this broken up, I heard that she was this upset when our father died, the bastard.” “Sango you can’t protect her from her heart, she needs to go through it just like the rest of us, it’s just that for each person it’s different.” “You know sometimes you just surprise me, when you speak…” He chuckled and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. “Go to sleep we’ll sort everything out tomorrow.” “Yeah. Ti amo.” She whispered as she closed her eyes drifting slowly to sleep. He watched her for a while before pulling her closer and smiling. “I love you too.”   The next morning with everyone present she broke the news of her leaving, but the worse news came for Rin when she found a note on the door of her apartment left by Himura hours ago, that said that he had left and he couldn’t bare to separate her from what she loved most. She cried and threw things at the wall before she decided that she was going after him. Kagome and Sango sat on the bed watching her throw things into the suite case, which she was going to take with her, she was furious to find out that Himura had left without her and didn't leave her an address. She was angry and hurt to find him wish her best of lucky and hoping her happiness with someone else. "How dare he?!" "Rin..." started Kagome. "Kagome I gave him my heart and he threw it back at me!" she exclaimed. "No he saved it for you" said Sango. "Rin you know that Helen loves you but she also believes that you belong to her, Mr. Himura just wanted you to be happy,” said Kagome. "Would you be happy without Inu-yasha or Miroku?" asked Rin. Both looked at each other the guilt of the truth hitting them in the face. "No" "Then don't tell me that he wants me to be happy! I love you both but I need more then two sisters to make me feel fulfilled,” said Rin. “We understand that, believe me.” Said Kagome as she looked at Rin. “But why do you insist on following him, Rin then he’s wasting his time going away and Helen wins.” “I don’t care I just need to go.” “Then we’re going with you.” Stated Sango. “What?” asked Rin looking at Sango with shock. “Sango is right, we might as well go, and spring break starts soon, we might as well go to London,” said Kagome with a smile. “You guys-“ “We’re going too then,” said Inu-yasha walking in with Miroku and Sesshoumaru following him. Rin looked at the five and smiled, “Thank you, all of you.” “Hey don’t worry about it now let’s get packing because we have to catch Mr. Himura.” Said Sango standing. So 24 hours later they were on the plane headed for London. Kagome and Inu-yasha in front of Sango and Miroku, Sesshoumaru and Rin behind Kagome and Inu-yasha, it was the longest 13 hour of their lives. “Hey do you think we’ll die?” asked Inu-yasha. “If we do, do you think we’ll be together?” asked Miroku. “What if there are high jackers on board?” asked Inu-yasha. “Not likely or they would have already made a move.” Said Miroku. “Do you guys mind I think you’re making people nervous with your bullshit! No we’re not going to die, and if we just happen to no I don’t know if we’ll be together and hell if the high jackers are on broad, then they would wait until we’re near their damn destination to attack!” stated Kagome annoyed. “Hey do you have peanuts?” asked Sango to the air attendant. “Yes ma’am please wait one moment.” “Sango you hate nuts.” Stated Rin. “I know but I just thought that’s what you do when your on the plane, I mean when we use to go on vacation, I use to watch people ask for peanuts so I thought I’d ask too.” Kagome sweat dropped what in the hell was wrong with this picture, was she the only one sane out of the six? “You know I think I want a bottle of gin.” Said Rin. “Why?” Sesshoumaru asked. “I don’t know feel like drinking.” “Oh” “Ma’am your peanut.” “Hey um Claire can you get me a bottle of gin?” asked Rin. “What would you like, we have names for them you know” she smiled through gritted teeth, these six were killing her softly. “Oh miss, Claire can you give me a cup of coffee with aspirin?” asked Kagome. “Do you happen to have eggs?” asked Miroku. “I want peaches.” Stated Inu-yasha. “Hey me too.” “God damn it would all of you just shut up! No we don’t have peaches, nor do we have eggs or aspirin, or coffee and even if we did I wouldn’t give it to you anyway! And they have names for gin!” stated the air attendant who was smiling up until now. “So does that mean I can’t have my gin?” asked Rin. “NO!” “Service sucks, we’ll have to file a report.” Stated Inu-yasha. “Yeah grandpa would be so pissed if he found out!” stated Kagome. “Yep.” The air attendant mean while was planning her suicide scene. “I know dad would be upset too.” Stated Inu-yasha and Miroku nodded. “What will your parents do?” asked the air attendant, why she asked was beyond her. Hell she was going to kill herself anyways. “Um my dad owns a share of this airport,” stated Miroku. “The Kazaan Family.” “Yeah and my grand father has many business with this airline company, you know Higurashi Family, you know the grandfather to the three of us girls.” stated Kagome. “Don’t forget the Takagie’s” stated Inu-yasha. The air attendant started to laugh as if she had multiple personalities; she was a schizophrenic over night, hahaha. The airplane ride was ok, but the hotel was another thing. “I need the room with the biggest tub.” Said Sesshoumaru. “But Mr. Takagi the room that was book for you is-“ “I will have to report you, I want the penthouse suite with the large bath tub.” Said Sesshoumaru. “Ok very well.” “Gee Sesshoumaru it wasn’t such a big deal.” Stated Inu-yasha. “Let’s go up and freshen up,” said Kagome. “Fine.” “Sango let’s go and sleep it off.” Said Rin pulling Miroku and Sango by the hand. “I have to find him,” she stated. “Rin.” “What?” “It’s like 10 in the morning how about some food and then we’ll worry about everything else.” “Fine let’s go eat, and then I’m out to find him.” She said. So after changing and settling in and getting plenty to eat they were out looking for Mr. Himura.   Kagome sat at the coffee shop across from Inu-yasha sipping her coffee, they tried the school for Mr. Himura, but they informed them that he had already left. Kagome's eyes lowered to the dark wooden table, it wasn't quite mahogany but then again it wasn't a natural either. "Some times it doesn't matter what color but that it's made to last." she heard him say. She looked up at him, he was smiling as his hand fall over hers. "It's going to be ok" "How can know Inu-yasha you fall in love only once but you love many times. Rin loved him in a way I don't think I could ever match up to, I can't even imagine the devastation she feels at this very moment." She said. "Kagome listen to me, it's going to be ok. Rin's going to be ok. We love her and that's five against one,” he said. "No one can replace the love of a companion...if you were to leave me-" she felt a warm finger on her lips. "Don't ever think or say those words again." He said looking into her amazing eye that captured him and his heart each time he looked at her. "You won't ever get rid of me...I will always be the one who will wake up next to you, and I will always be the one to fall asleep next to you. I don't care what happened in the past. We all have a past; it's a full package deal. I know and understand it, and I love you...I have from the very beginning just took me a while to figure it out" he said smiling. Kagome sat there stunt for a moment just staring at him. "Inu-yasha..." came softly from her lips. "I love you too..." "Good that's all I wanted to hear and maybe that you'll marry me after all this bullshit is over" he said waving his hand in the air. "Yes...Yes! Yes! Yes!" she said to him as she stood from her seat and threw her arms around him, and her lips on his. “I’ll have to you give you something in return later.” She whispered into his ear. “I can’t wait.” He whispered back before capturing her lips again.   Rin knocked on the door and found no answer, she knew he was staying her considering she went to the school and told them that she was his sister that he hasn’t spoken to in 10 years and she had come to find him. They out of good will gave her the address to where she stood now. She turned the knob and found it open, was he expecting her or someone else? She walked inside, it was a nice place, but that was beside the point at the moment she just needed to find him, interrogate his ass. She heard some muffled noises coming from the, what she assumed was the bedroom. She walked half and gasped softly when she saw what she saw. She turned on her heels and headed out with tears forming. Hell it was no wonder he didn’t take her with him, he already had someone else.   He pulled away from the damn woman; she came into his house and tried to rape him. He was being interrogated by the woman who came from the school he was to run, and suddenly she throws open her shirt and jumps on him, he wouldn’t have let it go as far as it did for not he heard, Rin coming in. Yes he wanted to get off the woman and move behind, but this was for her. He knew that she wouldn’t be happy without her sisters’ love and his love wasn’t nearly good enough for her. He knew all this and that is why he let her think that he was with this damned woman. “Darling?” “Mrs. Harrison I think you have it all wrong, I don’t feel any attraction to you, I’m sorry.” “But you kissed me back!” “Please leave, and if you wish to not give me job that’s fine.” Hell then he could go back and be with Rin and live happily ever after. It was his plan to ask Rin to marry him, but when her mother being manipulating as she was came into the picture that went down the drain. He always saw Helen as someone who was honest and hard working, though those might be true about her work, when it came to her daughter she could be the devil itself. He understood her maternal instincts to be with her child, but never had he imagined that she would do what she was doing. “Very well!” was all she said as she stood and pulled herself together and made her way out, but not before noticing the picture of Rin and him holding each other with a smile, anyone could tell they were lovers from the picture. How was he going to explain anything to Rin? She probably thought that he was cheating on her from the start. That he never loved her. His life was a giant mess now.   Sango and Miroku roamed the parks quietly each walking a small distance from each other. "Funny isn't it, how fast time flies and how fast we forget that some things are just fairytales." Said Sango. "Fairytales are as real as you and me,” he said. Sango stopped and looked at him. "What do you mean?" "Everything has its star from something Sango. So there could have been a Cinderella and there could have been a sleeping beauty but they where just base for the magical wonders of peoples words and imagination" he said. "You know some times you speak so thoughtfully that people can't tell you're an idiot" said Sango. Miroku laughed as he walked closed to her and took her hand to stop her and make her face him. "I suppose that I'm a lucky idiot then for I have by my side the most beautiful gem in the planet" he said kissing her palms. Sango blushed softly as she watched him go down slowly on one knee and look up at him. "What are you doing?" she asked nervously. "Doing something I will never do again or have any use for" he said pulling out the small velvet box and holding it out. Sango gasped. "Please tell me your joking you ass hole" she stuttered. "Nope no joke, I Miroku Kaazan ask you Sango to be tolerant and to except to be my wife forever more" he said. "Miroku..." "I told you that I fall deeply in love with and no matter what I did you stayed by my side and that meant everything to me, and now I ask that you always stay by my side, Ti amo." said Miroku. Sango watched as he stood to his feet and took her left hand and pushed the silver rocked band into her ring finger. Sango smiled almost instantly before jumping into his arms and kissing him. "I love you too you log head" she said. "Glad to hear it!"   Sesshoumaru walked into his hotel room to find the brunette of his wet dreams and nightmares sitting on his couch. She looked at him when he closed the door behind him and stood there. She stood slowly making her way towards him and placing her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around him, it was silent request but he understood as his own arms wrapped around her. “You couldn’t find him?” “I found him…he was…busy.” “I see who was it?” “Some whore he probably picked up some place.” “I’m sorry.” “Not as sorry as I am for me, I mean he picked a whore over me, so I guess that just shows it no?” “Rin.” “I must be the most stupidest one out of them all.” “No your not, and your also not the type that wallows in self pity, hell Rin your confident, beautiful and most of all smart. Your feelings were true and his wasn’t, that isn’t a reason to put yourself down. God Rin don’t change this image of you that I have.” He finally said with anger and understanding. Rin looked up at him, as he looked at her intensely with, oh my god was it love she saw? She didn’t know why but that simple gaze had her wanting to kiss him, let him know that she was appreciating him. And that’s what she did; he placed a chaste kiss on his lips, almost as friends do to show they care. But after the first time, she went and ahead and placed another one, until she was really kissing him, and he didn’t seem to mind from the feel of his tongue on her bottom lip. As wrong as this picture was, it felt right. And hell if he could go and fuck someone who was probably sleeping with him for his money, why couldn’t she sleep with someone who actually cared for her? Sesshoumaru at the moment could careless really that anyone could walk in any moment, that she loved someone else, hell it was her idea and he was going to finish, he’s been selfish all his life, one more time isn’t going to kill him and with that he picked her up and carried her to his bed. Placing her on it and lying to the side, still kissing her, he sought to free of her clothing, which consisted of a sweater, skirt, her under garments and thank god she took of the boots at laid just few feet away. He pulled away and dragged his mouth to the side of her slender neck sucking the skin their ever so lightly. Rin liked, no that was a lie, she loved what he was doing to her, and that was shocker. She felt him make his way to her ear and nibble it for a while before coming back home to her mouth. Why did this feel so good and right? She pushed her hand into his silver mane and run her fingers through the strands of silk. Then slowly almost shy at first she made her way to his button down shirt, un-looping the buttons as she let her hands caress his hard chest. She pulled away from his lips, and watched as he rose of her a bit, his eyes not leaving hers, she rose slightly and kissed the skin which was exposed now, making a slowly trail as she used her tongue to make sure he got the best of it. “Rin.” He whispered as he grabbed some of her hair gently and kissed her again, letting his tongue plunge into her mouth and trace every curve and deep he found. Loving the sound of her small moan. They tore apart again this time so he could pull the sweater she wore over her head, he stared at her for a second, as he let his hands run from his shoulder past her breast to her hips where he unzipped her skirt and slowly pulled it down, watching her as he did so. Her eyes, which had been filled with hurt just moments ago, now held longing and lust. He stood and he dropped the skirt of the floor, she stood with his, now in her bra and panty; taking small steps towards him and placing a hand on his pants, and the belt, which held it there. She unbuckled it and threw somewhere; she just didn’t care about anything but the man in front of her. She saw his body his hard, chiseled body which she never took notices of until this very moment, by god he was beautiful. He watched as her eyes widen at the little gift his pants hid from her. She looked up at him and walked closer, he pulled her to him and kissed her pulled her up as her legs wrapped around his hips, letting her feel his desire for her, grinding slowly. She moaned softly as he did so, kissing him hard, now it wasn’t innocent and sweet as it started it out, it was pure lust. Using one hand to free her breast from their confinements, he watched as they fell lightly against her, they were full and the right size to fill his palms completely. He watched her eyes as he let his thumb brush the tips as it became hard. His tongue wiped over her lips, pleading for entry to her mouth where he would devour her lips. She accepted the invitation, parting her lips a bit, but was soon bombarded with the hunger in his kiss. Sesshoumaru pushed her against the wall that was conveniently there. He pulled away and positioned their body so now he was faced with her breast. He took a hungry peak into his mouth, suckling gently and sliding his tongue over. The feeling made Rin moan softly as she arched her back to his touch. His other hand soon made its way to the other breast where he began kneading it and rubbing her bud. Her breaths became pants as he continued on, the moans becoming more frequent. He stopped and looked up at her, a clouded look of lust hovered in his eyes. She kissed him fiercely, urging him to continue on, as her hands pulled at his hair. Sesshoumaru having tasted her skin, not nearly enough mind you but to keep her satisfied he slid his hand down her firm stomach to the line of her underwear. He traced her panty line; well her black lace thong was more exact, teasing her as he bit her lower lip. “Sesshoumaru…” she whispered against his lips. “Rin are sure you want to do this?” he asked. So much for taking it without permission. “Yes!” she almost screamed as he pulled his lips back to her. Sesshoumaru pulled her to him and pushed them to the bed, as he ravished her with kisses, and his hand brushed along her breast line, the down her stomach and back to the barrier of the underwear. He ripped them off, throwing them aside as he basked in her beauty. God what was he thinking when making his woman before him, she was beautiful in every way he could think of and god did he just want to plunge into her and stay there always. “Sesshoumaru?” she called impatiently. “Damn Rin you do know how fucken tempting you are?” he asked. She smiled as he came over to kiss her again. She loved this feeling at the pit of her stomach, this feeling that Sesshoumaru was making her feel. His kissed that drove her crazy, and the way he looking at her now. He groaned as he looked, wanting to slide his tongue in and feel her juices. He slid in a finger, feeling the insides of her. Her inner walls tensed with the pleasure of his finger pumping her, soon replaced with two, then three. Her moans were becoming louder as he did this, her nearing her peak. He swiftly took out the two fingers and replaced them with his tongue, licking her as if she were a melting ice cream cone. Her juices flowed into his mouth like a waterfall; the taste was sweeter than all the honey in the world combined. He sucked in her inner lips, hearing her cry out his name as her body tensed. The fluids rushed into his mouth, which he eagerly drank up. He hovered over her as he licked his lips, with a smile of satisfaction, “Rin…” he whispered against her lips before capturing them in an open mouth kiss. She pushed up against the hardness that was rubbing her thigh, she could feel the heat it was giving off, she placed her hand on it feeling it’s length and loving the way Sesshoumaru’s breath was sucked out of him at her touch. “I want to play too…” she said in her quite seductive voice as she pushed him on his back and climbed over his body, and kissed his throat and slowly made her way down his chest, sucking lightly on his nipples and then down to his hard abdomen. He pulled her back up for a kiss he needed her. Hell he made love to many women but she could make him come with a small kiss. “Rin.” That told her that neither he nor she could wait any longer and needed to feel each other. He took hold on her hips and slowly pushed into her. The feeling was like nothing she ever experienced. All the pain from the event of the last few week she could remember were soon erased as she felt the pleasure wash over her of the feeling of him in her. Wanting more, she thrust back at him, her moans becoming uncontrollable. Her pace quickened, letting beads of sweat form on her forehead as she rode him. He grabbed her bottom as she rode him, the feeling captivating him. The feeling was too great, he felt like he was going to come soon if he didn’t change positions. Mustering all his strength, he flipped her over without sliding out, and then began to pump her hard. She moaned loudly and soon wrapped her legs around his waist, her inner walls tensing with every thrust. He bit his lip as he continued to thrust into her, trying to control his release. Her hands ran over his sweaty body, crying with extreme pleasure. He grabbed her hands and squeezed them as he did one final thrust, releasing himself into her. At that same time she arched her back, the waves of pleasure crashing as she hit her orgasm. They had done it! Holy shit they did it. Was all that was passing through their heads, but suddenly it didn’t seem all that bad, as she felt the hard member still within her and small kisses that made their way down her neck. “I think we need a shower.” He whispered into her hair. “Yeah,” she chuckled. “Good, let’s go.” He said as he pulled out of her and stood from the bed, and picked her way and made his way to the bathroom, he had insisted that he gets the room with the bigger tub, and now it was coming in handy. [AN: I tried to make it good, and I labored, but it still sounds corny; like a cheap porn movie]   She kissed him while he slept and left his room she needed to sort out her events and make sense of things. She decided that she was going to go by the school to see if he was there. So she could talk to him. But what about Sesshoumaru? What was she going to do now? She liked very second of the night before and every time he touched her but hell it was annoying as hell, why wasn’t Sesshoumaru from the start? She dressed and made her way out to see him. She took a cab to the school and walked into his office to find a woman there sitting on the chair. “Rin?” he asked almost happy but then there was this woman. “Oh who is this? Could it be? Oh you must be the girl that he’s in love with, he doesn’t want to sleep with me because of you.” She said bluntly almost as if she wanted to hurt her. “I saw your picture in his apartment,” answering Rin’s suddenly questioning look. “Mrs. Harrison the reason I don’t want to sleep with has been made clear and hell your married!” he exclaimed, his brain freezing when he needed it to work. “I see so you would have slept with her if she wasn’t?” asked Rin. “Rin, no that’s not what I meant. Damn it! What you doing here Rin?” he asked. Rin looked at the woman then at him, “I came to sort out our problems, but I see that your busy so I’ll just stop looking for you, because I found my answer.” She said. “Rin, you do understand a lot of things!” he exclaimed. “What don’t I understand that you left me thinking that you were going to take me with you, but hey that’s ok I dismissed that and followed you here to make something of this stupid love game that your playing with me, and then I find you with some bitch at your apartment, and now you’re telling me I don’t understand? Shit I think I got the blow by blow of it. I done with you!” she said as she made for the door. “I love you, but your mother…just ask her why she did this to us.” He said. “I will have won’t I? But then was there ever a us to being with?” and with that she was gone. And that’s what she did, she busted in on a meeting her mother was having and demanded why she was out to fuck up her life, why was she taking away the man she loved and asking her to choose between her sisters and him. And her mother’s answer was as selfish as her mother was at that very moment. “Because I’m lonely!”   That morning when she kissed her on the lips and left his room, he was wake but let her slip away without saying a word, and that was the last he saw of her since now, almost a week later at a pub where they were going to sing, he wouldn’t have known if Kagome didn’t come and tell him. He tried to look for her that day, but she was out on her own, probably seeking him out to confront her feelings or make herself feel worse. Why was she doing this he had no idea and he sure as hell wasn’t going to stand around until she came and told him. He sighed and watched from a corner of the bar where she couldn’t see him, so she wouldn’t run away from him.   Rin pulled the microphone of the stand and held it close to her. "I would like to make this out to all the lovers" she said softly. Somehow it didn’t fell all that bad, not after that night with Sesshoumaru, and suddenly she found herself question whether Himura was the one who she really wanted, it wasn’t all lust that night with Sesshoumaru, no it was more then that, she felt his love and has being avoiding him since, but now here they were at a small pub in London it seems that her mother has wonderful as she is booked them a place to sing, it was a small little place but that seemed welcoming right now. Kagome and Sango smiled at their audience. It seemed so right some how all of them back at a club well pub singing. Of course they knew Rin was still upset about what happened for the past few weeks but suddenly not everything seemed all that bad, after all Kagome and Sango were going to get married soon, and Rin well she seemed better though avoiding Sesshoumaru, she seemed better and it was all thanks to him. Shippou was still back home, so they decided to do one without Shippou.   Fly me to the Moon--Though his song is sang by almost everyone this version is by Hikaru Utada   Poets often use many words to say a simple thing But it takes thought and time and rhyme to make a poet sing With music and words I'll be playin' For you I have written a song To be sure that you'll know what I'm sayin' I'll translate as I go along (yeah oh yeah) Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars Won't you let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words hold my hand In other words darling kiss me Fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more 'cause you are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words please me true In other words I love you In other words please be true(please be true, I just want you to be true) In other words I love you(I love you, I love you) (to the moon) Just take me to the moon and far Yeah They clapped, but she hardly could hear them as they started on their next song, which slightly portrayed what she really felt, she was on cloud 9 and she was burning in hell all at the same time. That last song reminded her of that night with Sesshoumaru, she was flying beyond the god damned moon, shit she was out of the universe and on to the next. But then this next song reminded her of Himura and all the other crap in her life. Dearest—From the Nadesico movie hitori aruki no "my revolution" ikutsu mono deai ni mitsuketa yasashisa setsuna sa kokoro ni hiraku KYANBASU wa kizutsuitari yogoretari, demo egakare dasareta awai kanjou My revolution on which I walk alone How many things I found out when I met you Such as gentleness and sadness The canvas, which enlightens my heart Is getting damaged and becoming dirty But on it, a faint emotion Began to be drawn anata no koe anata no kami moshimo sennen tatte atte mo mada oboeteru hoshi no kazu hodo ano hi no koto ashita no koto motto omoide kudasai watashi wa anata wo kesenakute "Forever full up my love" Your voice, your hair Even if we meet after a thousand years, I'll still remember you Like the number of stars in the sky, Please, give me more recollections Of that day, for tomorrow 'Cause I can't erase you from me Forever, full up my love tatakai tsuzuketa "generation" egao no oku ni namida iro no tsuyosa wo himeteru nanika wo motome This generation that kept on fighting Is hiding the power of their tears In the bottom of the smiling face Which asks for something anata no me mo anata no yubisaki mo umare kawatte sore demo mada sagaseru wa hoshi no kazu hodo ai ga atte yume ga atte, dakedo kawaranu omoi wo kasanete anata to ikitai no "Forever full up my love" Your eyes and your fingertips You are reborn, and even so I still can look for them. Like the number of stars in the sky, I met loves and I met dreams, however Piling up unchangeable feelings I want to go with you, Forever full up my love. kami wo hodo ite miageru ORION anata ga tooku kanjiru uchi kesu you ni I let down my hair and look up orion I can feel you far As if you are denying me anata no koe anata no kami moshimo sennen tatte atte mo mada oboeteru hoshi no kazu hodo ano hi no koto ashita no koto motto omoide kudasai watashi wa anata wo kesenakute "Forever full up my love" Your voice, your hair Even if we meet after a thousand years, I'll still remember you Like the number of stars in the sky, Please, give me more recollections Of that day, for tomorrow 'Cause I can't erase you from me Forever, full up my love They ended the last noted and smiled; It was going to be ok. They had a great crowd, who loved them, but they were entitled to play just one song and that was good enough for them. They got of stage and instantly went to their partners, well all except Rin who went to the bar to get piss drunk. “Rin.” That voice sent chills down her spine, as she turned to stare at the golden eyes. “Sesshoumaru.” “We need to talk Rin, you can’t keep running from me, just talk to me.” He said. She shook her head, “We have nothing to talk about.” “Damn it Rin, if I knew that you would act this way, I wouldn’t have done anything that night! I don’t want us to drift apart!” he exclaimed grabbing her hand. “Sesshoumaru.” “Hell. It’s been hell these past couple of days, I don’t see you and you don’t come to talk to me,” he said. “Sesshoumaru can’t you understand that I’m confused?” she asked. “Not as confused as you make yourself!” and with that he kissed her, and just as he expected she kissed back with the same fever that she used when they made love for hours on end. He pulled away from after taking another nip of her bottom lip. “Why do you kiss back?” “Damn it Sesshoumaru why are you doing this to me?” she asked. “Because I need to know Rin, but most of all I need you to be my friend.” He said. “Sesshoumaru.” She said as she hugged him, “I don’t know anything at the moment, but can you give a little more time?” “Fine.” Kagome watched them, it was Sesshoumaru that made her smile these days, and then as if from the corner of her eyes she saw the disappearing figure of Himura. She smiled as she rushed towards him and stopped him from getting into his car. “Hey.” “Kagome?” “I suppose you saw them.” “I guess she found someone.” “Not until she saw you with someone else, and she still has fleeting feelings for you that I wish would just go away, I do love you but not when you hurt her the way you did, maybe there are some things more important no?” “Kagome I know how you feel, shit I wish she didn’t feel that way about me; no that’s a lie I wish I didn’t have to hurt her the way I did but its for the best, she had someone who cares for her.” “I’m glad that she does.” “Kagome I’m sorry.” “Don’t tell me that your sorry, say it to who deserves it.” “Very well.” Kagome watched him get into the car and drive away. This was it they were going to end it all and just go back to being happy with themselves and now their new partners in crime. Rin walked into her hotel room and sighed, it was all right Sesshoumaru had walked her to her room and left, she wished he would have stayed and made her forget but he insisted that they don’t do anything until she figured out something about them. There was a them now, and it made her happy in a way. She smiled as she went to pick up the phone which was ringing, half hoping it was Sesshoumaru calling to hell her he was going to come and fuck her until she didn’t know anything but him, but it turned out to be someone she had least expected to call her. “Rin.” “Himura.” “Would you meet me tomorrow by the park near your house?” he asked. “Why so you could introduce her to me?” “Rin…she isn’t anyone and you know it.” “Do I?” asked Rin. “Rin just come, so we can sort things out once and for all.” “Sure.” “I know about you and Sesshoumaru.” Why he brought that up was beyond him; ok so he meant to piss her off because he sure as hell was that she fucked Sesshoumaru anyone could tell that she did. “And so?” “If you can accuse me, then shouldn’t I at least get some point of this relationship?” “Sesshoumaru and I are…we’re…I suppose we’re seeing each other now. I mean you and I are officially over, we have been since I saw you with that woman.” “Rin, forget it just meet me tomorrow.” “Fine.” “Good-bye” “Save it for tomorrow.” She as she hung up. Sesshoumaru and she were seeing each other, and she liked the idea of seeing more of him with clothing on and off. They stood and looked at each other, her skirt dancing around her legs, her hair flying everywhere. He smiled and placed his thumb on her cheekbone, slowly caressing it. “So it’s really over?” she asked softly. “It’s never over Rin, just for this life time it is. I fell in love with you and I will always love you even if were not together.” He stated simply. “Good, just promise me that you’ll be happy.” Said Rin smiling. “If you promise me the same, now go to him and tell him.” Said Himura with a small smile. “I’ll be happy if you are, and we can just hope that maybe in the next life we’ll be together, I mean that is if we are meant to Rin.” “Yeah, I suppose that you have something to do, so this is good-bye.” She said stepping up and placing a kiss on his cheek. “Have a great life you.” “You too…” he said as he got into his car and drove away waving for a while before she could no longer see him. She turned and saw that there they were, all standing behind her smiling, and there stood her past, present, and future. She smiled and walked towards them. They waited for her; he waited for her, and that was more then enough to slowly truly, madly, deeply fall in love with him. “Everything ok?” asked Inu-yasha patting her head almost as if she was a puppy. “Fine, everything is going to be ok from now on.” She said. “Really?” asked Sango. “Really Mrs. Kaazan.” Said Rin with a smile of joy that they all haven’t seen since a month ago at their grandfather’s birthday. “So let’s get home, finish our stupid plays, school, and get married to men we love.” Said Kagome with a smile looking up at Inu-yasha who smirked. Rin looked at the tall, handsome silver haired man, and smiled walking up to him and taking his hand and intertwining it with hers. “Yea, let’s go home.” She said almost just to him. This new joy that spread at his smile, she could hardly explain in words. Kagome, Inu-yasha, Miroku and Sango smiled and walked their own way each having needed to celebrate that everything was falling into place. They were happy again, and not just that liberated crap, but so content that their hearts were about to burst with joy. Sesshoumaru looked down at her, as she smiled up at him. Was this some strange dream? All of it? Meeting her, having falling in love with her, having despair over the fact that she loved another man. And then finally having her return his affections. Those brief thought was nothing like Sesshoumaru Takagi who didn’t like people, didn’t like his orderly life style messed with, and liked things simple. But him falling in love was just too damn much like someone else. But suddenly all this fit him, she fit in perfectly in his life. He pulled her to him hugging her as if she were about to disappear. “God Rin, it was way too long for me.” “I know, I’m sorry.” “No I’m sorry that it wasn’t me from the start.” Rin looked at him almost shocked that he Sesshoumaru had said that. She smiled at him bring his head towards her, her hands cupping his face. “No I’m happy I found you now, rather then never.” And with that she kissed him with this fever of emotions she had only with him. He pulled her closer to him, though nothing would feel as wonderful as being wrapped up inside her, while she was heaving his name and running her hands through his hair. That night at the hotel was one he would have cherished if it were not for his sudden win with her heart. He won the prize he always wanted, her love. Pulling away only to utter the words he wished to since he admitted to himself. “I love you.” Translation: 1. Maledizione- Damn 2. Ti amo- I love you