InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What We Fight For ❯ In Her Memory ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
=Chapter 1: In Her Memory=
Daybreak, and nothing. An entire 9 hours since he’d left the campsite, searching in a desperate urgency to find her…and not even a stale scent trail to follow. It was as if Naraku had not even let the girl meet the outside world since the incident. The spinning thoughts paused, as his amber eyed gaze searched the sky.
…The ‘incident’…
The world around him blurred and shifted through slow motion, as the forest around him changed, creating a vivid picture of the ghost haunting his memories…
The miko was hunched over, nearly shriveling under the intense darkness covering over her helpless body and soul. She was being devoured.
“NO! Kagome!” The defenseless hanyou shouted, watching with horror as her very being was twisted and churned, tainted and corrupted by the darkness she swore to never touch.
Though it had been for a brief moment, she had opened the door for darkness to creep into her heart where the window had been unlocked, thanks to that creepy infant. Kagome had, dare he admit, questioned, doubted, his resolve, as Naraku had put the illusion of Kikyo before Inuyasha, while Kagome herself had been struggling to stay alive in reality. The bastard had gotten him to say some truly shocking things…
He’d never regretted something so much.
Now his most trusting companion was dying…by his own influence. He was officially an idiot. He had to do whatever was necessary to get her back, so he could apologize. He needed to. “Kagome, snap out of it! You’re going to get yourself killed!!!”
Then, her shaking and trembling stopped, her breathing evened out, and the dark clouds of miasma were gone. She calmly stat up, and was on her feet in no time. However, the relief that had passed through he and the others was quickly shot to bits as she turned to face them. What they all saw sent the earth crumbling under their feet, shock, disbelief, and horror making the world spin round.
Her eyes were red.
“No…” Whispered the hanyou, as breath left his lungs.
“Kagome come back! Don’t let Naraku win!” Cried Shippo, going hysterical himself.
“Don’t you dare let him control Kagome! Get ahold of yourself!” Inuyasha scolded desperately pleading for her eyes to return to the rich tones of brown as they had been.
“I’m afraid she no longer has a choice” Naraku cut in, a truly evil wildly insane grin revealing his too perfect white teeth, and he soon let out in a deathly chilling tone “She’s mine now”
Fear had never been so real.
*End of Flash-back*
No one knew just how much He’d been hurting, the unbearable emptiness numbing him to anything else but the pain of it all. Every waking moment he allowed breath to fill his lungs and pass the many things through his senses, the absence of vanilla and caramel were a constant reminder how cold and dark the world had become by this void. This missing piece of the world, this missing piece of himself. He was no poet, but that much was clear. He was missing a piece of himself…and it only tor more parts of his soul from reality, were he suddenly seemed to return to the emptiness of his childhood, where he’d lost everything. It was happening again. He was alone, where he was left as nothing but a half breed…
Inuyasha stopped his strides. Closing his eyes to hide what was threatening to pour out in tides…to expose his weakness. “No. I won’t do it.” He scolded to himself fiercely, gripping his trembling fist with ferocity “I won’t accept it. Never!”
How could he accept that hellish reality? As painful and torturous as life had suddenly become, Inuyasha could not ever allow himself to weep over this. As badly as his heart ached, as loud as his soul screamed agony, he could never show his weakness. He could not reveal his doubt. If he should dare, those thoughts of helplessness could turn him against all he’d fought so long and hard gain and hold. He’d lose faith, and right now, it was all he had left. Was all that tied him to Kagome so tightly.
She would want you to be strong. His mind offered in reassurance.
It was true. The Kagome he’d known always wanted him to be happy, to be content, to be strong, unshakeable, and to live. She was so selfless, so forgiving. Even when she had every right to never see his face again and leave him with his countless mistakes, she never hesitated to return to her rightful place at his side, a truly loyal life-long companion. A wonderful friend.
And Inuyasha would not rest until he had that person back where she belonged, standing where he was sure her heart and soul could never truly leave behind. He was determined to repay Kagome for everything she had ever done for him. For as long as she had walked beside him, as long as she had never really left him, he could never really leave her.
That, was a promise.
(- - - - - - - - - - -)
“Sango…Sango, its daylight.” A smooth, gentle voice spoke through the seemingly thick clouds of sleep still holding fast over the youkai-slayer’s mind. Her heart still heavy with grief and loss, she felt no motivation to move. Sleep was always blissful in a time the world seemed so bitter and dark.
A sigh could be heard as no response met the monk’s beckoning. “Please, Sango. I know this is hard, it has been for all of us. But we need to be strong for Kagome, she needs our strength and faith more now than ever before.”
She listened to his words of wisdom as they slowly sank to her heart, soothing it like a clean drop of water. It was true, she needed to have faith, have belief they would someday see the young miko’s blissful smile once again, and Naraku would be gone. The slayer owed her friend that much, especially after all she had done for her. All the tender love and care she had shown her when Kohaku had caused her grief, the countless times they sat and talked at the hot springs, cheering her up with her ramblings about men and how dense they could be. (Referring to Inuyasha usually) Yes, Kagome was far beyond worthy of her strength and faith.
So, with a heavy sigh, and much effort on her part, Sango opened her heavy, teary eyes and sat up; looking straight at Miroku as he offered a small smile to comfort her still aching wounds. “Thank you Miroku” She answered simply, her raspy voice from sleep somewhat covering over her genuine gratitude, but the monk knew without hearing it.
Then, somewhat spur of the moment, she scooted over to hug him, so thankful she now had the motivation to go on. Surprised at the gesture, the monk tensed at the contact, but that lasted all of about 2 seconds as his arms wrapped warmly and reassuringly around her, just happy she was feeling better. “We’re all in this together” He said softly into her ear.
However, this blissful moment was suddenly shattered to pieces as a shrill high pitched voice squealed through the air.
“I smell Kagome!” Shippo cried urgently, jumping up and down; flashes of worry and relief reflecting through his bright emerald eyes.
There was no time to be angry for interrupting them, the fact Kagome was now out and about Feudal Japan under Naraku’s control…it was bound to cause problems. Miroku and Sango rose in unison, all thoughts of satisfaction evaporated as the air shifted quickly into dread. Looking to her companion in concern, Sango’s expression said she was waiting for Miroku’s input on what they should do.
“Are you absolutely sure, Shippo?” He asked, turning to the panicking kitsune.
He nodded wildly “My nose may not be as good as Inuyasha’s, but I’d know Kagome’s smell anywhere” His confirmation blasted away the slim chance of avoiding this encounter…
Exhaling loudly, slightly releasing the building tension in his chest, the monk folded his arms in thought. “That’s another thing we need to look out for. Inuyasha.”
“Yes, I agree. 9 hours of wondering around looking for her, he’s bound to be even more desperate and rash. We need to make it to her before he does” Sango confirmed. If we don’t, who knows what could happen to either of them.
Looking between the debating two, Shippo understood this was no time to wait about. “We’d better go find her then!” He put in.
“Yes, let’s go.” Miroku declared. Turning his eyes to the young kitsune in front of him he knew they’d need his youkai nose, since their usual tracking person was abroad “Shippo, could you attempt to lead us to Kagome’s scent trail? Is your nose strong enough for that?”
The small fox youkai pondered it over for a quick moment. He’d never really relied on his nose as strictly as Inuyasha did, he was just a kid after all. Having only a fox nose to replace that much sharper one was a little pressure landing on his tiny shoulders, but if it meant finding his surrogate mother and very possibly saving her from Naraku, there was no other option.
“I’ll do my best!” Shippo nodded, confidence and motivation emanating from his demonic aura, as the monk could sense.
“Very well then. You sit up in front on Kirara with Sango and lead the way” He ordered.
No sooner had the plan been finalized Kirara had transformed for transportation and the remainder of the Inu-gang climbed onto her back, the proud kitsune puffing his chest out in front as ordered, sniffing the air wildly for the lost miko’s already fading trail.
Eyes widening in discovery, the boy snapped his head to the west, an ‘aha!’ noise slipping his lips “That way! She went west!” he declared, pointing his finger in said direction.
“Right. Kirara, let’s go!”
With a roar of acceptance the feline youkai rose into the air, obeying her master’s orders and following the trail as the kitsune was. However, as they ventured farther and farther though the endless sky, following the persistent trail of Kagome, both Miroku and Sango suddenly realized how familiar the scenery was becoming…and just like that, they knew where she was headed.
“Hurry, Kirara! Faster!” Sango cried, genuine panic rising into her voice.
This wasn’t looking good.
Not at all.
(- - - - - - - -End of Chapter - - - - - - -)
Author’s Note: I apologize for making this chapter rather short and uneventful, but think of it as something along the lines of ‘the calm before the storm’ Seriously, I’ll make up for it next update. This is just setting up the stage for what is to come. Here is a small preview to prove my point:
An evil laugh echoed through the air at Kagome’s darkened voids seeing yet more victims finally fall at her feet, “Ha ha ha! Did you honestly think you could all stand against me?! You’re fools!”
“And you are blind to sin!” The voice did not belong to any of those standing, but had come bursting from somewhere in the shadows of the forest’s edge. Then suddenly, she was visible, clear as day, her nearly identical brown eyes burning the flames of anger and raging need for justice. An arrow aimed straight for the opposing miko’s heart.
Oh yes, this is going to be fun. Fun indeed.

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