InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Xue Fang: Lady of the West ❯ Conversations ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By the time Mai and Xue Fang reached Inutaisho’s study, Xue Fang was boisterously spouting off nonsense and staggering about the hallways. Her cheeks held a rosy color as well as her delicate nose. She talked to Mai like she was her best friend and they’d known each other for years. Indulging her in all kinds of secrets and personal information. Mai could only blush and nod at her antics.

Hearing the racket at the other side of the door, Inutaisho raised an eyebrow. The familiar laughter of Mai-chan drifted through the thin shouji. Followed by a vociferous mad cackling of some sort. Amused by the distraction, he hastily set aside the wearisome papers he had been grudgingly reading.

Mai was torn, should she open the door? Glancing at the drunk guest next to her she felt wary. Only when Inutaisho’s deep voice beckoned them in did she pull the shouji aside.

Inutaisho was quite surprised to see the state Xue Fang was in, her face was flushed, clothing disarray from her stumbling. So she was the owner of the insane laughter that rumbled throughout the hallways, no doubt rousing sleeping occupants in the castle.

“Let me guess, she got a hold of some of Mizu’s special brew…”Inutaisho guessed correctly.

“Hai” Mai said nodding “drank an entire jug!”

His eyes widened in surprise “And she’s not passed out yet, amazing! I’ll have to tell Mizu about this…”

“Maybe you should postpone your meeting till Lady Fang is in a more presentable state…” Mai suggested glancing at the intoxicated demoness at her side.

“If she’s still standing after that jug I’m quite sure she’ll sober up enough to discuss our plans. As for you Mai-chan, you’re dismissed, I’ll show our guest to her room after we’re done talking” Inutaisho exclaimed motioning for Xue fang to sit on the futon couch near the fireplace.

Mai bowed and slipped out of the door, closing it behind her.

Xue Fang swayed over to the couch, tripping on the long furisode as she walked. Falling into a drunken heap on the silk pillows scattered about the sofa. Inutaisho laughed uncontrollably at the demoness from the mainland. Never before had he seen a woman so plastered.

Groaning she pushed herself up and turned to sit properly. Now sitting parallel to the owner of the rumbling laughter she glared and her lips turned into an angry pout.

“Stop laughing my head hurts!” she grumbled.

“Do you always drink so much?” he asked between chuckles. Ignoring his question she whipped a pillow at him irritably, then brought her hand to rest on her throbbing forehead.

Knocking the pillow aside, he grinned broadly.

Straitening herself, Xue Fang attempted to sit up strait and address the demon before her. Through her blurred vision she could barely make out his outline, but nothing else. Blinking several times, her sight seemed to come back slowly.

When her vision cleared she blushed at the sight of him. His hair was no longer tied up, silver strands falling loosely over his shoulders and tumbling to the ground. He no longer wore his armor, only the white haori and hakama remained. His haori hung open revealing a tanned, well sculpted chest, probably left exposed because of the heated summer nights. The soft glow of the candle at his desk seemed to dance across his golden orbs.

Her blatant stare and flaming cheeks did not go unnoticed by the demon lord who wore a satisfied smirk on his face. He shrugged his shoulders, allowing more of the garment to come ajar. Obviously this movement was much appreciated because the demoness began unconsciously licking her lips at the sight.

Though her noticeable attraction amused him to no end, they had urgent business to discuss. Clearing his throat, she quickly snapped her attention away from his well-built torso.

“We need to discuss the upcoming war” he stated dragging his chair over to the side of the couch.

Nodding in agreement, Xue Fang quickly came to her wits and shifted so she was once again facing the tall demon.

“Again I must thank you for coming to our aid, I’ve heard their armies have been causing trouble in your lands as well”

“That they have!” she snapped remembering why she had allied with him in the first place. “They have been pillaging the villages at my borders, raping the women and killing the men and children” she bellowed furiously.

Inutaisho nodded grimly, this did not sound good.

“I’ve managed to capture a few of the lower ranking demons from their army” she continued “tortured him quite a bit before he folded, says that we’ll never stand a chance against their immense army.

I sent some of my spies to their camp shortly after and discovered that there were demons gathered in the thousands camping a few days away from my territories. They were busy at creating a large amount of demonic weapons and didn’t take notice of my scouts.

Awhile later I got wind that they were planning on leaving China to a country in the east to overthrow the leaders of the place and take over, that’s when I received your letter. I hastily gathered a large army and had warships constructed, we left immediately after they were finished setting sail towards your country” Xue Fang finished without drunkenly stumbling over her words, much…

“How many are enlisted in your army?” Inutaisho questioned.

“Around one or two thousand, not including the humans” she replied.

“Good, together our armies will be around eight thousand strong” he stated, clearly pleased.
“I’ve also sent letters to the Lord of the east, north and south, as well as the Yorozoku tribe and a few personal acquaintances of mine” Inutaisho informed her “they should all be arriving through out the week”

She nodded curtly, piecing together the information he gave her.

“The armies will camp around the perimeter of the castle, while some of the higher ranks will be assigned a room in the palace”

“When will we have a meeting with the other lords?” she asked.

“As soon as they all arrive…probably early next week”

She looked quite pleased with the answer, no doubt anxious for the fighting to begin, he too had heard rumors of her violent nature.

He was surprised at how quickly she had sobered up, when he had attempted to drink a full jug he had been so wasted he had stumbled to his room and passed out, sleeping well into the afternoon.

“You must be quite tired and hungry…”

“Tired not hungry, I do however want another drink!” she demanded.


Thanks for reading! ^.~*