Invader Zim Fan Fiction ❯ Zims War ❯ Zim and Tak ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Zim and Tak
Zims communicator connected with GIR, who was still sitting on the counter in the hotel lobby. The clerk however was cowering in the corner of the room, probably at his breaking point from the stupid conversations he was having with the robot while Zim was gone.
“GIR report to me immediately.” Zim ordered, and his SIR unit saluted.
“Yes Sir!” He replied. Minutes later GIR had arrived at the scene.
“Listen closely, our ship has been destroyed, and we have received intelligence that our drafting was fake.” Zim told him.
“Sir, would you like me to declare a Mission Failure, and find a suitable carrier back to Earth.” GIR said still saluting.
“Negative.” Zim said. Then a small compartment opened in his Pak, and a thin wire floated out of it and connected with an outlet on GIRs head.
“I'm uploading these new mission objectives to your brain.” Zim told him. The robots eyes flashed as the data was downloaded into his head. “Now tell me GIR, what is our new mission?” Zim asked to make sure the data transfer was a success.
“Sir! Our mission is to gather information on these so called Allies and decide whether or not to turn them in to the Tallest.” He told him.
“Good” Zim said with an evil smile. He was then cut off by Tak who was now waiting in her ship.
“Hey! You guys coming or not?!” She yelled at the two. Zim looked at her, than back to GIR and gave a small nod. They both turned and walked to the ship. They got in, and immediately flew off.
Tak saw the coordinates sent to her ships computer by Slax and put the ship on auto pilot. She then got up and walked into the back where Zim and GIr were at.
“Hey Tak, thanks again for letting us hitch a ride from you.” Zim said. She paid no mind to him and instead turned to Mimi who was still sitting deactivated on the work table.
Tak walked over to her and unplugged the wires in her head, then flipped a switch in the robots brain. Mimi began to wake up, and Tak let a small smile creep across her face. She hugged her robot for the first time in years.
“Welcome back Mimi. Come to the front of the ship with me. You have missed a lot in the past 5 years; let me fill you in.” She told her companion. Mimi gladly obliged and walked to the front with Tak. Zim and GIR were now a little confused. They began to follow, but a large metal door shut abruptly in Zims face cutting them off from the bridge.
“Hey! What the hell Tak!” Zim protested. She ignored the cries from the other side of the wall, and started to tell Mimi all that has happened in her absence.
1 Hour later…
Zim sat with his back up against the wall. Oh how he was filled with anger, but it soon subsided. He couldn't stay angry at Tak for long. He never knew why, but ever sense they were children, oh say a good 200 Earth years ago, he didn't even think of getting mad at her for anything. (A/N o.k. I know Zim didn't remember Tak at all in the show, or know her at all for that matter, but for the sake of story development please turn a blind eye to this one.)
`Wow! What triggered that memory?' Zim asked himself. `Its been so long sense I was a child, how do I still remember that?' Zim was now in deep thought and didn't notice Tak walk through the now unlocked door.
“Zim.” She said suddenly, waking him up.
“Huh What?!...oh, Tak. What do you need?” Zim asked coming out of his trance. She thought about his greeting. She expected him to be mad at her for locking him in the back, but instead of an argument, she was welcomed with concern from him, even though she didn't disserve it.
“You…you can come to the bridge now.” She told him. Zim got up only to find GIR sleeping on his head. He was about to yell the robot off of him, but then decided not to wake him. So he gently picked him up, and put him down on the work table plugging him into the wall.
“I guess I was in such a big hurry to leave, I forgot to let him recharge.” Zim said, than looked at Tak. She had been leaning against the door frame, staring at the ground the whole time she was in the room.
“Hey Tak…” Zim said breaking the silence. She looked up. “…Why did you leave without saying anything?” He asked her.
“I…I don't know.” She fibbed and started to walk away, but then stopped. “Zim, I want to know why you didn't just kill me when you had the chance.” She spoke without turning around. Zim seemed rather perplexed at this.
“No fair, you won't answer my question, but you want me to answer yours.” He said joking around. Tak didn't laugh. In fact, her response caught Zim off guard.
“Zim…” she started. “Please…just answer my question…I'm really confused right now, and, I think I need your help to figure things out. So just answer me. Please?... Her tone was sincere. She turned to face him and he was astonished to see her sad expression.
“Tak, do you remember when we were kids; how I didn't get mad at anything you did to me, ever?” Zim asked. Tak didn't say anything, so he went on. “You would get mad, if I ever bothered you in any way, even if I was trying to do something nice, but I would never retaliate.” Zim told her. She hesitated, looking back.
“I guess so…” She finally responded. “What exactly are you getting at here?” She asked, a little confused. Zim looked over to her.
“I…can't really say, but my conscience won't let me fight you. I just can't do it. It's like, I…I don't want anything bad to happen to you.” Zim admitted to her what was going on in his heart, but his head was still confused at his own words.
“But Why Not! If I was as bad as you say I was, than why is it such a big problem for you to fight back!” Tak raised her voice a little bit.
“Tak, I never thought you were bad at all. I still don't.” Zim said. “I think you're…” He was cut off by Mimi walking up to them. She motioned for Tak to come to the controls. She looked at the robot and nodded, then looked back at Zim who was now staring at the floor.
“Zim…” His eyes didn't look away from the ground.
“Yea” he said back in a disappointed tone.
“I left because I started to develop friendly feelings for an enemy, and I thought I had to go get them under control.” She admitted to him. Zim was a little surprised at her honesty.
“And also…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you back then. When we were kids, I was always getting laughed at because of the CORD in my head. I guess I never distinguished friend from foe.” Tak said with a nervous grin showing through. And no matter how hard she tried to get rid of it, it just wouldn't leave. So she promptly walked to the front, and dealt with whatever it was Mimi wanted as an excuse to hide her emotions.
Zim smiled. Nothing more needed to be said. He knew he just made a new friend from an enemy. Not knowing exactly what to do now he just sunk down next to the work table GIR was sleeping on and dosed off.
“Well, getting Taks old ship back from Dad and his army of Super People, was quite an adventure.” Dib said to his brain fracture, who was floating around above him.
“It sure was. And getting the thing into space was another one entirely. Not to mention the ordeal of getting Zims destination from that homeless guy. In fact, if this were a story, it may have taken a good 3 chapters to properly explain the full ordeal.” His brain told him.
“Hey! I just thought of something.” Dib said.
“Yea?” Said the…thing floating around.
“What can I call you? Do you have a name already?” Dib asked.
“I don't know, how's about, Bid. Call me Bid.” He said.
“Bid? Why Bi…Ohhh, I get it.” Dib responded.
“Yea, I'm a genius.” Bid said in a fake smug like tone.
“No, I'M the genius. You're just along for the ride.” Dib told him with a smirk.
“Yea Right! I'm just as much of a genius as you are!” Bid responded, annoyed at the insult.
“Oh Yeah! well you…wait, am I arguing with myself?...Damn-it I REALLY am crazy; aren't I?” Dib said out loud, not looking at his newly named traveling companion.
“Yes I suppose you are arguing with yourself…meaning you're insane, and I'm the genius.” Bid told Dib. Logically, this made plenty of sense.
“Yeah, I see what you mea…Hey! Stop Doing That!” Dib commanded.
“Doing what?!” Bid yelled at him.
“You keep!...oh never mind.” Dib just sunk low in his chair. There was a long silence which was broken by Bid.
“Hey! Do you wanna play 20 questions?” He asked. Dib looked at him like he was stupid.
“Are you serious?” He asked.
“Yup” he told him, sounding hope-full.
End of Chapter 6