Kikaider Fan Fiction / Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction ❯ Kikaider 009 ❯ Author's Notes ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kikaider 009 - Author's Notes

This is a crossover between Kikaider and Cyborg 009. It is set post-series for Kikaider,
and right after the first battle with 0010 in Cyborg 009. Jiro stops at professor Kuzumi's
house to get out of the rain, and becomes drawn into the battle with Black Ghost.

Now, to answer some questions I'm almost sure will pop up.
1. Why does Jiro stop? unsafe driving conditions. he wants to keep a low proflie, and
getting in an accedent won't help that.
2. How is Kikaider so fast? When the submission circut was planted in the last Kikaider
episode, I'm making it so he got a power boost, and Accelerator-Level speed is part of
that, as well as stuff I'll reveal later.

Now, on with the fic!