Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Rage, Love, and an Honest Proposal ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Riona Kamui/Lovelovegirl
Fandom: Kyou Kara Moau
Title: Rage, Love, and an Honest Proposal
Pairings: YxW GxG
Warnings: Some characters may seem out of character so please bare with me. May have a few grammar mistakes, but who really cares about that. This story will contain Yaoi which means if you even are near this fandom you should know already that that means boyxboy
Disclaimer: I do not own KKM, if I did it would have a higher rating than PG-13 now wouldn't it? By the way, go ahead and sue mom says she would love for you to have her bills.
Notes: I wasn't ever going to post this thing but my mom told me specifically. "Oh don't worry about my opinion, you stoped writing the story I liked." then “You need to fix those twos relationships right now" so I guess I am going to have to finish it now.....

Chapter 1:

wolfram sat at the beautiful mahogany desk full of pride as he began to polish his silver blade. What would that wimp Yuri say now if he saw the tinge of blood that rested upon this experience shining metal? Wolfram took a moment to think, stopping the rite he loved to trail his thoughts to the black haired half-breed. He knew better than anyone that Yuri would question where the blood had come from, why he resorted to violence when talking was the answer. Wolfram spat "Your always so damn passive...wimp!" Anger filled wolfram as he threw the blade on the surface of the desk and fell with an angry sigh to the bed. Yuri was going to be furious with him....possibly even the Maou would come through to exact justice on him.

What Yuri wouldn't know was that somewhere along the way he had caused a change in Wolfram. Every since the day Yuri had so boldly redden his creamy cheek, and by their traditions claimed wolf as his bride, the young earth boy had made a deep impression. Yuri had his ways of always wanting to talk things through, to not risk a single life, but in the process he ended up risking his and the one who stayed by his side constantly's life. This was what was beginning to affect Wolfram. The blood that rested on his blade was his very own, the blood that would protect his kingdom, family, and his fiancé...and now even humans

Damn if he wasn't going to kill Yuri when he came back to their world.

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Yuri threw his baseball equipment down to the floor and threw himself on the bed. What a long day... Yuri's body ached all over from the game he had just returned from. Normally he wouldn't have been feeling this exhausted but after a near loss the coach had them run the play diamond 15 times as a rite of conditioning. That, he thought at the time, was very generous.

Yuri rolled over trying not to move his legs too much and buried his head in a soft pillow. To him it felt as if it was a white fluffy cloud that was slowly tickling his face. This was heaven. Yuri sighed as his breathing was at a hypnotic pace while he breathed into the clothed feather mass beneath him. Here was where he could rest. Here at home he didn't have to worry about studies, paperwork, training, Gwendal.... All those things that left him wondering if he should be demon king at all. At the end of the day he would always be so tired and the only thing he had to look forward too was that comfy bed in his large suit....he started to doze.

<swirlly> <swirly>


yeah all he had to look forward to at first was his large suit and his comfy bed, but now he didn't even have that. He didn't have that since little lord brat, wolfram, made his scantily clad cute ass into his bed. Of course Yuri was told it was to protect him and to ensure that he remains entirely faithful. Yuri let out a slight growl as he rolled over to face the ceiling.

"Yeah right" he told himself.

Yuri had barely managed to get any sleep whilst the blond bishonen slept in his bed. Every night in that room now he had to practical force his body to crawl beneath those covers knowing that after wolfram went into his slumber the boxing match would begin. Just looking at the angelic face of the bratty blond you would not even think he could manage such a fearful right hook or left jab, especially in his sleep. Sadly for Yuri he found out every night when the blond would begin kicking him like a wild colt.

Yuri didn't want to waste his thoughts on wolfram right now. He sat up completely forgetting his previous contentment, and pain, to throw his baseball cap on his brown desk. His room was a disheveled mess as he looked around, hardly even a patch of floor could be seen beneath all his things. He was so often back and forth between worlds that he didn't even have the time to clean up his own mess. A stifled laugh escaped his mouth as he thought about his mom's would be reaction to this mess. If she was to come in right now he would be so dead, he thought, but that was just the tip of the ice burg when he looked to the clearest section of his floor where rested a simple black thong...standard issue.

"Heh...Heh." he laughed nervously picking up the thong and stuffing it somewhere at out of sight.

The things that wore off on you as you stay longer and longer in that world....With a blush Yuri realized that he was wearing one of the very same thongs beneath his uniform. Pushing his drawer closed he thought to himself "You've gotta get used to them some how right? Right?....yup.. I am officially twisted"

Oh well he had one consolation prize, he wasn't the only one who had to where them. Gunter, Gwendal, Conrad, Yosak...ergh...and, and, Wolfram. Wolfram was wearing the spitting image of that thong beneath his silky, suggestive, nightgown as he lay beside Yuri every night....

Yuri: "Hey do you mind! Can we just get on with the story?!"

Narrator: "Yeah fine....Fun sucker"

Anyway....Yuri's thoughts were once again trailing to the beautiful blond, but this time the thoughts weren't of anger. Yuri thought about the good qualities all his friends, including Wolfram, had in the other world. Wolfram had saved him, or at least tried on many occasions, ne? Also wolfram had a very kind smile, when he rarely showed it. Yuri thought unbuttoning his shirt. The only thing that pissed Yuri off so much was how damn jealous Wolfram could be when all he would do was dance with a girl, or help someone swing a bat. increasing his speed of unbuttoning buttons he remembered their last argument.

Wolfram had nearly burned him to death for showing a 15 year old boy to swing a bat, yeah sure he had been awfully close to the guy, but what he take him for some sex crazed homosexual! It was never enough that he was engaged to a guy, but he had to deal with the hot tempered jealousy of one too. Yuri stoped realizing that he was practically spelling out in his mind that he would rather not be near Wolfram let alone married to him. For some reason this made him feel extremely upset.

Yuri tried to push the thought to the back of his mind. He let his baseball shirt join the heap of clothes already forming a mountain on his floor, and made his way to the bathroom. What Yuri need most right now was a nice warm bath. He closed the distance between him and the bathroom door with in minuets fueled by his rising fury, and pushed it open. His bathroom smelled very nice: he wondered if his mom had been in here spraying her favorite air freshener again. Yuri laughed closing the door. Every time she used that she was like a mad painter, spraying every room in the house with her own form of acrylic, strawberry scented air freshener.

As he began to shuffle closer to the bathtub he realized that the smell did not belong to the air freshener, but to another source. Yuri peered into the bath to see it was full of water and to his horror at the bottom was as over turned perfume bottle. His breath suddenly caught in his thought as he prayed it wasn't what he thought it was. Reaching ever so carefully into the contaminated water, Yuri grasped the elegant bottles neck and retrieved it from the tub. A simple glance at the label told him all he needed to know. This was the bottle belonging to EX-Queen Ceil..

"How did this get here" he asked himself quite panicked.

Suddenly ,before he realized that the cloth stopping up the tub had been sucked down the drain, it doaned on him...he had grabbed this most likely the last time he was....

<Swirlly> <Swirlly>

"Oh No....."
Sucked into the demon world......

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Gunter waited patient--err impatiently inside Gwendal's office for the black haired 1st son. He absolutely had to speak to someone, anyone. Today marked almost a week since his majesty had left covenant place to his home world. Gunter's fears were as rowdy as ever, and filled the large office to its brim. He paced back and forth fretting about whether or not his young master was to ever return, feeling his anxiousness filling him completely. In his fretting he found himself slowly destroying Gwendal's office, not that he noticed.

Günter's hands trembled like that of an engine of a car newly started. He was pale and fretted so much that even as he sat it was like the ground beneath him shook. His nervousness was never ending as he found himself unable to sit in that chair for very long. Once he rose from his seat he heard a familiar sound.


came the damned crow from outside the castle walls. Gunter found this to fuel his worry, as he began to shout. "Bad omen!" His voice rang thought the room and made its way to Gwendal whom was not very far from his office.

"Damn, I bet Gunter is destroying my office with his subconscious worries..." said Gwendal without a hint of amusement in his stern voice. He hadn't even seen the lavender haired mage yet but he felt his irritation rising inch by inch. with each stride he found himself even closer to Gunter's pitiful shout and yells. With these steps he also found that another feeling was welling inside him, and that feeling wasn't entirely that of irritation. In his stomach he felt a slight twinge of jealousy.

Meanwhile inside the office Gunter was steadily failing to skip a beat in his ravings. When a vase crashed to the floor that was a bad omen. When he stubbed his toe, yet another bad omen. As he saw the first sight of a brewing storm, yet again it was a bad omen. Over and over came the bad omens until he succeeded in knocking several things from Gwendal's neat desk, including a very adorable plushie of...himself.


"are you deliberately trying to tear my office to shreads, Gunter!" came a strong un apologetic voice.

Gunter turned on a dime with the cute ball of cloth and cotton. He found his eyes resting on the very person whose office he had nearly demolished without even a skip in beat. The very one whom his lovely eyes now rested upon was the green clad 1st son, Gwendal. Gunter nearly yelped as Gwendal stared at him with a strange but harsh expression. Gunter almost tackled the unsuspecting Gwendal grabbing his green shirt with a vengeance. Gwendal was taken aback by this turn of events, but why? Gunter was known for his odd ways of physical contact when he was in once of his nervous fits.

" is so awful, such a terrible omen!" he cried clutching to Gwendal's shirt.
"His majesty has yet to return after all this time...and every thing points to misfortune." he whined "Gwendal, what if his majesty never returns..."

Gwendal looked into his eyes finally soften his gaze to a more soothing stare. He felt that pit of jealousy rearousing in him, and possibly mixed with throbs of anger. Then as Gunter continued to rant about Yuri and his beliefs Gwendal decided on something he absolutely had to do.

"Oh what am I to-" Gunter was the stoped as Gwendal closed the distance between the two of them his lips against Gunter's.

Gunter immediately blushed crimson with widened eyes. Gwendal crushed Günter to him demandingly as the violet beauty against him mewed slightly before opening his mouth to deepen the kiss. This was certainly not a bad omen... Gwendal invaded Günter with is tongue every so carefully. The two were entirely shocked at Gwendal's actions and were equally unprepared to pull away. Gunter was slowly becoming putty in Gwendal's arms and allowed Gwendal to explore his mouth without hesitation. As he teased the inside of Günter, he found himself to be completely content and unable to explain why he had pressed to this conclusion. Personally he really didn't give a damn, it all felt to good.

Suddenly shouts were heard coming from Yuri's room. Loud and drawn out were these screams and caused Gunter to come to his senses. Without a thought Gunter pushed himself from Gwendal's grasp and flew down the hall. Gwendal's fists balled in defeat as he didn't even bother stopping him, even though Gunter half expected him too. After all He was Gunter's friend, but Yuri was his king.

To be continued.....

I put some time in to this, even though it is a little off the deep end, I really wanted you all to read it. There is a possibility that this might become an mpreg...but only if you guys give me enough YAYS on that idea...I happen to like mpregs so I will probably have another story with one too.