Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Drift Away with Me ❯ Breezy Awakening ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Reading through my old stuff and seeing how many mistakes I *embarrassingly* made, I decided I need a beta reader. Anyone interested?

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Disclaimer: I don't own, you don't sue

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Love Hina: Drift Away with Me

Last time:

Another hard rock threw them around. Then another, and another. It was so noisy. All she could hear was thunder and rain. Then she heard nothing and saw only darkness. He was soon to follow.

Some time later, a scrap of tin floated on the surf of a quiet island to solid sand. With two people on it…


Pain, a sting, a burden. It was all around her. Surrounding her. Everything hurt. What was everything exactly? It was all black. She couldn't see. Her nose…that hurt the most. Her eyes stung like a mother…! Suddenly she felt, not very pleasantly, a push. And now she saw something. She saw the sky. It was too bright!

Her hands flew to her eyes, shielding herself from receiving the painful rays. Too many thoughts were swimming in her head as she tried to lull herself to a sitting position. Where the hell was she? Where was everyone else? Why was she so hot! Why did she feel so sticky? What had pushed her? Who had pushed her?

Trying her best to voice all her conundrums she smartly gave out an "Ugh…."

Now sitting up straight she had time to gently open her eyes. She braced herself for whatever horrific sight she was sure to see.

It was a…a beach? She looked around surveying gentle and swift waves. The white beautiful whit sand sparkled like diamonds. The sky was clear, painfully clear actually. It could use a few clouds to block some of the terrible sun. Now that she realized where she was she was surprised the sound of the ocean hadn't told her where she had been sooner. She was a brilliant girl who could have come up with brilliant deductions. Oh, was she brilliant? She wasn't sure…she couldn't remember. She stood up and pleased herself with a satisfying stretch, some of the pain vanishing. What had she been laying on to put such a burden on her body? Running a hand through her salt water and sand abused hair she gave a look behind her.

She studied the waved tin, she guessed it was made out of tin. It was hardly large enough, she thought, to hold herself and that young man sleeping unconscious on it. It certainly looked painful to lay on, which would explain the soreness she was feeling. Why the heck were they even laying on that thing in the first place!

She hunched herself and silently walked to the mysterious sleeping boy. Strangely she enjoyed the feeling of the warm sand beneath her toes. When she was close enough to him for her satisfaction she crouched into a sitting position and laid her hands on her knees.

Hmm…it was a boy; there was short hair and a manly build. If only she could get a better look. She needed to see this person's face. She reached out her hand and gave Person a poke. She figured Person must've been rolling around and pushed her earlier. Maybe she had pushed herself, she didn't know anything anymore. She decided it wouldn't hurt to return the push and pushed the body right into the sand, face side up.

It was a boy alright, a very cute boy. Person was promoted to Boy.

His eyes began to open and then his hands flung to his face to shield them. Through the minimal shade he had given himself he looked to his left. Sand. Okay..that was weird. He looked to his right. A tin board and more sand. Through his pain he sat up and looked forward. A girl?



"Yeah, I said the same thing. Need a hand?" He tried his best to nod, then gave her his hand. As she tugged and pulled they both made their way up.

" you." His rough voice gave. He looked to the girl. She was…what was that word? Hot. Oh, everything was hot. Her hair was auburn and stretched gracefully to her hips. Her hips were covered with a flimsy skirt which looked much cooler than his own jeans. Something wasn't right about her though. His thoughts jumbled in his tired mind.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" She gave herself the quick one-two and realized she wasn't wearing a shirt.


"Oooohhh" the realization entered his mind at last.

"Oh! Oh my god!" Her arms flung to her chest and covered what she could.

Suddenly he was scared. He flung his arms in front of himself for protection. She was going to hit him. He knew it. He didn't know how.

She shook him out of his protective state by yelling. "Find me a shirt Boy!"

"Get me another shirt you dork!" Huh?

"Okay okay just hold on." He looked around trying to get the image of the beautiful girl's chest out of his mind, or maybe he wanted to remember it…

Suddenly farther down shore he saw a flash of pink. He clumsily made his way to it, working out his kinks along the way. He picked it up. A shirt! Wow, what luck…

He ran back to her and proudly gave her his findings.

She looked to him and then to the shirt. Being careful to protect herself from his male eyes she removed one hand and snatched to cloth.

"Uh..turn around please." He did as he was told.

She turned her back to him and looked at the shirt. It was stiff from the salt water and drying in the sun. She shook the sand out of it and placed the shirt eagerly over her head. Now that that trauma is over…

"Okay all done." He turned, and looked. What now?

"Okay well…bye." He began to walk away. She looked at his retreating figure in shock.

"Wha…wait!" He let out a breath of relief…good. He didn't want to be alone.

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Did anyone notice I stopped with the Japanese words and suffixes and stuff? If I ever get my beta reader I'm gonna go over my past chapters with them and edit them all out. Future Beta you have something to look forward to! YAY! I know this chapter was boring but I had to set everything up! It's definitely my least favorite. It'll get better though! Also, I was wondering if anyone thinks I should make a notify list for my website so people can see when I add art and update stuff. What do you think? See you in the next chapter! Love you all! REVIEW

()()-()-()-() Pink Beads ()-()-()-()() It's a bracelet! ;P