Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Back to the Past ❯ Chapter Thirty-three: Tsunade ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Naruto looked at Jiraiya with questioning eyes, as he told him to concrete on a small white ball. He had learned a bit of the rasengan move, and he was learning more. He glared at the white ball and tried concreting hard on it as it began to move around her hand Naruto forced more chakra into his spot on his hand. The ball broke fast and hard while his hand was burnt as he was trying to continue on with his training from Jiraiya.


"Shit," Orochimaru yelled into his dark fortress. "I was so close to destroying Konoha, but no that little pink haired freak had to make it stop." While he looked at all his items within the room and smirked evilly as a new evil plan came into his mind.

He went towards his table with odd colored liquids reds, greens, purples, and blues were waiting for him. Orochimaru mixed the colors together as this went on for hours and well into the night and the next day.


A few weeks went by for Sakura and the rest of Konoha. She made few changes and most people like it, as she trained young genin's and older ninja's to heal. She made the groups of four instead of three; with ANBU's she made sure that they had a medical checkup after every mission, same with the rest of the ranks.

Sakura helped out the hospital at times, with training new staff and made time to spend with her Neji and their triplets; their family. She made sure that she had the right staff to work with children and females and males.

'Neji…. I really want to …. I don't know." Sakura says as she lies down on their bed and hugs him.

"Sakura you have been working hard, just wait until Naruto comes back with Tsunade." Neji told her as he could tell she was getting stress about being the Hokage.

"Thanks, Neji I love you." Sakura tells him as she kisses his lips.


"Tsunade." Jiraiya said out, as he walked into a bar with Naruto following him.

"Jiraiya." Tsunade uttered out a bit drunk as she stood up.

They walked over to Tsunade's table and sat down. Looking at each other, Jiraiya smiled at her then went into the situation without blinking an eye.

"No, only a fool will take the position." Tsunade told them.

Naruto wasn't staying down for this, as he yelled at her as he tells her that he would beat her. The group goes outside and Naruto charges at Tsunade as she ready her one finger.

Naruto goes down by her finger as he up again, and Tsunade makes a deal with him after he tries to do the Rasengan in front of her. If he can master the technique in one week she would become the Hokage and she would give him the first Hokage's necklace.


"Yes!" Orochimaru yells as he had a black liquid in a glass within his hands.

He drink the liquid fast, as he drop the glass making it shattered from the impact on the ground. His hands went to his throat as he made choking sounds as he turned into a different beast. He had grown four more feet; he had a hunchback with a large body, claws on each of his hands and feet. His clothes ripped opened to show his rip caged torn out and show on the outside, his eyes turned red. His lips bleed out. His skin was a dark, pinkish color, with breaks that revealed the moving muscles and tendons beneath.

Orochimaru smirks at his new form, as she took off racing towards Konoha.


Sakura jumped up and out of bed, she looked at Neji to, as he woke up by the yelling too, Sakura went towards the window and looked out to see an ANBU covered in blood and cuts.

She opened the window as she jumped out just in her night gown." What happened?"

"It's Orochimaru again, he made himself a monster." ANBU utters to her as he was holding onto his side.

'Great, just what I need now, Neji take the ANBU to the hospital now, then sound the alarm." Sakura orders as she raced towards the sound of scream where.

Sakura got to the place where the screaming where, as she almost screamed herself as she saw what Orochimaru did to himself.

"Aah, there you are." Orochimaru said in a raspy voice as he looks at her.

"Why are you here?" Sakura questions him as she got into her fighting stance, as she was very revolting at the sight of him.

"To kill you," Orochimaru yells. While he charges at Sakura with his over large frame while he swung his arms at her.

Sakura dodge to the right and left as she looks for an opening to attack Orochimaru. Doing her dodging and evasive plans within her mind, she went onto the offensive positions as she kicks Orochimaru in the shins trying to break the bone. Nothing no snapping sounds were heard, Sakura curses at him. While she dodge some more and punch or kick at him making her tired more.

Sakura jumps up and lands a bit away from him, as she memorizes his style of fighting again, he use more strength then technique but his speed is faster than hers. Sakura is only luck to get away all the times she dodges around or away from him.

Sakura dodges once again but didn't see the second attack feeling her left side getting rip apart; she bites her lips to keep in the pain. Bleeding from her wound came gushing outwards fast, as she winces in pain as she dodge as she tries to heal her side, about was quickly drawn into a hand to hand combat, she curses again, as she punches him hard and fast breaking his cheek bone.

Orochimaru slashes at her right cheek, making a deep cut as her blood races down her cheek and onto the ground. He slashes again and again in her arms, legs, and stomach and chest areas, making her blood dripping out more and faster to kill her. Sakura knew she had to finish the fight and now, healing just a bit of her wounds before she summons the last of her chakra into her hands. She places them on his face, while his hands plunges into her stomach, but also expels poisons gases into her wounds making them scream in agony as they felt like lava pouring into them. Sakura uses her last strength as twisting her hands; she snaps Orochimaru harder neck thus breaking both of her own wrists.

Sakura fell to the ground as she looks and gasps in pain and at Orochimaru, waiting to catch her breath. Sakura stood up, and falter a bit but still stood up on her own. Sakura looks around to see some houses undamaged and some that where damage. She signs at this and slowly walks away from the scene and towards the hospital.

'Sakura!" Neji cries out loud as he races towards her. Sakura fell into his arms, as her blood coats his shirt and pants. Neji slowly had tears coming down his face as he ran back into the hospital with Sakura within his arms.

Hours later, that is what it felt like to Neji when the medic-nins came out. "Mr. Hyuuga, Hokage-sama has been poisoned with a unknown poison."

"The poison is eating away at her fresh and blood cells at a slow pace, but if she doesn't get a cure for it soon she will die," One says after the first was done talking.

'The only one that has that knowledge of poisons is Lady Tsunade," The last one said.

A/N- Oh no, what will happen next? Next chapter will be done soon too. Bye