Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Back to the Past ❯ Chapter Thirty-nine: Her past's future ( Chapter 39 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Four years have passed, since the future Sakura completed her mission. Ino, Gai, Lee, Naruto and Neji weren't dead but still alive and dating. To Sakura it was a better time then what she has and had seen and been in, and she would do anything to get it like it is now and not like that future.

Sakura and Neji started to date four years ago today, while she was getting ready for their anniversary. Neji told her that it would be formal casual type outing. She picked out a nice yellow sun dress with the straps went on her upper arms. She finishes her make up that was light green eyes shadow, with white and yellow eye liner with mascara and her light lip gross that glitter when the sun on it. Her shoes were yellow flat shoes and her purse was white.

She grinned at her outfit and make up, when she heard her mother calling her that Neji was here. She giggled at this and went down stairs and hugged her mother and then kisses Neji's lips.

"Neji-kun." Sakura whispered against his lips.

Sakura let go and then took his arm and walked away from her house. "Sakura," Neji stated." You look very beautiful."

"And you look handsome." Sakura replied back as she saw what he was wearing. Neji had on black pants with black shoes and a white shirt.

"Thank you, Sakura." Neji told her as he continued to walk with her.

"Neji-kun, where are we going?" Sakura asked.

"It's a surprise. " He replied to her.

Five minutes later, Neji stopped at the newest restaurant with Sakura. Sakura always wanted to go to this restaurant but she didn't have lots of time. As she just became a Chunin just a year ago, she was training to become stronger and her shifts at Konoha hospital were long and stressful and tiring.

"Neji-kun, thank you I always wanted to come here since it opened up." Sakura admitted to him.

Neji smiled at her and opened the door while he let Sakura in first. Sakura and Neji saw a male dressed in black pants with a white shirt and a green vest with a red tie. He smiled at them and then looks at his sitting places. He looked up and nodded his head and then took two menus to the female that came beside him. She was wearing same colors but she had a skirt on instead of pants.

They followed the female around the other tables filled with people as she made their way to the table on the far right near the large window. Neji smiled as he pulled out Sakura's chair and then pushed her in. Then he went and sat down on his chair.

Sakura looked at the menu and placed it down before she changed her mind.

"Neji, have you heard from Hinata and Naruto?" Sakura asked.

It has been a common knowledge in the whole village after she and Neji got together, that Naruto found out that Hinata loves him, he asked Sakura on advice how to ask Hinata to start dating. Now they have been a couple just about four years to be exactly it would be three years and four months. Naruto was planning a big anniversary for her with Sakura's unwilling help. While for their other friends, Ino and Shikamaru have gotten together three years ago after Ino hadn't told him that she loves him.

Sasuke was the only one that got married so far. After she went out on Neji and her first date, they ran into Sasuke and he wished them luck in the future. After that Sakura found out six months later that he was dating a civilian named Junko then seven months, she treated her morning illness. She smiled at this, Sasuke would be a father. Junko asked her to tell Sasuke and then let him in. She told Sasuke about it and well, she never saw a true smile lit up his face in along time since he was seven. He hugged her and went into Junko room. Sasuke did the honourable thing and married Junko before their twins were born. Sakura delivery their first son and first daughter, they named their son after Itachi and their daughter after Sasuke's mother Mikoto.

"Sakura?" Neji called out to her. Her eyes blinked three times, and she smiled. "Neji, Hai." Sakura replied.

Neji nodded to their waiter. "Oh sorry, I'll have a glass of water and white cherry wine." Sakura replied to him.

"Miss, are you a ninja?" the waiter asked politely.

'Hai, here is mine id." Sakura told him and hand her id to him. He looked at it then to her. He handed it back and looked at the young male. Neji order his drinks and then the waiter was gone.

The waiter came back with the drinks, and the waiter took their orders. Then the waiter left and Neji smiled at her.

"Sakura lets enjoy our dinner." Neji stated content.

Few minutes later their food came and they eat in silence, Sakura felt the silence was eerie and could help to think Neji was hiding something from her. Sakura look at him to see he wasn't looking at her, her heart broken a bit; Neji always looked at her when he felt her eyes on him. Then the dreadful feeling came into her stomach was Neji breaking up with her. Sakura couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Neji, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Are you breaking up with me? Sakura questioned with tears coming into her eyes when Neji didn't answer but what she didn't understand, Neji couldn't answer as she didn't let him answer one at all.

Sakura stormed up, knocking her chair back and onto the ground. Sakura had tears coming down her face. "Good bye Neji." Then she raced out of the restaurant. Neji quickly stood up after her and called for their waiter. He paid and took after Sakura.

"Byakugan!" He called out, he swipe threw the areas the he spotted Sakura. He picked up his pace and raced after her. Neji had told tell her that he loves her and wanted her to married him.

He got closer to her, enough to grab her. He reached out and held Sakura's arm, he could hear her crying, and his heart broke at the sound. He pulled her to his chest and hugged her with all his might.

'Sakura, my tenshi… I love you" Neji called out. Sakura heard his words and looked up at him with a tear streaked face.

"Sakura, I'm sorry for not answering you, please forgive me.' Neji told her.

Sakura smiled weakly and hugged him back with all her feelings. "Neji-kun I love you too."

'Sakura," Neji stated as he took out a box that was black, he held it to her. Sakura took the black box and opened it up to see a very expense ring that was gold with a small blue sapphire on top of it. "Sakura would you do the honor to marry me?" then he took the ring and waited for her to say yes.

"Hai, hai, "Sakura said as her tears came back with happiness. She felt Neji placing the ring on her finger.

Months later, Neji was waiting at the altar for Sakura. Then music started up as the wedding was starting. Neji saw Ino and Shikamaru walking down, and then he saw Hinata and Naruto, Tenten and Lee. For once wasn't wearing his green suit. And Then Junko who was very pregnant again, Neji heard that she had had twins a son and a daughter then a daughter again.

Sakura makes sure he knows how his fellow ninja's and their father were doing. He smiled at that, he knew lots about them and how they were doing. Then the love of his life came down with Kakashi acting like her father. Her father die two years ago, Neji did his best to kept Sakura alive. Neji remember when she told him that Naruto was going to propose to Hinata, and that Lee and Tenten were an item now and Shikamaru and Ino were getting married too.

Their wedding was in two weeks from now; while Hinata and Naruto's wedding is six months away. Neji heard the priest ask 'Who is giving the bride away?"

"I'm giving this bride away." Kakashi replied as he gives her hand to Neji waiting hand.

"The groom and Bride have made their own vows, instead of the traditional ones. We will hear from Sakura first, as she asked to be," He said.

Neji, I join my life to yours, not merely as your wife, but as your friend, your lover, and your confidant. Let me be the shoulder you lean on, the rock on which you rest, the companion of your life. With you I will walk my path from this day forward. Where there has been cold, you have brought warmth; where my life was dark when my father die, you have brought light. I, Sakura pledge before this assembled company to be your wife from this day forward. Let us make of our two lives, one life, and let us always honor and respect each other. "Sakura vowed out loud to Neji with tears in her eyes.

Neji gave her a smile and tighten his hand against hers. "Now from you Neji"

Neji stated out loud" Today, as I give myself to you my mind is clear and my commitment is strong and without reservation. I take you to be my life's partner. I will never leave you nor forsake you; I will spend all my days at your side. We will share a lifetime of eternal, immeasurable love."

The priest told them a few more things but neither was listening very well to them until they hear you may kiss them bride. Neji pulled her closer and led in and passionately kiss his new wife.

They broke apart breathing a bit heavily to each and they turned and held hands to the guests. A loud cheer was heard throughout the crowd. Hours later after the dance the eating and going to people and all of it. Sakura and Neji walked tiredly to their room, to get some much need, they both thought.

As they got to the room, Neji opened it for Sakura to walk in first. Walking in first, Sakura looks over the room to see it was very nice and big, while Neji closed the door and walked over to Sakura form. Gently taking her hand, leads her to the bed, and gently lowers her down, while slowly starts taking off her wedding gown.

As he once again kisses her lips, slowly moving down to her neck as he sucks on it making her moan with pleasure and making her body react to this nice and pleasurable treatment. Still sucking on her neck, he moves away to see a nice hickey forming right at the neck and the shoulder area. Kissing her lips, he smiled at her, as he brought his mouth to her rosy nipples, moving his mouth onto it, Sakura moaned loudly at the pleasure; she felted his tongue working its way around all of it and then some.

Soon he chanced nipples giving the same treatment to it as the last one, before kissing her navel and moved more down to the thighs, kissing and love biting them to the heaven place between her legs at the top. Smelling the sweet smell coming from within, Neji brings his finger to it, rubbing against the top of her clitoris as her moans went louder. Neji places his finger at the vaginal opening, pushing one in as he slowly pulls in and out, soon he add another finger, then another one until she cummed with all her might.

"Sakura you sure?" He asked as he takes off his clothing.

"Yes Neji, please be gentle," Sakura said.

Neji slowly placed his eject penis at her vaginal opening, as he slowly push his way in, stopping when he heard some soft moan of pain, he looks at Sakura who still nodded at him to go the whole way, he pushes more in as louder moans of pain filled his ears but continued to push into her opening. Soon he was full in and kissing her tears that fell from her eyes.

"Sorry my love," He said as he kissed her lips passionately.

As he moved slowly in and out, until moans were heard without the room and grunt were coming out from his mouth. He knew that they were close to an orgasm but he wanted her to go first speeding up, Sakura screamed in pleasure and soon Neji followed as his orgasms after her filling her with his seeds.

Tired after they had sex, they went both to sleep

Sakura glanced at the photo album and smiled. It has been six years now and Neji and her were during great. Sakura recounted her family; Neji and her had triplets that were all girls like the future Sakura and to Neji please. Toru, Kara, Nakira. Sakura and Neji waited until their triplets were over three years old to have a child. Sakura a had son and they made him Naoko then 18 months later, Sakura had her second son named Akira. She smiled and placed her hand on her stomach their sixth one now and last one she hoped.

While Sakura smiled as her mind went to her friends, Hinata and Naruto had three children two sons and then a daughter. Hinata was expecting again, but Naruto wasn't here. He was on a mission with her husband. Ino and Shikamaru had only two a son and a daughter, just like Shikamaru. Tenten and Lee got married just a year ago and she was expecting their first child.

Sasuke and Junko were the ones with a bigger family then hers, they had seven children and Junko was on their seventh addition.

Sakura was present at all her friends births with each of the children, she delivery them. Sakura remember each one of the children.

Sasuke and Junko had twins, Itachi and Mikoto first, then Goru was born, the twins again Kikyo and Gin, then was Jun and lastly was Yoko. Sakura knew that Junko was also having twins again. Junko was having some problems again and Sakura looked over her even thou she wasn't supposing too. She found out and told Junko that she was having twins again.

Ino and Shikamaru had Tadashi and Reiko. Naruto and Hinata had Kenji, Yoshimaru and Mai.

Her life was happy very happy and it would only get better.

A/N-Second last Chapter. I hoped you like it. The last and truly last one will be up soon. Bye