Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Back to the Past ❯ Chapter forty: Her future's future ( Chapter 40 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Four years have passed, since the future Sakura completed her mission. The village went almost back to what it was before all Uchiha attack it for her. The triplets were four now and very happy children.

"Sakura-sama?" a voice called out.

"Hai?" Sakura replied.

"Lady Hinata is in labour" She told her.

Sakura smirked at this and got up with her big belly. "Let's get started" Then she raced towards Hinata's house where they insisted that they would have their child. Since Hinata and Shino got married, they had two children, this was their third. They had a son and a daughter, named Dai and Suri.

Sakura got here and walked into the house, the guards and Shino bugs knew her. Sakura made her way in the master room where Hinata and Shino were waiting for her.

"Hinata, Shino." Sakura said. Then washed her hands after she pulled her hair up. Sakura looked at Hinata to see her progress and smiled at her friends.

"Hinata push now"

Hours later, Sakura cleaned the baby and did her things to do with the baby like weight, height and inches and more. Then she turned came the baby to Shino so he and his father can perform the necessary rituals to have bugs housed in your body. She went to Hinata and healed her and then got her to have a bath. "Hinata you had another daughter.'

Hinata smiled tiredly at Sakura as she finished her bath and Sakura help her dress into a new nightgown and placed her to rest. She walked out and smiled at Shino would was coming back with his second daughter again.

"Thank you Sakura-hime." Shino said as he went to check on his wife.

Sakura then made her way back to the Hyuuga house, when she felt some pains. She knew what it was she was in her labour. She picked up her paced towards the hospital where her student was Reika.

She got here but she was now in more pain. "Reika!" The once calm Sakura was in a pain and panic now. Reika came rushing to her sensei.

"Sakura-sensei! Then she looked at her condition." I need help here now." Reika and three other nurses came and placed Sakura on a stretch and raced into the labour room.

"Someone get the Hokage and Neji Hyuuga now." Reika yelled as she smoothed Sakura's pain.


"Lady Hokage!"

"Enter." Tsunade called out.

The medic-nin came in and bowed to her" Sakura-hime is in labour. She wants Hyuuga-san."Tsunade stood up and nodded her head. "Kakashi get Hyuuga Neji."

Kakashi disappeared from sight and started to search for him. Tsunade made it to the hospital and went straight for Sakura. When Neji appeared too, he was racing into the room.

"Sakura." Neji called as he held her tight and gave her a kiss. "I heard that Hinata had a daughter again.

Sakura nodded her head at him and hissed in pain. Ten hours later, Sakura gave birth to a son. Their second son, Sakura smiled at him as she looks at Neji who smiled at them both.

Their named him, Kane Hyuuga as his older siblings were brought in by Neji's uncle. They all fell in love with him.

Nine months later, Sakura was once again pregnant, Neji and Sakura made sure the triplets and Kane were loved still. Months later, it turned out that Sakura was going to have twins. She cursed at this but smiled all the same. Her emotions were very higher as Neji pleased her with lots of hugs and affections when he was home. He went on missions lots by he was back within a week or so. She worried every time he was out on one.

Seven more months past as Kane just celebrated his first birthday while, the triplets celebration their fifth birthday. Sakura smiled at them when she felt pain in her stomach as she gripped it hard. Her breathing was hard and uneven when Hinata sense something wrong.

"Sakura?" Hinata asked.

"Hinata-chan, it hurts?" Sakura told her.

Hinata nodded her head as she hand their daughter to her father and took her cousin and gave him to her father again. Hinata was a fully a medic-nin about three years ago. As she tried to find out what was hurting Sakura so much.

"Sakura, I think you are in labour." Hinata whispered as she helped her friend get up and was going to the room where Sakura was going to birth to her last four children but didn't work.

When Hinata got Sakura to the room, her water broke as she called someone to get Neji and Tsunade.

Once again Sakura was in bed and pushing hard, her breathing was heavy, but she was just in pain. Eight hours later, she heard a cry in the sky, as she pushed again and heard a second cry.

Sakura looked at Neji as he smiled at her. 'Neji now no more children."

"Sakura, Neji here are your son and daughter." Tsunade replied as she gave each parent a bundle of joy.

"Kameko." Neji replied.

"Jun.' Sakura told out loud.

Year went by for Sakura and Neji as their family grew and grew more. The triplets started to become ninjas in their own right, Kane and the twins were still in school learning and all. The place was a peaceful and stress free for the people now, Sakura kept on going at the tomb stones of her friends every month and tells them what was going on and all.

Her mission was now done, she protected the past from lots of people and she wondered at times how they were doing but never acted on it. For Sakura she would always remember by everyone in her village as a strong kunoichi.

The end

A/N- Here is the last chapter to this 40 chapter story. I hope you enjoyed reading it and my mistakes and all. Now I only have two more from my first author note votes. That's all, bye