Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cursed Twelve ❯ Time Travel 6 ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Cursed Twelve 2 Time Travel
Chapter 6
Morning Noise
The morning came, and Samuno woke up to the door opening on the roof.
“Gaara, breakfast is…” Temari started, but she paused when she saw Samuno. “What happened to you?”
“Shh,” Samuno smiled, “he's sleeping. Now that the nightmare is over, there's no longer a need for him to fear.”
“What?” Temari's eyes shot to the sleeping boy in Samuno's arms. “Kankuro! Get Dad!” she screamed in a panic.
“What is it?” Kankuro asked, running up to the roof with the Kazekage right behind him.
“What's going on, Temari?” Kazekage asked.
“Look,” Temari stated, pointing at Gaara with her shaking finger as her eyes widened even more than they already were.
The boys' eyes shot across the roof, expecting to find an enemy of some form to be standing there, yet all that they saw was Samuno, holding Gaara in her arms peacefully.
“Could you guys keep it down, Gaara is trying to sleep,” Samuno stated as she got to her feet, gently holding Gaara in her arms. “I don't want his dream to be disturbed; after all, everyone deserves a dream every now and then, don't you agree?”
The family members could only stand there in shock as she passed them and headed down the stairs. She took him to the room where they had been just the night before while talking to Yashamaru.
This may not be the best place, but it's the only place I know of for now, she thought as she laid him down peacefully in a stack of stuffed animals. Gaara, there's got to be a way to reverse what Yashamaru has done. I want you to be able to have the same opportunities as Naruto, maybe even more, if possible. There has to be a way!
Gaara started to stir in his sleep, and his eyes began to flutter open.
“Samuno? What happened?” he asked, then, he shot straight up into a sitting position. “Why was I asleep?”
“Don't worry, Gaara, I don't know why, but everything was fine all through the night. After you went to sleep, nothing happened,” Samuno assured him.
“What do you mean? When I fall asleep, Shukaku takes over and causes trouble, remember?”
“Not this time. I don't know what happened, but everything is fine, trust me. Your brother, sister, and father are up on the roof as we speak. I think they were just as surprised as you,” Samuno smiled.
“What happened last night? I don't remember anything,” Gaara explained.
Samuno sat down next to him and explained the events that had occurred.