Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Faint ❯ Part 10 - Asking ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

More and more GenIru goodies! I love this chapter! I love Raido! Wah!

Thanks to b4k4_girl for beta-reading this chapter. Phew!

Enjoy minna!


"I am not jealous!" Genma said.

"Denial." Anko said in a dramatic voice. Genma was really loosing his temper. Iruka really made him loose his cool. He was never like this until that coffee incident! Genma was ready to strangle Anko with his bare hands when her next words made him freeze. "Fine, if you're not in denial, march up to him right now and ask him out! Go on! Ask him out if you're so intent in me not taking him out on a date and having my way with that cute butt of his."

"Oh yeah." Kakashi whispered grinning. Gai and Asuma exchanged looks while Kurenai merely smiled and Raido rolled on the floor with fits of wheezing hilarity.

"Fine!" Genma said, and walked towards the door. "I will!"

Everyone gaped as they watched Genma leave the door.

"So who says he won't do it?" Anko said, waving a five Konoha-dollar bill.


Genma walked towards Iruka's classroom and knocked, hearing the chuunin from within give him a signal to enter. He entered and found Iruka picking up a folder from the box beside him.

"Shiranui-san, what can I do for you?" Iruka asked, smiling up at him.

Genma suddenly felt his tongue missing. He willed himself to push the words out of his mouth. "Are you busy tonight?" Iruka blinked.

"I don't think so. Is something wrong Shiranui-san?" Iruka asked, noticing how Genma was standing so frigidly still and all tensed up.

"Would you join me for dinner?" Genma asked and watched with sudden amusement as Iruka's cheeks colored.

But Iruka smiled politely and nodded. "I'd love too."

Genma smiled back at him and nodded. "Great. I'll pick you up at seven."

"All right."


Raido grinned wickedly as he held his hand out, waiting for Gai, Kurenai, Asuma, Kakashi and Anko to pay him. Once a good sum of twenty-five dollars was in his palm he grinned even more.

"I told you he'd ask him out."

The five merely grumbled.


Genma was in a very good mood. He was going to have dinner with his lovely Iruka tonight and he wanted it to go well! If it weren't for Anko, he would have never had the courage to ask Iruka out.

He was very happy indeed!


Genma was nervous. Whatever happiness he felt earlier that day has morphed completely in to nervousness. He was standing in front of Iruka's classroom and he could hear Iruka clear up his table and place things in the drawers.

He swallowed his nervousness and knocked.

"Come in." Iruka called from within and found Genma enter through the door. "Ah, Shiranui-san."


"Yes, I'll just put these folders way." Iruka said, tucking them in to the bottom drawer of his desk. He then smiled at Genma, done with his work for the day.

"Do you like sea food, Iruka?" Genma asked.

"Yes." Iruka nodded.

"Great. Shall we go?" Genma said, giving Iruka a smile.


Seated in the soft cushion chairs of the booth, the two waited for their orders. Iruka was feeling very shy all of a sudden. Genma was busy watching him turn several shades of red, a smirk on his face.

"How was your day?" Iruka said, trying to make small talk.

"It was -" Genma, remembered his exchange with Anko. "Fine. How are the kids?"

"They are asking about you." He said and then suddenly blushed. "They're wondering if you were really serious about having them run around the village as punishment for no homework."

"You should have said yes!" Genma said, smirking even wider.

"Well, I -" Iruka stuttered. Thankfully their order came and they both tucked in to their dishes.

"So how come you're not a Jounin?" Genma asked.

"I wanted to teach at the academy." He said, dipping a piece of shrimp in to the spicy sweet and sour sauce beside him.

"Really? I admire you, you know? Handling that lot. I don't know how you survive." Genma said, scooping some rice in to his mouth.

"You get used to it as time goes by." Iruka said, smiling.

They talked about anything and everything - politics, war strategies, jutsus, literature, music, history, likes and dislikes. Even as they finished their meals and was heading for home, they chatted on and on, completely enjoying each other's company. When they reached Iruka's building, Genma gave him a genuine smile.

"Tonight was great. I enjoyed it a lot. You're a great person when you're not carrying pitchers of coffee and a mountain of files." Genma joked.

Iruka's face laced with guilt. "Is your shoulder still hurting?"

"Oh, Iruka. I was just joking. No it's fine. Really." Genma said, patting his formerly burned side. "I had fun tonight."

Iruka was still worried but gave him a smile then he blushed. "M-Me too."

"Join me for lunch tomorrow?" Genma asked hopefully.

"I'd love to." Iruka said and smiled him.

"Great." Genma smiled. "See you tomorrow."


When Iruka entered his classroom the next morning, he found a flock of students around his table. He frowned and immediately the crowd parted and Iruka gaped.

On his desk was a bright and very red bouquet of fresh roses.

"W - W - Wha -?" Iruka dropped the lesson plan book he was holding and quickly caught himself and picked it up.

"Sensei! Look! Flowers!"

"Sensei has a lover!"

"Sensei has an admirer!"

"Go for it sensei!"

There were fits of giggles as Iruka approached the table and noticed the card in between the fresh roses. Just as he thought, it was from the Yamanaka flower shop. He plucked the card and opened it and flushed redder than the roses on his table.

Sorry, Iruka, but I have a mission today and I might return late tonight. I'll take a rain check with our lunch date. Maybe, let's say tomorrow or the day after?

The roses are for you! Hope they cheer you up!



Iruka inhaled shakily and stared at the roses for a long, long while and this made the entire class giggle even more. Then he felt a sudden surge of happiness as butterflies fluttered in his stomach. In his good mood, he gave the class the entire class half the day off. As the children exited the class, happily chattering away, Iruka heard one of the kids speak to her classmate.

"Genma-san should always give Iruka-sensei flowers! He looks so happy!"

"And we get half the day off!"

Iruka took one look at the flowers and blushed again, burying his face in his hands.