Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Faint ❯ Part 11 - Teasing ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yo! Wow! Everyone is actually liking this pairing! I'm so happy! Yes! It's a success! Yosh! Thank you for all your reviews minna! I'm glad to be of service in the entertaining-yaoi world! Yay!

A big thank you to b4k4_girl for beta-reading this for me. Also, today is actually update day, and if you notice, I usually update ALL my fics in one day. Unfortunately, I am yet to receive the beta-read version of "Because you never knew" and a new KakaIru fic called "Ju-on". Once I get those, I will do an update ASAP. Gomen na, minna!

Anyhoo, on with the story!


Iruka blinked at the sight of a white rose lying the middle of his open lesson plan book. Genma returned from his mission safe and sound and he did take a rain check on their lunch date. Two days later, Genma took him to a nice restaurant and he had the best roast beef to fill his stomach. Ever since then, a day did not pass where Iruka would not see a rose or carnation on his table. Once, a small yellow wrapped toffee lay beside a daisy.

Genma was very nice to him. He spoke to him gently, avoided swearing, helped him with his work and dragged him home whenever Iruka had intentions of over working himself again. They also had dinner or lunch together often. Iruka was very aware of the snickers he got from people and how his students giggled whenever they saw Genma.

He placed the rose aside as the students began to pour in to the classroom. He didn't want to admit it out loud but the flowers really did make him feel happy inside. Kind of warm and fuzzy and all fluttery! Iruka began to explain the elemental jutsus and then gave them some notes on seal combinations.

As he was writing a few notes in his plan book, a hand shot up from one of his students and he looked up. "Yes, Shiro?"

"Anou, does Iruka-sensei love Genma-san?" The boy asked.

Iruka felt the pen in his fingers slip and fall with a light thump on his desk, before rolling off and falling to the ground. Iruka caught himself and stood up to pick his pen up. He gave his curious student a puzzled look.

"He is a good friend." Iruka answered.

"Oh." Shiro said and rubbed his chin. "So, so, does that mean he is not going to fuck you?"

Iruka felt his blood freeze. "Watch your tongue you man!"

"But - But I didn't say anything." Shiro trembled not sure if the words in his sentence were bad. He didn't really understand the full meaning of the word fuck since he was just repeating what he heard.

"Don't ever say that word in my presence again! Better yet, don't ever say it at all!" Iruka snapped. "Where did you hear such a thing from?"

"The part about Genma-san not going to fuck you? I heard a guy with a mask and big white-afro hair thing talking to a guy with a scar on his face. They were talking about how Genma-san could get in to many positions and give you one hell of a good oragi - oragan - umm -" Shiro rubbed his chin in deep thought.

Iruka understood quickly. "Pack up class and go home! Don't forget your homework!"

The class left excitedly and left Iruka seething on his feet. White afro and a mask? Who else has such a thing anyway?


Kakashi was snickering with Raido. "Oh yes, I know Genma. He's a real romantic at heart." Kakashi said. "Imagine the two of them shagging. Oh Genma! Yes! Yes! Harder, give it to me harder! Oh yeah!"

Raido was laughing so hard with Kakashi that neither heard the door slide open sharply and a seething chuunin walk over until Kakashi was off his chair and cradling an almost broken jaw.

"Iruka!" Raido gaped at the sight of a crumbled Kakashi who was groaning. Neither knew that the chuunin possessed such speed and strength.

"And you must be the scarred man Shiro was talking about!" Iruka said in an overly sweet and polite tone.

"Huh?" Was all Raido could say before the roll of newspaper lying in the nearby desk came to contact at the back of his head painfully.

"You two should be ashamed of yourselves! Talking about sex and orgasm and positions in a place where kids can parrot you! What were you thinking? How dare you? How dare the both of you talk about Genma having a nice fuck with me? HOW DARE YOU? You have no right! No fucking right!" Iruka was so angry and desperate and sad and annoyed and embarrassed that he could feel his eyes prickling with tears. "You!" He pointed at Raido who was now looking very guilty. "You call yourself Genma's friend? Shame on you! Talking about things like that behind his back! How could you?" He then turned to Kakashi who was not sitting up and rubbing his jaw. "And you sick twisted person! You don't even know me! You've got some nerve to speak about me in that way! And what gave you that perverted assumption that Genma and I were sleeping together? Damnit, what were you thinking?"

By the doorway, Kurenai was standing staring wide eyed. She dared not move from her spot. Iruka never ever swore or spoke in such a way. And for him to do so now, it must mean that he was really, really pissed off.

"You, sick, sick people!" Iruka gave a gritted growl and turned around leaving the two stunned men.

Kurenai quickly stepped away and let Iruka walk down the hall, fists by his sides clenched together tightly. Kurenai stepped in and closed the door, and folded her arms across her chest and stared at the two.

The door slid open and Genma stepped in. "Greetings people!" He said, obviously in a good mood. No one replied and a frown came to his face. He approached Raido who was nursing the lump at the back of his head, a painful look on his face. He noticed Kakashi had pulled his mask down and was dabbing his broken lip with a tissue, cheek now bruising in a very ugly manner. "What happened?"

Kurenai shook her head. "These two were talking about you and Iruka shagging each other."

"YOU FUCKING WHAT?" Genma snapped, glaring at the two jounins before him.

"One of Iruka's students heard and asked him about it. He just left a few minutes ago after giving them a piece of his mind." Kurenai explained.

Genma said nothing, instead he turned to look at Raido, a tired and resigned look on his face. Raido suddenly felt very, very hurt. He waited for Genma to say anything or even just swear but nothing came. Just a very tired and sighing look. Genma tore his gaze away from him and walked out the room.

Raido brought both his hands to his face and swore.


Iruka lay on his bed, shirtless with an arm thrown over his head. He was gritting his teeth as he tried to calm down, tears of anger and shame and hurt running down the corners of his eyes. He had been so angry that he vented his frustrations on the things in his room. The mirror was cracked, the bed sheets disarray, the pillows in shreds, clothes were thrown everywhere and event eh stuffed dolphin Naruto got him last year was lying under the window on one side.

Iruka bit his lower lip and placed his arm down, staring at the ceiling. He sat up and stared at his room. His eyes fell on the stuffed dolphin that was lying under the window and he stood up, picked the stuffed animal from the ground and took it out with him to the living room. He sat on the couch, the stuffed animal beside him.

A loud knock sounded from the door. "Oi! Iruka-sensei!"

A smile quickly quirked his lips and jumped up to open the door. He found Naruto grinning up at him. "Naruto!"

"Look what I got you!" Naruto said, holding up a mug with a cartoonish drawing of a dolphin with a smile jumping in a blue wave. There was a message saying You Rock. Iruka stared at the mug and at the message then at Naruto grinning happily up at him. Iruka felt the tears cloud his eyes and trickle down his cheeks. Naruto blinked and stared up at him. "Ne? Ne? Iruka-sensei? You don't like it?" A worried look came to Naruto's face.

"No, it's beautiful Naruto." He said, and enveloped him a tight hug. "Oh god, Naruto." He smiled as he held the little boy tight.

"So you like it?" Naruto asked, holding the mug up to him.

"I love it! It's perfect! Now I can use this everyday for breakfast!" He said, taking the mug and appreciating it. Naruto gave a whoop of joy and dashed in to the apartment, threw himself on the couch and noticed the dolphin. He began to throw it up in the air and catching it when it fell. "Naruto? Have you eaten yet?"

"No. Not yet." Naruto said, catching the dolphin again.

"Join me for ramen?" Iruka offered.



Iruka winced and began to hit Naruto's back who was now coughing because he swallowed his broth wrong. Iruka shoved him his own glass of water and watched with a worried face as Naruto swallowed the liquid and sighed.

"I told you a thousand times to slow down when you're eating." Iruka said, patting Naruto's back once more just for good measure.

"But it's so yummy! I don't know how you could just sit there and wait for it to cool down! It's better when it is hot!" Naruto said and scooped some noodles from his bowl and slurped it down. "Yum! Yum! Yummy!"

Iruka felt a smile grace his lips as he watched Naruto. He was nearing the end of his third bowl, so Iruka signaled the old man in charge of the Ichiraku to prepare another bowl. Sure enough, a minute or two later, Naruto waved his chopsticks and asked for another bowl. The boy gave a giddy clap before stirring his noodles and picking out the fish cakes.

It never failed Iruka to watch Naruto look happy and get excited about the simple things in life. A shuffle from behind indicated that someone has entered the cozy ramen joint. Iruka was so absorbed in stirring his noodles while thinking about how Naruto was just so loveable and energetic when he felt two fingers poke him on both his sides, making him jump, loose his balance and fall off the stool, a ticklish yelp escaping his lips.

He braced himself to hit the ground, but never felt it. Instead, he found himself staring in to a pair of honey-hazel eyes.

"I didn't know you were ticklish." Genma said, smiling down at him, while Iruka flushed.