Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Funky's Special Show - Naruto Addition ❯ Sasuke Gets His Due ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Konichiwa! Uh, this is chapter 2 of Funky’s Special Show. I hope you enjoy it! *bows* And if you’re a Naruto-lover, please, PLEASE don’t kill me! It’s your fault for reading chapter 2!!!


“All right!” Funky announced. “We’re back to Funky’s Special Show, this time with Special Guest Sasuke!”

“Why are you calling me Special Guest?” asked Sasuke. “It makes you sound like a ‘Special’ Person.”

Funky cocked his head. “Yeah, that’s what my sister says. Anyway-”

“That’s because, little brother, you ARE a ‘special’ person!” Panda yelled running across the screen, holding a bow. “Come back here, Aidan! I’m takin’ you DOWN!!!”

“No! NO!” yelled Aidan, his glasses flying off. “It’s not my fault I’m a nerd!!!”

“Aha! You ADMIT IT!!!” Panda fitted an arrow into her bow. “Well, Mr. Archery, come back here and face MEEEEEEE!!!” Panda then chased a crying Aidan off the screen.

“Uh...” said Sasuke.

“Yeah.” Funky scratched his head. “Er, anyway, you’re our next Special Guest, Sasuke!”

“Okay.” Sasuke scratched his arm. “What’s that mean?”

Funky pulled out a cane and started tap-dancing. “It means that it’s time for ‘How to Annoy Sasuke!’”

“Hah,” Sasuke laughed. “There’s no way you could annoy me. I have no emotions other than scorn and anger.”

“First,” said Funky, ignoring Sasuke, “Get some girl to chase him around. Usually you don’t even have to ask.”

A girl came running onto the screen. “SAAAAAAAASSSSSSUUUUUUUUUKKKKKEEEEEEEEEE!!!” she screamed.

“Wait a-” said Sasuke, putting his arms over his head. “I didn’t-”

“Or, better yet, get Sakura to chase him!” Funky said.

“Oh SASUKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” called Sakura, running onto the screen. “Hey, outta my way!” She shoved the other girl off the side of a cliff. Suddenly her split personality came out. “OH YEAH!” it screamed. “I ROCK!”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” screamed Sasuke. “GET HER AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!” He started running in circles. “HOLY CRUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“See? You do have another emotion!” Funky curled his hand into a fist. “Embrace it. Make it your own.”

“I DON’T WANNA MAKE IT MY OWN!!!!!” Sasuke yelled, still running.

“Okay, okay, enough of that.” Funky snapped his fingers, and two guys walked onto the screen, tackled Sakura, and dragged her away.

“Hey, it looks like the Mafia!” said Viewer #1.

“No, that’s just my uncle John and his pal, Mowglie.” Viewer #2 shrugged.

“You’re uncle John is scary,” said Viewer #3, who was wearing a cardboard box, having been unable to locate his underwear.

“That’s because he’s part of the Mafia,” said Viewer #2.

“Ahh, time for my hot chocolate!” said Panda, sitting in the corner.

“What are you doing in my house?” said Viewer #3.

“Ooh, is that hot chocolate?” asked Quigley, walking through the door.

“Oh yeah,” said Panda. “Hey, come watch my brother on TV.”

“Nice.” Quigley sat down in the corner. “Hey, do you have whipped cream?”

“WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN MY HOUSE?!?” yelled Viewer #3.

“Well, what are YOU doing without any underwear on?” asked Panda.

“We all know that Sasuke thinks Naruto is a retard,” said Funky from the screen. “So get someone to tell Sasuke that Naruto could beat the snot out of him.”

Panda walked up to Sasuke. “You’re such a loser, that idiot Naruto could beat the crud out of you.”

“Hey, wait a second,” said Viewer #2. “If this show is supposed to be live, how are you sitting in the corner of Viewer #3’s living room?”

“Well, I-” Panda started. “I...uh...Quigley, they know too much! Let’s get out of here!” She grabbed Quigley and threw a smoke bomb behind her.

When the smoke cleared, Panda was still standing in the corner of the room.

“Uh, I think we were supposed to run BEFORE the smoke cleared,” said Quigley.

“Yeahhhhh,” said Panda, who then jumped out the window, followed by Quigley, who was being careful not to spill his hot chocolate.

“Or,” continued Funky, “get someone to beat him up.”

Panda pulled out a stick. “You’re such a loser, Sasuke. DIEEEEEEE!!!” She then started beating Sasuke with the stick.

“HEEEEELLLLLPPPPPPP!!!!” screamed Sasuke, shielding his head with his arms.

“Taunt him!” yelled Funky over Sasuke’s screams.

“You’re getting beat up by a girl!” cried Quigley, walking onto the screen with a bowl of popcorn.

“Quigley, what have I told you about pigging out?” asked Panda, continuing to beat Sasuke with the stick.

Finally, Funky managed to be heard over Sasuke’s screams. “Okay, now that Sasuke is emotionally scarred, let’s go to the next Special Guest.” He walked over to Sasuke, who was lying curled up on the ground, and kicked him with his foot. “But first, another word from out sponsors.”


Boy: I’m bored.

Girl: Me too.

Woman: Hey, kids! Are you bored?

Boy: Didn’t you just hear us?

Woman: Well, I have good news for you!

Girl: We don’t want your stinkin’ good news!

Woman: You can have all your wishes granted with this magic bean!

Boy: Okay, we’re leaving.

Girl: Bye, crazy lady.

Woman: Wait! Don’t you want a free spork?


Alright, that was a short chapter. But the next one will be longer, I promise! Scouts honor! Okay, I’m not a scout, but...Anyway, if you have any ideas on future methods of torture, (hint hint, those of you who know the show like the back of your ninja-gloved hand) please send them in! Your ideas, not your hands! Oh, and to the one person who has reviewed so far (THANK YOU!!!!!) Sakura's up next. I'm working on the story as we speak! Well, kind of.