Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Genma's ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers, Warnings, A/N in chapter 1
Tsunade offered him sactuary in exchange for favors. She started to work on the full body binding seals.

Tsunade stepped back and formed the last hand seal to release the vision binding jutsu.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," the Seiryoku boy screamed as he covered his eyes, making even the guard look at him he turned away so that he lay downward facing and buried his face in his pillow. He couldn't stop himself from whimpering.

Tsunade contemplated the boy for a moment for before putting it all together, she ordered her guard to close to curtains tightly she shut the door and flipped off the lights. If he really hasn't used his normal vision for sometimes, the assault on his vision from the light was undoubtedly painful caused by the disuse of the receptor cones and rods in his eyes.

"It should be sufficiently dark not to hurt your eyes now, I hadn't realized that having them bound so long would cause this much sensitivity. I'll work on compulsion seals tomorrow, now tell me about Cloud Hidden village." Tsunade said, that was his part of the bargain they'd worked out. The boy was shrewd, she'd originally intended for him to write things down, but seeing as he couldn't read that was impossible.

He would be remanded to the custody of a Jounin to live with and be under the supervision of until such time as he was proven trust worthy. Shizune and a few Jounin attended the question and answer session in the blackened room, after a while he opened his eyes and someone cut off mid question as his glowing green eyes were revealed they were no longer an opaque green/white. The questioner resumed pretending that he hadn't stopped. Copious notes were taken, the nature of the questioning shifted several times, to get more precise questions, which for the most part the Seiryoku boy could answer, the number of nins, training, skill of the nins, even detailed information about specific Jounin if he knew them personally.

After a few hours of questioning they stopped for a meeting, a 'lunch break'. Not that the boy cared what they called it as a tray of food was brought in, he devoured the entire contents in a few minutes, packing it away like a starving man. He was still confined to bed by Tsunade's orders, he couldn't walk due to his feet injuries which weren't done with healing. He got away with light use of his hands so he didn't need someone else to feed him.

Tsunade returned accompanied only by Shizune and they began a second round of questioning about Seiryoku, starting with his name: Gaki. Tsunade said that was an insult not a name, Haru said he'd have to think about it, it's been so many years since he'd used his name or had it used to address him that he couldn't remember off the top of his head what it was. Tsunade looked startled at the revelation, Cloud had enslaved the clan, but that they'd lowered humans to animal status was an even worse insult to her sense of humanity. She told him to think about it and asked about his treatment at their hands, the object in his neck. One which he seemed very eager to part with what little knowledge he had of it.

"It was implanted when I was a baby, I was one of the unfortunate ones who survived the implantation, at that time about half the babies die upon recieving it. It's hooked into my chakra system so that it can be blocked by the noble even if they don't know ninjutsu. It causes pain upon command and blocks me from using my chakra effectively without a direct command releasing it, but it's only a temporarily release."

Tsunade turned the line of questioning to his healing ability, his extreme efficiency of chakra usage, "The Seiryoku were the original medic nin weren't they?" Sakura had managed to dredge up a few old records last night and was still looking for more.

"Un, I suppose it could be said like that. We did heal people once upon a time." Tsunade wasn't fool enough to go down that road of what happened. She asked about what he knew and his ability level, using words like taijutsu, genjutsu, ninjutsu.

He looked at her blankly and she decided to rephrase the questions, "What can you do with your body fighting? You said you were a body guard for your former...master sometimes. Yesterday you did hand seals, ninjutsu. Can you do illusions as well?"

Tsunade watched as he turned the questions over in his head as though picking them apart before answering.


"Yes, what?" Tsunade asked confused by the overly simple answer.

"I can do those things, fight, perform handseals, create illusions," he said it flatly as in 'can't everyone'.

Tsunade knew that he had to be at least Genin level, after he was healed she'd order a test to determine how strong he was. "Back to the efficient uses of chakra, where you directed the chakra to the worst areas first, can you do that on other people? Heal them?"


"What about spring?" Tsunade was confused, simply working with this boy was aggravating her nerves.

"My name is Haru." The boy blinked as if just remembering. "Uh, yes I can direct chakra to heal people."

"What are the limitations of you healing capabilities, Haru?"

"Can't bring back the dead, I can, given sufficient chakra bring back the fatally wounded, but don't have enough chakra do it with my own resources being depleted. Also regeneration of bone and tissue mass to fix them," the boy said this all monotone, listing in detail what he could and couldn't due in answer to pointed questions from Tsunade, who sometimes got an answer of 'I don't know I've never attempted to do so.'

"If it's alright with you, when you're all healed up I'd like you to help in the hospital. That would be what you give us." Tusnade was pleased but she couldn't help feeling a bit worried, she remember that Kabuto had been brought into Konoha and betrayed them, she'd leave this one with a few Jounin so that they could watch him, but if he could do what he said then he would be a priceless asset, even if the Jounin didn't like him to begin with, when he noticed that he saved their companions from certain death, he'd become a pleasant nuisance to watch.

"I'll continue with the questioning tomorrow, it's go like today more removal of seals, getting information about Cloud, then yourself. Do you need anything to amuse yourself?"

Haru hesitated, "I'm hungry..." he said in a small voiced.

"Easily fixed I'll send in a tray, please consider this home for about a week, then I'll move you someplace permanent, if you get hungry then just ask the nurse for something to eat or drink." Tsunade left returning to her office to write a report on the boy. She needed to prepare after all on tope of everything else she was courting a war if the cloud found out about Haru's presence. That's right she'd forgotten to ask how old he was again. Hmmm who could she stick with this job? The did need another teacher for the academy for a few months, which Jounin would it be? Maybe a primary and a secondary for when the other Jounin needed a break or was needed for a mission... Tsunade went through her files, pleased that there were so many on her desk, Sakura was really going after that information. She didn't even feel like drinking, humming to herself she jotted down notes.


"Shut up and sit down," Genma told the room, his expression was one of distaste. "I'm substituting for the week, my name is Shiranui. Don't get on my bad side or you'll be very sorry. Person on the left side of the desks pick up homework scrolls and put them on my desk, there is no excuse for not having your homework done. If you deigned not to bring your homework you'll be running around the field until the end of class and I don't mean slowly, you'll be so tired that you'll be pucking up your stomach contents as you run." Genma growled, he could already see that some of them didn't have their scrolls they were hunched down in their chairs.

"But, Iruka-sensei---"

"Don't talk about Iruka-sensei, he's gone on a mission that leave me in charge, my word is law. Tomorrow you will bring your homework or you'll have to repeat the laps again only this time I'll make it worse." Genma smiled his eyes glinting dangerously.
"Today we'll work on Bunshin formation, open your text book to the appropriate chapter, jot down the permanent information there will be a quiz later this afternoon." Genma was never going to have kids he hated the brats, they constantly needed. He'd much rather just look out for himself. Genma walked over the desk, it seemed like a quarter of the class didn't turn in their assignments, he checked off the list of homework that had been assigned the previous day, in the end after skimming the scrolls he was six scrolls short, two scrolls substituted for homework in the hopes that he wasn't actually reading them, and about half the class had no idea what the difference between, nin-,tai-, and genjutsu. Iruka was too nice to the kids.

"Oi, stop for a moment. If you have questions about homework ask your parents or any neighboring Shinobi, those of you who didn't do the homework for the day...all eight of you including the ones who tried to trick me... will be running laps...however the entire class will be redoing the assignment. Your comprehension is reprehensible and won't be tolerated, if you have no one to ask you are allowed to ask a teacher after call. You eight get up and wait for me in the hall," Genma did a Kage Bunshin and left a copy to watch the class, he and another copy went out into the hall, escorting the kids to the practice field.

"Run, as if there were monsters coming after you." Genma's clone suddenly changed into a faceless creature who looked savagely hungry, the children ran and the Genma-monster chased after. He walked back in the classroom, his clone was grading the scrolls, giving detailed explanations at to where they went wrong. Genma stood by the door, shit four more days of this.

"Put your books away, it's time to see what you've learned." Genma walked up to the chalkboard and wrote down a list of words for them to define. Then under the word draw he wrote the names of weapons and stances. He paused then wrote extra credit, there was one in every class, 2-5 basic ninjutsu, including the order the seals are formed.

"Take out a blank sheet of paper and answer these questions. Before you can become Genin you have to know everything that is written on the board and a whole lot more. Genma took the needle out of his mouth and threw it at a student. Who squeaked and jumped up as the needle quavered, it was imbedded in his quiz sheet, "Absolutely no cheating."


"Wah! Shiranui-sensei is hard! I can't believe we have him for a whole week." One girl said eating her sandwich. Shiranui had kicked them out of the classroom at lunch time and told them to be back and in their seats when the bell indicating lunch was over rang. The kids doing laps joined the rest of the class for lunch outside, panting heavily. They were doing their homework tonight that was for sure.

Genma sauntered into the teacher's lounge and over to the coffee pot. He poured himself a cup full and sipped gratefully, he couldn't believe that they'd assigned him substituting after having to stand watch all night. Genma sat next to then window, he pulled a compact food bar from his vest. Ripping open the paper he bit into the dry, bland bar.

"You're still eating those things?" Kotetsu walked into the lounge, "I don't see how you can stand them. I only eat them on mission...and even then only when I'm so hungry that there isn't anything else around. You're only I know, Genma, that eats them on a regular basis." Kotetsu ran his fingers across the bridge of his nose, it was a habit of his, he did that when he was happy, angry, frustrated, excited...well he did that for every emotion.

"It beats cooking, can't be late, Copy ninja would think I was copying him." Genma deadpanned back to his friend, "The taste isn't that bad, besides Raido's on a mission so he's not around to cook this week." Genma grimaced, "Not that I had a chance to go home, they had me watching the kid graveyard shift then coming to school to teach, Raido's that one that never sleeps not me." Genma added in a disgusted voice.

"Meh, brought you something." Kotetsu pulled a bento box out of the bag he was carrying. Crossing to the table he slid it across to Genma. "Just dropping in, handing out assignments, you got watch again..."

"Shit," Genma sagged in his chair he pulled the box toward him and eased off the lacquered top, Kotetsu made him bento every now and again, he even had a special box for Genma, they never discussed it. Genma could take care of himself, he could even cook...he just didn't. To many memories involved of Hayate, so Genma didn't go to the kitchen to make so much as a sandwich or snack, but at the same time he could only eat so much take out, he'd compromised with the ration bars, perfectly balanced nutrition.

"Yep, you should probably just show up there until the end of the week, on the upshot the Hokage has declared sleeping to be an okay activity, that is light sleeping, not being dead to the world. He seems to be easy to watch. Sleeps, eats, talks more or less respectfully to the Godaime, makes occasional requests to be taken to the bathroom, doesn't bother the Jounin with chatter, and word is that of any of the information he's given is good, then we'll be golden if we have to fight with the Cloud nin." Kotetsu let the sentence hang seeing if he could get Genma to respond. Genma just grunted.

"That's right you've been standing watch over him for the past few nights, what's the kid been like?" Kotetsu asked coaxingly.

"Quite, he sleeps at night like normal people." Genma ate the delicious box lunch.

"What's he look like?"

"Scrawny, short, long dark hair, green eyes, no visible scars." Genma said shortly as he bolted the food, he had class in a few minutes, "Young."

"You're so not talkative, Genma." Kotetsu complained of his friend.

"That's not usually a problem..." Genma answered trailing off, he closed up the now empty box and pushed it toward Kotetsu. "I got class, I'll see you when I'm not assigned double duty or you can find me. I'll be sleeping in my off hours. Later." Genma waltzed past almost cheerful now that he had a good meal in him.

Kotetsu looked after his friend and shook his head, he but away the bento box and went to hand out more assignments, then he had a shift watching the cloud kid. What could make a hidden village kid willingly spill the village's secrets? He wasn't sure if he like the kid or not, he wondered if he was a plant or spy. Hm, well he'd get to observe first hand tonight.
