Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Genma's ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers, Warnings, A/N in chapter one.
Recap: Genma has substitution duty, Tsunade starts questioning Haru. Lots of guard duty.

Tsunade escorted Haru down the hall, she had a test dummy to try for his skills. "Ow! Watch what you doing I'm not a piece of fabric!" A young man's voice called out at the doctor in bad temper.

"Hokage-sama," a Jounin announced outside the door, and the yelling cut off from inside the room.

"Godaime-sama," the young man said embarrassed.

"Kiba, I heard you were injured when you came back from your mission this morning. I was wondering if you could help me out."

Kiba stuttered out an affirmative reply, "Thank you, Kotetsu please bring Haru in."

Kotetsu wheeled in an office chair with Haru perched on it rather delicately. "This is Haru, he's going to be a medic nin, we're going to test a new technique of his out on you. If you would..." The Godaime trailed off looking at Haru waiting for him to give an indication, he merely shrugged, doesn't matter, "lean back against the pillows."

"Mozuku if you would summon some chakra, please." Mozuku moved to stand next to Haru, they'd discussed this slightly so he knew what to do. He brought a ball of chakra to his hand and prepared to draw more.

"This may...sting, tingle, or burn." Haru said flatly to Kiba, he laid his bandaged hand directly in the visible chakra and held the other one over Kiba's chest, the skin was split open and his insides were exposed on the outside along with a deep chest puncture and ripped muscles. "Don't tense it doesn't help."

Kiba was a taken back at the boy, he looked like a Genin at most around 13 or 14 years old, he was thin and had a look of being half starved, his eyes were a deep green color, he also had hair like Neji's long and dark, hanging down his back, only his wasn't held out of his face by a forehead protector. His face was gaunt, he smelled like... "Ahhh-------nnnnnnnnnnn," Kiba yelled surprised, it felt like he'd been shocked all of his hair raised on end.

Tsunade watched as Kiba arched, his body bowed upwards but the wounds were pulling together and the flesh was stitching itself together, everything healed up. "So quickly...Shizune take notes!" Tsunade noticed that her assistant was watching in shock instead of taking notes, but shook herself out of it at Tsunade's command.

As abruptly as Haru started he stopped, "Wh--what was that?" Kiba gasped out a little short of breath.

"Quick healing." Haru answered, he removed his hand from Mozuku's chakra and raised his other off of Kiba's chest. Kiba touched his skin, then saw up and looked, all the wounds that would have kept him out for weeks were gone all he had left were a few minor cuts.

"How did it feel?" Tsunade asked.

"Mmm, painful, not really like I got hit by a bolt of raw energy." He smells like blood, fire, and soap Kiba decided intrigued by the younger boy.

"Hey what's your name? I'm Kiba, thanks for whatever you did..."

"Haru, it was Hokage-sama's wish." Haru replied back flatly. Kiba was undeterred and tried again.

"How old are you Haru?"

"Seventeen this past spring."

Kiba face vaulted, "You're older than me? You look like a kid still!"

"That which is visible isn't what always is," Haru murmured looking at the Godaime. "You should be careful to trust more than you eyes, for life can be deceptive."

"Mozuku how do you feel?" Tsunade asked the donor.

Mozuku pushed his glasses up, "It didn't seem to take very much energy at all," he replied gravely.

"Haru, why is that so?" Tsunade motioned to Kotetsu who pushed Haru's chair back out of the room.

Kiba stared after them wondering who that boy was, but more importantly, "Oi, nurse! Can I be released now?"


Genma walked into the hospital room where he'd spent the past two nights; there was a comfy chair with a foot stool in place of the one he'd sat the past two night, unusual as well was that the kid was away,

"Shiranui-sama, good evening." This was the first time that the kid had really been aware. He seemed to be the quite contained type. The kid sat quietly staring across the room and out the window. Genma noticed that and moved his chair so not to interfere with the view. He was drinking something with a straw, Genma got close enough to see it was a strawberry shake.

"Good evening kid, good shake?" Genma inquired, not sure as to why he was being so friendly.

"Haru please, not kid." Genma was going to tell the boy he'd call him what he liked, when he saw the look in the kids eyes, ah bad memories were attached to that name. "It's okay, it's nice, cold and sweet, filling..." Genma detected an extra emphasis on that attribute as if that was the most important factor. Genma fished in his pocket, wondering.

"Here, ki--Haru," Genma offered him a meal replacement bar, he looked hungry his expression had a pinched quality that long hunger gave. Haru accepted it tentatively he put down the glass and attempted to pull the wrapper apart. After fumbling a few time, Genma retrieved to open and handed it back. He watched the kid eat the bar will all the gusto that he'd given the shake, not slowing down any. Genma poked his head out the door, and called a passing nurse from down the hall. Genma asked her to bring a over filled tray of food any kind she could find,

About ten minutes later she reappeared with a cart with a food tray on it, it had enough to feed two Jounin after an arduous mission. Genma thanked her and brought the tray into the room he parked it on Haru's bed side table. Haru gave him a look as though he were a miracle worker and tucked in. Genma retrieved a muffin off the tray and nibbled on it observing Haru eat. If he ate at that pace and inhaled that amount of food he'd be sick. He attacked in the most efficient manner first the unpackaged items: mochi, muffins, carrots, apple, celery, cheese sandwich, rice balls, sweet cubed tofu, a bowl of custard...then onto the packaged items, he slowed down, to a snail like pace, struggling with the packaging, Genma was still standing nearby he opened the pouch of cookies first then moved onto the next item staying one step ahead of the hungry boy.

"What are you doing!" Genma turned to see the nurse enter the room to check on Haru...or to check out himself, he wasn't sure.

"Opening a package of...nuts." Genma replied after looking down to see what it was, he up ended it on Haru's tray in an empty bowl, "What do you care?"

"You can't feed him all that, he's injured and---"

"Starving," he gave the nurse a hard look, "I hope I don't end up in here if basic things like food aren't readily supplied," Haru merely continued cramming the food in his mouth afraid it might be taken way, Genma supposed, "Slow down, no one's going to take you're food away." Genma touched his shoulder reassuring him.

"He can't be starving he gets three meals everyday just like everyone else," the nurse sputtered.

"Well obviously he isn't everyone else, or he wouldn't have devoured the food on that tray now would he?" Genma countered, he hated talking with stupid people. The nurse huffed.

"If he was hungry, he could have asked for more food," the nurse said glaring.

"We'll he didn't have to ask me, I was able to take one look and figure it out," the nurse grabbed the tray and stalked out, Haru had finished the last time, Genma's ears picked up some muttering about stupid, arrogant Jounin thinking they were better than everyone else.

"Seems like you need an Akimichi amount of food," Genma observed out loud.

Haru shrugged having no idea what he was talking about most likely. "Why didn't you just ask for more food?"

"..." Genma watched Haru stare at his hands.

"You don't ask for things I take it, I bet you haven't once made an unsolicited request, I've changed my mind I bet you've ask for food, and were given it, but it wasn't extra food, they just altered your food schedule, so you got your 'three meals a day'. Don't worry Haru, I'll make a note in my report and it'll be taken care of, you won't have to ask for food." Genma gave into his urge and patted him on the head.

Haru jumped and pulled a way as though expecting something else. A blow to the head instead. "Well now, I be you've been sorely misused in the past, but here in Konoha you'll do just fine. Why were you so hungry today?" Genma asked, no reason not to be detailed in his report. The kid had looked hungry the previous nights but this time was worse.

"Godaime-sama wanted to do some tests..." Haru muttered after a hesitation.

"These tests take a lot your energy?"

Haru shrugged then decided to say more. "Kind of, it mostly a lack of chakra and energy reserves, to refill them I need to eat...or at least go outside."

"Outside? What difference does it make?" Genma couldn't believe that he was actually engaging someone in conversation.

"Wild chakra in the air, ground, trees, wind..." Haru said almost dreamily. Genma was confused but decided to ask questions in a different direction.

"What kind of test did Hokage-sama have you do?"

"Healing. It was a boy with red triangular tattoo's on his cheek and wild brown hair...Kida? Kiba, I think, he was pretty ripped up and the Godaime wanted to see my powers in action..."

"What are your powers? Something with healing?" Genma was confused but if he could do something.

"Mm. Something like refined chakra usage, my chakra levels are too depleted to use it effectively now. So I had to borrow Mozuku to heal Kiba."

"But because you have to have chakra to use chakra even that depleted you..." Genma sighed what a catch. A thought occurred, Genma visibly startled... "Did you...?" He touched his cheek, which was just about scar free the scar was fading away, a little more every morning, "Did you borrow chakra to stay alive when I brought you to the village?"

Haru blushed faintly, "I'm sorry, usually I ask bu--"

"Hunf, you could hard ask half dead as you were. But you fixed this?" Genma touched his cheek.

"Was it injured?"

"Kind of an unhealed scar," Genma replied.

"...Did you want it? It was probably caused by the back wash of healing that my body was doing, it flooded your pathways as well, as a side a effect it fixed what your body thought was an injury... I could try to put it back..." Haru mused the first part out loud and then offered the last bit...

"No, not necessary! Thank you for your offer but no." Genma refused instantly, "I'll take it as repayment for saving you. Sleep kid, it's getting late." Genma turned off the light after making sure that there was nothing that had to be taken off of the bed. He sat in his comfy chair.

"I can make the rest of the scar go away..."

"Not now ki--Haru, maybe when you're out of the hospital but right not you need you reserves." Genma closed his eyes, sleep came easily as he heard the even, deep breathing.