Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Genma's ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers, Warnings, A/N in chapter 1

Genma watched as Haru shuffled along the bags clasped to his chest, if anything he’d become quieter. Had he given himself a panic attack? Was it connected with the tea? He wished now that he’d asked more about Haru’s personal information. Some people had to be treated very carefully to avoid major explosions. Any of his history would be helpful. Or he could ask Haru, if he probed carefully and gave good solid reasons for his questions he thought that he could get them. Haru was quiet, more so than usual. But he sensed that there was more to him than could be seen, there was something dangerous about him. Genma decided that he’d have to ask the questions tonight, going to ask Tsunade-sama would take too long.

“This is my building,” Genma gestured, Haru nodded. Genma unlocked the front door then went up the stairs, he was used to Haru’s slow pace now. He lived on the top floor, it had a balcony, with door that had an outside lock, perfect for Shinobi’s returning from a late night patrol. It was a corner three bedroom unit. After their roommate had died they hadn’t bothered to move, not do more than have his relatives take his personal items. They just increased their share of the rent, they had been too busy to think about moving.

“In here. I’ll get you a key in a few weeks. You’ll be staying with me long term. I have a roommate, Raido. You’ve met him, he was one of the Shinobi who stood watch. We’ll eat in the kitchen, bathroom’s in there. This is my room, there. Raido sleeps there.” Genma pointed out all the major areas, “You’ll be sleeping on a couch in my room tonight, there’s a third room, but we need to get sheets and some pillows for it.” Genma set the food on the counter top and unpacked it, he usually didn’t eat here unless Raido was cooking but that was just a habit, really. There was no particular reason…

Genma got down two plates and some chopsticks. “Leave the clothing there,” Genma gestured vaguely at the chair across the table, “Sit down.” Haru did so.

Genma opened all the boxes and stuck serving spoons in them, he started dishing himself up. He looked up to see Haru staring at him, not touching anything. “Do you want me to serve you? Or would you prefer to do it for yourself? Take as much as you please. I won’t eat too much.” Haru picked up one box gingerly and scooped out some of the contents, but not much, just a few dumplings, before moving on to the eggplant, one piece, a spoonful of beans…so on.

Genma doubled the portions on his plate then switched them, “You need to eat. Don’t be shy about it. You got basic needs, clothing, food, drink, shelter. If you need something say something. I’m not going to let you starve.” Genma broke his chop sticks apart and started to eat. He noticed Haru watching him carefully, mimicking, Genma realized. He’s never used chopsticks? Had Chin food? What was his life like before I stumbled across him? Genma made sure to exaggerate his chopstick use, adjusting it, practicing his movements so that Haru could see. He wondered how many basic things had Haru never done? How much would he have to teach him?

Genma ate slowly savoring the rich flavors of the Chin food. He ate anything, but this was good stuff, just as he was about done with everything on his plate there was a knock at the door, “Keep eating, serve yourself seconds if you’ve finished off what’s on you plate, I’m getting the door.” Genma kept on eye on him as he got the door, “Hey Kotetsu, Mozuku, is that the food?” He pushed his door open wider at the sight of them and moved to the side. They both carried big boxes of stuff.

“Yep, here to stock your pantry, luck you! You won the Godaime’s lottery.” Kotetsu joked with a grin. He found life funny, even death. It was the only way he could handle being a killer for hire.

“Leave it on the table. Raido will put it away.” Genma said.

“Now that hardly seems fair to make Raido do it,” Kotetsu complained.

“Well I’d put it away if I had any idea where it went wouldn’t I?” Genma shot back.

“True, you’re not known for knowing your way around the kitchen. I hope the squirt has an idea of how to cook or you may find yourself covered in flour. Kotetsu put down the box, it had cans of food, bag of rice, beans, flour, snack foods. Mozuku’s had soda, bottled water, milk, juice, chocolate bars, eggs, butter, fresh fruit.

“This stuff is perishable, so it’ll have to be put away.” Mozuku said as he adjusted his glasses.

Genma leaned over and took a peek inside the box, “Now this doesn’t seem to be exactly regulation now does it?” Genma drawled. As he pulled out soda, candy bars, and a bag of chips.

Kotetsu and Mokuzu blushed faintly, “Come say hi to Haru.” Genma said, “Don’t forget to bring you tokens of affection. They gathered up their gifts and brought them into the kitchen, Haru was looking at them cautiously, as he sucked on the ends of his chopsticks.

“Hey, Haru. How’s it going?” Kotetsu patted him on the head. “I got something for you.” He held out the bag of chips, Haru looked at him curiously before reaching out to grab it. He simply stared at the object as though he’d never seen it before. Kotetsu was pretty sure he hadn’t from having over heard his conversations with the Godaime. Mozuku held out his prizes for Haru to take. Both of which received similar treatment, all of which got set on the table.

Genma reached over and picked up the can of soda, “Strawberry?” He pulled back to tab and held it out for Haru take. Haru took it pulling his chopsticks out of his mouth. Looking at them looking at him expectantly he took a small sip, then jerked it away.

“It burns!” Haru exclaimed.

“That the carbonation, the bubbles.” Mozuku said. It was strange, he’d grown on them, they watched with pleasure as he took another sip of the fizzy drink. “What do you think?”

“It’s sweet.” Haru blinked as though at loss for words, “How…interesting.”

Kotetsu and Mozuku dropped into the chairs they’d pulled out, laughing. That was what they come to expect from Haru. It’s started when Mozuku was running late and had stopped for dinner, he’d ordered two shakes and only finished one, he’d decided to give Haru the second one. Hospital food was awful he remembered having to eat it. He’d been delighted at Haru’s response, and brought him something every time he came on shift. Then he’d clued Kotetsu to it, and Kotetsu had started bring him box lunches. They’d heard about Genma’s report of him being undernourished and decided to help with that.

“How do you like the Chin food?” Mozuku asked, surveying the damage done to the containers.

“It’s good.” Haru took another sip blinking as the bubbles burned his tongue again.

“Do you need anything?” Kotetsu asked.

“Metal cutters?” Haru suggested hopefully.

“Metal cutters?” He laughed, “Why would you need those?” Haru twisted his ear unhappily, “Oh for those, huh? I think Genma or Raido have some. Anything else?”


“No scissors but I got a kunai.” Before anyone could stop them, Kotetsu had armed Haru with a deadly weapon. The Jounin held their breath, would Haru pass the test.

Haru flipped it in his hand, twisting his hair into a rope he sliced it off in a single stoke. It felt good to be free. He looked at the other symbol of his status, his face twisting in hate. Smoke started coming from his hand. As it smoldered.

“Put it here Haru.” Genma held out a metal trashcan, Haru felt his hand spasm open releasing the hated hair.

“Well you did a job on it kid. Want me to fix it? Or perhaps just hack it some more in the bathroom so you don’t make a mess.” Kotetsu suggested.

“Un.” Haru’s hand tightened then released, “Thank you for lending it to me.” He held the kunai back to Kotetsu handle first.

The Jounins’ sighed as a group, he’d had a chance, they were open to attack and he didn’t.

“Well I’m going to shove off I have to go back to the Hokage’s.” Kotetsu said ruffling the now badly cut hair, “Genma will find you the cutters and help if needed I’m sure.”

“Later, I’m meeting Morino-san for tea,” Mozuku excused himself as well.