Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Genma's ❯ Piercing ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warning, A/N, Disclaimer chapter 1

chapter contains perverted bad thoughts... go! Genma...

Chapter 9

Genma let them out and locked the door. He saw that Haru had stopped eating. “Finished?” Genma gestured at the food.

“Un, yes.” Haru felt he probably could eat more, but the fizzy drink made him feel funny. Genma closed the boxes and stored them in the mostly empty refrigerator, what could he say? Raido was gone.

“We’ll do the dishes in the morning,” Genma said as he tossed their plates into the sink after rinsing them off. “Follow me,” Genma instructed.

Haru got up and followed Genma, his feet felt better, so did his hands. Genma went into ‘his room’ where Haru would also be sleeping tonight. Genma was digging through a drawer, Haru noticed that it was full of repair equipment.

“Is this what you wanted?” Genma held up a sender pair of metal clippers for Haru’s perusal.

“Yes, thank you.” Haru said as Genma handed them to him.

Genma jerked his hand back, he’d been shocked, “What was that food?” Genma demanded.

Haru blinked looked at the clippers, the hand which Genma was rubbing, Haru figured it out, “I’m so sorry, I guess my energy levels are still crackling after eating and I shocked you when we both touched the conductor of metal. I’m sorry I should have thought about that!” Haru apologized multiple times until Genma dismissed it as an accident.

“Why don’t you go ahead and do what ever you needed those for.” Genma gestured at the clippers.

“Ah thanks,” Haru wrapped his hand tightly around the metal, he left Genma’s room and went into the bathroom.

After he heard the door shut Genma stood outside the door listening. He could hear the rustle of clothing being removed, more than just a shirts, Genma wondered how piercing Haru had that he was going to remove? Where? For a moment he had an image of Haru standing before him, gloriously naked. His cherry like nipples standing out from his chest, a fierce red against his pale skin. Each one threaded with a nipple ring, from his between his legs his penis stuck out sporting a piercing through the… Hentai! Pervert! Genma’s mind screamed at him, he looks like he’s twelve! What’s wrong with you! I thought Kakashi was the pervert Jounin! Genma moved away from the bathroom door, he sat on the couch pulling out a book from his pocket, he tried to read but he kept wondering what kind of piercing he had…and where? Genma was staring at the door when it opened.

Haru walked out holding his shirt and jacket both folded over his arm. It was different…Genma couldn’t believe how different removing the piercing made him look…he looked even younger Genma realized horrified. Genma noticed that Haru was moving uncomfortably as he walked…did he accidentally clip something he shouldn’t have? Genma crossed his legs terrified at the thought.

“Is everything alright?” Genma asked his voice level. “You didn’t cut yourself by accident?”

“Everything is fine.” Haru made to hand Genma the clipper, but stopped inches away, “I should probably clean these first… Where are the supplies for that?” Haru asked he placed his folded tops on a chair, Genma realized he was staring when Haru cleared his throat.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll clean the clippers when I clean my needles tonight,” Genma decided that was easiest. “Do you want to take a shower or something, I know that you probably didn’t get much time to clean at the hospital, or if you’d prefer a bath?” Genma remembered how grubby he’d always felt after leaving the hospital.

“Yes, I’d like that…um, I don’t have any clothing to sleep in…” Haru said in a small voice.

Genma could have hit himself, of all the things to forget, “You can barrow a pair of mine. It has draw-sting tie so they should stay on.” Genma was suddenly reminded of the fact that he’d have to wear pajamas to bed as well. Damn. To bad Haru wouldn’t be sharing his bed, he was such a perv! Haru was…Haru was…how old is Haru? “How old are you Haru?”

“Seventeen,” Haru was getting used to being asked that question, now just as long as they didn’t ask when his birthday was, he would be fine with the personal questions. Was he really that young looking? Well now that he had a change to eat he’d grow and quickly! As long as he had food and chakra he was in good shape.

“I don’t suppose that you want any help with your hair?” Genma asked.

“No, just scissors, I can fix it. I’m only going to even it out,” Haru hadn’t thought that his hair looked that bad, but then he was just so happy that he had a choice of how his hair looked, long hair was another mark of their slavery, they couldn’t change their appearance, cut, burned, pierced, he wouldn’t have minded the piercing, but they were blockers, well to be more specific he wouldn’t have minded ear piercing, the penis, the nipples, the one behind his scrotum, and eyebrows were disgusting in his opinion, but then again opinion was something that he’d only just gained. He was ‘allowed’ an opinion now, before he wasn’t supposed to do, say, or think anything that wasn’t approved of by Saito-bochama. His expression darkened to one of hate.

“Sorry I asked, about the hair there’s no reason to look so angry though…” Genma was surprised by Haru’s reaction, this is why they need to talk about Haru’s past otherwise…if looks could kill, his table would be in cinders from the heat of his expression. Genma noticed that Haru looked guilty.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking about the hair any more I was thinking about…” Haru growled, he wasn’t sure what to call that bastard now that he had a choice…choice…bastard. “That bastard!” Haru couldn’t wait to meet with him again, at least, once Tsunade removed the final seal and found a way to remove the box, as she promised. Then he’d go final strike on his ass!

“Sounds like you hate someone a lot… The person who left you hanging pinned to a tree in the forest?” Genma wondered if this would be a good time to talk about that, he could transition into questions about Haru’s past.

Haru couldn’t suppress the growl that left his throat, “Something like that, there’s a whole household of people that I’m going to kill one day, then we’ll bring down a nation.” Every last one of them, he vowed to himself he’d figure out how to release his clan and they’d dust burn the raze the village and put every-single-wicked-person to death!

Genma drew back, his hand touched one of the weapons secreted about his body, that was a scary expression, what the hell happened to Haru that he vowed to bring down a entire nation… He thought he could take on all of the Cloud nin by himself? “How are you going to do that?” He almost hated to ask that.

“Free my clan,” Haru touched the box embedded in his neck, once he had his removed he could fry their boxes and short circuit the ninjutsu inside.

“Free them?” Genma thought maybe there was some really bad shit in Haru’s past… free them?

“From the nobles of Lightning country, they have us under a series of binding jutsu, that’s part of my deal with Hokage-sama, she’s agreed to remove the jutsu from me and the box that prevents me from utilizing all of my power, it makes us max out much lower than we would, unless they perform a jutsu that allows us to draw more energy.” Haru couldn’t believe how much he’d told Shiranui-san, it snapped him out of his rage. “Could you get me those pajamas?” Haru attempted to smiles nicely.

My roommate-charge is insane, Genma realized with dawning horror. Anyone who could declare someone death and how much they hated them one minute then the next smile sweetly and ask for pajamas nicely the next had to be… “Sure. Let me get them.” Genma walked into his room and pulled out the pajamas, they were unpatterned and the shade of green as his Jounin vest. He had a white undershirt that was too small for him. He brought them out to Haru, well he’d not insane, but he has a lot a pent up rage. “I’ll show you how to use both the bath and the shower so you can have a choice.” Genma retrieved a towel from a cupboard inside the bathroom, the bathroom was one of the reason that they’d opted to deal with the increased rent rather than moving. It was large, there was a sunken tub in one corner with jets, the shower had two heads and it had a variety of settings. He set the pile down on the counter, he looked down and that was the only reason he’d noticed it.

Genma was shocked, “Haru, how many piercings did you have? Come here.” Genma held out his hand for Haru to come closer, “Hop up on the counter,” Genma patted the surface. Haru looked reluctant but did so. Genma brought his hands up and pushed Haru’s hair back, threading his fingers through it he noticed absently that it was very thick and soft, holding it back he turned Haru’s head side to side counting the holes and checking to see if they were injured, they were scabbed over, he saw that there were two piercing for each eyebrow, Genma released Haru’s head and brushed his arms away, his nipples had been pierced, they looked swollen and red. Trailing his eye’s down he noticed that his belly button had been too. Genma quickly counted the half circles of dark metal on the counter, 25… he’d counted 22 scabbed over holes. Genma reached past Haru for the antibacterial cream and disinfectant from the cupboard, he got some cotton balls as well, he poured the disinfectant on the cotton and pushed Haru’s hair back wordlessly. “This may sting.” Genma rubbed at the bloody holes in his head. What kind of piercing didn’t heal? Left bloody holes when you removed them? Genma cleaned the areas thoroughly. Haru sat docilely as Genma cleaned the sites of possible infection.

If it weren’t for that metal they’d already be healed! Haru thought to himself, bemused by the act of Genma cleaning his ‘booboos’ he’d never in his memory had anyone clean or care for so much as a scrapped knee or burn or lash mark for that matter. Genma cleaned all the one he could see, but there were three more, under his pants…

“Haru…I know it’s a lot to ask, but can I see the other piercings? I want to make sure that they aren’t infected.” Genma threw the pile of pink stained cotton balls in the wastebasket. “If it makes you uncomfortable I won’t touch you where your piercings are, I just need to look and check. Okay?” Genma noticed that Haru’s eyes were squeezed shut and that he was breathing rapidly. “Shh, I’m not going to do anything bad to you,’ Genma caressed Haru’s hair, it wasn’t so bad, just an awkward cut with the ends needing evening out.

“Okay,” Haru had never had someone touch him so nicely, he and his relatives would be beaten if they so much as touched hands. His…that bastard had never touched him except to hurt, the bodyguards… his trainer… Haru shuddered against Genma.

Genma caresses his face and back, hugging him, he hadn’t given any lately but that didn’t mean he didn’t know how to give them. He got the feeling more than Haru taking them had showed, this showed that the piercings hadn’t been something he’d gotten willingly. When he felt Haru shift he stepped back releasing his hold.

Haru stood up and reached for the buttons and zipper, he lowered his pants and stepped out of them wearing the boxers he’d gotten at the hospital. He put his hands at the top of them and pushed slowly down, closing his eyes, he’s not going to rape me, he’s not going to rape me, Haru chanted that over and over again in his head, before adding, besides the limiters are coming off, on after another, the seals, the piercings, and soon the box and the last of the binding jutsu.

He hear Genma move, “Okay that’s two, it doesn’t look infected, but I think it needs to be cleaned anyways, I’ll let you do that in private. But there’s still one more…” Haru blushed, he couldn’t believe he’d just willingly showed another guy his dick, even if it was in the interests of health. But the other one…Haru swallowed, he turned around slowly, once more repeating in his head: he’s not going to rape me, he’s not going to rape me. In his head like a mantra. He leaned over the counter, thrusting his butt out, “Back there,” Haru grit out between clenched teeth, it was humiliating, but he knew that Shiranui-san wasn’t trying to humiliate him, he was concerned with his health, and for some reason that made all the difference in the world.

Genma gasped, his mouth was agape. Before now he hadn’t seen Haru’s back, it was a mess of burns, cut’s and scars, if he looked carefully there was a spiral pattern of a continuous burn from around the front of his thigh to his back, around his chest and back a few times, it was old and faded so he hadn’t noticed against the white of his skin but now that he looked, he felt sick… It wasn’t the first time he’d seen the results of torture, but it was the first on one so young, Morino Ibiki was an adult before any of this happened to him, Haru could only have been a very young child when this began. His stomach twisted, “Back here?” He echoed. He placed his hands lightly on counter for balance and crouched down…there between his pucker and his balls in that sensitive strip of skin were two bleeding holes where the piercing had gone in and out of his… Genma lurched over to the toilet, vomiting.

It wasn’t the piercing, it was everything, what Haru had said finally all made sense. He wanted to kill that bastard too, he hardly knew Haru and what he’d gone through but he wanted to torture him to death. He couldn’t imagine the pain that Haru had had to live through simply for living, not for his village or information nor for pay…but for someone else’s cruelty, simply because they were. Then it occurred to Genma how attractive Haru was and how if he’d had those thoughts about Haru being pierced then there was no doubt in his mind that Haru had been raped. He sat on the floor leaning against the shower unit wall his eyes closed. “You can pull up your pants Haru, it doesn’t look infected but you really should clean it, and all the rest when you get out of the bath…”

“Shiranui-san…am I so disgusting that seeing my body makes you sick?” Haru knew that he was sickening, but he hadn’t thought it was so obvious, he watched his care takers eyes snap open.

“No,” Genma breathed out, “No you’re not sickening, you’re a sweet little boy whose been abused much too long, I just want to kill that bastard so bad it made me sick for a moment, thinking of what he’d done to you…” Genma stood up and lightly touched the boy’s head, “I’ll show you how the shower works and then we can go to bed.”

Genma pointed out the various kinds of soaps and what they were for: face, body hair, appropriate applicators for said soaps, how to work the shower, Haru said he’s take a bath some other time, if that was okay. Genma said any time he liked. He let himself out of the bathroom pausing only long enough to scoop up the discarded earrings, he folded them in a piece of paper and sealed it with wax, on the front he wrote, ‘For Godaime-sama, on the matter of Haru of Lightning country, Shiranui Genma,” she’d get the idea what they were for when she got them. He added it to the pile of hair Haru had cut off and set more or less on fire. It was in the instructions.

Genma went into his room and turned the couch to face the bed, he pulled blankets out of the closet and dressed it up, last but not least he pulled a pillow off of his bed and put it there for Haru’s use. Genma quickly stripped and pulled on pajama bottoms, with nothing underneath. He was pissed at himself for envisioning Haru with piercings, when they obviously upset him so much, it would be insulting if someone had thought the same of him. Genma sat on the couch in the main room, then remembered he had to put away the perishables, with a sigh he did so hurriedly, shoving them into the refrigerator. He plopped down on the couch, he heard the shower turn off, meaning that Haru was done with that part, he chewed on his needle some more. He wasn’t sure why but with Haru he was different, almost tender.

He thought about that until Haru exited the bathroom, “Gotta brush my teeth,” Genma said passing him, he got his tooth paste and brushed, he left the door open, Genma did a thorough job then washed his face. Genma walked out of the bathroom pulling his forehead protector off, his hair fell softly around his face as he shook his head to get it uncrinkled, he’d shower in the morning.

“You ready to sleep I am, I’ve had a tiring week,” Genma gave Haru a playful shove toward the bedroom, he figured that he was treating Haru so differently because he needed that different treatment, if he treated him like his friends he’d be flinching and hurt every few minutes from what Genma said, did, or most importantly didn’t say. “You recleaned all the piercings right?”

Haru nodded, he was just about asleep on his feet, he hoped that Genma was no different now that they were in him home than when he’d been watching him in the hospital...hands off that is. Haru stumbled toward the couch will all the blankets and pillows, he landed grateful for the softness, shoving the top blankets aside he crawled in and pulled them over, in moments he was snuggled in a sleep.

Genma took a note from Haru’s book and feel quickly asleep alert for any danger.
