Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Parenting Skills ❯ blinks and lollipops ( Chapter 6 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Chapter 6: Blinks and Lollipops. Part 2
“Neji-chan. That guy over there, beware, he has pink eye,” Taki said to Neji.
Neji looked over to Itachi picking Sasuke up and onto the swing.
“He doesn't have pink eye. That's the color of his eyes Taki,” Neji smiled.
Taki blinked at him, “What about those bags under his eyes?” she waved her arms around.
Neji crossed his arms, “He always looks like that.”
“Who does?”
Taki spun around and saw Shino. She grabbed his arm and Neji's and pulled them behind an empty bench. They were all crouching looking through the horizontals.
“That guy. His name was Itchy or Catchy something. Neji says he doesn't have pink eye. But he has red eyes,” Taki whispered to Shino.
Shino looked at Taki, “It's Itachi. Neji's right. He always had red eyes.”
Taki looked back at him, “Really?” she whispered.
“Why are we whispering?” Neji whispered back.
“Cause people like to hear other peoples talking,” Taki whispered some more.
They looked behind them and into the woods. Hoot hoot. No, bad owl, it's still morning. A shadow appeared over them. Taki looked up, both her arms were hooked, and Neji and Shino leapt back with her in tow. Taki blinked and looked at her friends.
“Why you guys went all ninja-like?”
She looked forward again and saw Itachi and Sasuke on the bench looking at them. Sasuke laughed behind his hand.
“You see that, Itachi-san? They jumped back like grasshoppers,” Sasuke laughed some more.
Taki yanked her arms out of Shino and Neji's grasp and stomped right in front of Sasuke. He stopped laughing but his mouth was in a hold-back-the-laughter-mode.
“Taki right? Gomen if we scared you,” Itachi said.
“You didn't scare me,” she was still staring at Sasuke, “Would you like a broken nose?” she asked Sasuke.
He broke the eye contact, “No.”
“Then you better stop laughing.”
Itachi grinned, “Ooh, I love a girl who could kick my arse.”
The others gasped around. You're not supposed to cuss in this story! Well not until later on. Taki switched her staring to Itachi who steadily stared back. The three boys watched them staring at each other. Was it just me or did it look like their heads were getting a little closer?
Indeed, their heads were getting closer as they stared. Itachi blinked and at that second Taki punched him in the eye. Itachi did not see that coming and fell back to the ground. Sasuke pushed him up. Itachi rubbed his eye.
“Big brother! Daijoubou?” Sasuke glared at Taki.
“You love me now or what?” Taki bared her teeth and put her hands on her hips.
“What do you think?” Itachi said gently touching his eye.
Her eyebrows rose playfully, “I think you do. I'll kick your butt for real next time and next time you might lose that eye.”
“Was that a threat?”
“No. It'll be the ultimatum if you don't stop,” wow she used ultimatum in a sentence. That's a pretty big word.
Itachi dusted himself off, “I didn't even start anything.”
“I'm sorry what was that again? I think I heard another lie buzzing around my ears.”
She turned around and walked proudly back to the sandbox. Shino and Neji followed her. They sat at a corner.
“Isn't Itachi an Anbu member?” Neji asked.
“What's that? I don't know what you're talking about,” Taki said.
“I heard he was. Think he was the captain or something. An anbu member is a special kind of shinobi,” Shino somewhat explained.
“Who cares about that loser? Now what did you want to show me Frosteeno?” Taki rubbed her hands on her black pants.
Shino raised a brow, “Ano `Frosteeno'?”
“Yeah, I was gonna call you Froshino but that doesn't sound cool. It's cause you got a fro. Can I touch your hair?”
He shrugged and nodded. Her hands dove in his hair.
“I want hair like this. It's so soft,” Taki sighed and left her hands in his hair.
“And me?” Jealous Neji? No way.
Taki looked at Neji, “Nothing rhymes with Neji. Unless I call you Veggie but that's crazy.”
Neji looked at Shino. Imaginary lightning sparked again between them. Her hands left his patch of fro and played with Neji's.
“Neji what shampoo you use? Your hair is shiny and just as soft as Shino's,” Taki played with his locks.
“Here,” Shino pulled out some lollipops.
…Monkeys and rabbits loop de loop. I'm still trying to figure out what song is that.
“Is it orange flavor?” her eyes sparkled.
He looked in his pocket and brought out two more. There was a grape and orange wrapped one. She plucked the orange lollipop and stuck back the cherry flavored in his hand. Taki sucked it in her mouth. I don't know what's up with me and oranges.
“That's great. Give one to Neji too Fro,” her eyes were closed and put her head in her hand.
Shino slowly handed the cherry flavored to Neji.
“Neji, you said you was gonna show me something too,” she looked at him.
Neji stood up and searched his pockets.
“I can't find it.”
“We'll find it. Pat Neji-chan down Frosteeno,” Taki jumped up.
Pat him down? Shino didn't even want to touch him much less as pat him. That was even worse. He rather spit on him.
“Ano no.”
“Fro's scared to touch a boy,” Taki sang.
Taki found the item in Neji's shoe, “Is this it?”
She held up the small kunai in her hand. Neji nodded. A kunai was nothing to Taki. She had seen these enough around her house back in the lightning country. Taki will pretend to be interested in it for now.
“I'm gonna start my training,” Neji said.
“For what?” she spun it around her finger.
Kids are not supposed to be playing with weapons.
“I'm gonna be someone's protector,” he said almost puffing out his chest.
“That's cool. I'll do that too. I'm gonna protect Frosteeno and Neji,” Taki grinned.
“You can only protect one person Taki,” Shino said.
Oh what was he trying to say? Wink wink.
“Why?” she knew about this too.
“What happens when both of us are in trouble? Which one are you going to save first?”
“Hontou ni?” (really)
“Shino's right.”
“I can't choose. I'll protect someone else,” she pouted.
“Ja ne!” all three of them went their separate ways. (see you later)
Itachi stepped in front of Taki. They were still behind the jungle gym so Kakashi couldn't see. He'll most likely listen in since he has great hearing.
“Ugogai,” Taki said. (move)
“Hatake Taki right?”
“You already asked me before. Unless you came to get another one to match your other eye?”
“I think I like your style better,” he came closer, “the eye patch really looks good on you.”
He leaned into her and whispered, “I'll be waiting for that ultimatum Taki.”
Taki only frowned and almost socked him another one if he didn't back up in time.
“You done talking now?”
Itachi walked away with Sasuke catching up behind him.
“Loser. Trying to act cooler than me,” she pushed her lips out more.
Taki put her hands on his knees.
“Finished?” Kakashi looked up from his book.
“Course! I'm too cool to not be okay,” she waved her hand.
“I saw you and the Uchiha boy fell and then you hit Itachi.” Which is quite amazing in itself, he was impressed.
“Sasuke wasn't looking where he was going. He didn't even say sorry to me! And then his old brother comes and tries to kidnap me! My hand still hurts but I told him a thing or two,” she gave Kakashi two thumbs up.
“You should be careful Taki. You could've gotten hurt,” he put his hands on her shoulders.
“Itachi isn't someone you should mess with,” he said.
“Why? I just messed with him a couple of minutes ago,” she cocked her head to the side.
Could Kakashi see the future? Is he already becoming suspicious of Itachi? Or is he just jealous that Itachi is just like him except he has two sharingans? I don't know. Kakashi doesn't want her hurt for now. Not until school starts which starts in two days.
“He'll win if you go up against him,” Kakashi stood up.
“Hai. At least I got one good hit on him then,” she smiled and took his hand.
“So…” she started.
“Did you talk to that babe again?”
“Her name is Akamori Shiori.”
“Did she come today?”
“No she didn't.”
“Maybe she doesn't like you.”
Kakashi didn't say anything. Maybe what Taki said was right. Shiori probably didn't like him. Oh no! How could anyone NOT like Kakashi? It's quite impossible cause he has `hot, mysterious, and dangerous guy' written all over him. I mean come on.
“She'll come back Uncle Kakashi. And if she doesn't, I'm gonna find you a smarter babe than her,” she clenched her fist.
Kakashi chuckled, `Shiori was probably busy anyways,' a little disappointed she didn't come today. He still wanted to see her again.
Geez I guess this was okay. Gotta do homework now. Thanks for reading. Review review. I'm sending you subliminal messages to review. XD