One Piece Fan Fiction / Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ The Ultimate Cruise ❯ Anger Unleashed - A Need Only She Can Fulfill ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own One Piece, Teen Titans, or any characters or elements contained within. I believe these can be credited to the geniuses Eiichiro Oda [author and artist of OP], Marv Wolfman and George Perez [respective author and artist of The New Teen Titans comic of the eighties], and Glen Murakami and his talented crew [the staff of the Teen Titans animated series, the Titans version which this story is based off.] Thanks for developing these wonderful characters I have the pleasure of using in this story!
Any original characters, however, belong to Pivitor. Remember it!
The Ultimate Cruise:
One Piece meets Teen Titans
Chapter 13: Anger Unleashed—A Need Only She Can Fulfill
The limp, unconscious bodies of Starfire and Sanji fell from the Iso-jin's arms and to the dusty dirt floor. As they hit the floor Swifty wasn't far behind, barely managing to hold himself up with his hands. He panted heavily, still trying to recover from his brutal battles.
His old, white-haired leader paced over to him, pulling one of the energy collecting crystals from within her blouse. Kneeling, she slipped the chain attached to the crystal around her soldier's neck. It began to glow, and a red hue emanated from Swifty's body. To the surprise of all watching, he was now easily able to climb back onto his feet.
“Thank yous, Mother.” Swifty whispered, keeping his head low. How could he have doubted her intentions?
Mother, meanwhile, simply nodded a `you're welcome' before looking into the air. The imposing figure of Slade loomed over her, his gaze fixed solely on the crystal tied around her soldier's neck.
“I thought you told me those devices collected energy.” Slade said. “How is it making him stronger?”
The old woman chuckled. “They do, but it's a two way street.” she began. “Those stones are a long distance connection to the Great Power. Energy can be channeled through it into the stone, or some of the stone's power can be channeled to the wearer to enhance their ability.” She smiled, as if knowing what question would come next. “Don't worry, the energy taken from the Great Power to enhance Swifty is far less then what will be collected in a fight.”
“I see,” began Slade. “It's like you know every question I'm going to ask before I ask it.” A coy glance from the woman confirmed his suspicion that she probably did. “So, if this is the case, can I make a hypothesis instead?” Mother nodded, a knowing smile covering her face.
Ivan, watching from the other side of the room, smirked right along with her. He loved watching Mother toy with him. She had foreseen everything Slade was going to say months, maybe even years, before he was doing it. Whatever answer she gave—truthful or not—was going to be twisted to her advantage. Throughout the years Ivan's enjoyment of her skillful manipulation never faded; it never even dawned on him that she might be using him just like the others—or if it did he didn't care.
Slade continued. “Since you brought Starfire to me, you must have known that I needed her abilities to return home, and that I even desire to return home at all.”
“Of course.” Mother interjected. “Your intelligence should be ruling a world full of enlightened individuals and top-notch technology, not a backwards dimension such as our own…right?”
The masked madman raised an eyebrow.
“Absolutely,” he confirmed, “but this brings up a strange idea. Since you want to ally yourselves with me, and have offered use of your `connectors', then I'd assume you were planning on returning to my world with me. Which leads me to question your intentions… you plan on collecting energy from my world that you cannot find here, don't you?”
Mother nodded, which lead to a muffled grunt from Ian. The old woman's response seemed to agitate the boy.
“And you want to know why you should trust us after we reach our destination.” she finished. With a laugh she said, “I wouldn't. Still, I don't see where either of us have a choice. We're stuck together it seems, and with both of us keeping an eye out for betrayal, I think the chances of it happening are slim.”
Slade's reaction to her mentioning the possibility of his betrayal could either be perceived as amusement at the thought or offense at the accusation. With a figure such as Slade, it was likely the first.
The Iso-jin leader came to the same conclusion. “Come now, did you think we hadn't noticed your partner encased in a block of ice?”
“Smoker was a fool.” Slade grunted. “He never planned to help me, just use me to get what he wanted.” The fiend kicked a bit at the two battered warriors lying helplessly by his feet. “You have already brought me one of the things I need; I say this alliance is already off to a much better start.”
Ian's disgruntled attitude didn't quell any as the old woman responded jovially to Slade's surprisingly upbeat statement. The crystal swordsman grabbed his father's shirt angrily, jerking his attention away from their leader and onto his son.
“Have you even listened to her?” Ian asked, his voice rising into a shout. “We're going to another world now to find energy? What about this world? What about Ianoa Island? Aren't we going to a lot of trouble to find energy when we can restore our home quite easily right here?”
The elder Iso-jin's usual frown arced even deeper, creating a face that would frighten just about anybody. “Why are you questioning her? You've seen Mother's vision better than most! You know she understands all that needs to be done, so why do you think she won't do it! She's crusaded longer then any of us!”
“Calm down now, my son.” Ivan's tangent was cut short by Mother herself. Placing a hand upon Ian's shoulder, she continued. “I agree this seems unnecessary, Ian, but do you understand that with the power we can gain there will do more then return Ianoa Island to its former glory? We can make it perfect! Don't you want that?!”
Ian nodded. It was true that he wanted the best for his home, but something still just didn't seem kosher here. All this going back and forth—making alliances and then quickly discarding them—didn't make sense at all. He still couldn't figure out why they had joined forces with Roronoa Zoro's crew at all; perhaps it had been Mother's way of bringing Starfire to Slade, but wouldn't it have been easier just to fight her and take her prisoner?
Still, as much as he distrusted his leader, he wanted to fulfill her vision. It was his dream to restore Ianoa Island, and he would persevere in this ruthless group for that reason only. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to be a genetic trait. Ivan had never shown a desire to fix his home—only to watch Mother in action. It still amazed Ian what a tool his father was. The boy didn't care what reasons Ivan had for his obsession—too much had come between them for him to try to figure the man out now.
Slade, meanwhile, simply stared at the dysfunctional organization. Gift or no gift, he didn't trust them at all; but as he told Robin, partners were only useful to a certain point. These ones still held their usefulness. As he began to turn to his viewscreen, Slade realized that he even respected that Mother a bit. She used everybody to her advantage; even those who didn't want to be became her puppet. What a scheme she had going.
However, Slade's sensors showed a much more interesting thought. It was time for the action to begin: it was time to return home.
“Onward, to the Land of Meat!”
“For the last time Luffy, we're not going to the land of meat!” Nami cried, plowing her fist into the rubberman's head. The others laughed and moved around the Captain as he was plowed into the cavern floor.
Luffy pulled himself onto his feet, pushing his disheveled Straw Hat back on top of his head. “When will we go to the Land of Meat then?” he whined.
The beautiful navigator rolled her eyes and decided to humor the simple-minded Pirate. “We'll go to the Land of Meat whenever the Indicator locks onto it!”
“And when will that be?!” Luffy moaned into Nami's ear. Steam poured from the thief's ears as her pupils disappeared; her patience was officially gone.
“Cut it out you two.” Cyborg commanded, staring at the screen on his arm. “We're at the end of the tunnel, so we need to be ready for anything!”
A somber silence fell over the group as they walked around one more curve. The red light grew even stronger as they finally saw a clearing ahead of them. Even though they were going after Slade, even though they had been expecting the worst, they still weren't prepared for what lay ahead.
“Welcome Robin,” Slade greeted cruelly, holding the unconscious Starfire by her neck in one arm, “And friends. Sorry to have kept you waiting, but I needed to get my hands on something first.”
Robin's eyes arched into fierce slits, beyond angry at what Slade had done to his Starfire! The other Titans and Straw Hats gasped, both at the sight of their fellow Titan in the madman's grip and at what surrounded him.
Standing decked out around Slade were Mother, Ivan, Ian, and Swifty; lying at their feet were the battered bodies of Sanji and Tashigi.
“What did you do to our friends?!” Luffy asked, referring to the Iso-jin as much as he was Starfire and Sanji.
With a small `humph', Ivan stepped forward. “We aren't your friends anymore, Straw Hat. We've gotten what we wanted from you, and now it's time to get rid of what we didn't need.”
“Wait, you were only using us?” Robin asked in a rageful snarl. “What for? What have you possibly gotten from us in this short time?!”
As if Robin's voice was an alarm clock, Starfire finally opened her eyes.
“Come now boy, can't you see?” Ivan asked. “We've given Slade what he needs so that we can ally ourselves with him! It seems we need what he has—and vice versa—so this was only the next natural step!”
Robin clenched his fists tight, the anger within him finally boiling over. “You….BASTARD!” he cried as he charged forward, his fist seeking only one target: Slade's face. Whatever Slade has that the Iso-jin want, he must have convinced them to get Starfire for him in exchange! He knew as well as Slade did that Starfire brought them here; Slade must have wanted to return home! Even the Iso-jin were pawns in that madman's games!
Slade simply took a step backwards as Ivan moved between the two. “Iso-jin! Attack!”
Tunnels on opposite sides of the cavern seemed to explode as at least three or four dozen Iso-jin soldiers dashed ahead. The red-clad minions poured into the tiny group of heroes, attacking in whatever way they could.
Several soldiers—who appeared to be hand to hand fighters because of their lack of weapons—charged for the boy wonder; with his focus locked only on Slade, Robin didn't even notice them until he had fallen into one of their locks. However a quick flip changed that, sending the soldier reeling and the Titan spiraling through the air.
Robin's spin ended with his boot planted firmly into the face of another soldier. However, before he could even land yet another minion had his arm in his grip. An elbow to the gut freed the boy wonder, and this talented warrior quickly followed up by grabbing his assaulter by the head and swinging him through a group of his friends. Robin let him fly and wound up his other arm, but this time the soldiers were much more prepared—each arm and leg were quickly caught up and Robin found himself held helplessly.
Some of the Iso-jin seemed to be equipped with swords as well—although they swung valiantly, many found themselves in a pile on the floor, sliced and diced. The green-haired demon that left them like that wasted no time mourning as he effortlessly moved his three swords through the crowd, sending blood flying.
The ground beneath a row of soldiers exploded, sending them flying into the air. The dirt and stone that propelled them hovered for a second before sweeping forward, immobilizing another row of minions. Terra screamed as she commanded a loose stone from the wall beside her to charge forward.
Tony Tony Chopper's tiny body was easily missed by a soldier's swipe, but that soldier wasn't as lucky—he crumpled in a heap as the antlers tore into him. Chopper charged through the swarm in his reindeer point until one lucky kick knocked him off his feet. As that warrior prepared to finish him, he was greeted by the gigantic fist of Tony's human point. Leaving the soldier smashed into the stone floor, the doctor's massive form continued the fight.
“Rubber Gattling!” cried Luffy as his rubber appendages moved fast enough to create the image that dozens of arms were now pummeling the Iso-jin.
Several streaks of blood flew from the gashes across the soldier's stomach. A green bear had been swiping at him, and as another warrior prepared to return the favor with his sword, he was greeted with a pair of horns to his gut. Now Beast Boy had become a mountain goat, ramming his opponents mercilessly. One more transformation resulted in a green gorilla's muscle-packed body pushing its weight into a minion.
Nami countered an Iso-jin's mighty swing with her staff, but the force of it was enough to send her reeling backwards. The navigator realized her only advantage here was her speed; the soldier's sword pierced only air as she dashed past it, driving her staff into his neck. With him temporarily mobilized, Nami now targeted a much tenderer target; the soldier crumpled, clinging to his groin and screaming at a pitch usually reserved for chipmunks.
“Nami, look out!” cried Usopp from his vantage across the room. The thief turned to see another soldier zooming in for an attack; at this range it would be impossible for her to attack. The sniper bravely pulled back on his slingshot, releasing a projectile. “Killer Move Gunpowder Star!”
The beautiful navigator screamed, dropping to her knees. Her crewmate's attack flew right over her, hitting the Iso-jin with a deafening explosion. Nami stood and gave her savior a thumbs-up as thanks, but was quickly forced to warn him as well.
Spinning in response to the warning, Usopp noticed yet another soldier slashing at him from behind. “Usopp Counterattack!” he cried as he pulled a hammer from his bag with his free hand; with a ferocious swing he smacked his opponent across the knee. As the warrior crumpled in pain Usopp drove the mallet atop his head for good measure.
Ivan growled at the beating his soldiers were receiving. He turned to Swifty, one of the leaders of this militia. “Well, aren't you going to join the action?”
The inquiry from his superior jolted the battered man from his thoughts. He had hoped not to fight again, not with the conflicts still raging in his mind from the last fight. However Ivan—like Mother—was not a man to cross. Even if it was a question, disobeying this question could cost him his life.
“Yes, yous right.” Swifty growled as he shifted to his cheetah form, dashing into the battle. He bared his claws, ready to strike, but they weren't of much use. One powerful punch drove itself into the Iso-jin's stomach, cracking several ribs and sending him soaring into a wall of stone.
That punch came from none other than Cyborg and his mechanically backed muscles. As Swifty moaned in pain and slipped to the floor, Cyborg wasted no time in shooting off his left arm; a cable attached his rocket-propelled forearm to his biceps, and the soldier quickly found himself wrapped up in it. He struggled to break free, but not even a slash from his mighty claws could end this trap; to the contrary, Swifty ended up with some broken nails instead.
“You're much too dangerous to let attack.” The mechanical man growled. Suddenly his sensors flared, and the Titan turned to see several more soldiers dashing towards him. “And you just piss me off!” he cried as his right arm folded back into his Sonic Cannon—a pulsating blast of blue and white exploded from the cannon and decimated the group.
Another soldier charged Raven, who was just standing in the middle of the battlefield. She was hunched over, white flames boiling from her eyes. However, as he slashed his sword it cut harmlessly through a puddle of darkness. Then—as if possessed—the now shadow covered sword turned and drove itself through its owner's chest.
The dark sphere lowered its shield around Raven. She clenched both her teeth and fists as black energy spiraled around her, sparking through the air.
`I trusted them!' she thought. `Cyborg and Beast Boy are always on me to give people chances, to trust! It's just that it's so hard for me—of course it would be, with a Dad like mine—but I tried, I really did! I've come to trust my friends with my life, and they've given the same respect to me! I started to think that maybe it really was safe for me to trust!
So I did with these Iso-jin as well! Even after seeing Ian's attack, I chalked it up to personal agenda and allowed myself to think that it was safe to work with them! I encouraged us all to, even when Zoro and Terra knew it wasn't going to work!
Look how it turned out! They strung us along, played us as fools, then turned and attacked! My friends are getting hurt, all because of my stupidity! In my desire to be more human I forgot why I couldn't trust—no, why I couldn't ignore the distrust in my head! When I hide my feelings, people get hurt!
Raven's eyes finally disappeared entirely, and the energy building around her began to slowly crawl up her levitating body.
Well, no more! I shouldn't have let myself get played! I'm not going to ignore my emotions, my instincts, anymore! They're my power, and they're going to teach these traitors a lesson!
As the black energy that had been simmering finally exploded, it was now revealed that Raven's face had new eyes. Replacing the two peaceful and knowing eyes normally there were four, fierce red eyes ready to kill.
Meanwhile, the soldiers restraining Robin had carried him closer to his arch-nemesis, putting him face-to-face with Slade. The Teen Titan tried his hardest to break free, but the Iso-jin had him restrained beyond escape.
A spark of recognition returned to the hazy eyes of Starfire, still held captive in Slade's remarkable grip. “R-Robin?” she asked weakly.
“Starfire!” Robin exclaimed. “No matter what he says, don't use your Starbolts! You can't let these guys get back to our world!”
“Nonsense, girl.” Slade crooned viciously. “You have to take us home. How else will you save your friends? Look at them fight, Starfire. They're getting hurt. Look at your dear Robin, held captive and at our mercy. Can you bear to see us hurt him?” He craned his neck so he was eye to eye with the captive Tamaranian. “Could you live with yourself if they died because of you?”
“She won't have to!” cried another voice. Every eye in the room turned to see Raven soaring high above them all, energy viciously whipping across the cavern. “I'll get rid of you first!”
The force of the witch's power sent every combatant there soaring. Beast Boy didn't even notice the impact as his body was hurled into a wall. “Oh man,” he gasped, “I can't believe she's gone whacko again!”
Zoro crossed his swords, trying his hardest to say on his feet. However, he too was blown backwards, and as he hit rock Cyborg and his prisoner landed next to him.
“What's going on?!” the swordsman demanded, dumbfounded at this awesome power.
“She's angry!” Cyborg realized. “And when she's angry, she loses all control!”
Casting a vicious glance with her four bloodthirsty eyes, Raven clapped her glowing hands together. “Azarath…Metrion…Zinthos!” The cave shook as she focused her power, and one quick gesture towards the far wall covered the surface with a spinning whirlpool of endless black energy.
Raven then swept her other arm past the Iso-jin; each soldier there found his uniform draped in black. Not even a second passed before this deadly force pulled them through the air and into the dark abyss she had just created. In a mere moment the Titan had cleared the cave of all Iso-jin resistance—sans the three leaders and Cyborg's captive.
She had worse in store for them.
Taking advantage of the distractions, Swifty had slipped through the hero's grip and dashed towards the nearest exit. He's had enough of Iso-jin, no matter how much he owed them or how much they could do to them! Nothing was worth this kind of punishment—this kind of fear!
However, nothing escaped the all-seeing eyes of Raven's anger.
“Don't think you're going to make it out of here!” she cried. The wall sparked as a long beam of colorless energy leapt towards Swifty, forming a dark claw that easily grabbed the armada leader. “You'll meet the same fate as your underlings, cowardly traitor!”
The dark claw retreated, pulling a screaming Swifty into the abyss. With that done the wall returned to normal. However, Raven hadn't quelled her anger yet. No, this was just beginning.
The blue-clad witch flew down low, dashing towards Slade. For once, the villain seemed to show fear—his one eye was wide. A black flame in Raven's hand grew into a deadly dark claw, ready to disembowel the fiend that had been troubling them for oh so long. Today, the Teen Titans would finally destroy Slade—and the traitorous insects they had once considered their allies!
However, Slade's better judgment finally took a hold of itself. In one swift motion he held Starfire between himself and the newly-appointed angel of death.
The new target sparked a bit of Raven's true-self to finally shine through again. The moment's hesitation was just what the doctor ordered. Ian charged forward, drawing Eehuah in one decisive swipe. Red gusts of energy exploded forth, completely dissipating Raven's attack and hurling her to where her friends had been sent by her attack only minutes before.
Ian scraped Eehuah across the floor, and in one quick slash a solid crimson field rose from the ground and separated the heroes from Slade and his crew. Ian laughed as he held his weapon forth; the crystal sword sparked and shook, clearly taking all its energy to hold together such a large wall. Or perhaps it was taking all of its owner's energy; Ian was shaking, nearly losing his footing several times as he stood there.
Raven finally climbed back onto her feet, looking in shock at her hands. Ian's attack had completely obliterated her attack—and fortunately, it combined with her shock at nearly killing Starfire had brought her back to her senses. However, the question now in her mind was one of dire importance: could the power Eehuah—and the Stone of Iso Toa—contained dispel her magic?
Ivan stepped forward, ready to intervene. He knew what his son could handle, and this big of a shield was beyond his power! However, he was held back by the wrinkled hand of Mother. She shook her head, a slight smile on her face.
Slade, meanwhile, simply picked up the Stone of Iso Toa. He could feel Starfire's heart flutter as sparks roared off Ian's wall. No matter what was actually happening on the other side, he had her fearing the worst. Perfect.
“It's a shame.” The malevolent figure sighed. “You could have prevented this. You could have saved them all.” He paused for a second, letting it sink in. “You can still end this, Starfire. Use your Starbolts.”
The Tamaranian sighed. Her battered body was at its limit, and she could no longer think straightly. Her confidence in her friends was shaken by Slade's coercing; her blurred vision and the pain searing through her head didn't help much either.
In her mind, Starfire apologized to Robin. It seemed the only way to save him was to disobey his orders. A green beam came to life, launching from the alien's eyes and into the Stone of Iso Toa.
“Finally.” Slade whispered in awe as they were swallowed up in white light.
“It's too much for you, isn't it?” Zoro asked, laughing at the Iso-jin. Ian still quivered, barely holding up the shield. “You can't fight us with that thing up.”
“It doesn't matter.” Ian managed to spit out. “As long as they think we're fighting, I'm doing my job. You can't win, Roronoa Zoro.”
“Sure we can. I just have to go through you.”
Zoro smiled as he lifted his arms, positioning the backs of his two swords against the back of the one he held in his mouth. “Tora Gari!” he announced as he dashed forward, slashing downward and then across.
Ian soared backwards, falling out of consciousness. Blood spurted from the `H' Zoro had carved into his stomach, and the wall behind them fell.
However, the sight the Straw Hats and the Teen Titans were met with was even worse then before. None of them had a second to react as they were swallowed up by the pulsating wall of white light.
Chiyu stood on the deck of Ehever, staring helplessly at the entrance to the cave. The three hour deadline Mother had given her was nearly over, and the beautiful healer dreaded the thought of heading home without her Ian.
However, just as she turned to start up the ship, she was stopped in her tracks by the sound of Iso-jin. She reacted with joy—until she saw that the soldiers were being dropped from a tremendous shadow on the side of the cave. One final soldier was spat out of the shadow as it faded into nothingness.
“Swifty!” she exclaimed as she jumped from the side of the ship and dashed up the shoreline. The Armada Leader managed to slightly turn his head at the sound of his name.
“Chiyu…” Swifty gasped. “Mother…she's crazy…”
“What do you mean?” Chiyu exclaimed, horrified at this blasphemy.
“Shes can see the future, yes?” The healer nodded. “Then…shes sacrifices all of wes. All ours fighting was just a cruel…” His speech was cut off by a disturbing cough.
Red energy flared around the girl as tears welled in her eyes. “Hold on!” she commanded as her magic engulfed the beach, healing the Iso-jin that had managed to survive their encounter. Swifty pulled himself to his feet.
“Thanks.” the soldier said. His eyes suddenly shot open as if he had just remembered something. “Tank! Wes have to get to Tank!” However, just as quickly as they had shot open, his cat-like eyes now shrank into angry slits. “Then wes have to get thems too.”
Three figures entered into the cavern where the Iso-jin had fought with the Straw Hats and the Teen Titans.
The fully healed, massive figure of Tank ducked down low as he entered the room. “Crikey, this place looks like a war-zone.”
“Yeah,” Chiyu began, “But Mother, and Ian! Swifty, you said…”
“I know what I said.” the soldier interrupted. Looking around the cavern, a sad looked crossed Swifty's face. “Wes were too late.”
The cavern was now completely empty.
Next time: Luffy's Day Out—A Pirate Crew In Titan's Tower