Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Angels ❯ Vol 1: Chap 1. Four Years After Rebellion ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Four Years After Rebellion
"Pain and pride. That is all I've known." 3-M wrote in her journal. It was all she could do to keep from having another suicide fit. She didn't sleep much and she rarely ate. 3-M was depressed.
While she was writing, a knock came on her door. "Go away!" 3-M yelled. "It's me, Sarah." said a small voice behind the door. "What is it?" 3-M asked. "I set some fruit juice out for you." Sarah said. "Okay." said her older friend. 3-M tried to smile. It had been four years since they rebelled from the terrorist camp called the Dark Angels. She remembered it like yesterday….
*Flashback Begins*
3-M was a top spy for the Dark Angels camp. She despised their leader, Lord Derosslmeyer. He was abusive and he would beat her and the other angels senselessly. When he wasn't looking, she'd sneak into his office and look through his files, hoping to black mail him. She was doing that when she heard the door open. Not wanting to get caught, 3-M climbed into the vent. Derosslmeyer and his staff walked in. 3-M decided to do a little eavesdropping. "What I plan to do is dispatch all of the older spies except that brat 3-M and the baby, Sarah. Then…" Derosslmeyer said. This angered 3-M. She was going to have to stay twenty more months and deal with more stupid girls. She hated it when her months were increased and when she got stuck with the dense girls. So she crawled back to her dorm.
"Today is really the day!" 3-M thought. She had dreamed of a rebellion. And now was the time. So she sent around a card to see who would join her.
In three weeks, 3-M's card was returned. To her surprise, all of the girls wanted rebellion as well. "Well! A rebellion we'll have!" she thought.
After eight months of planning, everyone was ready. The head rebellion teams consisted of 3-M, Sarah, Frances, and officer Rosa. 3-M needed her group for she was depressed. Those three were the only people besides Lord Derosslmeyer that knew she was depressed. They all decided to keep it a secret. Besides, the girls were counting on 3-M to lead them from Derosslmeyer's ways.
At four o'clock in the morning, the rebellion began. The day began normal until classes began. The students threw their pens on the floor. The teachers looked up to see angry girls. Then the students ripped up their notebooks and textbooks. The teachers panicked. Then the girls began to overturn desks. The teachers tried to bring order but couldn't. The students overpowered them quick. The girls started destroying the classrooms. Once they were done with that, the girls took it to the halls.
By the afternoon, most of the camp was destroyed. The teachers went to Lord Derosslmeyer for help. He sent his stronger army. The girls took them down. Some girls set off the bombs in the building. The explosions started a fire. Only 3-M, her group, and some of the girls were the only ones to escape through the woods in the back.
*Flashback Ends*
3-M wondered how the other girls made it out after four years. One thing was for sure, Lord Derosslmeyer was still alive and searching for her.
Stop Transmission….

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