Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ Pride, Arrogance and Vanity ❯ Insufferable ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I am temperamental
Like a heart without a home
I am sentimental
But you don't know me at all
I have expectations
I wanna be the one you call
And I want a conversation
But you don't know me at all
Hold on tight, I'm a revolution
Close your eyes, I'll blow your mind
Why do I have to explain who I am again and again?
"Revolution"(The Veronicas)
A/N: Ooo. Two updates in a week! Lol. Here comes the fighting. I'm not really sure whose head is being chomped off in this one, but they'll both have a go at each other by the end of the story. Promise.
In addition, I must beg forgiveness for my atrocious Spanish. It has been a couple of (long) years since I have had it. (AP classes be damned. If you don't constantly speak it, taking higher levels doesn't help.)
Raine sat with her head on the desk in the office her father assigned. Vaguely, she wondered how she could not know that they had an entire building in Japan. Her brain steered away from that subject and on to the more pleasing one of what was for lunch.
Brilliant as she was, it was too difficult to think. It was Monday, and Mondays were just not her thing.
The two-way intercom on her telephone buzzed. Raine switched from resting her forehead on the desk to her chin so that she could properly glare at the flashing light. Had she not given specific instructions to her personally secretary stating that she was not to be disturbed? She was sure she had, and was ready to commit murder by the third buzz.
It took the will power of ten humans (and annoyance) to lift her up far enough to press the flashing red button, "What?"
The secretary whimpered, "I know you said that you weren't to be disturbed, Miss Wilson, but he's insisting!"
"Mr. Ootori, ma'am," Margarita practically squeaked. The secretary was new, and Raine understood that she did not want to lose her job, but she was going to have to talk to her about being scared of anything that moved. Sometimes she became nervous enough to switch back into her native language (Spanish) and forget her English.
Bastard, She thought, before pressing the button again, "Send him in."
As the heavy oak door to her office opened, Raine straightened herself up in her chair, and made herself look presentable. Her secretary entered first, pushing the door open for the pompous ass that is Kyouya Ootori. She glared appropriately, as he entered the room.
She really was beginning to dislike him, and not because he had interrupted her nap/Monday-morning-recovery-time, either.
"Señorita Margarita, me trae otra taza de café, por favor."
"Pero has tenido ya tres tazas!"
"Uno más." Raine held up one finger and begged with her eyes. Her secretary sighed and walked out to see if she could convince the janitorial staff to hand over another cup.
She then pierced her intruder with another glare. He stared back. She glared harder and somehow he only managed to look disinterested. She wanted to punch him. He refused to look properly intimidated.
"Well?" she snapped.
He raised his eyebrows.
"What do you want?"
He moved, still not saying a word, and sat in the chair that had been positioned in front of her absolutely huge desk.
How annoying, Raine thought, First he barges in, without being invited and then he doesn't speak. I really should punch him.
She studied him. He wore another white button up shirt, this time completely buttoned, and with a black tie. His pants were just black slacks. She could not see his shoes, so she decided to imagine him wearing pink bunny slippers. Somehow, it did not seem possible.
"Are you always this grumpy in the morning?" She jolted. He spoke!
"Only when people rudely interrupt it."
The corners of his mouth twitched slightly before settling into that hard line in which it seemed to be stuck. "Ah."
There was another stony silence before Raine spoke again, "So, are you going to tell me why you barged in on my morning, or are you going to sit there and stare at me like a complete moron?" She snapped at him.
There was another raise of his eyebrows, and he shrugged, "You should know why I'm here. I left a message with, and sent an e-mail to your father."
She groaned, and squeezed her eyes shut.
"Mr. Ootori, I believe that we need to have a few things cleared up here. One being my father. While he may be the head of this company on paper, I run it. He makes no decisions nor does he alert me to meetings that might possibly be coming my way. That is my secretary's job." She leaned forward, laying her arms on the desk to support her. The silk lining of her tan business suit whispered at the slight movement, breaking the suddenly awkward silence.
"Further more, we have no contact with each other outside of board meetings, or matters, such as our marriage, that involve the entire family, so it would be in your interest to direct your wishes towards either Margarita, or myself." Raine smiled at the man sitting across from her. It was a cold smile, she knew, and it caused him to shift slightly, and glance away before returning her gaze with cool calculation.
She could tell she had angered him, yet she did not care, "You would do well to remember that, Kyouya Ootori."
"If I do not?" His eyebrows were raised again. That was going to be an annoying habit.
Raine just smiled, and Kyouya noticed, yet again, that it did not reach her eyes. "Point taken, Miss Wilson."
"Now, you will tell me why you're here, or I will call security to escort you out and have you filed as a public nuisance." She laughed. "Of course, I might do it anyway, just for the hell of it, even if you do have a valid reason for being here. This morning has been boring."
"So you would throw me out for your amusement?"
"Yes. You are, after all, being increasingly insufferable."
Anger glittered behind his wire-framed glasses, and she was almost frightened by the intensity of it. Almost.
A knock on the door interrupted his response.
"Come in." Two voices called, and Raine froze. She turned her intense glare back upon the Ootori heir and hissed, "What did you just say?"
The door opened, halting any further 'conversation' and Margarita took one look around the room, set the cup of coffee down quickly on the nearest table and escaped before her boss decided to turn that wrath upon her.
When the door was shut firmly, she turned back to her fiancé and said, very quietly, "Would you like to tell me who gave you the idea that you could say who can and who cannot enter my office?"
Kyouya leaned forward onto her desk and assumed the same position she had, arms crossed and held just on the edge for support, "I did."
"Since when do you make decisions concerning me?"
"Since your father made the agreement with my father that included our marriage."
She stood and walk around her desk to look down on him, "That agreement only stated that your hospitals would receive free vaccines, nothing more and nothing less."
"You're wrong." He stood suddenly and she backed away. He was tall. She guessed around 6'2". To her 5'0" that was huge.
"No, I'm not." She said, quietly, "I've read that contract."
"So have I." He backed her up to her desk, and placed his hands on either side of her, and leaned, causing her to bend halfway backwards to avoid touching.
"Then you know that it says nothing on the subject of your control of me."
Kyouya wondered how she could still give him that glare when she was so obviously not in the position to. It amused him. Most grown men would have run screaming by now, but this woman, barely 26 years old, had the guts to stand up to him.
"You are correct, but it does state that when our companies merge, I am the CEO of both, and when it comes down to it, all decisions made within this building are to be approved by me, that includes who enters and leaves your office."
"Picky, aren't we?" She smiled, and her eyes sparkled mischievously.
"Very." The anger had faded from his face, and she knew unless he was angry, he would never leave.
"If you're so picky, then why did you have a relationship with that commoner, Haruhi Fujioka?"
The cold mask melted back over his face, and he backed away, "That was low."
She let her own mask of indifference take over, and whispered, "You're right. It was, but so was your comment. Do you think I do not know that you know everything about me? I know you know that I spent years in America fighting for women's rights. The entire world knows it and still you go and rub it in my face that I will have to submit to a man because of the decisions that my father, another man, has made."
She was standing straighter by now, and glowering.
Kyouya looked out the window behind her desk, "That does not excuse you from your rudeness."
"Of course it doesn't. Now, you will leave my office and you will not return until you have made an appointment with my secretary." She walked to her chair and sat, straightening the forms for the merger that she needed to sign.
"I'd prefer to deal directly with you, if you do not mind."
She looked up, "I do mind. I have said once before that you are insufferable, and after the conversation that we have just had, I find you even more so. I no longer wish to deal with you for such trivial matters. Please, leave."
"I am not the only unbearable one in this room, Miss Wilson."
Kyouya walked out, leaving Raine to stare holes in the door after him. When she was sure he was out of earshot, she shrieked and swept her hand across her desk, scattering forms and pens, in anger. When the last paper had settled, she opened the top drawer of her desk, took out a sheet of stationary, and proceeded to tear it, calmly, into tiny pieces.
She made her way through another two sheets before she wondered if she could calm her anger quicker by throwing things. She quickly decided against it, and signed off of her computer, so that she could take her lunch break.
She would have her revenge, and Kyouya Ootori would not like it at all.
Raine made a mental note to go buy some strappy sandals to have dyed to match her dress for the ball that Friday as she gazed out of her window and watched the world's most infuriating person step into his Porsche and drive away.
A/N: Lol. I know that some of you are going "When's the ball?!" I promise, it's coming. I wanted to put in something… to help move their relationship (If you can call it that) along. Not all of their fights will be this…intense, but like I said, gotta move it along, it's already chapter 7 and they've only seen each other once? Not good.