Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction / Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Paradiso ❯ Slumbering Paradise ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Paradiso: Chapter One-Slumbering paradise.

A/N- here you go. Chapter one complete. A little short, but it gets the point across. By the way, the title comes from the track of the same name on the WR soundtrack. On a side note- does anyone know the song that was playing when Darcia entered Jagera’s Keep. It’s not on the soundtrack and Akita and I have been wanting to hear the whole thing-minus the dialogue.

He woke slowly, unsure of where he was or why he was there. He was so cold and his legs trembled from weakness and blood-loss. He could not trust his nose, for it carried the scent of incense and warm air to him and he knew only snow as the world died slowly around him. There were other aromas, but he could not name them.

“Rest, my wolf. Rest and heal.” There was a quiet voice in his ears and a gentle hand rested on his head. “You may sleep now. The time is not yet right for you to wake.”

The heavy smell of incense was thick in the air and somehow it was a familiar, soothing scent. Her scent! It was her intoxicating odor! Why did the incense smell like her? He struggled desperately toward wakefulness, despite the bone-weary ache that was in every inch of his body.

“He’s not just going to rest quietly, y’know.” A second voice spoke into the incense-laden air, but he could not identify the scent that accompanied it. “He won’t stop searching. It’s too much a part of his nature.”

“How like someone else I know.” There was amusement in the first voice.

“Then you know what I mean. I wouldn’t rest until I found you, and he won’t rest either.” A second hand touched his head. “Listen to me, wolf. She is waiting for you, but she’s sleeping now. When the time is right, you’ll see her again. She promised you, didn’t she? She’s waiting for you, all of you, but for now she’s sleeping until it is time. Just as you need to sleep. Do you understand?”

“All?” He was so weak that it took every bit of his strength just to pose the single, simple question.

“All of you,” The first voice confirmed softly. “Your pack is here too, my wolf.”

It couldn’t be and yet he knew it was truth. Beneath her pervading scent and the strange odor of the two with him, he could smell his pack-mates. They were all here. How? He remembered blood on the snow and the glazing eyes that saw nothing anymore. He remembered them falling, one by one. He fought the strange lethargy that held him, desperate to see, to know for certain.

“If I let you see them, will you rest?” Asked the second voice.

“My pack…?” He managed.

“You have to promise to rest.”

“Yes… I promise.”

Gentle hands lifted his head and turned it. “Open your eyes.”

He dragged reluctant eyes open. Four curled heaps of fur met his disbelieving gaze. They were there, sides gently rising and falling in the steady rhythm of sleep. Black and russet, red and iron-gray, they were all here, all alive! A low whine of relief escaped him.

“You see?”

“I see…”

His head was gently lowered and blue eyes, bright with humor, met his. “They’re here and safe, waiting for her to awaken, wolf. Now will you sleep?”

“S-she will wake? The others?” He asked, struggling against the weary body that cried desperately for rest. “They live?”

“They do. They and she will wake soon enough, my wolf.” Answered the first voice. “As promised, you have found your way there. All you must do is wait for the right time to awaken. Now, please, rest.” The gentle hand returned, stroking his head.

Amber eyes drifted closed. “Rest…”

He heard their voices still, but they were distant as the haze of weariness dragged him down. The others were safe. The knowledge was as comforting as the warmth that was slowly seeping into his aching limbs. He didn’t know how it had happened and for once in his life he did not care. So long as they were safe and alive, that was all that mattered. The anguish in his chest eased.

His pack…

“How perceptive of you. How did you know what would ease his mind enough to rest?” The first voice asked softly, fingers still smoothing his fur.

A soft chuckle answered. “Like me, he couldn’t relax until he knew. I couldn’t stop searching until I found you, and he couldn’t stop until he was sure. Sure of his pack and sure of his world.”

“His world? How very eloquent of you.”

“That girl, the one they called the flower maiden, is the center of his world. She is his world as much as you are mine.”

There was melting warmth in the reply. “I never tire of hearing you admit that, my dear.”

“I’ll keep admitting it if you listen to you own advice, just this once.”

“What advice is that?”

“To rest.”

The white wolf’s sides heaved once in a huge sigh and he descended into the warm depths of slumber, waiting to awake to paradise.