Pretear Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Mina, beyond her heart ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Warning: cliché chapter. :D Just watched Episode 5-7 of Prétear. I'm still waiting for the very last episode from 8 - 13.

--Regarding Mina: Part 2--

It should have been a peaceful night like any other normal routine nights that followed. But this one particular night was different. It felt peculiar and somewhat eerie. Sleep was impossible.

Sailor Venus… Sailor Venus… It called for her name in vain, taunting and tormenting her. It came back for her again, but this time to claim its victor over her.

She ran further than she ever did in her life, only to escape from its terrible clutches. If she let this one win, her life would be over just like it ended for her fallen comrades.

Sailor Saturn… Sailor Mini Moon… Hearing those names felt like a knife stabbed through her heart. She failed all of them, now she must fight the battle alone to stay alive. Her friends left dying in their own pool of blood. A blood made of vengeance and hatred, paid a hefty price with their innocent lives.

Venus Crescent Beam Mash!A laser like beam sprung forth from her fingertips, summoning the last ounce of her strength. She had lost the will to go on fighting, the very same thing that she fought so hard to gain control from the very beginning.

Evil... Darkness… Everywhere, it surrounded her taking control over her mind, body and her own soul.

She was too late. Her power had no effect to stop it. It was coming for her, drawing closer. She was caught off-guard.

No!!! She screamed, begging for her life to be spared. She was answered by a malicious laughter. It was a horrible sound that she never wanted to hear it ever again. You're a coward, you're a failure. You left your poor friends to die. You're a fake. Why bother all with these pretences? You're not needed anymore. You're not wanted. You're better off gone from this world. It threatened to consume her with these negative thoughts inside her confused mind, punishing from her past committed sins.

No… No… You're not real… Nothing makes sense… Tears of shame and guilt slid down on her stricken face. It was the honest truth and it hurt her deeply than anyone else had betrayed her emotions.

I just wanted to be free for once from this pain…

Can anyone help me?

Will I be saved?

"You're not alone…" A soft, distinctive male voice interrupted into this distorted reality, reaching out to the depths of her despair. Opening her eyelids slowly, she tried to adjust her eyes in the darkness. All she could see was a tiny welcoming light heading towards her direction and an unfamiliar face just hovering above her. He extended his comforting hands to hers and she gladly accepted them - his warmth, his love and his kindness. Who was he?


Mina woke up with a loud gasp as she sat up straight in her bed. It had been numerous times that she encountered this recurring nightmare plaguing her in recent weeks. This was no ordinary dream. It felt too real to be dismissed. Yet, so many unanswered questions remained to this day. This had her worry.

Her bedroom suddenly grew colder but realized it was her numbness from shock. The disturbing dream left her trembling in fear and state of confusion. She wiped the damp sweat from her forehead but was startled to find fresh traces of tears on her cheeks. Had she been crying during her sleep? Her memory had been too vague to remember anything last night. You're not alone… The same mysterious, haunting voice came drifting back into her consciousness.

She touched her cheeks softly and felt a self-conscious flush overcame her. Her first real blush! This never happened to her even before she fell head over heels so many times for a guy in the past. What makes this one so different from the others?

"Get with the program, Mina!" She chided herself. "Who am I kidding?! He's not even real." There was a great sorrow behind her angelic face.

She shifted her eyes over to her cat, Artemis sleeping peacefully beside her. He was one of her very best friends, mentor and partner on the path of her journey as Sailor Venus. At first, she considered telling him about the dream. She hesitated.

She sighed as she fluffed her pillow and turning her body over to the other side of the bed. She spent the next few minutes staring into space before shutting her eyes to sleep. She only wished that she could hide her insecurity from the rest of the world.

At a far corner of her bedroom, an unopened mail was placed at the top of her dresser. It was a wedding invitation from Katrina and Allan written across the envelope which could only mean a great deal of Mina's trouble.

--Part 2 ends/to be continued--