Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Men, Saiyajins, and God ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
This is a crossover I've been interested in doing. On side note, before draining energy, Ryotori appears to be 6. After she has drained enough energy, she can look as old as 16. Her actual age is ten.

Chapter 1 version 1.6

Kuno held his large metal katanna and glared at his target.

"Who are you to disturb my practice?" Kuno demanded.

"I'm sorry, but I was looking for a man. But your not him," the tall stranger responded.

"And you expect that I, the great Takewaki Kuno will allow you to destroy part of my Kendo hall, insult me, and then leave without a fight?"

"I wouldn't dream of it. However, I think you should be careful little man. Your power level isn't high enough."

"Why you! The Gods themselves do tremble before my might! And soon you shall as well." Kuno launched into a deadly set of jabs. His metal sword moved so fast that it left scars on the air.

"That's a very interesting trick you have there," Kuno's adversary stated while simply blocking the deadly sword with his bare hands. "I have one of my own."

His body began to super heat and the sword in Kuno's hand began to melt.

"How is this possible?" Kuno's pleas for knowledge went unanswered as the big guy came in with a blow to the head. Kuno was soon on the ground and he fought to stay awake.

"I'd love to stay and finish you off, but my tracker is reading others with much more power then you."

"Blast it all... why can't... I..." His eyes closed and his dreams went to a simpler time where he felt the love of the two closest to him.


Mean while, Ranma crawled out of the latest hole his job had him in. He'd unearthed several ancient civilizations, but only a few had any interesting fighting techniques.

"All that studying. All those boring lectures and for what? I figured I'd be able to find some clues about the great masters that taught Cologne and Happousai, or at least, I figured I find some other powerful techniques. Oh well."

As he got to his feet, he felt something moving over head. A power level. A huge evil power level. He looked up and saw a man flying over head. He knew he was not ready to take on the whomever it was, so he suppressed his life force. As the power moved out of view, Ranma took a second to relax.

'I've got to tell Cologne about this.'

He hoped to his feet and took off towards Cologne's village.


On a remote mountain in Japan, a man hovered ten feet off the rocky ground.

"I must be one with my surroundings. I must be one with the air and one with the trees... I... must... skip this technique." Ryoga dropped to the ground and picked up his ancient book of martial arts techniques. "Darn it, I've almost reached the end of this thing and I don't fell any more powerful then I was when I started."

Something to the left caught his attention. That something was headed straight for him.

'Damn it. Could that be Ranma? I'm not ready for a fight. My training today wasted all my energy reserves. It would be like him to interrupt me while I'm training though...' Ryoga kept looking and realized it wasn't Ranma. But it was someone with an evil aura. That meant he was still in danger.

"Why hello."

"Hi... Who the hell are you?"

"Me? I'm Raditz," the stranger replied before clicking the device on the side of his head. "Damn it. Who could have know there were so many high level beings on this planet... I don't suppose you know where a man named Kakarot is?"

"Carrot? That's an odd name."

"What? You dare make fun of a proud Saiyajin name?"

"A Saint Gin? What are you babbling about?" Ryoga's head began to swim. 'Darn it, that last technique must be messing with my hearing.' "Buddy, I'm a bit busy right now. Come back in an hour and I'll be happy to cook you a meal."

"You think this is funny?"

"No, I'm not going to cook you a bunny." Raditz's smile was now completely gone.

"Listen up. Your now on my list of beings to torture once I've found Kakarot."

"Torttia? Ah forget it." Ryoga decided it was time for a nap. Then maybe his head would stop hurting. Ryoga's body hit the ground with an Earth shattering thud. The Saiyajin step up and tapped Ryoga's body with his boot.

"Odd... His body's heavier then it looks." His scouter indicated he was close to another high power level. This one was only a little more power though. "Kakarot, where the hell are you!"


In an old Amazon village, Cologne sat in her hut, very much aware of the evil that has arrived on Earth. She first sensed it shortly after another odd sensation happened. She'd felt it a few times before and she knew what it meant.

Thankfully, Ranma was on his way. She could sense his life force traveling at a high speed.

"Shampoo, have a diner prepared in honor of our guest. He'll be here in three hours."

"Guest? It Ranma? He come tell..."


"Sorry great grandmother. I still no like giving up Ranma to too violent girl."

"Grand daughter, these things could not be helped. For now, we have bigger issues. The worlds have merged and I fear we are now in the path of a great danger. One that may be more powerful then Ranma."

"Great Grandmother kid right?"

"No child, but... It has been almost ten years. Perhaps, he's gotten stronger..." In her mind she tried to sense Ranma's life force, but couldn't get a full reading. "Now hurry, he's almost here and I'm sure he'll be hungry."


Ranma tried to pour out more speed. He knew he could get a more speed if he were to take off the special training clothes he had on, but that would take time. Time he knew no one had.


In Japan, Happousai stood before his students. Ryotori, Ukyo, Kodachi, and Akane were his top students. All of them could be considered amongst the top ten fighters and he knew it.

"You all have done better then I could have expected. However, the time I talked about has arrived."

"You don't mean."

"Yes, the worlds have collided just as I predicted. A battle that was never meant to happen is now guaranteed. The first one has arrived, but we don't need to worry to much about him. There are more then three dozen people that can over power him. It's the ones that will follow that I'm really worried about."


"Yes. Usually, the scout is the weakest of a group. The stronger ones will just wait and find out the techniques of their enemies."

"So these guys... Their... aliens?"

"Yes Akane. And from this one's battle aura alone I can tell you this. The ones to follow are most likely world destroyers." His senses began to tingle again.

"Master, is something wrong?"

"No... Well, I'm not sure, but I think may have found us a solution." Happousai hopped outside and began to search. "There!"

He ran to the corner of the yard and picked up an orange ball.

"What is it?"

"This my dear Ukyo is... is..." He looked intensely at it. "I don't know."

This statement was followed by the four girls face vaulting.

"Master... What can you tell us about it?"

"Well, I can sense a magic power inside it. If I had to guess, I'd say it was part of a summoning spell."

"But what does it summon?"

"Well, I couldn't tell you. Look here." He pointed to the ball. "You see those stars?"


"Well, this one has seven. If I had to guess, I'd say there are at least six more of these beauties laying around. Possibly more, but I couldn't tell until we gather them together. Ryo?"

"Yes master?" Ryotori responded happily.

"I need to speak to you alone."



The two wandered into the main Tendo house.

"My dear, I want you to hold this ball and tell me what you feel." He handed it to her. Almost at once, her eyes grew as wide as possible.

"I... can feel them. I can feel the other balls spread out over the surface of the Earth. Master, I've never felt anything like this."

"Then it's just as I suspected. Your body is very sensitive to various energy types, including magic. You must get that from your mother, Mrs. Hinako Tendo. I need you to go out and find the rest of these if you can. If I'm right, the summoned creature just might help us save our planet."

"But what about my training?"

"My dear, I gotta admit, you no longer need my training. I've kept you going because it gave the others reason to believe they could reach your level. Truth be told, they're training began way to late. They'll never be as strong as you are."

"Yes master." A look of disappointment came over Ryotori's face.

"I see it troubles you."

"It does. I don't want to be the strongest. I want to battle against others. I want the thrill of not knowing if I'll be able to win or not. I want a challenge."

"My dear, I understand how you feel. For the longest time, there was no one on my level and I felt alone. But don't fear too much. I think the days ahead will provide us with all the tough opponents you can handle. Now hurry back. Hopefully these balls will provide us with a clue to what's going on."


Back at the Amazon Village, the door to Cologne's hut opened abruptly.

"Welcome Ranma." The use of his name caused him to lose his balance.

"Hey old ghoul. Not going to call me son-in-law any more?"

"Now why would I do that. I've already seen it is impossible to change your mind about Shampoo."

"Well, it's about time. I'm not sure if you know yet, but we've got problems."

"Yes, I already know. Ranma, we need to get your training on track or you will not have a chance at beating this new foe."