Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Odango Atama ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's note. I just want to apologize for the shortness of the Ranma/Taro fight.

Odango Atama

version 1.0

Chapter 4

What to call what was happening between Sailor Moon and Pantyhose Taro?

On one hand, if you just used your ears, you might think it was a battle of some kind.

Upon opening your eyes though, you'd realize it a actually a slaughter. Taro, in his bull mode, wasn't enjoying this turn around in his luck either.

"Take this! Sailor Moon kick!" as a foot went to the side of Taro's head.

"And how about this! Sailor Moon Punch revised, Kachuu Tenshin Amaguri Ken!" she shouted as her fist blurred into Taro's gut.

"Moon Tiara... Nah, that'd probably kill him..."

After ten minutes of Sailor Moon beating the cow pies out of the bull man, the two decided to stop fighting. Well, Taro decided that almost from the get go. It was Ranma-chan that finally decided to show some compassion.

"So what'd you think of the beating I gave you Pantyhose?" This caused a confused look to show on Taro's face. "Oh yeah, you don't know who I am yet... Tell you what, follow me and I'll get you some hot water."

Before Ranma-chan could go, Taro pulled out a kettle with hot water and poured it on himself.

"Thanks for the offer girl, but I always keep some handy. Tell me, why are you in Nerima and why are you attacking me?"

"Huh? You're asking me that after you were destroying the buildings over there?"

"Oh, yeah.. that... See, there's this martial artist around here that always likes to play the champion. So when I want him to come out and battle, I just destroy a few buildings and he comes running."

"Well, I'm here. Is there something ya wanted?"


"It's me. Ranma Saotome."

"Right.... sure... Now I know the femboy loves to play dress up, but even he can't change that much."

"You don't believe me? Well, hand me that hot water and stand back."

"Ok..." Taro said as he passed the kettle and watched as Sailor Moon proceeded to pour it over herself. This caused his eyes to get bigger. Not because of any change in gender. As anyone that's seen a wet tee-shirt contest can tell you, if the cloth is already hugging the body tightly, adding water can give the viewers a free peep show.

"So now you know the truth... Hey, wait a minute... Why didn't I change?" She turned to find out what Taro's thoughts on that subject were, but by this point, Taro had passed out on the ground from a massive nose bleed. "Hey Usagi, any idea why my curse didn't activate?"

'No... Well, if the curse is magic in nature, perhaps the Sailor suit is blocking it.'

"What! Does that mean I'm going to be stuck as a girl forever?" Ranma-chan asked as her voice cracked.

'I don't know. If you calm down, the suit will be removed. Then you can try again...'

"Ok." Ranma-chan responded. Slowly she breathed in through the nose and out through the mouth. Within seconds of doing this, the suit dissolved away, leaving Ranma-chan in the Kendo outfit. "Now, to try this again."

She hefted the kettle up and let the remainder fall on her. This time the transformation happened.

"All right! I'm a guy again! Thanks for the info Usagi... Usagi? You in there?" He waited and still no response came. He thought about tapping his skull like a he would on a broken radio, but decided against any course of action that would increase the odds that he'd look insane. "Did she finally pass on?"

As he stood in the street, he clapped his hands together and said a silent prayer for Usagi.


It was early morning before Ranma arrived back at Usagi's house. Since reality still hadn't given in to his demands that everything was false, he figure it was the best place to start looking for answers.

"I guess I gotta live as this girl for now... Damn it, why are these kinds of things always happening to me?" he asked as he walked up to the fire hose. Turning it on, he let the water change him. "Hopefully her mother knows how to cook cause I'm starvin!"

'Me too!' a bubbly voice chimed in Ranma-chan's head.

"What!" she said with a shout.


"You're back!"

'What do you mean? I never went anywhere... Hey, this is my house. How'd we get here?'

"Huh? I walked here."

'Really? The last thing I remember is being in the street, fighting that bull monster you called Pantyhose Taro. Then you poured the hot water on us and suddenly we're here.'

"You don't remember the walk here? Or any of being a guy?"

'Eww. No and thank goodness I don't. I was born a girl and I don't wanna ever know life any other way.'

"How do you think I feel? I never asked to change into a girl and I especially didn't ask to become one that turns into a warrior of peace and love..."

'Does that mean you prefer hate and violence?'

"No... Well, I got nothing against either, but my life has been centered around violence in one form or another. It's been so much a part of my life, I can't imagine not having it."

'Well, if you're going to be me, you'll have some peace and love in a few forms.'

"What do you mean?"

'Hey, is that bacon I smell?'

"Are you changing the sub... Hey, I think you're right."

Inside, Ranma-chan was greeted by two very angry parents.

"Usagi, where have you been? First you ran out of the house, then you didn't show up at school. I'm really worried about you," her mother scolded her. "It was bad enough was you were always late. Please don't tell me you're going to start skipping school all together."

"No... mom," Ranma-chan choked out. "I'm going. I just wasn't myself yesterday." 'Or today.'

"Ok... It's too early to discuss this now, but we're going to have a serious talk about when you get home young lady." Ranma-chan repressed a gag at being called a lady and simply shook her head. "Now, hurry and eat your breakfast and get off to school."

"Yes mother..." Ranma-chan sat at the table and seconds later walked off, leaving the table a barren and foodless wasteland.


As Ranma-chan walked to school, she started trying to think of a way to tell the other.

'Hey Usagi?' Ranma-chan asked.


'Any ideas on how to tell your friends about this?'

'About being part boy? Fraid not.'

'Knowing my luck, they'll find out the worst way possible.'

'Well, then we're going to have to take the initiative.'


'Tonight, we're going to have Rei do a fire dance. After she does it, if it doesn't tell her something, we will.'

'Are you sure that's a good idea?'

'Of course it is. Besides, I'm sure you can fend off a bunch of girls if it comes to that.'

'Yeah, I know I can, but... if I'm going to be you, it'd be helpful if they were on my side.'

'Yeah, you got a point there... I'll keep thinking about that while you focus on school stuff.'

'I bet you'd like that...,' Ranma-chan thought with a grumble.

'Is it that obvious? Besides, the way I'm feeling, I'm sure it's not going be long before you're the only voice in here. I just hope we make amends with everyone else first...'

'Stop talking like that. I've never failed in saving a person's life and I ain't about to start now.'

'That's sweet of you... really it is...'


The school day went by quickly and Ranma-chan was surprised at how easy it was to do the work. At least she was amazed till she remember she was supposed to be a high school student.

'At least I'm as smart as a fourteen year old,' she mused.

Of course, the teachers were still going to need some help recovering via a bottle of Jack and his Russian friend.


"Hey Ami!" Ranma-chan called out as she ran towards the blue haired girl.

"Hello Usagi." Ami responded with her usual amount of energy before returning to her current game of chess. She was on the last move and it was obvious she was going to win once her rook was in place. "Check mate."

"Dern, ya beat me again," the old man responded. "What's that? Fifteen wins in a row today? Well, thanks for playin with this old man."

"It's my pleasure Oba-san."

"See ya around," he said with a wave as he left the two girls.

"Fifteen wins straight?" Ranma-chan asked.

"Well, he is kind of exaggerating..."

"So you didn't win fifteen games?"

"No, I did... But they were really close games..."

"In a battle Ami, close isn't what one strives for. At the end of the battle, you're either the winner or the loser... Hey, mind if I play you a game?"

"... Are you sure Usagi? I mean you don't usually enjoy this very much."

"I'm feelin lucky. So, will you play a game of chess with me?," Ranma-chan asked sweetly. "For fun?"



Another fifteen games later, Ami was starting to question her sanity. Well, maybe not her sanity, but she was certain, something was off. Through all fifteen of their games, Usagi had either managed to force her in to defeat or gotten her into checkmate. This was not the Usagi she was used to. Nothing had distracted her though the games.

"Are you ok Ami?"

"I don't know. I don't suppose you've always been this good and were just hiding it..."


'I suck at chess!' Usagi practically shouted at her despite the lack of lungs.'


'Yes! By the way, how'd you do it?'

'Do what?'

'Beat Ami in chess!?!'

'Simple it's a game of battle and strategy. In the past, I found strategy was just as important as strength, so I made a point of studying it.'


"So what's going on here?" Ami asked.

"What'd you mean Ami?"

"I mean, who are you?"