Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Past Revealed ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A crossover between Sailor Moon and Ranma ½

Author's Note: Any characters used in this story that are not involved in either one of the original series belong to me.

Disclaimers: Ranma 1/2 is property of Rumiko Takahashi. Publication Rights are held by Viz in The US and Shogakukan in Japan. Sailor Moon is property of Naoko Takeuchi. Publication rights held by Kodansha Ltd. in Japan and Mixx Entertainment in the US. "Successful Mission" is the theme song from the anime, Saber Marionette J.
What has happened before: Ranma has become fed up with the way his life has been treating him in Nerima, and he finally comes to a decision and breaks all of his engagements with all the girls. And decides to leave town.

Deciding on calling up on an old promise made 8 years ago, Ranma calls his relatives, the Tsukino's, and asks if he may stay with them for a while. Gaining permission, Ranma has packed up his things and has gotten ready to leave Nerima and head for Tokyo to begin a new life.

A Past Revealed
Chapter 2
By Angela Nebedum

"Successful Mission"

I came to this land to protect you.
I was born to be with you.
The moment I awoke...
...prisms surrounded me.

I'm here to love you now.
I was born to hold you.
Lies and truths...
...are all within ourselves.

The days I abandon my true feelings...
...won't get to me.
Tenderness and caring...
...can be ours once again!

Day in, day out, like a puppet on a string.
Wandering in the void between zero and infinity
The strength to sever the tangled wires...
...is still sleeping inside of you.

- Nerima -

Ranma has already eaten breakfast and has his bags packed and already downstairs. The Tendo family and Genma crowd around him with mournful looks on their faces. Even P-chan looks unhappy as Akane holds him in her arms.

"Are you sure you won't change your mind, Ranma?" Kasumi asks.

Ranma looks over at Kasumi and smile sheepishly. "Yes Kasumi, I'm sure I won't change my mind." Ranma says, the smile vanishing from his face. "I say it's high time I took my own life into my hands, and stop letting others try and make me live it the way they want me to." He says while glaring at Soun and Genma. "And the only way I can do that is if I'm not living here in both this house, and in this town."

"But where are you going?" Nabiki asks. "Are you planning on living on the streets somewhere without any money?"

"Don't even think I'm poor you guys. I haven't been giving all of my money to Nabiki to pay off debts or bribes to you." Ranma says. "I've been saving some money in a bank account, and besides, I've arranged to live with some friends."

At this bit of news, Genma perks up. "Friends? Ranma, my boy. Do I know these friends of yours?" Genma asks.

"None that you could possibly remember pop." Ranma says as he recognizes the look forming on Genma's face.

Just then a honking comes from outside. Everyone turns around and sees a taxicab parked outside on the driveway. Ranma turns back to face everyone. "Well there's my ride to the train station that will take me to my new home." He says matter of factly. "I guess this will be good-bye everyone." He says as he is surrounded by the Tendo's and Genma.

Kasumi hugs Ranma good-bye.

"Good-bye, Ranma. I hope you find what you are looking for where ever you are headed for." Kasumi says, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"I hope that I do too, Kasumi." Ranma says as he returns the hug.

"This town won't be the same without you Ranma. No more fights, no more making money off of you and what you do." Nabiki says, trying to sound like her old self but feels like she is failing. "You're going to make me a poor woman, Ranma Saotome!"

Ranma smiles knowingly at Nabiki. "Yes, Nabiki. I will miss you too."

He then turns to face Genma and Soun who were standing closely together. "Bye, Pop and Mr. Tendo. I guess I will be seeing you guys."

Soun bursts into a flood full of tears that go flying 10 feet on both sides of his head. "Ranma! You have to reconsider!" Soun wails. "What about your family honor?! You are honor bound to marry Akane because of the pact your father and I made!"

Genma joins in on the wailing. "Yes, son. You have to marry Akane for honor's sake." Genma shouts. "What do you think your mother would say if she found out not only about your curse, but that you would disgrace the family honor by refusing to marry Akane because of your own selfish ac---!!" Genma's words are cut off when he suddenly finds himself with a mouthful of Ranma's left foot.

Ranma just shakes his head as he removes his foot from his fathers' mouth. "Mr. Tendo, Pop. I already told you yesterday. Nothing you can say or do will make me change my mind." Ranma slowly says.

Genma rubs his sore mouth for a bit "But your mother will make us commit seppuku if you refuse to honor the bargain." he whines.

"And frankly, I don't care what mom says about it. There is no way I'm going to change my mind, now or ever!" Nor will I commit seppuku if mom demands it just because I refused to hold up a promise that you made, pop." Ranma then begins to pick up his bags and head toward the door, and he stops and faces Akane who is standing and waiting by the door. She's keeping her head down not looking at Ranma, and still holding P-chan in her arms.

"Akane?" Ranma asks trying to get her attention.

Akane finally looks up at Ranma, her eyes shining with unshed tears in her eyes. "Do you have to go Ranma? Can't we talk about this?" Akane asks.

Ranma is taken a back at the sight of tears in Akane's eyes but recovers and doesn't show that he had been affected. "I'm sorry, Akane. But I need to do this. And I'm not going to be able to find any peace around here." He puts down his stuff and moves closer to Akane and hugs her, almost squishing P-chan. "I'll write and tell you about where I am, okay? And write to me to tell me if you need help. I'll be back to help you and the others"

The cab driver begins honking his car horn impatiently.

"Okay Ranma. You better go before the cab gets fed up and leaves you hear." Akane says as she turns around and runs up the stairs to her room, slamming her door behind her.

Ranma leaves the house and heads toward the cab, and as he puts his stuff into the trunk, he turns to take one last look at the one place he had ever known as home for the past two years, and remembers all the things he has done in the past with everyone, but then he turns the memories back, and gives one final wave to the others, and climbs into the cab.

'It's time to stop thinking about the past, and start thinking of the future I will begin in Tokyo.' Ranma thinks to himself as the cab pulls away from the curb.

- In Tokyo, the Tsukino residence -

A 16-year-old Serena Tsukino has just been informed by her father that her favorite long lost cousin, Ranma was coming to live with them for a while. Serena was excited about hearing that Ranma was coming.

"Ranma?! He's coming here to Tokyo to live with us?!" Serena shrieks out. "When? What time is he arriving? Who's going to pick him up? When did you hear from him??"

Ken Tsukino is busy trying to calm down his daughter with little success. "Serena, he called last night." Ken says calmly. "He says that he was leaving home today, and would take a train here to the city, which means he probably won't get here until tomorrow afternoon. And your mother and I are going to pick him up."

Sammy comes into the room, followed by Luna to find out what the commotion was about. "Hey what's going on? I could hear Serena's shrieks all the way from up in my room." Sammy complains.

"Sammy, Ranma is coming to stay with us." Serena explains.

Sammy gets a confused look on his face at this little bit of news. "Ranma? Who's Ranma? I don't remember anyone named Ranma." Sammy says, a confused look spreading on his face. "Do I know him?"

Sammy and Serena's mother comes into the room and stands behind her son. "You were much too young to remember Ranma, Sammy. Ranma Saotome is your cousin from my side of the family." Irene Tsukino explains. "You and Serena first met Ranma 8 years ago. Ranma is only two years older than your sister. And the three of you got along great, during the short time Ranma and his father were here."

"So why did he leave?" Sammy asks.

"Your Uncle Genma took Ranma off on a training mission, that the two of them had returned from two years ago." Ken says.

Serena gets interested when she hears this. "What type of training mission, dad?" Serena asks.

Irene smiles at her daughters' question. "When I was a Saotome, my family was a group of Martial Artists. Your Uncle Genma took Ranma on a training trip when Ranma was only 5 years old. So Ranma has been training for a long time."

"Cool!" Sammy exclaims when he hears that Ranma is a martial artist. "Do you think that Ranma might teach me to be a martial artist too?" Sammy asks his parents.

"Knowing you Sammy, you probably would get bored the first day." Serena says.

Sammy glares at his older sister. "I wouldn't be talking, sis. You probably would get bored the first hour."

The two then get into a name-calling and staring match, when their father slams his hands down hard onto the table. "That is enough you two!" Ken shouts. "I want the two of you to prepare the extra bed room upstairs so that when Ranma gets here tomorrow, he'll have a place to stay already set up for him."

"Yes dad." Serena and Sammy chorus as they rush upstairs to get fresh sheets and blankets for the guest room, Luna following close behind.

Irene moves toward her husband and sits down next to him and puts a hand over his shoulders. "What do you think of this, honey? Are you happy that Ranma is coming?"

Ken turned to face his wife. "Of course I'm happy that he's coming. I've missed Ranma very much. I've always wondered what his life has been like since he left 8 years ago."

"I've missed him too, honey." Irene says as she gets up and heads toward the kitchen to fix lunch.

- Upstairs: 30 min. later -

Serena and Sammy have finished fixing up the guest room and eating their lunches, they have gone to their bedrooms to rest. Luna has decided to get more information from Serena about Ranma.

"So, Serena. Who is this Ranma Saotome you are so eager to see again?" Luna asks.

Serena had only been half listening, and answered. "He was my cousin who I met back when I was 8 years old. We always did everything together, and he always had time for me, even though I was a girl. He always protected me from bullies when he and his dad were living with us during that short time they were here."

"So the two of you were really close?" Luna asks.

"Mm..Hmm." Serena nods, a smile appearing on her face. "He was like a big brother to me, and my own guardian angel." she says then blushes. "At least I always used to think of him as an angel because he always seemed to be there when I was in trouble. Just like Darien used to do before he left to go to college in America."

Luna's ears perk up when she hears the wishful tone she detects in Serena's voice when she had mentioned Darien's name, but didn't say anything about it. "So are you going to go down to the train station with your parents to pick him up tomorrow?"

"Yep, I want to see Ranma as soon as possible." Serena answers with a yawn. "I'm tired Luna. I think I will take a nap." Serena says, and no sooner than the words are out of her mouth, Serena falls asleep.

Luna silently chuckles to herself as she watches her young charge sleep. "Sleep well, Serena. And I hope I get to meet Ranma in the tomorrow." then Luna curls snuggles up next to Serena and curls up into a ball next to Serena and also falls asleep.

- On A Train -

Ranma is on a train heading for Tokyo, and he watches as the sun begins to go down over the mountains as night settled in. He had stopped looking back in the direction of Nerima hours ago, when Nerima had finally vanished from sight in the horizon.

"Finally, I'm free to do as I wish." Ranma says to himself. "No more unwanted fiancés' or engagements that pop made years ago to marry me to other girls for food. No more nothing!" As he sits there staring at the darkening sky, he feels the first steps of exhaustion settle into his body, as he finds himself barely able to keep his eyes open.

Ranma yawns as he begins to feel sleepy and he makes himself comfortable in the train compartment. He stands up and reaches toward the wall and pulls down a bed that had been built into the wall. He then pulls out some pillows and blankets from the other compartments in his room, and put them on the bed and laid down on the bunk bed. "Tomorrow I will reach Tokyo. And start my life over again from scratch." Ranma says as his eyes close and he falls fast asleep.

To Be Continued.......

Looks like Ranma and Akane's feelings for each other were already starting to blossom when Ranma made the decision to leave town. What kind of future could Ranma and Akane have together with all the problems they face everyday?

How's Ranma going to react when he meets Luna? Will Serena have to get rid of Luna because of Ranma's fear of cats?

Be here next time for the next chapter of "A Past Revealed" to find out.

Anyone who wants to asks comments and questions about my story, write to me at: star_moon_strata@yahoo.com.