Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Akane ❯ Krazy Kensha & Konfessions ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own Ranma or any of the characters. Rumiko Takahashi does. I'm only using her awesome characters for fanfictional stories. So I repeat, Rumiko Takahashi is the Creator of Ranma ½

'...' indicates thoughts of the character

*...* will tell you when a flashback appears


Chapter 13

Akane noticed something strange about Nabiki. She was still in her room and she was a little upset last night when she went over to her to see what was the matter. Nabiki just said nothing was wrong and quickly headed up to her bedroom. But now, she found that Nabiki did not want to attend school and when her sister thought about not going to school, there was a problem.

Akane made her way to Nabiki's room. She raised her hand to knock lightly and waited for a response. It was rare that Akane would find herself in a situation where she was ready before the middle sister and it bugged her to no end that she didn't know why. It obviously was not because she was sick because she showed no symptoms of any kind of cold. After a moment of no response, Akane called out and twisted the knob to find it open and her sister sitting on her bed just staring at her clock.

"Nabiki?" The brunette jumped, startled by the voice and looked over to the person who had invaded her thoughts.

"Hn...what is it?" She sounded somewhat annoyed. Akane stepped into the room and her brown eyes glanced over her sister's attire.

"What happened? Why don't you want to go to school? You never miss a day..." Nabiki eyed her sister.

"Is Daddy letting me stay home?" Akane frowned at the question.

"I heard him say that you had to go, but why do you want to stay?" Nabiki took off her top and retrieved her uniform and tugged it over her head.

"No reason. I'm..just tired. I'll be down in a minute." Nabiki continued to get ready, obviously dismissing her little sister from her room. The conversation was over just like that and Akane left without another word, angrily. If Nabiki wanted to keep everything to herself, then fine. She had better things to worry about, like when was her baka coming back home? ~~*~~

"Nihao! Welcome to The Cat-Cafe! Shampoo take you to table!" The customers greeted the young amazon girl kindly as she seated them and took their orders. She let Mousse take over the cooking as he insisted and she didn't want to argue about it anyway, she just had to keep an eye on him, just in case he looked over to the potion and tried to do anything to it.

The newest customers gave her their orders and she hurried over to the grill where Mousse was working and handed him the order.

"In ramen order, man wants extra spice. Mousse got that?" The brunette boy nodded as he started to prepare that order. Shampoo had no worries that Mousse knew anything about the pot. He was clueless to half of the things that she and her great-grand mother discussed. There was no reason that he knew of this now. When Cologne comes back, that is when everything will be set into action and she will go out and attack Akane. She had it planned perfectly.

She looked around the restaurant and noticed that many of the customers were couples, and even if it were an odd bunch, there was a couple in there regardless. The amazon law states that she must marry Ranma. He had bested her in battle, beat her fair, so he has the right to become her husband. She loves Ranma...

Shampoo cleared her throat and suddenly felt awkward regarding that last thought. No... Ranma had feelings for her too! She argued to herself as little doubts started to slip into her mind.

'If Ranma no like Shampoo, Ranma would have left Shampoo in many times Shampoo was in trouble. Ranma. Save. Me!' And that was how she thought, no matter what the argument was. No matter if she was really denying what she truly felt, it was Amazon law and that was that. ~~*~~

Hands fidgeting around her school bag and hair a little rumpled, Nabiki Tendo was not looking her usual confident self. She kept thinking about how to avoid her problem again even though she told herself that she was going to tell Kuno what's going on. It wasn't easy to do this. How could she have gotten herself in this situation?

'Think, Nabiki! Think!'

They were nearing the school and her time was running out. Why was this so hard for her? She didn't understand. Nabiki couldn't like Kuno. It was just not right. Why would she want to fall in love with a man who chases any pretty girl?

"Nabiki?" She looked up from the ground and stared at her younger sister.

"What is it?"

"You seem a little off. Are you sure everything is ok?"

"Yes." 'NO! Everything is FAR from fine.' "So how is everything that Ranma isn't here?" She had to try to get Akane raging off on something, might as well be her man-to-be.

"Fine." That was not the reaction she wanted but before she could even switch gears from her previous thoughts, a forceful hand grabbed her shoulder and pushed her back harshly. With a grunt, Nabiki fell to the ground and stared up at her attacker.

"Nabiki Tendo!" The loud female voice started. "You will not have my Kuno! I will fight you with everything I have, but he is mine!"

Akane helped her sister up and stood defiantly.

"Who are you and what do you want with Nabiki?" After taking a good look at the girl, Akane realized that she was very pretty.

"Nabiki knows who I am and she will not have him!"

"Kensha Kotomiyuki." Nabiki said, remembering the girl that was chasing Kuno around.

"That's right! Remember that name because I will take your dear Tatewaki from you!"

Akane turned around and stared at her sister with wide eyes.

"Kuno?" She said disbelieving but Nabiki dismissed her.

"Whatever, girl. You already know that he is taken so if you want to go after him, that's all right by me. I don't care. I have nothing to do with him." 'I'll just get more money out of the deal anyway.'

"Ha!" The girl stomped her heel on the pavement and fisted her pale hands. "You can't trick me into thinking that the girl isn't you! I know because I've seen what you tried to become with him. You are trying to steal him from me!" The girl yelled dramatically.

The wind blew slightly, ruffling the girls's hair and skirts and making Kensha's shoulder-length, pink hair fly in her face. She brushed it back with her manicured fingers.

"Wow." Akane said surprised. "To think that someone is chasing after Kuno. Now there's a surprise." Akane laughed at the amusement of the situation but the other girl just glared daggers at her.

"Shut up, you stupid girl! Are you that blind to see that your friend is the one courting my Tatewaki?" Nabiki almost gagged.

"WHAT?" Akane shouted in shock.

"Well I know! I saw the way you two had lunch, how he watched you, how you lured him with your evil ways! I saw him last night with you, at your doorstep holding your cheek and you offering yourself to him like the little slut you are!" The girl stepped forward and Akane did so too.

Nabiki growled.

"Please! Look whose talking about being a slut." Nabiki stepped to the side of Akane, already angered at the slightly taller girl. "You chase him around and grovel on your hands and knees, offering yourself and telling him he could do anything he wanted to you. And if you think he and I are-"

"Nabiki?" Brown eyes widened and shoulders tensed. "What is the matter?"

Kuno was approaching the three girls but his eyes did a once over on Nabiki, noticing her rumpled hair and then he noticed that there was a scrap on Nabiki's elbow and rushed to her side. "What happened to your arm?"

Nabiki didn't know what to say but that did not mean Kensha, the stalker that Nabiki had to get rid of from before, was left wordless

"Kuno! Sweetums! Why must you lower yourself to be with that ugly girl? I can fulfill everything you want." Her voice dipped down lower, thinking it was genuine and desirably enticing as she tried to seduce Kuno but Nabiki only saw that it was a voice laced with sweet and innocent mockery. "I can fulfill every desire you crave. I can give that all to you."

Kuno, finally seeing who the pink haired girl really was, gasped at the horror of encountering her again.

"You! How did you find me?" Kuno turned toward Nabiki and growled back to the girl as he noticed the blood on her arm again. "Are you the one who has struck and elicited an abrasion on this angel?"

His glare was not missed and Kensha took a step backwards.

"She was out for me, sweetie and all I wanted was to be with you. I love you Kuno!" Kensha rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Kuno, holding him with all her might. "Please be with me. I cannot live another moment without hearing your voice or feeling your inebriating touch."

Kuno growled again and so did Nabiki...unconsciously of course.

"Unhand me, Kotomiyuki. I have denied you in every which way. I will not be your beloved or even an acquaintance for I wish to have nothing to do with you and you should have kept these facts in mind when they were delivered to you in the beginning. You have hurt someone I care for dearly and that does not coop well with me."

It seemed that no matter what Kuno said it didn't get through to the girl hugging his torso tight.

"The bitch has you under a spell! You must know who will be there for you. When-" Kuno forcefully pushed the lithe girl away from him and she stumbled to the ground.

"I don't love you and never will." Kuno glanced over to Nabiki to see her focused on sending glares to Kensha. The feeling of being watched was what drew her eyes away from the fallen figure to rest on Kuno, who smiled lightly at her gaze. "Only one girl has my utmost love and affection."

Nabiki gasped and the girl cried out on the floor.

"Nooo! You will see, Tatewaki, that I will be the only one for you! You will see!" And with her last words, she ran away from the staring trio.

Akane turned to her sister to see Kuno staring down at Nabiki and her sister was seemingly uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Um... what's going on? Who was that?" She asked, breaking the silence that had filled the air. Kuno opted to speak since it was clear that Nabiki was not going to respond.

"That was Kensha Kotomiyuki. A young girl that I encountered a few weeks prior to today. I assisted her in hauling some extremely burdensome baggage and the next thing I knew, she was stalking me." Kuno sighed, running his fingers through his hair and noticed that the small action did not go unnoticed to the one of his affections. "And I pleaded with your dear sister to help me in this matter, for that is why she knew of this girl. I am sorry but questions will have to wait or we will be tardy to class."

Akane's eyes went wide as she had completely forgotten and dashed toward the school.

"Oh jeeze! We have to hurry!!"

Nabiki just watched her sister run away for a moment before starting her way towards school.

"Nabiki?" She didn't respond to his call so he called again. "Nabiki, you said you would not hide from me today."

"I'm not hiding." He frowned.

"But that is exactly what you are doing." Nabiki began to walk faster but Kuno's long legs could keep up with her quick strides.

"Yes, I said I'd talk to you today but not now. Is that okay with you?" Kuno felt the anger and frustration radiate off of her in waves. He was good at reading her because of the long relationship that they have as friends.

"I am sorry to have angered you. Please have lunch with me this afternoon."

They continued walking quickly and a hand stopped Nabiki from proceeding any further. Nabiki turned quickly and growled at the tall, handsome man.

"Kuno! Our class is right there! We're going to be late!" But her verbal lashing went on deaf ears as she watched as they had stopped in front of a water fountain. Kuno was currently ripping the bottom of his outfit and she didn't know why. Two pieces of cloth were ripped and then he went to the fountain and wet one and took a hold of her arm.

"This wound may get infected if not washed properly, Nabiki. Let me clean this for you before we enter class." And that he did as he gently cleaned her scrape and tied a long cloth piece to keep it from bleeding and from getting infected. "This should hold tight until you receive proper medical attention."

But those words never made it to Nabiki's ears as she stared at Kuno. She watched him clean her up and apply such gentleness to her, like she would break. It was so kind and yet, because of that, she could not tear her eyes away from his strong hands or his beautiful features concentrating on her well being. His dark gaze focused in on her as she stared at him, not uttering a single word.

"It was my pleasure. And I will assure you, Nabiki, that nothing of this sort shall happen to you ever again."

Where was that idiot Kuno hiding because, at this moment, this person wasn't him. Not that gentle gaze or that small smile. Not those sweet words leaving his lips.

"Who are you?" Her lips murmured unconsciously. She was trapped in a daze and a large hand cupped her cheek. That warmth spread throughout her body and her eyes closed in contentment. That tenderness was intoxicating and was something she wanted more of.

"I am one who is very much in love with you, dear Nabiki." His deep tone was like a captivating lullaby, grabbing her from reality. "That is what I feel and that is what I wish for you to know."

It was all too surreal and when she felt a light pressure on her lips and the hand moving from her cheek to rest partly on the side of her face and in her hair, her eyes snapped open to see Kuno's eyes shut and the pressure on her lips was of his own kissing hers. The bell rang and she was frozen in place. The kiss was broken as soon as the bell was heard and she watched as Kuno pulled away ever so slowly.

"Even though I wish to stay here with you, I think we must get to class before we are punished for our tardiness." Nabiki could not utter a single word or sound. She only turned away and stepped into the classroom and Kuno followed in right after her.