Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Lather, Rinse and Repeat ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: Ranma and friends were created by Rumiko Takahashi, produced by Kitty in Japan, and was licensed in the U.S. by Viz Communications, I do not own, rent, or lease them. This was written purely for the entertainment of all of the Ranma fans out there. This work may contain material of a sexual nature, only those 21 and older are legally allowed to read, so check the ID’s at the door.
P.S.: for Janice.

It had been two days of hard travel, but it was well worth it. Genma Saotome had finally found a bar. Sure, it was a hole in the wall tavern in a provincial town, but it had beer, and boy did he need one.

The past two days were a cycle of planning and scheming. He had to find a way to preserve what was left of his original plan, to train the boy to be the best, foist him off on one of the rich families he had encountered on his travels, and retire into the lap of luxury that a warrior of his stature deserved.

Now the boy had been turned into a weak little female demon, and taken away to be corrupted by some little demon gnome that had used some kind of magic to defeat him. The boy needed to be set back on the path of retirement…um…glory and honor.

Genma pulled a small notebook from his pack and began to study the various information within. Listings of engagements, contracts and agreements passed his eyes, along with the monetary potential of each family, and his personal ranking for the success of the ideas. He discarded a few after he remembered that he had already taken everything from them to further his great and noble quest.

Finally, he came to an entry about his old training partner, Soun Tendo. He had a large house, a full dojo, three daughters, and no weak little wife to guide him from the true path. The plan could be saved. The boy could be saved. All for the glory and honor of Genma Saotome’s retirement, the most honorable of causes.

His own little world, folks.

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 2
Lather, Rinse and Repeat

Cologne was once again amazed at the ability of the young Ranma Saotome. The child was currently male, wearing a pair of torn shorts, and trying to improve his form even further. She had spent the two days in travel to the Amazon village teaching the boy the foundation of Amazon Wu-Shu, and he had absorbed it like a sponge, integrating the elementary moves into his own style. She knew that in a matter of years Ranma could easily surpass her in skill, but his true weakness would always be his paternally induced ignorance.

Still, the child is a joy to teach, the old woman mused.

During the journey, they had spent many hours talking about the world, and Ranma’s place in it. His own views were heavily influenced towards his father’s desires, and Cologne had spent the time arguing for a more liberal stance in life. Ranma’s new cursed demon form was a large part of the debate.

Ranma was slowly beginning to understand the needs of a female sex demon, as several times during the trip, the redhead girl form of Ranma had wandered off for a little alone time, only to come back an hour later with softly glowing eyes. That was one of the reasons that he was currently male, the affects seemed to be greatly reduced in his fully human form.

The duo was rapidly approaching the village, however and Cologne was faced with a dilemma. Should she approach with an outsider male, who would be considered little better then a slave, or with an outsider female who would be seen as a threat, especially as a demon? She had told Ranma that he was a chosen champion of the Amazon tribe, but the story was old, and almost forgotten by many.

“What’s on you mind, Granny?”

She looked up to see Ranma had noticed her distraction. She pointed down the trail and replied, “We are approaching my home, child, and I need you to resume your female form.”

Ranma sighed, “Do I have to?” With a sharp look, Cologne answered his question. Ranma dejectedly poured a small amount of water from his canteen over his head, and quickly the transformation washed over him. He lost a few inches, and parts were exchanged; large, full breasts grew out and her hair faded from black to red. Finally a pair of black, leather wings emerged from her back, and the change was complete. Shaking a few stray water droplets from her hair, she retrieved her top, a covering harness that did not hinder her wings. Once adjusted, she gave a few experimental flaps and fumed silently.

It had driven her crazy over the last two days, that she still had trouble flying. Every landing she attempted had resulted in eating dirt, or taking an unexpected bath in a river, or becoming intimate with a tree. Her takeoffs were no better as she still needed to fling herself from a cliff, or treetop. She had vowed to herself to improve, but had made no progress. Especially with the distraction of her overcharged libido that needed attention every few hours.

“Remember, child,” Cologne instructed, “Allow me to take the lead in the village. There will be many questions asked, and I will answer them. Because you are an outsider, you will be considered inferior at first, but I will give you the opportunity you will need to prove yourself.”

“These laws of yours seem pretty stupid to me,” Ranma said dismissively.

“I know that, but we have remained strong for three thousand years because of those laws, and you should respect that.”

“Whatever. I just hope that I can hold on until we leave.”

Cologne chuckled, “We’ll be there for three days at least, Ranma.”

“Oh, nuts.”

With that the pair returned to the path, traversing the last mile to the village. As they approached, Ranma saw that it was something out of a fantasy story. No building was above two stories, and there were few of those. Warrior women stood watch in guard towers spaced along a wooden wall. To complete the image, a pair of guards, in full battle armor, stood at the gate.

The guards saw the duo approach and moved to challenge them, and Cologne replied in Mandarin. One warrior gestured toward Ranma with a spear, and asked a question, obviously about her wings. Ranma fought her instinct to drop into a ready stance as both guards tightened up at Cologne’s answer.

There was suddenly a great deal of animosity in the air, but the old woman had told her to stand her ground. Ranma kept her face neutral and waited, evaluating the guards. Both were in good physical condition, and the way they moved their weapons meant that they were well trained. They also had soft curves, round hips, long legs…

Whoa, Ranma. Don’t get carried away. It’s a long time till you can be male again, so keep control. Ranma took a cleansing breath, and hoped that she had not been noticed. The Amazons were soon joined by a warrior with more elaborate armor, Ranma assumed to be in charge of the guards, and a new round of heated debate broke out.

After a few more minutes, Cologne turned to Ranma.

“We are being taken to the Counsel of Elders. It appears that I was correct in assuming our arrival would cause quite a stir.”

“Lead on, Granny. After all, I don’t think the nice girls with the sharp sticks are going to give me much choice.” With that, they were led into the village. Ranma kept her wings folded as flat as possible, so as to draw less attention. But it seemed that the entire tribe had turned out to stare at the demon girl.

Ranma also kept her eyes forward, for every time she had turned to look back at the women gawking at her, she had seen one attractive Amazon after another, and she knew that she had only begun a battle of wills with her new nature.

Not that this would be any easier if I was a guy, Ranma thought.

Soon they had come to a lodge, and upon entering, any arousal Ranma my have had was drained out of her. Before them sat four old women at a simple table, each as shriveled and pruned as Cologne. They turned to regard the pair, and Ranma felt once more as if she were being sized up.

Finally one of them spoke, “In deference to your guest, Matriarch, we shall speak in the barbarian language as you have requested.”

Cologne nodded, “Thank you. I would like to introduce…”

“You have violated our law by bringing an outsider here,” another Elder interrupted.

“Ranma Saotome was cursed at the springs, and was chosen. We must heed the prophecy and welcome her as part of the tribe.”

“No, Cologne. The Chosen One will someday come from this tribe. An outsider can only be a fraud come to deceive us.”

Another old woman added, “Besides, there is no way an uncivilized barbarian could be the Chosen One. Only we are worthy”.

“Hey, wait a minute,” Ranma growled out. Cologne raised her hand to quiet the irate redhead, but she continued, “I may not be the brightest person around, but I’m not living in a wood hut, pissing and moaning about the superiority of a tribe no one has ever heard of. But if you want the damn curse, why don’t you go jump in that pool, you dried up old monkey!”

Cologne was torn between horror as Ranma had just signed her own death warrant, and laughing her butt off because of the way Ranma had just put the Elders in their place. Thinking quickly, before any of the others could outright kill the demon girl; Cologne had to revamp her shattered plan.

“Ranma challenges for a position in the tribe.”

Ranma looked down at Cologne and blinked, “I what?”

“Quiet, child,” Cologne whispered to her, “That outburst left me few options. Play along for now, and I’ll see what I can do.”

“What do I have to do?”

“You’ll fight a champion chosen but the Counsel. I know you have skill, but you must win, or die.”

“I should have stayed in my sleeping bag this morning.”

The Elders had conferred amongst themselves while Ranma and Cologne had whispered to each other, and now turned back to the waiting duo.

“Let us proceed to the challenge log.”

The old women stood and led the way out of the lodge. Ranma began to stretch as she walked, making sure she was ready for a fight. This was something she knew about, no politics, no emotional problems, and most of all, no sex.

The log was suspended about 5 feet off the ground by ropes so that it would swing. Ranma saw this would challenge the combatants to keep their balance during the fight, but her wings would give her an advantage there.

Before she jumped up Cologne told her, “If you fall, you lose, and that will lead to your death.” Ranma nodded and gracefully leaped up to the top of the log. Once there she spread her wings and began to get a feel for how much swing the rope suspension allowed. The crowd that had followed her progress to the Elders once more gathered, and was soon cheering as one of their own jumped onto the log. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cologne frown, and glare with ill hidden contempt at the other old women, who sat smugly next to her in the stands. Wondering what this was about, Ranma turned to see her opponent for the first time.

She was slightly taller then Ranma, and had long blue hair tired into two buns. Her body was hid by a silk pantsuit and brass breastplate, but the shape of the armor made Ranma realize that the girl across from her was as well endowed as she was. Her face was cute, with sparkling green eyes, narrowed in concentration, and a smirk on her small lips. Ranma found her focus drift again as she took in the exotic warrior standing only a few feet from her.

“You I kill.”

Well that ruined the mood.

Ranma quickly ducked as the girl flashed forward with a pair of maces that appeared in her hands, and quickly had to block a follow up kick that felt like a ton of bricks.

She’s strong as an ox, Ranma groaned internally as she realized that playing defense would only get her pushed off the log. Quickly her wings came forward around her body as the girl swung again. As the last instant, the wings opened to reveal a snap kick that broke the girls grip on one of her maces. Ranma followed up with a series of quick punches that bought her breathing room, but did no real damage.

As Ranma pushed the blue hared girl back, she looked for an opening. Even with one mace, her opponent stood a solid ground, probing punches and kicks were deflected easily. Soon the heavy sphere was brought into play with a powerful jab at Ranma’s midsection. She only had one way to go without retreating again, and that was up.

With a leap, Ranma reached for the sky as the mace passed beneath her. Billowing her wings to slow her fall, Ranma landed on the head of the mace, crouched and sent a straight kick to the temple of her opponent.

The blue haired girl reeled back, releasing her last weapon, and fought to regain her balance. Meanwhile, Ranma had jumped again and somersaulted over the Amazon, landing behind her. Quickly she dropped down and swept the Amazon’s legs out from under her. Her opponent did not have time to fully recover and fell to the ground a short distance away. When she hit, the crowd went silent.

Ranma hopped down, finding that once more her wings allowed her to greatly soften her landing. She knelt to check the girl, who had been stunned by the fall. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Cologne was fast approaching them, followed by the other Elders.

Quickly, the girl came around, took in her surroundings, and knew she had lost. Ranma saw a flash of anger in the girl’s eyes, and then the beaten girl reached up and gently pulled Ranma towards her.

Ranma quickly guessed the girl’s intention as the distance closed, she’s going to kiss my cheek! In less then an instant, Ranma evaluated her options, and decided to turn into the kiss and enjoy her first.

The girl had her eyes closed, but as soon as she came into contact with lips instead of cheek, they shot open to reveal her redhead opponent kissing her back. She was about to pull away when she heard a quiet moan from the other girl, and a slight tingle in her own lips.

Ranma was reviling in the new sensation of the most intimate contact she had ever experienced. With only the slightest touch of lips, she could almost taste the Amazon, and after a moment, she found the stunned girl had not pulled away. Soon both girls had gently opened their mouths, allowing the tips of their tongues to touch. Ranma felt a shudder as she could feel the girl shift from angry to aroused, and with that she felt the smallest flow of energy pass into her.

The sensation caused her head to swell as she realized that this was the power she had, the power of a succubus.

It all came to an end as Cologne cleared her throat.

“I’m sure you two would like to continue, but there are matters that need to be dealt with.” The girls separated, both realizing the position they were in. Ranma desperately fought for control, mentally commanding her body to calm down. The blue haired girl next to her seemed confused as the Elders began yelling at her. Sensing that the girl was being berated for losing, Ranma stood and moved in front of her.

“If you old monkeys want to yell at her, you have to deal with me first.”

Cologne moved between the two groups and snapped, “Enough! Ranma has proved she is a warrior, and by the conditions you all agreed to, that makes her a member of this tribe.” Next she turned to the other girl, “What were you told about this match, granddaughter?”

Ranma stiffened at this, realizing the position that she had put Cologne in. Watching a student battle her own grandchild where death was on the line.

The blue haired girl kept her eyes on the ground as she spoke, “They tell Shampoo this outsider challenge. I kill outsider and win, or lose and give Kiss of Death.”

“And she failed both, shaming herself as an Amazon,” one of the Elders yelled out. Ranma began to move towards the old woman with the intent of maiming her, when Cologne was already there with a knife to the Councilwoman’s neck.

“Speak like that again and I will correct the mistake I made allowing your mother to give birth to you.” With that Cologne had made her intent clear to Ranma and switched to Mandarin. As she could no longer follow the chewing out that Cologne was delivering to the others, she turned back and knelt in front of the other girl.

“Shampoo, right? You were great up there, “she said. “I haven’t been pushed like that for a while. Your defiance was excellent.”

“But Shampoo still lose.”

Ranma shook her head, “The only way to really improve is to fight someone stronger then you. I had to be good to beat you.”

Shampoo seemed to consider that, and then looked Ranma in the eyes, “Why you kiss Shampoo?”

Ranma scratched the back of her head and nervously chuckled, “I thought you were going to kiss me, and you are kinda cute.”

Shampoo blinked at this and took in the redhead kneeling in front of her. The tattered clothes did nothing to hide a figure that every Amazon would kill for, and she had fighting skills that contradicted her small frame. Throw in the open and honest smile that the girl gave her, which was a nice change from the wary eyes that the other warriors gave her. Being the granddaughter to the Matriarch, and the village champion meant that there was always someone looking to challenge her and take her position. But this girl, Ranma, seemed not to care about that. Add in that this girl may be the Chosen One that her grandmother had told her about in bedtime stories as a child, and Shampoo had to consider herself fortunate to be on Ranma’s good side.

While the girls had introduced themselves, Cologne had reasserted her authority over the other Elders. Each old woman seethed over being publicly humiliated by the Matriarch and her new student, but knew that there was nothing they could do. The entire village had seen the combat, and the end result. The entire village had heard how they had told Shampoo to kill her opponent even if she lost, even though it was not allowed in an official trial to join the tribe.

The dishonor had made them criminals in the eyes of the entire village. The four old women were quickly led away by the guard, each contemplating new plans to get revenge on Cologne. Finally Cologne turned to the girls again.

“Now then, Ranma, I think I need to explain what was almost done, and then we will talk about what to do now. The both of you please follow.” Cologne turned to leave, and Ranma helped Shampoo to her feet. The three returned to the lodge, now empty, where the incident had begun.

Sitting down at the head of the table, Cologne motioned the two girls to sit.

She began, “I must first apologize for what almost transpired out there.”

Ranma shook her head, “There’s stuff going on here that’s way out of my field. You don’t need to worry about things you had no control over. But what was that Kiss of Death thing Shampoo was talking about?”

“That is what I am apologizing for. In our tribe, an outsider female is considered an enemy, and if you are defeated by an enemy you are dishonored. The only way to remove the dishonor is to correct the mistake of not killing your enemy in the first place.”

“Wait, I’m a guy, so this kiss don’t apply to me, right?”

Shampoo looked wide eyed at Ranma for a moment, and turned to her grandmother. “Is true, Grandmother?”

“Yes Shampoo.” With a squeal of joy Shampoo bounced into Ranma’s lap and held her tight. Ranma flailed for a moment, unsure of what to do with a suddenly happy, very curvy, and grabby girl.


Cologne chuckled at the redhead’s discomfort, and waited for Ranma’s attention again.

Ranma managed to gasp out, “What’s with her?”

“Another part of our law states that a male that can defeat an Amazon warrior becomes her husband.” Ranma’s ponytail stood on end, and her face went pale. Cologne continued, “It is the only way to make sure our children will be strong warriors, both the mother and father must be powerful.”

“And they called me barbaric,” Ranma snorted.

“It has kept us alive for a very long time, child. Do not judge us unless you know more.” Ranma looked Cologne square in the eye and made it clear with a look how she felt on the matter, but conceded the point with a nod. “Good. As to what you did, you were able to give me the time to defuse the situation and turn it around. What possessed you to kiss Shampoo back?”

Ranma blushed heavily and stuttered out, “I thought that she was going to kiss me and that she was…you know…lesserbin like me.”

“You mean lesbian, Ranma,” Cologne chuckled. Shampoo’s head whipped from her grandmother to Ranma. Suddenly realizing where she was she shifted in Ranma’s lap and looked her right in the eyes.

“You boy or girl, it no matter. You strong and beat Shampoo, and then spare Shampoo’s life. If you husband, it make Shampoo happy, but Shampoo always owe you for standing up to Elders.” With that Shampoo once again kissed Ranma, this time the kiss was gentle and expressed more warmth then Ranma had ever felt.

After a minute Shampoo broke the kiss and said, “Wo Ai Ni.”

“You I love,” Cologne translated for the confused looking Ranma. When the confused look failed to leave the child’s face, Cologne chuckled once again. She then hopped off her chair and moved into a side room, saying “Ranma, I have some things here for you that are part of your legacy.”

The two girls reluctantly untangled themselves and followed the only remaining Elder into the next room. Inside, Cologne was pulling out a small trunk, and unlocking it with a key that was hidden in her robes. She then opened it towards Ranma.

“These belonged to your predecessor.” Ranma looked inside and found a pair of leather bracers. At Colognes nod, she picked up one and examined it. The top was plain leather, but the underside was a soft cloth, with a small gem woven into the surface.

Ranma asked, “What are these?”

“How do you think a demon passed as an Amazon for so long when she had wings? Those bracers allowed her to hide them so she could walk among people unnoticed.” Ranma looked at the armbands in wonder, and slowly put them on. As she did, she felt a tingle, and almost seemed to remember something. Focusing inward, she tried to capture the fleeting sensation, and with a mental push at the boundary of her will, she found it.

Her wings folded along her back and vanished, leaving no trace of their presence. With a glance, she confirmed it had worked, and felt inside her mind once again. There was almost a mental switch that she sensed controlled the emergence of her wings, and with a tug she released it, allowing her wings to unfold from her back and spread out. Satisfied that this worked, Ranma once again hid her wings and bowed to Cologne.

“Thank you, Granny. This will make things a lot easier when I get back to Japan.”

Shampoo stiffened, “When you leave for other place?”

Ranma saw concern in her eyes and softly answered, “A few days. The training trip my father took me on is almost over, and we’re supposed to go home. But I think the old man has one or two stops in mind on the way.”

No doubt to fulfill some greed of his own, Cologne thought to herself. Aloud she said, “Ranma will be here for a few days, Shampoo. That should allow you enough time to get to know each other.” She noticed Ranma blush again and continued, “Ranma, I know that there is a lot for you to take in, but you are a part of this tribe now. I will not hold you to many things, but I ask you to consider your place here.”

Ranma shrugged, “I know there’s supposed to be some kind of big destiny for me, but I’ve also got to find my own path now. My father wants one thing, you want another, and I have to deal with a curse that turns me into a demon. That’s a lot for one person to handle, don’t ya think?”

Cologne laughed out loud, “That is true, son-in-law. But I have a feeling that you won’t forget about us. For now, we will continue your training, with Shampoo as well.” Shampoo looked startled at this but Cologne told her, “If you are going to stand beside a demon, you need to fight on her level.”

The training for the rest of the afternoon was intense; as Ranma and Shampoo sparred for hours, listened to Cologne explain more of Amazon Wu-Shu. Shampoo was far ahead of Ranma in the style, but the redhead wove what she learned into her free flowing form enabling her to counter from unexpected angles.

Other warriors from the village watched the two girls train, having been impressed with their performance that morning. The spectators cheered them on during sparring, and conferred with Cologne as to the nature of the newest Amazon, and her training.

The two tired girls were then treated to a feast in honor of Ranma’s acceptance into the tribe. During the meal, Cologne retold the tail of the Amazon demon that fell into the cursed springs so long ago, using a grander style and pantomime gestures for the larger audience. Since the story was told to the village in Mandarin, Shampoo quietly translated into Ranma’s ear.

It was during this that Ranma noticed that she still felt hungry, even though she had eaten a large dinner at the feast. As the story progressed, the hunger grew. The need seemed to grow every time Shampoo whispered into her ear, causing her breath to play across the sensitive lobe.

Seeing that all attention was on Cologne, she turned to Shampoo to consider this, and in the light of the fire she saw the blue haired girl looking back at her. With no words spoken the two girls leaned in and once more touched lips. Soon, tongues were once more brought into play as both girls explored the other’s mouth.

Ranma found herself drawn into the moment, and forced herself back before she was consumed by it.

“Shampoo, I don’t know if it’s me or the demon, but I need something from you, and I’m almost afraid to ask. Will you…”

Shampoo silenced her with another kiss, “Boy, girl, demon, it does not matter. Wo Ai Ni.” She stood and took Ranma by the hand, leading her away from the town circle to a small hut a short distance away.

Once inside, and with the door closed, the girls kissed again. This time it was Shampoo that broke the kiss as she stepped back. With smooth motions she removed her breastplate and placed it on a nearby table. She then reached up and began to undo her top. With a tug, it landed on the floor and Shampoo smiled at the transfixed expression on her soon to be lover’s face.

Next, she turned around and bent over to lower her pants, exposing her round bottom to the redhead. Turning back to her beloved, she presented herself in all her nude glory, from large round breasts topped with pink nipples, swollen at the thought of what was to come next, to her smoothly shaven nether regains that were moistening in anticipation, to her long legs spread and ready.

Ranma could only stare at the beauty in front of her, the hunger growing almost exponentially. Shampoo moved back into close proximity and began to slide off Ranma’s harness top, exposing the immobile girl’s rock hard dark nipples. Then she kneeled down to tug her shorts off. Ranma quivered as the other girl’s breath tickled her neatly trimmed mound.

Standing once more, Shampoo almost giggled at the look of longing on the slightly shorter girl’s face. Moving in even closer, molding their bodies together, she once more deeply kissed the other girl. Like a dam breaking Ranma once more became alive in her arms. Their arms wrapped around each other, rubbing naked skin, drifting down to massage rounded butt cheeks. Soon Ranma moved from kissing Shampoo’s lips, to her neck. Shampoo cooed at this and responded by moving a hand around to stroke one of Ranma’s breasts. The redhead moaned into her neck and lightly brushed her teeth along the shoulder blade. The sensation caused Shampoo to shiver and lean heavily on Ranma.

Drifting to the nearby cot, Ranma then scooped us Shampoo and lowered her onto it. Quickly joining her, Ranma once more began to kiss the girl, this time drifting to her breasts. Using feather light touches, she charted the milky skin, seeking the lust that could ease her hunger.

Meanwhile, Shampoo was not inactive, and began to knead Ranma’s breast, and slid a leg up, parting the smaller girl’s legs, and pressing against her hot groin. Ranma gasped at the contact.

This is a lot better then just doing it myself! She decided to return Shampoo’s favor by reaching down and inserting a finger past her lips, stroking along the inside and brushing the sensitive nub within. Soon both girls reached climax.

Ranma shuddered as her own pleasure washed over her, but she also felt the lust rolling off of Shampoo, doubling the effect of her own orgasm.

She could only gasp out, “More!”

Looking into the softly glowing eyes of her beloved, Shampoo immediately kissed her deeply again, and shifted position to bring her own hand into contact with the wet red mound of her lover. Both girls began to thrust fingers into and out of each other, moaning into each others mouth. The sensation to the penetrating fingers, nipples rubbing against each other, and dueling tongues brought the pair to climax yet again.

Ranma was burning with desire from the simultaneous release, but it was not enough. I need more, I need to taste her.

Driven by pure instinct and lust, Ranma slid down Shampoo’s sweat drenched body, to the point between her legs. She drew in a deep breath of the heavy musk, and knew that this was what she had needed. Lowering her head, Ranma kissed the outer lips of the Amazon beneath her, and found the moisture to be the taste that she was looking for. Greedily she began to lap at the swollen petals before her, sliding her tongue from front to back. After a moment she inserted her tongue past the lips and collected even more of the moisture.

As Ranma slid her tongue into Shampoo’s depths, the blue haired girl began to thrash and cry out in unintelligible gasps. Each thrust and stroke drove her into one mind numbing orgasm after another. Each wave was more pleasurable and draining then the last, and soon she could only arch her back, breasts reaching heavenward, and scream in silence.

Ranma had felt each orgasm as well, and her body was quivering in joy, but there was something else. With each climax, Ranma’s hunger was lessened somewhat, the lust induced haze receding from her mind. It was then that she realized what was happening, where her new energy was coming from.

I’m feeding off of Shampoo. I’m draining her! Quickly Ranma stopped and checked on the other girl. Her brightly glowing eyes lighting the sweat soaked body under her, she felt for a pulse. After a moment of panic, she found it, weak, but steady. Sighing in relief, she lay down next to Shampoo and softly kissed her forehead.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

“Do not be, child.”

Ranma started at the quiet voice at the door and turned to see Cologne standing there. Before she could jump up, Cologne waved her to stay.

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t watching,” she quietly chuckled. “I knew that this was going to happen. So did Shampoo. We both had faith that you would be able to control the beast within.”

“Why did she risk herself like that,” Ranma protested, “I could have drained her completely?”

“Because she loves you.”

And with that, Cologne left the hut, closing the door.

Ranma lay back again and considered this, but was unable to fathom what kind of love led to this kind of risk.

Shampoo interrupted her thoughts by snuggling up against her. Ranma sighed, and drew the Amazon into a close embrace. She pulled the blanket over the two of them and drifted off to sleep, almost truly happy for the first time in her life.

Late that night, after the moon had set, a lone figure left the village. The old woman looked back with contempt and began to walk away, the spear she had taken from one of the knocked out guards used as a staff.

So they believe a guardian demon had arrived, do they? I’ll show them a true guardian demon, and when I return, the first thing I’ll do with that power is kill Cologne for humiliating me. Then I’ll destroy that fake and take my true place in destiny!

With a mad chuckle the dishonored Elder of the Amazon tribe began the walk to the cursed springs of Jusenkyo.

To be continued.