Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Shakespeare in the Dork ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: Ranma and friends were created by Rumiko Takahashi, produced by Kitty in Japan, and was licensed in the U.S. by Viz Communications, I do not own, rent, or lease them. This was written purely for the entertainment of all of the Ranma fans out there. This work may contain material of a sexual nature, only those 21 and older are legally allowed to read, so check the ID’s at the door.
P.S.: for Janice.

The sun rose over the Tendo compound to find Ranma and Genma standing across from each other in the open yard. The two men squaring off, waiting for the other to move first. Suddenly, both leaped into the air and traded a series of kicks and punches, Genma’s were brutally efficient, wile Ranma used fast and showy maneuvers. No sooner then the two had landed again, when they leaped once more, this time touching down near the koi pond in the middle of the yard.

“You’re too slow, boy,” Genma taunted and tried to sweep Ranma’s legs.

Ranma jumped up and used his father’s head as a pivot, landing behind him and answered, “You still haven’t gotten past my defense, Pops. So how am I slow?”

Genma answered with a lightning finger strike towards Ranma’s eye, distracting the boy away from a sucker punch that lifted Ranma off the ground and into the pond. Ranma splashed into the water and popped back up a redhead girl, with a scowl on her face.

“That was a cheap shot, old man,” she complained.

Genma towered over the short girl and thundered, “There are no cheap shots in martial arts, Boy! Only a scared little girl ever gripes about unfairness in a fight!”

“I’ll remember that,” Ranma said, and swiftly sent a powerful kick up between Genma’s legs. The bald man howled in pain and pitched forward into the pond, instantly filling it with black and white furred panda. Ranma hopped over him to where the Tendo girls were lightly applauding the take-down.

She shot at her father, “Better get out soon or the fish are gonna start beating the carp out of you.”

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 5
Shakespeare in the Dork

Ranma looked at his father as if he had just grown a second head. The Saotomes had turned back to normal at Genma’s insistence, and during breakfast he told his son that he would be attending school again.

“As long as we’re here, you should get caught up, boy.”

“Why do you even care,” Ranma asked, “I thought you said that school was for losers?”

As Genma was about to protest Soun cut in, “If you are to inherit the dojo, my boy, you will need to know how to run a business.”

“Besides,” Nabiki said as she finished her meal and stood to leave, “I’m not going to let my fiancée be some dumb jock that doesn’t know how to handle the real world. Think of it as a challenge.”

Ranma smirked at her, “You know that I can’t let that one go. Oh well, I’ll give it a shot.”

“Good,” Nabiki turned and headed out, “Akane can show you to school, I have business to take care of before class. See you around.”

Akane looked at Ranma and called to her sister, “Why don’t you walk the pervert to school, Nabiki? After all, he is your fiancé.”

“I don’t tell you how to fight, you don’t tell me how to make money,” Nabiki called from the door as she left. Akane glared at Ranma and cursed her fate for being saddled with another boy.

“Come on, we’ll be late.”

The two left the house moments later, running down the street towards the center of the ward. As they traveled Akane kept shooting murderous glances at the pigtailed boy.

Finally, Ranma could put up with no more, “What’s you problem?”

“You,” She answered coldly, “I’m going to keep my eye on you so you never do anything perverted to my sister.”

“Ok,” Ranma snapped, “What the hell is wrong with you? I’ve done nothing to you, and I’ve gone out of my way not to make waves. I haven’t even touched your sister and you’re all over me with this crazy idea that I’m some kind of molester or something.”

“You’re a guy that turns into a monster, that’s all I need to know. If you ever lay one perverted finger on her, I’ll kill you myself,” Akane stated confidently.

Ranma stopped and stepped in front of her, blocking her progress. “If I were really what you said I am, I’d kill you right now, and you already know that you couldn’t stop me.” His voice was cold, and Akane saw that he was dead serious. She was about to take an involuntary step back, when he turned away and started walking again. He continued, “You need to learn more about people before you judge them like that.”

As they approached the school, Ranma saw a large group of boys equipped with almost every kind of sporting gear imaginable. Akane picked up speed as they came to the gate and began to charge.

Barreling in she yelled back at a surprised Ranma, “This is why I think all boys are perverts!” With that she was among them, striking out in all directions as the group of boys attacked her, each crying out a profession of love before they were knocked out with a barrage of punches and kicks.

Ranma leapt to the top of the school’s wall to get a better look at the carnage. For each attacker that he saw Akane take down, two more jumped into the fray, but the numbers didn’t hold for long. Jabs, kicks, and punches flew out and dropped each boy, still professing their love for the violent tornado in the middle of the melee.

“Hey, Ranma!” He looked upward to see that Nabiki had called out to him. “Get inside before you’re late for homeroom!”

Ranma called up, “What about your sister?”

“Don’t worry, this happens every morning!”

Ranma looked up at her in disbelief, but focused back on Akane as she finished up. He also saw one last boy in kendo garb waiting out of Akane’s line of sight. More like lurking, Ranma thought as the unknown boy made his move, throwing a rose at Akane, who caught it easily.

“Such a boorish lot these simpletons are,” the boy began, “they who think their passion can match the fire of yonder Akane Tendo.”

“Good morning, Upperclassman Kuno,” Akane deadpanned, obviously expecting the flowery speech.

The kendoist nodded and assumed a fighting stance, “And now we battle, for if you defeat me, I shall date with you. And if I prevail, I shall allow you to date with me.”

Ranma almost fell off the wall at this, and recovered by hopping down next to Akane. He asked, “Is this guy for real?”

Akane growled back, “Stay out of the way or you’ll get hurt.”

Kuno whipped his wooden sword in Ranma’s direction and yelled out, “You are far too familiar with Akane Tendo. Who are you, peasant?”


“Hol d,” Kuno interrupted, “Is it not customary to give one’s own name first? Very well, I am Tatewaki Kuno, Captain of the Kendo Club and undefeated rising star of the high school fencing world. My noble peers, of which there are few, address me as the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High. Behold and tremble!” A crash of lightning could be heard in the distance.

Akane answered an unasked question from Ranma, “Yes, he always talks like that.”

Ranma groaned, “I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.”

“Knave!” Kuno had heard Ranma’s declaration and charged. With a mighty leap, Ranma vaulted out of the way of the slash and landed in a combat crouch.

“What is your problem?!”

Kuno resumed a ready stance and faced the pigtailed boy, “You insult fair Akane by speaking to her unbidden, and compound your crime by insulting the noble scion of House Kuno. For such injustice you shall taste the sting of my mighty sword, wretch.”

Ranma shrugged and calmly stated, “I am just staying at the Tendo place for a while, no need to get bent out of shape.”

Kuno stiffened and growled out, “Staying at the Tendo’s home?” Once more he charged Ranma, unleashing a murderous slice that could have gutted the young martial artist if he were still there. Ranma had seen the attack coming and was well into the air before it reached him.

In the air, Ranma called out, “I’m Ranma Saotome of the Saotome School of Indiscriminate Grappling.” Landing, he tossed his book bag to Akane, “Hold this for a sec, ok?” He then took a wide stance and faced the enraged older boy, and added a cocky grin. “I accept your challenge.”

“For hounding Akane Tendo, I shall smite thee!”

“I’m not hounding anybody. Are you even paying attention?”

“Silence!” Kuno shot forward and once again slashed at where Ranma was standing, his wooden blade crashing through the stone wall that was behind his target. Kuno pulled himself free and launched a series of quick swings, each of which Ranma avoided by leaping out of the way.

Finally Ranma charged in and was instantly inside Kuno’s guard. But instead of attacking, he jabbed his finger in the older boy’s chest and yelled, “I have nothing to do with Akane, I’m just keeping a stalking jerk like you away from her!”

“I can fight my own battles,” Akane yelled and threw Ranma’s bag at him. The boy jumped straight up and Kuno cut the bag in half with a single cut. Bringing his sword up in a guard position, he saw Ranma reaching the end of his ascent, and in that moment a bolt of lightning illuminated the background as the first few drops of rain fell to the ground. In less then a heartbeat, both combatants struck, both blows landing in the same instant.

A heartbeat after that, Kuno was knocked aside as a rain soaked panda charged through, scooping up a transforming Ranma, and disappearing from sight. Akane shrugged, kicked Kuno in the head for good measure and headed for class. Meanwhile, Nabiki had abandoned her viewing perch and raced out of the school building to find the girl and panda hiding in the gym supply shed. Quietly sliding in, Nabiki saw Ranma chewing out her father.

“Why did you stop me, old man? I had that dork on the ropes, and even transforming would have made it worse.”

“Don’t be too sure,” Nabiki chirped behind Ranma, causing her to startle and jump slightly. “Check the neck.” Ranma felt at her throat and found a bruise where the sword had almost grazed her on the last exchange.

She turned to Nabiki and simply said, “He’s better then I thought.” The panda next to her growled out a few grunts and pointed at the redhead. “I know, never underestimate your opponent. If you had heard the stuff this guy was saying, you’d have reacted the same way.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Nabiki said, “I think you would have mopped the floor with him in either form.”

Ranma stood a little straighter and smiled, “Thanks Nabiki.”

“You’re welcome. You can head back now Mister Saotome, I’ll make sure that Ranma gets registered and set up.” The panda growled an appreciative noise and headed out, leaving the two teens in the shed and heading to scout the local taverns.

“Don’t worry about Kuno,” Nabiki started, passing a towel to the damp girl, “He’s a buffoon, and the whole school knows it.”

“Then what was all that out there with the attack on Akane?”

Nabiki rolled her eyes and answered, “He has a thing for her, and she’s the sweetheart of the school, so he conned all his potential competition into getting the crap beaten out of them every day in an effort to eliminate them, and wear her down enough to beat. She’s managed to keep him at bay for now, but eventually she’ll lose.”

“Why doesn’t anyone do anything about a coward and a creep like that?”

“Because the Kuno family owns a lot of political power, and gets away with just about anything in this district. For now, we need to take care of that bruise and get you changed and inside.” Nabiki held up a kettle to show Ranma she had brought hot water for the transformation, but then there was another crash of lightning outside and the rain began to come down even harder. Nabiki looked outside and turned back to Ranma, “Or we could wait until the downpour ends.”

“Shouldn’t we get to class?”

Nabiki shook her head and sat down on one of the stacks of mats, “I know the office staff, and they’ll understand if you are a little late getting registered due to the weather. And I’m usually doing business through first period.”

Ranma sat on a stack opposite her and looked at the other girl, “What kind of business?”

“Information for the most part,” Nabiki replied. “I handle everything from the likes and dislikes of people who are going to be asked out, to the odds of a pop quiz on a given day. Plus I have a rather extensive little betting pool floating around the school.” She laughed softly and told the wet redhead, “You shook that one up quite a bit today, confronting Kuno like that.”

For a few moments only the sound of heavy rain on the aluminum roof could be heard as the two girls sat. Ranma considered the older girl and wondered why a girl with such smarts had agreed to help her.

“Ranma,” Nabiki quietly asked, “You’re supernatural in that form and everything, right?” Ranma nodded and Nabiki continued, “Did you sense anything odd when you first arrived yesterday?”

Ranma smirked, “Would this be before or after you felt me up?”

Nabiki blushed and turned away, “Just answer the question please.”

“I don’t know. It’s not like I got an instruction manual with this body. For the most part, it runs on instinct.”

“Oh,” Nabiki softly replied and looked Ranma in the eyes, “Could you try?”

“I suppose…but why?”

Nabiki stood and began to pace, “You aren’t the first weird thing to happen to me. But since you have had this stuff happen to you, I think you may understand.” She turned and looked at Ranma again, and Ranma could see a little fear in Nabiki’s brown eyes. “For a little while now I’ve been having weird dreams, and lately other things have been happening. Impressions, mostly, but other things have been jumping into my head randomly. Yesterday I felt what you did when I groped you; I could almost hear you in my head.”

“Is that why you agreed to be my fiancée?”

“In part,” Nabiki admitted, “But I do understand what it’s like to be stuck. And seeing you in the buff didn’t hurt any.”

Ranma hopped off the mats and stood in front to Nabiki, “Ok, I’ll try and see if I can feel anything odd about you, but no promises.” With that she allowed her wings to open up and position themselves comfortably along her back, and took Nabiki’s hands in her own. Closing her eyes, Ranma attempted to push out and let her mind flow, trying every meditation trick she could remember. After a moment, she knew that something was missing and opened her eyes.

“I think I know a way, but you may not like it.”

Nabiki looked at the worried girl and smiled, “Don’t worry about that.”

Both girls closed their eyes again, and Ranma moved forward into close proximity to Nabiki, guided by her demonic side to the taller girl’s lips. The moment they touched, both girls felt a tingle run up and down their spines, and the kiss deepened without hesitation. As their tongues explored each other’s mouths, Ranma began to taste Nabiki’s energy, and almost immediately knew that it was different.

Meanwhile, Nabiki was having quite a different experience. As Ranma tugged her inner life force, she found herself flooded with Ranma’s recent experiences. Visions of a heated battle with a strange harpy woman, an old woman that felt like a teacher and a blue haired girl spun around her. That girl stood prominently in the memories as a scene of lovemaking flashed into Nabiki’s mind. The vision grew more intense as Nabiki felt the blue haired girl lower herself down and began to lick at her dripping wet pussy. When the girl inserted two fingers into her she shuddered.

Ranma felt Nabiki orgasm in her embrace, and experienced a small climax from the backwash, and broke off the kiss. As she did, Nabiki moaned out, “oh, Shampoo…” Ranma looked at the girl in shock, and the two slowly kneeled on the ground.

After letting Nabiki recover for a moment, Ranma asked, “What was that about?”

“Oh my god, Ranma, it was like I was there,” Nabiki panted out. “I saw your wife, the village, everything. It all rushed in at once; including all the times you made love to her.” She was hot, far too hot for her heavy school uniform, and began to pull the jumper style dress over her head. Next she laid back and yanked open her blouse, causing a button to pop off and fly into one of the shed’s corners, and exposing her simple cotton bra and drenched panties. Ranma sat, shocked at how quickly Nabiki had become aroused, then realized that all the memories of her activities with Shampoo were probably too much for the girl, and moved to check on her.

As Ranma came into view, Nabiki moaned and reached up to cup the demon’s cheek, “You’ve hidden it so well, but I can feel it now. I know what your hunger feels like. I know what Shampoo tastes like. It’s all inside my head, bursting to get out.” She gasped as she slid a hand into her panties and began to rub herself. Then the brown haired girl almost begged, “There’s so much lust, please help me?”

Guilt washed over Ranma, but she knew that Nabiki was burning with both her own and Ranma’s combined heat. She moved to embrace the besieged girl, pulling Nabiki into her lap and wrapping her wings around them both. She attempted to lightly kiss the girl, but was immediately drawn into a deep sucking kiss, and Ranma could taste the massive pressure in Nabiki’s loins.

Holding her close with one arm, Ranma sent her free hand to join Nabiki’s in her panties. The two intertwined and began exploring Nabiki’s depths together. Where two fingers once stroked her dripping lips, four now probed her delicate folds. The girls stroked, pinched and slid across the moist surfaces, and soon one finger from each hand began to pump into and out of Nabiki’s sheath.

Nabiki gasped and again kissed the redhead holding her close. She used her free hand to undo Ranma’s vest and began to caress the smooth skin of her breast, spending an extra moment to rub the already stiff dark nipple that capped the soft orb. She felt not only her own pleasure at their combined efforts with her sex, but she also felt Ranma’s reaction to her ministrations on the girl’s breast.

Ranma was having similar sensations, she felt Nabiki’s soft touch on her sensitive chest, and also the pulse of intense pleasure that the girl was experiencing between her legs. Soon, with Ranma’s mind open to Nabiki, and Ranma experiencing the lust of the girl in her arms, both teenagers had almost perfectly synchronized. Dual gasps and moans of pleasure echoed inside the shed. As one, both girls crested the wave of pleasure and climaxed with blinding intensity. The psychic backwash reverberated between the two, causing a chain of mini-orgasms to follow the initial one as both girls arched their backs, pressing their breasts together with only Nabiki’s bra between them.

At the exact moment of their mutual climax, in China Shampoo was practicing a basic kata of the Saotome School that Ranma had shown her. She suddenly collapsed to the ground, her hands thrusting between her legs as a massive orgasm erupted unexpectedly. When it finally subsided, Shampoo laid on the ground gasping, and as the last wisps of the climax departed she moaned out, “Ranma…Nabiki…”

Back at Furinkan, two teenagers cuddled after the experience. Slowly they gathered their wits and looked at each other, Ranma’s glowing blue eyes meeting Nabiki’s. She once again cupped the demon’s face.

“Thanks for that,” Nabiki whispered.

Ranma sighed, “It was my fault.”

“Not at all, I wanted this so don’t go blaming yourself. Besides, I know you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

“Do you think everything will be ok?”

Nabiki smiled at the worried girl and answered, “Only if we can get to class before someone figures out what’s going on.” The two girls reluctantly untangled themselves, and Ranma opened her wings to let Nabiki stand, and then allowed them to once again disappear. Nabiki went to adjust her panties, and felt that they were soaked through. She turned, bent over and pulled them off, giving Ranma a full view of her shapely rear in the process.

Ranma smirked, “And I thought I was bad. You’re a flirt.”

“I can’t help it; I’m still feeling the effects of being in your head.” She straightened and held up her panties, “But as for these, it would be far too uncomfortable to wear them like this.” She showed the garment to the puzzled looking redhead, and Ranma saw that moisture from their lovemaking had saturated the cloth to the point of dripping translucency. Both girls gave an involuntary shudder at the thought of wearing them for the rest of the day in an already uncomfortable school chair, and then they both giggled as they saw the other girl react.

Finally, they were both dressed, and had tossed Nabiki’s ruined panties into the trash. Nabiki checked to make sure the rain had stopped, and proceeded to use the, amazingly still warm enough, kettle to change Ranma to his birth form.

She was about to ask him if he wanted a go in his male form, but stopped when the answer came to her, His posture is all inhibited now, as if he was unsure of himself. He must have different reactions when he’s like this. She thought for a moment and concluded, Of course, he’s not a hormonally driven sex demon when he’s a guy. He has no idea what he’s doing now. She decided to let it go for now, and led Ranma into the halls of Furinkan.

By the time they had dealt with the office, with Nabiki working the secretaries like a puppet master, it was lunch. Nabiki showed Ranma to his new classroom and waved hello to her sister. With a silent look at Ranma, the two agreed they would talk again after school.

As Nabiki was turning to leave for her own class, a sodden Kuno turned the corner and began to storm down the hall towards Ranma.

The kendoist yelled out, “Never shall I allow this injustice to stand!”

Ranma asked the older boy, “What the hell are you talking about now/”

“You dare strike at the noble son of House Kuno, and then use your underhanded deceptions to besmirch my good name, and then feign ignorance?”

Nabiki turned to Ranma, “Beating him down was one thing, but what was the rest of that about?”

“Look at his forehead,” Ranma replied with a smile.

Nabiki did look, and started to laugh out loud. A bruise had formed on Kuno’s forehead in a very specific shape, in fact the word ‘molester’ was stamped onto the upperclassman’s forehead. Kuno wildly swung out in an attempt to take off Ranma’s head, and the pigtailed boy yanked Nabiki out of the way while using his book bag as a makeshift shield. Akane had come out to see what the commotion was about, and Ranma pushed Nabiki into her arms as he bounced back to avoid the follow up strike.

Akane caught her sister and asked, “What now?”

“Kuno’s at it again,” She snarled out and stood up again.

Meanwhile, Ranma was dodging down the hall and had realized that more people were coming out to investigate. He wouldn’t be able to keep the mad upperclassman from hurting someone at this rate. As he danced back to avoid another thrust, his peripheral vision caught an open window and he jumped up on the sill.

“This is no place for a fight,” He called back, “Follow me, mister dumbass.” With that he jumped out the window.

“Barbarian, I shall smite thee,” Kuno declared and leaped out as well.

“Wait,” one of the on looking students called lamely, “this is the third floor!”

Ranma called back, “Don’t worry. I’m…” Just then he looked down and saw the school’s Olympic size swimming pool beneath him.

“Oh, crap.”

With two large splashes, the fighters landed in the water. Kuno had taken the landing face first, and was stunned for a moment, but when he came to he spotted his red vested adversary a short distance away and gave chase. He quickly swam into range to grapple and grabbed on to his opponent’s shoulder. With a mighty heave, he brought them up to brake the surface near the edge of the pool.

“I fight on!” With that he wrapped an arm around Ranma in an attempt to keep his opponent from running away any more, and his hand grabbed a large, soft, mound on the chest of the person he was struggling with.

Ranma winced as the kendoist roughly squeezed her breast, muttering a curse as she planted her feet on the pool’s wall and reached behind her to grab his head. With every ounce of her strength she vaulted out of the water and dragged Kuno over her shoulder to body slam him into the concrete poolside. She then flipped over him and dashed to the tree line of the woods behind the school.

Nabiki was already running out of the building with a newly filled kettle, and Akane tagging along behind her to make sure Nabiki would be all right. They passed Kuno as they ran into the woods, who wore a contemplative look as he lay on the ground.

Searching for Ranma did no good, until a voice called from above, “Up here!” Ranma was sitting in a high tree branch, ringing out her pants, with her boxers hanging from the branch next to her.

“Put some clothes on, you pervert,” Akane said.

“I will as soon as they dry a little. I’ve had enough of getting soaked through with water, thank you.”

Nabiki smiled and held up the kettle, “I thought you could use a little more, but if that’s the way you feel…”

“No, no, no, I need that,” Ranma called down, waving her arms wildly.

“Well, you’d better hurry,” Akane said, moving away and dropping into a combat stance, “Because here comes Kuno.”

Nabiki moved to the tree and tossed the kettle up to Ranma, who reached out to get it, but was only able to grab it by extending her body out into open space, gripping the branch with her toes.

As Kuno entered the clearing, Akane shouted, “I challenge you!”

The boy turned to Akane and entered a stance of his own, “Never did I dare dream that the fire of your eyes should turn to mine. Oh, sweet Akane, if you defeat me, I shall date thee.” With that he charged and let fly a descending slash. Instead of dodging, Akane caught the blade between her hands and entered into a contest of strength with the taller boy.

Back at the tree, Nabiki was watching Ranma slowly right herself, and called up, “Akane is buying you time, but it isn’t much. Hurry up.”

“I’m trying,” growled Ranma, pulling herself up. As her knees began to bend and lock upright, Akane was also using her legs to adjust her position against Kuno, and with a surge of power, she lifted him off the ground and planted a foot in his midsection. She rolled back and launched him airborne. With a loud clang, he landed head first on the kettle that Ranma was holding, almost making her lose balance again. Kuno opened his eyes and saw the redhead starring back at him.

“You’re that girl,” he said dumbly. Ranma looked at him quizzically, hoping that he was as big an idiot as he seemed. “Do you know where that pigtailed boy ran to?” Ranma shook her head, relived that Kuno couldn’t tell that the boy and girl were one and the same, until Kuno spoke again, “I see, that coward ran in fear at my prowess. I tell you, that one is no man, he is not a man I say!”

With that, Ranma let go of the kettle and let Kuno drop the fifteen feet to the ground. She let go of the branch and dropped after him, landing lightly on her feet and into a battle stance.

“I’m not going to hang around and let you talk like that, you jerk.”

Kuno stood, a lump forming on his head, and once more took up his wooden sword. “Amusing,” He said, “Very well, if you defeat me, I shall allow you the honor of going out with me.” He then lunged at the waiting redhead.

She nimbly jumped up and landed on the tip of the blade, yelling, “Who would want to go out with a creep like you?!” She fired a devastating roundhouse kick that caught Kuno in his already much abused head, and he dropped like a stone. With a showy dismount she did a double kick, giving Nabiki a flash of red pubic hair, and landed lightly, picking up Kuno’s discarded sword and breaking it over one knee.

She tossed the two pieces to the knocked out boy, and turned to Nabiki, “Let’s go home, this day’s a total bust.”

Akane looked at him, “But it’s only noon?”

Nabiki went over to Ranma, and said, “Yeah, and today has already been too long. Don’t worry about it, Sis, you head back. We’ll see you later.”

Akane looked on as the normally studious Nabiki began to walk away with the half dressed redhead. Her stunned expression remained until the two had left the school grounds, and then she noticed a tinny dripping sound coming from above her.

She looked up, and then yelled out in embarrassment, “You forgot your pants!”

Nabiki and Ranma were already out of earshot, however. Nabiki had already noticed Ranma’s state, but didn’t feel like commenting about it for two reasons. The first was that Ranma would more then likely react badly to having not noticed her unclothed bottom, and her vest was long enough that everything of importance was covered. The second was quite simple; Nabiki liked watching the girl walk.

She may have been an inch or two shorter, but Ranma’s legs were just about perfect, and when she walked she swayed her hips in such a fashion to cause a hypnotic effect on people behind her. After their time in the rain, Nabiki found that her resistance to the younger girl was weakening, and the physical and mental pleasure she had endured were still lingering in her mind.


She was startled out of her revere and immediately pulled her eyes from Ranma’s butt to her face, which was looking over her shoulder, “Yeah?”

Ranma slowed so they were side by side and continued, “You want to call off the engagement now?”

Nabiki looked startled and asked, “What for?”

Ranma gave her a sad expression and explained, “Well, you said you know about Shampoo, and I took advantage of you back there.” The redhead looked down and mumbled, “I figured you wouldn’t want a two-timing, sex changing freak that almost forced you into having sex with her.”

Nabiki pulled the other girl into an ally and pushed her against a wall, “Ok, first thing you need to do is lose the guilt. If anyone forced what happened, it was me. I’m the one that talked you into using your power on me so I could figure out what was happening to me. I wasn’t ready for what I saw, but that’s not your fault either. I figured that you already had sex, after all you’re a sex demon, and I just didn’t plan for what happened.”

“What exactly did happen?”

Nabiki leaned against the opposite wall and sighed, “When you started draining my energy, it triggered something. I now know you can feel the emotions of your victims.”

Ranma interrupted with a shocked, “Victims?!”

Nabiki winced, “Ok, bad choice of words. How about lovers?” Ranma winced again, but nodded, and Nabiki continued, “Anyway, it was like that, but I could hear your thoughts, and at the moment you were thinking about the Amazon village and who you knew there. Then you thought about Shampoo and the first time you kissed her. I got caught in the memory, and I guess aroused by it. You felt my arousal, and thought about the times you had sex with Shampoo, and I got caught in those memories too.”

Ranma had a pensive expression and picked it up, “The more aroused you got, the more I thought about arousing things, causing the cycle to increase. The hotter I got, the more it drove you up the wall, and so on.”

Nabiki nodded, “Until the breaking point.” She paused for a moment and both girls stared at the ground. Finally Nabiki said, “I know you care about Shampoo, you two are so alike. I don’t know if you love her or not, but she is important to you. I also know that you care about me, because I haven’t rejected you like everyone else would, I’ve given you the chance. We’re trapped by our fathers, but if we do it right, we can set the terms, and maybe none of us has to be lonely.”

Ranma pushed off the wall and stuck her hand out to Nabiki, “I’m Ranma, want to be friends?”

Nabiki smirked and grabbed the hand, pulling the smaller girl into a hug, “Sure, but only if there are benefits.” She then proceeded to kiss the redhead in her arms, holding on to the moment as a chance for the future.

Meanwhile, back at the school, Kuno had awoken, but lay on the ground looking up into the sky. His mind replayed the last moments of the fight again and again in his mind. The contact of the long slender leg to his head was preceded by an amazing acrobatic display, and a flash of neatly trimmed red pubic hair. The buxom figure was both beautiful and dynamic, and Kuno could only come to one conclusion.

He stood up and declared to the world, “Tree born kettle girl, I shall date thee!”

To be continued.

Endnote: And the Writer said ’let there be baka’. I’ve gotten great feedback so far, so I began to outline chapters six though ten. If I don’t wind up creating a huge plot hang after that, I plan on starting another project before the second batch of Half Wing. Until next time, don’t let friends write lemons drunk.