Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Oh, We’re on the Road to Nerima ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: Ranma and friends were created by Rumiko Takahashi, produced by Kitty in Japan, and was licensed in the U.S. by Viz Communications, I do not own, rent, or lease them. This was written purely for the entertainment of all of the Ranma fans out there. This work may contain material of a sexual nature, only those 21 and older are legally allowed to read, so check the ID’s at the door.
P.S.: for Janice.

Over the Sea of Japan, Ranma wheeled about at several hundred feet enjoying the clear blue sky. She had to loop back every now and then to allow a waterlogged panda to keep up, but the range at which she could see her father from the air gave her a wide area to play in. And playing is exactly what she was doing.

Rolling twisting and turning, Ranma danced across the sky. Pushing herself high into the air, she tried again and again to touch the so distant clouds. She had spent a large amount of time in this endeavor in the last few days, but she had not pushed her limits, as she knew that an energy source for her new powers was distant now.

She swooped down and folded her wings, willing them to disappear as she dove into the water near her father. She surfaced and took in the swimming panda, clutching to a life preserver they had taken from a coastal fishing village.

“Gee Pops, this is a lot easier then the first time we crossed,” Ranma chirped happily. The panda only growled in disagreement as he continued to swim with what felt like a ton of wet fur covering his bulky body.

Shifting to float on her back, Ranma took a quick swallow from her watertight canteen of fresh water and looked up into the sky, her new home. As she drifted along she spotted a pair of low flying aircraft pass over them at a thousand feet or so, and figured them to be closer to Japan. Tomorrow they would find dry land.

Meanwhile in the two JSDF fighters passing overhead, the pilots were reporting in.

“Control, we have no joy on your contact. It was probably a bird or something.”

“Roger Kitsune three five,” the radio replied, “Return to previous heading.”

After a pause, Kitsune 36 called his wingman, “You didn’t tell them about that flying girl we saw.”

“No shit? Well you can tell them if you really want to. As far as I’m concerned, I saw no winged girl. I saw no swimming panda. And I’m asking for a three day pass when we get back, so I can just drink myself into forgetting today.”

36 pondered this for a moment and called again, “There is not enough booze in the world, 35. But it sounds like a good plan to me.”

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 4
Oh, We’re on the Road to Nerima

Soun Tendo considered himself a calm man, contrary to what the neighbors, his daughters, and his friends said, and as he sat in the living room of his house staring at a postcard received only that morning, he showed his absolute calm by tearing up uncontrollably. The card was a message from the past, from a time of great torment and reward at the end of his long training under the founder of the Anything Goes School, and it bore the signature of his comrade of the time, Genma.

To say that Soun was happy to hear from his old friend was not entirely true, as Genma had led the duo into more then their fare share of trouble. But this was also the fruition of a plan to bring together the airborne and ground techniques of the school to create a form that would rival the old Master. In addition, Genma’s son would marry one of his daughters, insuring every parent’s dream that their family is taken care of.

He called out to each of his daughters, “Kasumi! Nabiki! Akane! Come here girls!”

From the kitchen, a voice called out, “Coming, Father.”

A shout from upstairs also could be heard, “Be down in a few minutes!”

Out of the kitchen walked Kasumi, a tall, beautiful and mature brown haired girl, with a long conservative dress and apron on. Her face had a smile on it, but Soun avoided her eyes. He knew what he would see there, the same thing he saw in the mirror for the last ten years, loss.

“What is it, Father?”

“I have important news,” he said. “Where is Akane? And what is keeping Nabiki?”

“Akane is out on her run, she’ll be back in about ten minutes or so. As for Nabiki, she said she would be down soon.”

“Please get her, Kasumi; this is a matter for the entire family.”

Kasumi’s smile dropped less then a millimeter, but became strained, “I’m sure she will be down, Father.”

“This is very important,” Soun stated, “so please make her hurry along.”

“Yes, Father.” She went to the stairs, but already knew what she would find. She reached Nabiki’s room, and took a deep, cleansing breath. She reached out and knocked, calling, “Nabiki, Father wants us all downstairs now.”

From inside came, “Is Akane back yet?


“Then I’ll be done before she gets back, if I’m not interrupted anymore.”

Kasumi sighed and leaned against the door, “You know how I feel about you doing that in the house.”

“Damn it,” a muffled growl came from in the room. Nabiki pulled open her door, almost causing Kasumi to fall inside. When she found her balance and turned around, Kasumi saw Nabiki standing in only a lacy blue bra and a pair of socks. Nabiki’s school uniform had been tossed on the floor, and a blue thong was hanging from her desk lamp. Her undressed state and a small patch of matted down and moist pubic hair gave testimony to her activities.

“Oh, my,” she gasped, blushing profusely.

“Now that you’ve ruined the mood,” the shorthaired brunette growled, “I suppose I can hear what Dad wants now.”

Kasumi gasped, “Nabiki put on some clothes this instant.”

“Get over yourself, Sis. You’re going to explode one of these days if you don’t let your hair down a little.” With that Nabiki slammed her door shut and went over to her desk to retrieve her panties. She cursed her over emotional father, ultra conservative sister, and life in general as she pulled them on and hopped over to her dresser. She had been having strange, erotic dreams over the last few nights. In each, she was given extreme pleasure by an unseen force, and had awoken with powerful orgasms each morning. It was to the point that the memories of the dream were interfering with her work at school. She had come home after classes and masturbated for the last three days straight.

She pulled on a tank top and a pair of high cut denim shorts and checked her self in the mirror. She knew she was a knockout, her large, heavy breasts were pushed up by the bra she wore, her butt nicely filling the worn shorts, her smile that of a cat stalking its prey. Theoretically, she could have anyone she wanted at school, or even outside school, but maintaining a steady income prohibited anything but an emotional ice wall around herself. She had pushed almost everyone away so that she could concentrate on making sure that her family was fed, Akane had bricks to smash, and have a little money left over for her own future.

If Dad ever lets me leave this sinkhole, she thought. With that she headed downstairs. Peeking into the living room, she saw her dad and Kasumi sitting at the low table, waiting. Before entering, she heard a crushing sound coming from behind the dojo, and diverted out to retrieve her other sister so they could get this over with.

She found Akane, as expected, smashing harmless cinderblocks to dust in an effort to ease her anger. The girl had always stood apart from her sisters, due to her interest in martial arts, and her long blue-black hair. Nabiki waited for another block to be put out of its misery, and made herself known.

“No wonder you can never find a date, Sis. You scare them all half to death.”

Akane snorted, “So what do I care? Not everything revolves around boys, Nabiki.”

Time to push her buttons, Nabiki thought and continued, “Who said anything about boys?”

“Bah, that’s gross. Don’t be a pervert, leave that to all those boys out there.”

Nabiki’s smile faded slightly, but she beckoned her sister, “Come on, Dad wants us all inside for some big news.” Soon the household was seated in the living room and three girls looked to their father, waiting.

“Girls,” he began, “An old friend of mine, Genma Saotome, is coming here today. He will be staying with us for a time with his son, Ranma. As you know, I have been growing more concerned with your well being in the future.”

Bullshit, thought Nabiki, you haven’t done anything for ten years.

“The Saotomes practice the sister school to the Tendo forms of Anything Goes, and an arrangement was made for a child from each family to wed and carry on both legacies.” Soun nodded to himself and continued, “You will need a good man in the house after I’m gone.”

“Father you are still young, there is no need to worry about that yet,” Kasumi told him reassuringly.

Akane grunted, “That’s not the point. Shouldn’t we get some say as to who we marry? I’m not going to be stuck with someone just because you say so, Daddy.”

Nabiki kept her mouth shut and let her sisters take the bulk of the argument. She didn’t like this one bit either, but there was opportunity here. She could almost sense her father’s nervousness and knew that there was more going on then just an outdated arranged marriage.

Finally she asked, “So what’s Ranma like?”

“I have no idea.”

The girls were rocked back at this and Nabiki drawled out, “No idea?”

“I’ve never met the young man.” Nabiki felt the other shoe dropping as her father told her this, but she still felt like there was a third or fourth shoe somewhere above their heads. “He’ll be here today, and then you can meet him for yourselves.”

Meanwhile, outside, it had begun to rain, and a few blocks away a redhead girl and a panda were making their way to the Tendo residence. They were engaged in a running battle, the panda being the attacker for the most part, forcing the young, buxom girl towards the compound. The girl almost danced around the panda’s attacks as she participated in a rather one sided argument.

“Three shines, a temple and a church. You just never quit trying to piss me off, do you?” She blocked a jump kick and leaped up to avoid the follow-through, and continued, “My powers ain’t going anywhere just because you don’t like them. As for the rest of this, I still say the whole thing sucks,” she yelled at the furry aggressor. “Forcing me to marry someone here.” She wove inside her bulky opponent’s defense and delivered a lightning fast punch to the solar plexus, doubling him over. “I should go back to China and let you dangle in the breeze.”

She turned and began to walk away, but in an instant the panda was up and whipping a small prayer strip of paper out of his pack. Using every bit of stealth he could muster, the panda snuck up and slapped the inscribed paper on the back of the girl’s head. Instantly she stiffened and before passing out she roared, “I’ll get you for that, old man!”

Knowing he had only a matter of moments, the panda scooped up the redhead and her pack, and turned back down the road. Before he began again, though, he noticed a large group of people had gathered to witness the incident. With a few loud growls he cleared the crowd and moved out before anyone thought to call the police.

In a matter of moments they came to a large walled property and entered at the gate. Moving to the door, the panda slid it open and walked in as if he was expected, and soon met a mustachioed man and a young girl. He grunted a greeting, and it was only after they began to run away did he realize they wouldn’t understand a panda.

“That was brilliant, you moron,” chuckled a now lucid Ranma from over his shoulder. The panda simply walked to the living room, still carrying a now struggling girl. “Knock it off Pops, you’re scaring them shitless!”

The panda soon stopped in front of the four huddled Tendos, and planted the redhead girl in front of them.

Soun looked on for a moment and came to the dubious, but accurate conclusion, “Are you Ranma?”

“I’m Ranma Saotome, sorry about this,” the now depressed looking girl answered.

Immediately she was gathered up into a monstrous hug by the Tendo man as he babbled out, “At last you’re here, Son.” Ranma’s pigtail stood straight out at the hug, and Soun soon noticed something slightly out of place. Giving an experimental squeeze to the shorter form in front of him, he realized there were two soft protuberances pressing into his lower chest. Pushing the redhead back and releasing her, he took in the damp form of a girl in front of him.

Nabiki came forward and inspected the girl. “I may not be an expert, Daddy,” she said and reached out to take hold of a silk covered breast, “But I do believe that this is a girl.” She was about to let go when she felt a sudden pressure in her palm. Looking at the almost invisible smile on the other girl’s face, she realized that the pressure was a nipple poking through the wet top.


The single word echoed in her head and caused her to release the girl’s breast and shoot upright. There was a loud crash behind her, and she recovered from the strange occurrence enough to turn around and see her father passed out on the floor.

When Soun came to, his daughters sat around him with unreadable expressions. He looked up at the now apparent female figure of Ranma and said, “Genma told me his son was a boy…”

Nabiki asked, “Does this look like a boy to you?” She groped Ranma again to emphasize the point, but was immediately reminded of the last time. She gave a slight squeeze to make sure the reaction was not just her imagination, and felt the rock hard nub of flesh under the red vest. For some strange reason she also felt loneliness, but didn’t understand why.

Her introspective and slightly arousing moment was interrupted by Akane, “Knock it off Nabiki, she’s our guest.” Akane stood and took the newcomer’s shoulder, “Hi, I’m Akane, want to be friends?”

“Uh…sure,” Ranma replied uncertainly. Akane led the girl out to the dojo while Kasumi tended to their father, and Nabiki sat looking bothered.

Once in the dojo Akane called the girl over, “You practice kempo, right?”

“A little, But I took up Wu-Shu a few weeks ago,” Ranma said.

“Then how about a little match?” Ranma looked at the girl funny and Akane continued, “Just for fun, I won’t hurt you or anything.”

Ranma continued to look at the girl funny, but entered a loose stance, “If you say so.”

Akane entered an aggressive stance and charged the redhead, throwing a slow punch to test her opponent’s reflexes. Instead of jumping back like she expected, Ranma only moved her head a few degrees and watched the fist sail by her. Akane saw that Ranma was not untrained and began to increase her tempo, but Ranma just continued to move the minimum amount to dodge out of the way. This continued for a few minutes while Akane became more and more frustrated at the indifference of her opponent.

Meanwhile Ranma was thinking, oh my god, she is leaving herself open all over the place. I don’t want to embarrass her, but a kid from the village could mop the floor with her.

A frustrated Akane finally shouted, “Come on, fight already!” She launched a vicious haymaker that would have caved in Ranma’s skull, if she was anywhere near it. She was actually above Akane, in the middle of a tight summersault that landed her directly behind the girl. Akane whipped around, but hesitated when Ranma executed a faster then could be believed roundhouse kick that stopped less then an inch away from the frozen girl’s nose.

Without even breathing heavy, Ranma said, “Never lose focus, and give up control to your emotions. Things like that can get you killed in a fight.” She lowered the kick back to the ground and dropped her stance.

Akane marveled at how fast the girl had moved, but quickly regained her balance and laughed, “You’re pretty good, but who fights to kill anymore? It’s not the feudal era anymore.”

Ranma smirked, “I was trained by warriors, that’s all. I won’t kill, myself, but I don’t want to be killed either. If I’m aware of what can be done, I can avoid it.”

“Sounds reasonable, if a little intense,” Akane replied. “I’m just glad you’re a girl.”


“Well, I’d hate to lose to a boy.” With that she left and headed into the house, leaving a sad looking Ranma alone.

“Well, this is gonna be a short friendship…”

She left the dojo and looked into the house. Apparently his father had found some hot water and changed back, because he and Mr. Tendo were sitting there. Ranma also saw that both men had solemn looks and tears in their eyes, and figured that the story had been shared or at least part of it. She wanted no part of it and sat on the porch to watch the sunset.

“Ranma,” the Kasumi said as she walked up to the girl, “You’re all sweaty from your workout, and you were traveling in the rain. Why don’t you head upstairs and take a bath.”

Ranma gulped, “That’s ok, I’m fine.”

“Nonsense,” The eldest Tendo girl insisted, and began scooting her upstairs.

Ranma finally relented and headed into the preparation area for the bath. After disrobing she took a self indulgent moment to admire herself in the mirror. She wondered if she should shave her pubic hair as her lover, Shampoo, had done, but decided that the small red patch at the joining of her legs was fine the way it was.

She moved into the bath area and washed herself before entering the tub, letting the warm water transform her once again into her male form. He then sat there and contemplated how to handle the rapidly deteriorating situation before it got out of control completely.

Downstairs, Kasumi found Nabiki leafing through an old catalog, “Can you go tell Akane that the bath is ready, and Ranma is already in.”

Nabiki looked up and said, “Sure.”

She closed the book and went upstairs, but before she went to Akane’s room, she decided to stop in and ask the redheaded girl a question. Ducking into the bathroom, she noted that the door was unlocked, which was quickly remedied. She was about to knock on the inner door, when a sneaky idea entered her mind.

I want to know what her reaction means, but why do I get that feeling again that there is another shoe still? She pushed the feeling out of her mind and disrobed, seeing the Ranma’s clothes as she did so. Looking at them, she saw that the girl wore boxers with no bra. Talk about butch. Maybe I’m right. With that she grabbed a towel and boldly entered the other room, just as a male Ranma began to step out of the tub.

For a moment, there was no reaction, and then Nabiki saw the young man’s penis grow rapidly erect, and felt her own nipples tighten at the sight. Ranma was also looking at the nude person in front of him, her large breasts, long legs and cute face. She was obviously an equal to his female form, or Shampoo’s sexy body.

After a few minutes, both teens blushed and turned away. Nabiki forced her eyes up away from the young man’s well defined tush and saw a familiar looking pigtail.

With disbelief in her voice, she asked, “Ranma?”

Once again she heard a soft echo in the back of her mind, “Crap. Oh well…”


She moved back to the door, “Wait five minutes and then come out, ok?”


She heard the sadness in his voice and closed the inner door, wishing that she had the nerve to stay in there to ask her new questions, but the temptation was too great and there were too many risks. Rapidly she dressed and left the bathroom. Once outside, she saw Akane heading towards her with a small pail of bath supplies. Knowing that this could mean disaster, Nabiki blocked the door as Akane approached.

Akane approached and asked, “Kasumi said that the bath was ready, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I got sidetracked,” Nabiki managed, “but your bath can wait. For now go down and get everyone to sit down again. Ranma has something to tell us about.”

Akane looked at her weird, but Nabiki used her coldest expression, and the younger girl finally relented, “Whatever.” With that, the dark haired girl stomped down the stairs.

The door slid open and Ranma quietly said, “Thanks, Nabiki.”

“You owe me, Saotome, if that is who you are.”

“I am Ranma,” he growled, then caught himself, “Sorry about this.”

She looked at the taller boy, and almost got caught in the deep blue eyes he shared with a shorter redhead girl. Somehow she knew that Ranma was telling the truth, but it was so unbelievable.

Nabiki motioned downstairs, “Come on, you’ve got some explaining to do.”

“Do I have a choice?”


With that Nabiki led the way back down to the living room where the family had once more gathered, including a strange bald, fat man sitting across from her father. Ranma didn’t even look surprised as he sat down next to the man, so Nabiki assumed that this would be part of the explanation.

Akane saw the boy and growled out, “Who’s he, and how did he get upstairs?”

“Allow me to introduce you,” he father began, “This is my old friend…”

“Genma Saotome,” the gi wearing man stated. “And this is my son…”

The boy looked away and grunted out, “Ranma.”

Akane and Kasumi looked shocked, but Genma noticed a waiting expression on the middle Tendo daughter’s face, and wondered if this was a good or really bad thing.

Kasumi managed to ask, “Are you really her?”

“Hmmm,” Genma started, “How do I explain this…I know.” With that he quickly reached over to his son, and threw the young man outside into the koi pond in the Tendo’s back yard. Out of the water surged the shorter redhead, once again drenched.

She shouted, “What the hell do you think you’re doing!?”

Genma stood and turned to the boy turned girl, “Oh the shame of it all, my son throwing away his manhood at the slightest provocation.”

“Shame?” Ranma shook and fired back, “Who got stuck bailing you out of jail four times this year alone. Who kept you from getting killed by a pissed off Amazon when you said women were useless?” The three girls’ expressions hardened at that. “And then there was that time you tried to steal from that shrine in…” Genma drew a prayer strip from under his shirt and hit Ranma in the forehead, but she had seen it coming and kicked up a measure of pond water at him, instantly turning him into a panda.

“This won’t hold me long, old fur-ball,” the redhead snarled, and then keeled over. The panda grabbed the immobilized girl, growled, pointed upstairs and went to take another bath.

The shocked Tendos sat there and waited, and once again it was Kasumi who spoke first, “Why are you friends with those people, father?”

“They were not always like that. It happened during their stay in China.” Soon a human Genma and male Ranma had rejoined the Tendos and began to tell the tale of the Jusenkyo Valley, and the cursed springs within.

Each girl took the story a different way. Kasumi looked on in sympathy, figuring that Ranma had suffered a massive blow to his self image. Nabiki sat contemplating what she had heard, fitting the pieces together like a puzzle, but she felt like she still didn’t have the whole picture. Akane was disgusted with the whole thing, figuring the boy had jumped in just so he could find a way to peek at girls.

Soun simply stated, “The true horror of the legendary springs is now reveled.”

Ranma laughed, “Are you kidding me?” Before he could continue, Genma pitched him once again into the pond.

“Be respectful, Boy. We are here for a reason!” He began to once more reach into his top for a prayer strip, but the girl interrupted the maneuver.

With a cry of ‘Amaguriken’ the girl ducked down and launched a sweeping punch that drew a quantity of water with it and nailed Genma square in the gut just as he transformed. The effect was as if Ranma had buried her fist six inches deeper in his stomach. The Panda gasped, and collapsed in pain.

Moving to defuse the situation, Soun grabbed a heating tea kettle from the kitchen and poured half over his old friend, “So when doused with hot water, you return to normal.”

A gasping Genma replied, “It need not be that hot.”

He spun around and tried to pour the rest over Ranma, but the girl dodged out of the way, “Hot water, not scalding!”

Soun chuckled and clasped Ranma on the shoulder, turning her to face the other girls, “Your problem isn’t that bad. These are my daughters. Kasumi, age nineteen. Nabiki, she’s seventeen. And that’s Akane, sixteen. Pick one and she will be your fiancée.”

The girls looked shocked at the declaration, and Kasumi was about to foist the half girl on Akane, when Ranma interrupted, “If I can, Mr. Tendo, I’d like to talk to your daughters in private for a moment.”

Genma was about to disagree, but Soun countered by saying, “Of course, that is the proper way of doing things. Genma and I will be out in the dojo, celebrating the upcoming union of our families.” He then dragged the still doubled over man out.

Ranma held up her hand to forestall a barrage of questions from the girls until the grownups were out of earshot. Then turned to them and began, “There are things you need to know still. Please hear me out.”

Two of the girls were about to protest, when Nabiki said, “Of course we will. I figure that your father didn’t want us to know something, and considering your curse, it has to be pretty big.”

“A few things actually,” Ranma said thankfully as she sat back down, “The first is that I’m only here due to the honor pact that my dad has with yours. If I had any choice, I’d be back in China.”

Akane asked crossly, “Why not just go back then?”

Ranma looked at the girl funny again, “It’s my honor. I don’t have much, but I value it greatly.”

“So you want to go back to find a cure,” Kasumi concluded.

“No,” Ranma answered. ”There is no cure. My father refuses to acknowledge it, but I already have a wife in China.” The girls were about to interrupt again, but Ranma cut them off, “I defeated her in a trial by combat that, according to Amazon laws, meant that she was my wife.”

“Oh, come on,” Akane growled, “That’s so barbaric.”

“She was the first person in my life that ever actually gave a shit about me, so I will not tolerate anything bad said about her,” Ranma shot back, with a great deal of venom in her voice. “My honor is already torn in two directions; I don’t need to be reminded of it.” Akane sat back, seemingly put in her place. Ranma then calmed herself for a moment.

Nabiki waited a few more heartbeats then asked, “There’s more, isn’t there?”

Ranma nodded, “The springs have some other weird magic running around, and I wasn’t just turned into a girl.” With that, she slowly allowed her wings to unfurl from her back and spread them to full span. The Tendo girls gasped at the sight.

Nabiki spoke first this time, “That’s why the prayer strip knocked you out, you were turned into a demon.”

“Yes, but I still have my soul, so I don’t need to kill to live or anything like that.”

Akane was about to jump up and attack the demon, when Kasumi restrained her with a hand, “I do not like the idea of a demon in my house, but if this is a matter of honor for you I will allow it. But only if you swear that you are harmless and won’t attack any of us.”

Ranma looked at the eldest girl and nodded, “I’m in control, not a monster. I swear on my honor that I will not harm any of you. It’s not in my nature to hurt innocent people; I try and follow the code of a martial artist.”

Kasumi nodded and looked to the other girls, “Ranma has given her word, and she is a guest in this house. I expect you both to respect that.”

Akane protested, “What about this engagement?”

“I’ll handle that.” The girls all turned to Nabiki in surprise, and she continued, “As long as you’re here, I’ll be your fiancée.”

“Thank you, Nabiki,” Ranma said with gratitude.

“But,” Nabiki continued, “Your Amazon wife knows you’re here with another woman, right?”

Ranma nodded, “According to Amazon law, a great warrior is allowed more then one wife. She agreed that because of the pledge between our families, she would consider a co-wife. Since she is the tribe champion, and her grandmother is the Matriarch, her decision carries a lot of weight with the tribe.”

“And how do you feel about all this?”

“I have to do what my honor demands. And there are other concerns,” Ranma said, and emphasized this by flapping her wings gently.

Akane looked at her sister, “You can’t be serious?”

“Look, Sis, I know Ranma’s in between a rock and a hard place with this. I figure that I’m the only one smart and sneaky enough to pull one over on his old man, and Ranma will owe me one for it. Besides, he and she are cute, and I’m always looking for new opportunities.” She moved over to the redhead demon and extended a hand, “What say we take this as a challenge and see what happens?”

“I never back down from a challenge,” Ranma said and shook the offered hand. The girls talked for a little time longer, Akane arguing against the whole idea and Kasumi looking for the middle ground, but after an hour, no one could come up with a better solution. Ranma and Nabiki went out to tell their fathers, and found the two men had opened a large bottle of rice wine and were halfway through it in celebration.

Ranma and Nabiki were cheered and praised by the adults, who had already began to drunkenly plan a ceremony, and the teenagers left them to pass out in the dojo. Nabiki led Ranma back into the house and upstairs to the end of the hall.

“This is the guest room,” she said as she pulled open the door. Inside was a sparse room with a pair of futon mats on the floor. “Your dad and mine will probably sleep it off in the dojo, so you’re on your own tonight.”

“Thanks, for everything,” Ranma looked up at the other girl, “I’m sorry for getting you into this.”

Nabiki chuckled, “I got myself into this, and you, me, and your Amazon wife will figure a way out. Now get some sleep, I think we all need it.” With that she turned and went back into her own room up the hall. Ranma watched her leave, noticing the slight swing of the hips that accentuated Nabiki’s posterior.

Ranma shook herself and went into the guestroom, closing the door. She was trying not to get distracted by Nabiki’s many female charms, especially since it seemed she had a long term plan, or an agenda. The fact that Nabiki was obviously smarter then her was slightly intimidating, but her smarts only added to her attractiveness. She was long legged and curved in all the right places, and reminded Ranma of Shampoo, and the few nights that they had spent together. She lay down, and with wings once more hidden, attempted to sleep.

Meanwhile, down the hall, Nabiki was undressing for the night. It had been quite an evening for her, first catching herself coming on to a strange girl, then seeing that girl changed into a well endowed young man. All of this ending in engaging herself to an already married aquatransexual. She was also wondering about the echoes in her head that she had been hearing. She was only slightly worried about the ramifications, after all her family seemed to revel in their emotional problems.

She left all that behind and concentrated on the sexy redhead and hunk of a man she was now attached to as she lay down on her bed. As a man, Ranma was shy and unsure around the girls, but as a girl, she had been more outgoing, especially when Nabiki had groped her the second time. Nabiki knew that Ranma’s demon form was that of a western style sex demon, and figured the shorter girls reaction was due to the increased stimulation the contact caused, bringing that sensual nature out.

She felt her hand drift to her own breast at this thought, and wondered what the redhead looked like in the nude. She was impressed with his male form, well muscled without being overmuch so, and figured that it would carry over. By this point her other hand had drifted down between her legs.

She thought about the nude form of the male Ranma and the imagined nude form of female Ranma, each allowing Nabiki’s hands to roam over their bodies. From a pinch of a nipple to a stroke of a well defined chest, to a caress of two butt cheeks, one soft and the other firm. Nabiki moaned into the night as she imagined the two bodies pressing against her, sucking and licking her as she writhed in her bed.

Soon she was riding the top of the wave of pleasure, but no mater how much she squeezed fingered or pinched, it wasn’t enough. She was about to get up in frustration when she remembered that hidden under her bed was a dildo she had gotten for nights like this from an online store. She rolled her head and saw it in the air next to her bed and grabbed it, driving it between her wet petals and deep into her core. With sure, quick thrusts she brought herself back to the edge, and with the image of the demon Ranma burned into her mind she came with a power she had never felt before. She panted to regain her breath, leaving the dildo buried in her mound for the moment. After recovering from the climax, she pulled the rubber phallus out of herself and licked it clean.

“Wait a second,” she said. She slowly began to go over the last few moments, and came to her sex toy floating in mid air. She ran over the memory again and again, but every time, it was floating without aid next to her bed. She looked at the floor and saw the open box that the dildo was kept in had been pulled out from under the bed and the lid thrown open.

She looked at the lid, not remembering pulling it off. She was so focused on the lid it took her a moment to react when it started to float up into the air. When she gasped in surprise and rocked back, it fell to the ground. In that instant it had almost felt like something had slipped through her fingers.

She pulled her legs up to rest her chin on her knees and starred at the far wall of her room, whispering quietly into the darkness, “What the hell is happening to me?”

To be continued.

Endnote: Thanks once again to those who have reviewed my story. As long as you, and my own redhead demon girlfriend, like it, I’ll keep writing. I have the next two chapters planned out already, with many more after that, but I’m going to go at a slightly slower pace in writing them for a while, but only by a few days. Until next time, Make Mine Manga.