Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Spring and Fall ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: The NWC and the situations they found themselves in were the work of Rumiko Takahashi and were distributed by Kitty and Viz. I use them without permission, but with humble respect for those before me, and I write this with no intent to profit from the efforts of others. There is sex, there is violence, and some foul language. If any of these offend or you are a minor, be gone with ye, tis not for you.
P.S.: by now you know I do this for Janice.

Nabiki drove like a woman possessed, or more accurately, a woman scared crazy. In the last few hours she had been chased around the countryside of China, captured at gunpoint, been confronted by her fiancé’s worst enemy, and escaped from a military base. To top it all off, Ranma’s Amazon wife had just been kidnapped by said enemy.

Now Nabiki was closing in on the village that had been their destination for the last week, and the young woman skidded her stolen military jeep to a halt several meters away from two guards that brandished weapons in her direction.

“Cologne,” she yelled, gesturing to the guards to make up for her lack of Chinese language skills, “Bring Cologne, quick.”

There was a moment of confusion, but one of the guards ducked into the village, hopefully to retrieve the Matriarch. Nabiki waited, her head turned to the sky in a desperate search for the minds of Ranma and Shampoo. She was so lost in her concentration, that she almost jumped when a very short, old woman pogoed out on a walking stick and called out to her.

“Who are you,” Cologne of the Amazons asked.

“Nabiki Tendo,” the girl answered, “I’m here with Ranma and Shampoo.” Cologne seemed to light up at that news, but Nabiki continued, “Shampoo was just kidnapped by Enema, and Ranma is chasing after her.”

Cologne examined the girl, and caught the fright in the girl’s eyes, “Come quickly then. Which way did they fly?” Nabiki pointed, sensing the tingle of Ranma’s anger in the air, and the Matriarch’s expression turned further to a scowl.

“Come,” Cologne said simply, and began to move with great speed in the direction indicated, and she noted that this Nabiki Tendo was in hot pursuit.

Nabiki ran along next to the old woman and asked, “You know where they’re headed?”

“That direction is the valley of the Cursed Springs,” Cologne said, “My guess is that Enema is about to work her revenge.”

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 21
Spring and Fall

Shampoo struggled against her captor, but Enema’s clawed feet dug painfully into her shoulders, making the Amazon cry into the night. She could only hope that the anguished yell would give her transformed husband something to home in on in the dark sky. She knew Ranma was out there, but in the demon’s current condition could she survive a battle with the exiled Elder?

“You failed me, Shampoo,” Enema mocked her from above, “just as you failed to kill the outsider as you were ordered by the council.” Shampoo looked up into the girl bat’s eyes, and in the moonlight she saw the hint of madness.

“Order was wrong,” the blue haired captive yelled back, “Ranma give chance for village to regain honor after tragedy so long ago. You fail village when you no recognize this fact.”

Enema roughly shook the girl and screamed, “Silence, whelp! Your worthless grandmother and her ilk have brought shame to all Amazons and can not spare you this time. For failing the village, I find you guilty and sentence you to the appropriate punishment. But do not despair; you shall serve one last purpose, luring the demon into my hand so that I can take her power for the good of my people!” Enema began to cackle into the darkness, but was cut short as a ball of flame streaked in and blasted her in the back.

“FACE ME, YOU BITCH,” screamed Ranma as she power dived in behind her hellfire attack. The redhead swooped in under her opponent and caught Shampoo in her arms while unleashing another blast, this time into the exposed body of the other flyer.

Enema’s claws opened reflexively from the blast, and Shampoo found herself falling away in Ranma’s arms. Their freedom was shot lived however as Enema banked around sharply and slammed bodily into Ranma, knocking the three of them across the sky. Ranma and Shampoo spun out of control, but the redhead managed to hold on to her wife with one hand as they fell rapidly towards the ground.

Enema recovered quickly and dove after the plummeting pair, her leg lashing out to rake Ranma’s face, breaking the succubus’ hold on Shampoo. With a furious back kick, the exile knocked Shampoo away, back towards the springs below and spun around to catch one of Ranma’s wings in her feet, squeezing tightly as she felt bone begin to bend under pressure.

Ranma screamed and tried to break away, tried to fight off her attacker, tried to do anything, but she could feel her wing begin to fail, and was helpless as she watched Shampoo fall to her apparent death. Enema laughed, taunting the trapped girl and grabbed her free wing to apply the same pressure, dislocating both wing roots, but Ranma’s eye’s ignited into a red fury that expanded to engulf her entire body.

Releasing the burning girl, Enema watched as the demon fell to the ground away from the pools, landing with a crash. She swooped down to gloat over the broken girl.

At the tree line, Nabiki and Cologne arrived in time to see Ranma fall to the ground. Nabiki was about to charge forward, but the Amazon Matriarch held her back.

“I know your feelings, girl,” the Elder said, “But trust me when I say she is far out of your league. Stay here while I attempt to aid our friend.” With that, Cologne began to pogo towards the downed demon girl. Before she could reach Ranma, however, Enema landed and pulled back her hand and struck out at Ranma with her claws pointing at the redhead’s heart.

Before the lethal blow was struck, a small object bounced out of the night, striking the Exile in the face in a blur of white fur and claws. Enema knocked the attacker to the ground and the shape resolved itself into a small white cat with pink paws, hissing at the girl bat.

The cat leaped into the air once more to strike, its claws extended, but Enema caught it in mid leap. Holding it by the scruff of the neck she examined it, ignoring Ranma for the moment. Recognition soon dawned in the transformed Elder’s eyes.

“Well, well, well. It seems your catty granddaughter received her just reward, wouldn’t you say Cologne?” Enema poked the struggling feline in the underbelly, earning a yawl of pain. Then she threw the cat at the approaching Matriarch, almost knocking her off her staff.

Cologne managed to hold on and catch the small feline before it fell to the ground. The cat calmed in Cologne’s arms, and the old woman let a tear fall from her eye as she realized the truth.

“Oh, my dear granddaughter,” Cologne said softly, “I am so sorry.”

“It is the price of betrayal,” Enema snarled and charged the Matriarch. Cologne hopped off her staff and blocked Enema’s attack with the wooden shaft, allowing Shampoo to drop lightly to the ground.

Quickly, the two former colleauges were locked in an exchange of rapid blows, each probing the other for weakness in a display of advanced hand to hand technique. As the Elder and Exile fought, Shampoo crawled her way back over to Ranma who was still shaken on the ground. Nabiki raced to Ranma’s still form as well and saw the fate that had befallen her fiancé’s wife.

“Is that really you, Shampoo,” Nabiki probed.

The cat nuzzled Nabiki’s leg as the girl sat down next to Ranma and mentally answered, “Is true. Shampoo cursed now. Am weak little cat.” Nabiki felt shame rolling off the transformed girl and rested her hand reassuringly on the small back of the cat as she turned her attention to Ranma.

Slowly the redhead was coming to, and opened her eyes to see Nabiki’s worried expression above her. She tried to sit up, but pain stabbed her in the shoulders as the damage to her wings made itself known. Wincing she turned to Nabiki.

She asked, “Is Shampoo alright? Did I get to her in time?”

“She’s alive,” Nabiki told her, “but she landed in one of the springs.”

“Oh no…”

Nabiki helped Shampoo up so Ranma could see the changed Amazon, and as the small cat came into view, Ranma’s eyes enlarged and the pain was forgotten as she began crawling backwards away from the feline.


Ranm a’s scream was accompanied by the flash of memories pouring through Nabiki’s mind as the floodgates opened in Ranma’s psyche. Ranma’s father, a pit, starving cats, and the smell of fish played in Nabiki’s mind before overwhelming pain and fear made her close off her power to Ranma. Quickly she turned to shield the redhead from the sight of the transformed Amazon.

“Oh god,” she breathed. She mentally informed Shampoo of what she had seen, and the cat shuddered at the images.

Ranma’s panicked breathing slowed, “I’m…I’m alright. God, I’m sorry Shampoo. I didn’t want to react like that.”

“I saw what happened,” Nabiki said, “And I showed it to Shampoo so she would know why you reacted that way. How old were you when that happened, Ranma?”

“Six,” the redhead whispered, “And now Enema has turned my wife into my greatest fear. I bet she never realized how good her revenge would be.” As Ranma spoke, a snarl developed in her voice, and Nabiki did not need to open her mind to feel the rage coming off the demon girl behind her.

With a flap of her wings, and a scream of pain, Ranma forced her wings back into place and took off, heading right for the battling Amazon Elders.

“Take me to watchman’s hut,” Shampoo mentally called to Nabiki, “We get hot water and help Airen.” Nabiki scooped up the Amazon cat and started for the shack in the distance.

As the Tendo girl ran to change her friend back to normal, Ranma rejoined the battle against Enema with a blazing jab that intercepted her attack on Cologne. This created an opening for the embattled Matriarch to gain an arm’s length of distance and swing low with her staff, trying to knock Enema off her feet. She failed to connect as the girl bat flapped her winged arms and gained altitude to dodge, but had to drop again as Ranma executed a flying kick aimed to take off the orange haired Exile’s head.

Enema found herself on the defensive as Cologne and Ranma moved with vicious efficiency to box her in and tire her out. She paced herself, her reflexes faster then Cologne due to her curse provided youth, and her skill greater then Ranma thanks to her advanced years as an Amazon Elder. Confident in her position, she knew that she had a few more tricks in her sleeve, and it was time to make her opponents angry, and reckless.

“A pity about Shampoo, eh Cologne,” she taunted, “After all, being turned into a cat forever will destroy her standing in the tribe.”

“What have you done,” Cologne growled as she blocked a talon hand raking form her face with her staff.

Enema smirked and jumped out of the way of a spin kick from Ranma, “I’ve locked her curse with the Cat’s Tongue pressure point. She will never be human again!”

Cologne whispered, “no…” She fell back, shocked by the news, but Ranma’s reaction was far different. The redhead doubled her speed, launching two rapid Amaguriken attacks in a row. Enema easily blocked them, but as her arms absorbed each blow, she felt heat coming from the demoness’ hands.

Across the field surrounding the cursed pools, Shampoo’s new feline hearing picked up on the Exile’s declaration and froze in Nabiki’s arms.

I’m going to be a cat forever, she thought sadly.

“We don’t know that for sure, Shampoo,” Nabiki projected into the cat’s mind, “She may just be trying to play head games with Ranma.”

Shampoo considered Nabiki’s words, but remembered the single poke that Enema had used on her soft underbelly, and dreaded the truth. Thinking quickly, she tried to figure a way that she could still be of use to her beloved.

Back at the fight, Enema was surprised to find herself being overwhelmed by the animalistic attack of Ranma. The redhead attacked from several directions, sometimes in Amazon forms that Enema could almost predict, but other times there were no forms at all, just a chaotic fusillade of punches and kicks.

To gain breathing room, Enema jumped into the air once more, using Ranma’s own arm as a springboard during a massive punch. She quickly surveyed the area, looking for advantages, and her eyes locked onto the girl running toward the hut on the edge of the springs. Knowing that this was one of Ranma’s companions, and that there was another connection to be used here; Enema picked up speed and dove for the running girl.

Ranma was right behind her, the demon’s red eyes highlighting her position in the darkness, but that did not slow Enema down in the least. Once more the Exile’s clawed feet shot out, but instead of shoulders, the renegade Amazon clamped on to the Tendo girl’s neck, lifting her off the ground.

Nabiki felt her airway constrict and instinctively dropped Shampoo to the ground to claw at her throat. She felt the hardened talons of Enema press into her neck, and tried to focus past the pain and fear to concentrate enough to use her telekinesis, but another squeeze on her neck shattered her concentration as she was taken into the sky.

Enema spun in midair, jerking her hostage around and glared at the approaching Ranma.

“Stop right there,” she yelled, “If you value this one’s life at all, you will land right now!”

Ranma halted in mid air, her eyes whirling in color as she saw Nabiki struggling in Enema’s grip. Growling in anger, Ranma slowly descended, her eye’s locked onto Enema as the Exile jerked Nabiki in her grip to emphasize her position. When the redhead touched down next to Cologne, Enema made her move.

Releasing Nabiki in mid air, she dove once more for Ranma, intent on delivering a killing blow as the demon leapt to intercept her falling lover. The two winged girls collided in mid air, tumbling across the sky as Nabiki dropped. Enema grappled with Ranma, fighting to keep the demon girl’s wings under her control as they spun away from the pools, crashing to the ground a short distance away. Instantly, Enema put a headlock on Ranma and forced her to watch as Nabiki fell to her death.

Nabiki on the other hand was fighting to control her fear as the earth rushed up to meet her. Aside from the possibility of being cursed, she also saw the bamboo poles sticking out of each pool, and realized that there was a very good chance she would never reach the ground due to being impaled on one of the tall shoots.

In the midst of it all, she had a moment of clarity as events of the last month played through her mind. She remembered the hints of her abilities before Ranma’s arrival; her awakening during their first time together; developing her power both mentally and physically. But that would not help now. She could maybe create planes of force to copy Ranma’s wings, but she had no experience with controlling flight, and no time to learn.

She had less then five meters left when inspiration struck her.

There’s too much air to move, like with wings, but there is a lot less Nabiki to move.

Ranma had no choice but to watch as Nabiki fell towards one of the bamboo poles. But as she was about to be skewered, a slight shimmering appeared about her body, tossing her hair in a non existent wind. Ranma saw Nabiki’s fall slow, and the girl right herself, landing lightly with one foot on the bamboo, and then bouncing off to float in mid air over the cursed pools. Nabiki’s eyes were closed as she slowly drifted to the edge of the springs and set down once more on dry land.

“Impossible,” breathed Enema behind her.

Ranma smirked, “Impossible means nothing to us. Give up, you can’t win.” Ranma’s confidence was short lived however as Nabiki fell to the ground, panting in exhaustion. Enema jerked her sideways, and she was facing Cologne, who had used Nabiki’s incredible self-rescue as a distraction to move in close and position herself to attack.

“Don’t, old friend,” Enema told the Matriarch, “Your precious Chosen One is at my mercy. I will have her power, and then I will rule the Amazons as is my destiny. Or you will lose yet another student to your ambition of corruption.” Cologne winced at the words, and assumed a neutral stance as Enema began to drag Ranma back towards the springs.

She whispered into Ranma’s ear, “I’m going to drown you, just as your ancestor was drowned in these very springs. And with your last breath, I will take you power and become a goddess to my people.” There was a small disturbance in the spring behind her, but she paid it no mind as she pulled her prize closer, her eye’s tracking Cologne and a recovering Nabiki.

The explosion of water behind her caught Enema off guard as a form shot out of the water, impacting solidly with her back. The force of the attack knocked her off balance and allowed Ranma to break the hold and roll away as the human shape landed behind Enema and delivered two sweeping strikes that caused her transformed Elder to shreik out in pain.

The attacker let out an inhuman roar that sent shivers along Ranma’s spine as panic settled in on her, and made her shuffle back further from the conflict before her.

The attacker jumped again, this time using Enema as a pivot to vault over, turning in mid air to plant its feet on her chest, driving the stunned girl bat to the ground as clawed hands clamped into her arms.

“Now you know how it feels,” a growling voice said in the dark as sharp, pointed teeth became visible. The damp form resolved itself and Ranma looked on in a mixture of relief and horror.

The creature was decidedly female, but her hands and feet appeared enlarged slightly to accommodate sharp claws like the ones digging into Enema’s flesh. Ranma saw that lines of pink fur ran from the back of its hands and tops of its feet and faded to white as they surrounded the humanoid figure’s calves and forearms. A long white tail thrashed back and forth starting just above a shapely posterior and ending in a pink furred tip. A long mane of blue hair cascaded down its back and was topped by a pair of white feline ears.

The blue hair drew Ranma in, even over her fear, and she yelped out, “Shampoo? Is that you?” The female feline form turned to and faced Ranma, and in the moonlight a pair of slit green eyes shone brightly.

“Rrrranma,” the cat girl purred out, “I glad you all rrright. Go make sure Nabiki safe while I deal with Exile.”

“I’ll not be dealt with,” growled Enema and kicked out to push Shampoo off her. The nude cat girl bounced off, landing in a low crouch, her hands briefly touching the ground in front of her, and then she charged at Enema who used the moment to flip upright and bring her own clawed hands up to meet Shampoo’s.

As the two cursed Amazons grappled, Ranma managed to pull herself back and check on Nabiki as Cologne charged by her to join her granddaughter in battle. The demon girl dropped down to her knees next to Nabiki and fought to control her panic as she saw a small trickle of blood coming out her fiancé’s nose.

Nabiki waved off Ranma’s attempt to help and said, “I just pushed myself too hard, that’s all. Go help Shampoo.”

Ranma looked at the battle, but instantly looked away as she saw Shampoo’s cat-like form and winced in fear and shame.

“I don’t know if I can,” the redhead said in a heavy voice, tears welling in her eyes. Nabiki reached out a hand to steady the shaking girl as she considered Ranma’s problem.

She said, “She’s your wife, Ranma, not a cat. She loves you, and needs your help.” Nabiki saw Ranma shudder, and watched as her glowing eye’s swirled as out of control emotions washed over the girl’s face.

Nabiki leaned in, placing her forehead against Ranma’s and said calmly, “Take my strength, and use it to keep the nightmares at bay.” With that, she kissed Ranma, and allowed her mind to open completely to the troubled redhead.

Back at the fight, Enema was on the defensive as Shampoo’s feline agility made openings for Cologne’s precision attacks. She took to the air once more to get out of range of the Matriarch’s attacks, but Shampoo heaved with all her might, leaping up after her. Claw met claw once more, but this time, Enema was ready for Shampoo’s animalistic assault.

Spinning in mid air, she redirected the cat girl’s momentum back towards the ground, and threw Shampoo away with all her might, accelerating her upwards as the young warrior dropped back to the ground. Enema continued her spin in the air, and drew a set of throwing knives from under the remains of her battle torn clothing and pitched them after the blue haired feline.

Shampoo used her new agility to avoid the strikes, but one made contact with her side, and she went down in pain as the blade buried itself in her. Cologne was instantly at her side and easing the girl down, inspecting the wound, and Enema was considering targeting her for one last strike before leaving, but a sense of unease alerted her to something else in the night sky.

The air around her seemed to warm slightly, and she turned to face a new threat. A red light washed over her, and she saw Ranma once more in the air, hands ablaze.

Ranma spoke softly, but could be clearly heard as resonance made Enema’s stomach churn, “You hurt those around me, you try to kill me, and now you run away? You are a coward, and a disgrace to our tribe.”

“I’ll not be talked to by some outsider,” Enema screamed, “I’ll wash my hands in your blood!”

“Want some,” Ranma whispered, “Come get some.”

Enema tightened herself into a ball, building up momentum to strike. When she pulled her limbs away to regain control, a flash of metal appeared in each claw, knifes aimed at Ranma.

As the Exile streaked in, Ranma pulled back one hand, and the fire covered appendage began to blur.

“Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken revised,” Ranma called out, “REQUIEM OF THE DAMNED!!!”

One hundred fireballs shot from Ranma and cleared the distance between her and Enema in less then the blink of an eye. The staccato of explosions ripped through the night, lighting the sky and shaking trees across the valley. On the ground, Cologne covered her ears and fought not to pass out from the pressure wave that hit her as she tended to her granddaughter’s wounds.

As the firestorm above ended, a smoking Ranma fell to earth. In her wake, there remained no sign of the exiled Amazon. Cologne left her granddaughter to catch the falling demon, and gently set her down.

“Did we win,” Ranma asked softly as she opened her eyes to see Cologne standing above her.

The Matriarch answered, “Yes, child. Now rest.”

“Are Shampoo and Nabiki safe?”

Cologne sighed, but kept her voice strong, “Yes.”

Ranma smiled and drifted to sleep. Cologne picked the demon girl up and carried her over to lie next to Shampoo. Next she moved over to a very pale Nabiki; barely awake but still aware enough to note the Elder’s approach.

“How bad is it,” the girl asked.

Cologne nodded, “Ranma has passed out, and may take some time to recover. The dagger that struck Shampoo missed any vital points, but the blade was poisoned. I am going to take her back to the village first, then send help for the two of you. Will you be all right?”

“No,” Nabiki answered weakly, “But I can hold it together until you get back. Just help me over to Ranma.” Cologne nodded again and carried the Tendo girl to Ranma’s side, then picked her transformed heir up again and bounded away at near reckless speed.

These children continue to surprise me, Cologne thought as she traversed the distance to the Amazon village, The fates chose well finding that Nabiki girl for Ranma. She has insight and wisdom. Add to that her…power, and she will be formidable. She looked down at the strange half human, half cat in her arms and frowned sadly. If only I was a little younger, this would not have happened.

She shook herself, dismissing recriminations as she approached the village gates. She called out to the guards, ordering them to retrieve the other fallen girls, and rushed into the village proper, seeking the healer’s hut.

The night stretched on, and Ranma and Nabiki were brought into the village as well. They were placed in Shampoo’s hut to rest on Cologne’s orders as she aided the healer with the transformed warrior girl.

Darkness was slowly devoured by light as the sun rose in the east, but still the three teenagers remained oblivious to the passage of time. Finally, Cologne retreated from the healer’s, reassured that her blood kin would survive, and the old woman, feeling all her years ducked in to check on the redhead, and her Japanese fiancé.

Both girls were sleeping heavily, and Cologne sat on one of the chairs near a window, drawing out a long stemmed pipe and lighting it. Quietly she blew smoke rings out the window, a pensive look on her face, as the hours passed.

Just past the mid day, Ranma slowly awoke; turning her head slightly to see Cologne perched across the room.

“Hi, Granny,” the redhead said quietly, “I’m home.”

Cologne smiled, “Welcome home, son in law.” She waved to Ranma to stay still and hopped down, moving the chair next to the bed so she could speak with the girl.

“Where are Shampoo and Nabiki,” Ranma started.

Cologne pointed to Ranma’s other side, and the redhead turned to see Nabiki asleep next to her in the bed.

“Shampoo is being tended to,” Cologne said, “She was injured during the fight, but she will be fine.” Ranma tensed at the news of her wife’s injury, but relaxed with the Elder’s reassurance.

Ranma asked, “Is she really a…c…c…c…”

Cologne looked on as Ranma stammered, “What is it, child? What grips your heart so?”

“Damn it Pops,” the demon growled low, “When I was a kid, he decided I needed to be trained in some invincible technique. The n…n…Neko-ken. I learned the blasted thing, but…”

“I know of the style,” Cologne said, “And I am amazed you survived, but I also know the price. I’m sorry Ranma; it seems that Enema got her revenge after all.”

Ranma almost shouted, “No!” She turned to make sure Nabiki was still asleep, and then continued, “I will not give up. I’m finally getting control of my life, and I won’t be stopped by this. There has to be a way to beat it, at least that’s what Nabiki said.”

The Matriarch gave a small smile, “If it were anyone else but you I’d never believe them. But as you told Enema, impossible means nothing to you. You and Shampoo make this old woman proud.” Ranma nodded at the compliment. “Now tell me, what has transpired since you left us?”

Ranma began the tale. She told of the trip back to Japan, and the meeting of the Tendos. She spoke about how Nabiki was already planning ahead when she agreed to the arranged marriage, looking for a way to outwit their fathers. And then how those plans were made moot as the two began to find attraction, and even love for each other.

The redhead spoke about Nabiki’s own power, and how they had shared minds to fight back Ranma’s inner demons, and how Nabiki had even faced down an angry Genma when Ranma was in a weakened state. She talked about the trouble they had gotten into together, from Ryoga and Kuno, to the strange battle with Kodachi and the revelations of Nabiki’s sister’s past.

Ranma was frank about her feelings and reactions, trusting the old Amazon far more then her own kin, and found that telling the tale of her time in Nerima was somewhat cathartic for her. By the time she told of Shampoo’s lethal arrival, and her own fight with her father, the sometimes girl felt a weight lifted off her shoulders.

“Quite a story, my child,” Cologne said as Ranma finished.

“And she left out all the juicy bits,” Nabiki chimed in.

Ranma turned and looked at her awake fiancé, then gave the taller girl a massive hug, “I was so worried about you. When did you wake up?”

“About halfway through Ryoga, just before he saw you change forms. It’s a good story, so I let you finish it,” Nabiki answered. She turned to Cologne and smiled, “Hope it was entertaining.”

“Indeed,” the Matriarch chuckled, “Makes me wish I was young again so I could join in on the fun, but for now I am content to know that my son in law found someone understanding of his nature, and of his commitment to this tribe.”

Nabiki smirked, “Just can’t say no to the big lug, that’s all. Plus, Shampoo said that I could become part of the tribe, and I’m getting to like the idea of being a kick ass warrior girl. Taking jerks like the Golden Pair down a peg was fun.”

“That’s because you didn’t hit the wall,” Ranma winced in memory.

Cologne’s chuckle turned into a full laugh as she watched the two young lovers, “We shall see, Nabiki Tendo. We shall see indeed.”

Far away from the village, a heavily burned, barely breathing form crawled its way through the forest. Enema let out a wheezing cry as she dragged a broken, charred leg behind her. Soon the pain became too much, and she collapsed on to the ground. Fighting to keep her wits about her, she forced all that she was into fighting down the pain so she could continue on.

Burns covered her body, and the membrane of her wings was no longer present. Aside from the broken leg, she guessed that several ribs, her right hand, and her jaw had also been broken, not to mention the bruising and cuts that covered her body. Her hair was gone, and one eye was swollen shut as well.

Ranma’s attack had not killed her, but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

She surmised that the only reason she was still breathing was because Ranma had worn herself out in the desperate escape from the Chinese military base only a few hours before their fight.

Enema cursed herself for underestimating the teenagers back there. She had not figured that they would pose a threat with all those men aiming guns at them, but even with knowledge about Shampoo’s skill and Ranma’s power, she was caught off guard with their escape.

Somehow, I missed something, she thought. Could that slip of an outsider girl have done something?

She tried to recall the Japanese girl, and remembered a light of intelligence in her eyes, and a self assured smirk on her face just before the girls made their break. Somehow this person, who had no sign of being a warrior, had managed to break the teens out of their bindings. Enema resolved to learn more. More about this Nabiki Tendo, more about Ranma’s training, and more about Shampoo’s new form.

That is, if she managed to survive.

“No,” she rasped, “I will not fail. I will not lose to that outsider whore. I will not die!”

“No, the Boatman will not take you today, child.”

Enema turned her head slowly, and saw a cloaked figure sitting on a nearby tree stump. The figure stood and pulled back its hood to reveal a beautiful, pale female face, topped with long, white hair.

The woman walked over to Enema, “I saw your battle, and was surprised that what drew me to this little piece of nowhere was your opponent. When I told him that she was awake after all these years, you can imagine his surprise.”

“I am an Elder of the Amazons,” Enema growled weakly as she attempted to stand, “You will address me with respect.”

The woman pushed Enema off balance with one finger, and laughed, “You are a burnt husk of cattle, and you have no concept of the powers at work here. But I am still willing to offer you a deal. I will save your insignificant existence, and in return you will become a tool for your new master.”

“I serve no one.”

The white haired woman gave an evil smile, “Who said I was giving you a choice?”

With that, she opened her cloak, showing that underneath was a series of white leather straps that criss-crossed her body. From one of these straps, she pulled a wickedly curved blade made of black metal, and drove it into Enema’s heart. Purple lightning arced around the woods as black flames began to consume the exiled Amazon. The lightning increased in intensity as the fire devoured the last of her form, and there was a loud, soul ripping scream that echoed through the trees.

The flames finally died down, and Enema found herself once more whole. She stood easily, light ash dropping from her nude body as she flexed her young, clawless, limbs. Looking, she saw that her old wings were gone, but her age had not changed from its transformed state. With sudden realization, she felt two more appendages along her back, and turned to see a pair of new wings so much like Ranma’s own.

The tall, pale woman strode forward once again, laying her hand on Enema’s bare skin, just above the joining of her legs. For a moment, there was a burning sensation, and Enema pulled away, looking down at herself. She bent slightly and saw a small burn mark just above her hairless sex. It took the shape of a bizarre character she did not recognize, and she looked up angrily at the woman who did this to her.

“That is the mark of my father, the one you serve,” the stranger said calmly, “It binds you to his will, and the will of those he deems worthy.”

Enema lashed out with a massive punch aimed at the woman’s face, but it stopped short, her arm trembling as pain erupted in her head. Wincing, she pulled back as the pale woman laughed.

“You are not a full demon, just a servant of one far greater then you. Do not forget that,” she said. She turned away and called into the woods, “Alexis, come out and meet our plaything.”

“Oh, come on,” a younger voice answered from above, “I was just getting comfortable. Why did ya have to go and interrupt my nap?” The pale woman winced and pinched the bridge of her nose as a smaller girl dropped from the trees above.

She looked to be a teenager, and her clothing reflected it with a pair of denim shorts and a red windbreaker that hung open showing a midriff bearing tee shirt proclaiming ‘VADER WAS FRAMED’. She had boy cut pink hair stuffed under a baseball cap, and a look of utter boredom on her face.

“So this is the kid that big Sis kicked the crap out of?”

Enema hissed, “Who do you think you’re addressing, brat?”

Alexis snorted, “A hundred year old shriveled monkey virgin who pretends to be one of us, duh. Why did you save this overripe fruit anyway, Dizzy?”

The pale woman shouted, “My name is Despair you twit, not Dizzy!” She took a few cleansing breaths and continued, “We need information if we’re to retrieve our sister, don’t we. After all, Father wanted us to be sure.”

Alexis pantomimed throwing up and shrugged, “Whatever. Look, I’d love to stay and watch you break in the new slave girl, but I am b o r e d out her in the middle of East Assfuck. Can I go home now?”

Despair sighed, “Yes, yes. After all, Father wants to question this one personally.”

“Ouch,” the teenage looking demon said, rubbing her posterior.

The pale woman turned back to a suddenly worried Enema and smiled, “You will tell him all about our little Amnara, of course.”

With a flash of dark light, the three of them disappeared, leaving the stillness of the woods behind.

To be continued.

Endnote: Not much to say here, but after another chapter in China, we’ll be heading back to Nerima. Enema, Despair and Alexis will be back, of course, but not before I drag this thing back to the Manga for a while, kicking and screaming if I have to. Next time, our heroes recover for a bit, and Ranma deals with Shampoo and the Neko-Ken, sort of. Until next time, I AM a little teapot, so don’t mess with me or I’ll scald your ass. (What? Oh, the nice guys in white are here for my meds? Oh, happy fun time!)