Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Three Trials of Mind, Body, and Soul ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: The NWC and the situations they found themselves in were the work of Rumiko Takahashi and were distributed by Kitty and Viz. I use them without permission, but with humble respect for those before me, and I write this with no intent to profit from the efforts of others. There is sex, there is violence, and some foul language. If any of these offend or you are a minor, be gone with ye, tis not for you.
P.S.: by now you know I do this for Janice.

“So that’s everything that’s happened,” Nabiki said, her voice distorted by the phone as she called from China. Kasumi held the receiver close so she could make out what her sister said, and even then she had trouble believing what she was hearing.

Speaking clearly into the phone she answered, “I’m just glad the three of you are more or less all right. How are you holding up?”

“I’m worried about Ranma. She’s been in and out ever since the fight with Enema,” Nabiki said, “Sometimes she’s normal, then she drifts into this funk. Throw in the whole cat thing with Shampoo, and I’m starting to think she’s right on the edge. I hate to admit it, but I need some advice here, Sis.”

Kasumi paused for a moment, then said, “It seems like Elder Cologne has a point. Ranma is generally a kind person, so the idea that she killed someone, even an enemy, is probably causing her great pain. I’m sorry, but I think Ranma will have to face this problem on her own. It’s as Father always says…”

“The path of a martial artist is fraught with peril,” the two girls intoned at the same time, then chuckled lightly.

Kasumi continued, “Just be there to support her, that’s all I can say.”

“Thanks, Sis,” Nabiki sighed, “I better get going. I don’t want to run the bill up too much. Give my love to Dad and Akane, and let them know we’ll be back in a couple of weeks.”

The sisters exchanged goodbyes and Kasumi placed the handset back on its cradle. Walking back out to the dojo, she contemplated the changes in her life since the whirlwind known as Ranma entered their house. Only a short time ago, she had been content to live as a simple housekeeper, forgetting about all she had done in the past so her sisters could have a future. Now Nabiki had a relationship with Ranma, and Akane was still seeing her therapist.

It was time to start thinking about what she wanted.

She had her past dragged up, and now was training her unwelcome legacy, but she found it to be enjoyable, despite her attempt to leave that world behind her. In addition her love life was also at a standstill due to Doctor Tofu’s continued antics in her presence. And leaving was out of the question still, after all someone needed to protect her father from himself.

Entering the dojo, she found Kodachi as she had left the gymnast, hog tied on the floor with her spandex covered ass sticking in the air.

“All right,” Kasumi sighed, “Let’s take it from the top.” With that, she retrieved a simple riding crop from the floor next to the blushing teen and closing the dojo door.

On the porch to the house, Soun sat, ignoring the world around him as he continued to fail to come to terms with how…liberal his daughters were.

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 22
Three Trials of Mind, Body, and Soul

Nabiki sat down next to Shampoo as the blue haired girl lay with a bandage over her wounded side. The smell of healing herbs filled the hut as the Amazon girl convalesced. Nabiki held the feline like hand of her friend and told Shampoo of Ranma’s reaction.

“It isn’t your fault, Shampoo, “Nabiki said softly, “It’s just one more thing we have to blame Genma for. The list is really starting to pile up though.”

Shampoo grunted, “He really prove Amazon beliefs that men are weak. But still, Shampoo no want to see husband in fear. Is there nothing we can do?” Shampoo’s transformed body seemed to sag at the thought of losing Ranma, and the rolling of the r’s with her now cat-like tongue only added to her worry about Ranma’s Neko-ken induced fear.

“Believe me, Shampoo, I’m not about to let the lug give up. She’s sitting outside right now, trying to fight it and see you. She’s willing to do anything to overcome this,” the Tendo girl answered Shampoo.

Nabiki hated to admit it, but she felt a little jealousy at the thought of Ranma giving so much just to see the Amazon. She hoped that the redhead demon would do the same for her, but the nagging in the back of her mind refused to be silent. Taking a deep breath, Nabiki calmed herself and used her mind to contact Ranma outside.

“Are you ready to give this a try?”

A mentally jumbled voice returned, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Nabiki opened her eyes and gave a smile to Shampoo, then closed them again and focused deeper inward. She reached out to Ranma’s mind and began to try and brace her against the gnawing fear that was even now trying to find purchase. Braced and focused, Nabiki signaled Ranma to give it a try.

Ranma’s head slowly entered the hut, eyes closed. After a moment, she moved a visibly shaking body in and stood in the doorway. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and looked at her injured Amazon wife. Nabiki was rocked back by the fear as it suddenly went from a low buzz to an unstoppable roar, but she refused to give in easily, and fought back by forcing Ranma’s mind to recognize the feline form of Shampoo now as the same as her pre-curse state. She knew it wouldn’t hold long, and quickly sent this to Ranma.

Forcing herself not to weep at her own weakness, Ranma slowly moved to sit beside Nabiki at Shampoo’s bedside. For a moment, she thought about taking her wife’s hand in her own, but she looked down and saw the new claws on the hand, and forced herself to look up and away to keep the panic down.

“Arrren,” Shampoo lowly purred, causing Ranma to wince, “You are strong, and I know your love. You can overcome this.”

“I don’t know, Shampoo,” the redhead croaked out, “I failed you out there yesterday, and I just can’t live with myself like this. I don’t know how you or Nabiki can put up with me like this. Like a coward.”

Shampoo took Ranma’s shaking hand in hers, careful to avoid using her claws, and said, “You are no coward. And you no fail us.” She saw the guilt still in Ranma’s eyes and asked, “Why do you think you fail?”

“You’re cursed, and stuck at that. And Enema…I know she had it coming, but….I didn’t want to…”

She felt Shampoo’s hand close on hers as Nabiki’s landed on her shoulder to offer additional support. Ranma collected herself and nodded her thanks to the other girls. Sighing, she looked into Nabiki’s eyes and gauged how much time she had left before the psychic barrier started to weaken, then turned to look into Shampoo’s green, cat-like, eyes.

“I won’t give up,” Ranma swore, “No matter what it takes I’ll never fail the two of you again.” With that she stood and headed out of the hut, leaving her loves watching her go. She marched out of the village and to a small clearing some distance away. Falling to her knees, she let tears fall from her eyes as the full impact of how much her life was spiraling out of control came crashing in.

“Does it seem so hopeless, Ranma?”

The demon girl turned and saw Cologne standing at the edge of the clearing, staff in hand. She quickly wiped her eyes and stood before the Matriarch, her head bowed in shame. Cologne approached the downtrodden girl and considered her. Suddenly she jumped up and used her walking stick to club Ranma on the head.

The redhead reeled back, rubbing her head, and barked, “What ya do that for?!”

Cologne snorted, “I though it would help shake you out of that useless depression you were forcing yourself into. If I tried to teach you one thing, it was that you can take control of your destiny. Do you wish the idiocy of your father’s training to take that control from you?”

“Of course not, but Shampoo is stuck like that. And as long as she is, I’m scared to death of her.” Ranma growled in frustration, and then asked, “Do you know some way to undo the Neko-ken?”

“Unfortunately not,” Cologne admitted, “But you will be happy to hear that she is not stuck in her curse form.”

“But I thought Enema used some kind of pressure point to lock the curse?”

Cologne nodded, “She did, but one of the clans in the village has developed a counter to this attack. And after that, I may even have a way for you to bypass your fear with Shampoo.”

Instantly, Ranma went from glum to cheerful as she picked up the old woman and spun her around in a hug, “That’s great Granny! I knew you were the best.” Once Ranma deposited Cologne on the ground again, the old woman fought down a smile at the mercurial nature of her young student and straightened her robes.

“It’s not so easy, my child,” she continued, “There is a complication of a personal nature with this particular family. The youngest son of the clan has had…let us say, a crush on my granddaughter. When he learned about Shampoo’s marriage to an outsider, he did not take it well.”

Ranma frowned, “I thought males didn’t hold standing.”

“Normally they don’t, but the Elder of the family has no female heirs, and so trained her grandson. He is a spoiled child, and has challenged tradition at every opportunity. Fortunately, his bids to win Shampoo’s heart have all ended in failure, and none of his marriage challenges have been successful. He did not accept his defeat gracefully and has continued to challenge her. I very much doubt he will be willing to help you.”

“I can always try the direct approach,” Ranma said, slapping one fist into her other palm and cracking her knuckles.

Cologne chuckled at Ranma’s directness, and told the redhead that she would arrange a meeting with the clan elder and her grandson. She left Ranma to her preparations and returned to the village to see Nabiki standing and gazing at the challenge log. Seeing her granddaughter’s other companion was also troubled, she hopped over and stood quietly next to the thoughtful girl.

“This is where it began after Jusenkyo,” the Tendo girl said softly. Cologne did not bother responding and waited for the girl to continue. “They care about each other so much, and every time something happens it seems like I’m slipping further behind.”

Cologne spoke, “Ranma does love you though.”

“I know, he said so himself. That doesn’t make it any easier. They share that warrior’s bond that I’ll never understand,” Nabiki sighed and finished, “I wasn’t raised to be a fighter like them.”

“And now you are saddened by their pain?”

Nabiki winced, “I can’t help it. Ranma has wormed his way into every part of my life, and Shampoo is a part of that. Now I can feel their pain over the whole Neko-ken thing. It’s like I’m being crushed between two floods.”

“In the end though,” Cologne said quietly, “it may be you that will save them both.”

Nabiki looked down at the old Amazon and asked, “By using my power to create mental barriers for Ranma? I can’t keep that up forever you know.”

“Yes I do. But that is not what I meant.” Cologne took a deep breath and explained, “There are ancient rites for the bonding of demons. Such knowledge is considered taboo or fable by the outside world, but you know better. A bonding between the three of you will not only allow Ranma to overcome her fear of Shampoo’s cursed form, but will draw the three of you closer together. They will understand your pain as well, and you will never be left behind.”

Nabiki considered the Elder’s words and asked, “What’s the catch?”

“You are not an Amazon,” Cologne said, “And by out laws are not worthy of such a union. It is because of Ranma’s position in the tribe that you have been treated as courteously as you have been, but surely you have felt the village watching you.”

“Yes,” Nabiki said, “So how do I become an Amazon?”

Cologne turned to face the young woman and spoke solemnly, “It is no little thing you ask. First you must be adopted into the tribe by a sponsor, and if you wish to join with Ranma, it can not be her. Secondly, you must undergo a trial of combat, for the tribe will not accept a weak outsider into its ranks. And finally I must bring you before the Council, and we will judge your position within the tribe. Seeing as you are loved by the Chosen One, I doubt you will have difficulty finding support in the Council.”

“Can Shampoo sponsor me?”

Cologne nodded, “Yes, and I’m guessing that she will. With the tribe’s champion as your sponsor things will go fairly smoothly.”

Nabiki smiled lightly, and then asked, “Who will I have to fight in the challenge?”

“A challenger will come forward from the tribe to see if you are worthy. If none step forward it means the tribe has already accepted you. And don’t worry; the Kiss of Death will be suspended for this official challenge.”

Nabiki sighed in relief at this bit of information. She knew that Amazons were very persistent about their honor, and to have one chase her across the country for it did not sit well with her. Of course that left the problem of the challenge itself. Even with Ranma’s coaching and the experience of the last few weeks, Nabiki still didn’t think she was up to snuff on her hand to hand abilities. It had only been her mental powers that had seen her through.

But then again, she had kept saying that she fought differently then her agile fiancé, or her powerful Amazon girlfriend.

“Let’s do it.”

Cologne led Nabiki back to Shampoo’s hut, where the transformed warrior gladly agreed to sponsor Nabiki, “She save Shampoo’s life by helping break mind free, then by helping against soldiers. We stand as sisters, and can be true sister wives to Ranma.”

“Are you sure about this, Shampoo,” Nabiki asked, “I mean, you’ve only known me for a week now.”

Shampoo took Nabiki’s hand in her own, “Just as you knew Ranma for so little time and fell in love, and I did the same. We are good good friends, and we share love with Ranma. Is only right we sisters. And you already prove yourself to me.”

“Then I will schedule Nabiki’s challenge,” Cologne proclaimed, “but for now, I must attend to other matters. Ranma may also have a challenge on her hands. She is going to attempt to retrieve the Phoenix Pill from clan Su.”

Nabiki looked at the diminutive Elder and asked, “What is a Phoenix Pill?”

“It is a powerful elixir that allows whoever takes it to withstand great heat. As Shampoo’s curse is locked by a pressure point that makes hot water almost deadly to her, this is our only option to counter the lock. Once Shampoo is able to regain human form, we can see about making Ranma’s fear less of a problem.” With that, the Matriarch left the two girls.

“Thanks,” Nabiki said, “It means a lot that you are willing to trust me as part of the tribe, Shampoo, and as another mate to Ranma. I just hope that whatever your Granny has planned works.”

Shampoo gave a toothy smile, showing her feline teeth, “Grandmother very sneaky. She maybe set us up as example to rest of Council that she still have strong allies. But she also show great honor by trusting Shampoo’s judgment about you. No let Shampoo down now.”

Nabiki smirked, “I’m going to bat to prove myself, and I’ve never lost when something like that is on the line.” She glanced at the bandage on Shampoo’s side and asked, “Do you think you’ll be up and about by the time I have to jump on that log?”

The warrior cat girl lightly padded the covered wound and answered, “Poison is gone now, and wound healing nicely. Tomorrow should be good as new and can watch sister wife fight challenge.”

Nabiki smiled and leaned over the feline warrior. She lowered herself down and gave Shampoo a kiss that deepened as the transformed girl began to purr lightly into Nabiki’s mouth. The rough tongue that invaded Nabiki’s mouth surprised her, but she found its texture an interesting twist, and wondered what the Amazon could do now with her face between Nabiki’s legs.

She shook off that thought and ended the warm kiss, trailing her hand along Shampoo’s jaw and down to her breast, placing her palm above the heart of the warrior girl.

“I promise you,” she said solemnly, “I won’t let you, or Ranma, down.”

“You better not,” a voice said from the doorway. Nabiki and Shampoo turned to see Ranma framed in the entry, a blindfold around her eyes. “After all, if you want to be part of this dysfunctional Amazon family, you can never quit, no matter what.”

“Nice blindfold,” Nabiki smirked.

“I’m not going to let a little thing like fear get in my way,” the redhead said with resolve.

She began to walk into the hut, a smirk on her face, which was promptly removed when she slammed her shin into Shampoo’s bed. The redhead grabbed the injured leg and hopped around the room, cursing in the little Mandarin that she had picked up from her time in the village, and her own native Japanese.

“Shampoo, you moved the damn bed!”

The cat girl grunted “Is new bed. Old one almost broken after you leave village. Took time to redecorate. Husband should not complain.”

“Oh good lord,” Nabiki said, her head in her hands, “Please tell me that this isn’t what domestic life is going to be like.”

Over the next few hours the three girls talked about the idea of a demonic bonding. Shampoo was more then willing, especially if it allowed her to be close to Ranma even in her curse form. Nabiki was hesitant, and explained this not as fear of Ranma’s demonic nature, but fear of her father’s reaction to even the slightest hint that Nabiki and Ranma had become even closer. An instant wedding without a doubt.

While neither teen was truly opposed to marriage, Nabiki pointed out that they also were not ready for what that meant in the evolving culture of Japan. Especially with a Chinese national already married to Ranma and the redhead’s own dual nature. The three decided that until Nabiki could figure out the many puzzles involved in their situation they would hold off on any official ceremony for the time being.

No matter what Mister Tendo thought on the subject.

The next day, Nabiki stood on the challenge log, attired in a basic Amazon short dress, or as Ranma called it, a long shirt with nice lines. It was deep green with a simple red and blue swirl over her heart representing her ties to Ranma and Shampoo. She felt fairly rested, and Ranma had even managed to stay in the same room as her and Shampoo by keeping the blindfold on.

There was a little trouble in the morning when Ranma had reflexively taken off the blindfold, but Nabiki had quickly calmed the redhead, who now stood next to a cloaked Shampoo. The cat girl insisted on coming out to see Nabiki’s challenge, and had worn the cloak to keep Ranma from freaking out. Ranma was holding up well, even letting Shampoo put her arm around hers. The only sign of distress was her ponytail sticking straight out.

Both the girls gave Nabiki a thumbs up as Cologne addressed the crowd of villagers, “Nabiki Tendo has traveled with our Champion across the wilds and through adversity. She had also stood by the Chosen One during times of conflict and doubt. Now she wishes to join with our tribe. She asks that any who oppose her place as a sister step forward now to meet her in combat.”

Nabiki looked around her, taking a measure of the crowd. While there were a few less then subtle glares, no one stepped forward for the challenge. It seemed that the reputation of Shampoo and Ranma served her well in this case. She gave a small smile to the other teens as Cologne nodded her approval, but before she could signal Nabiki to jump down, a shadow fell over her and a form landed opposite her on the log.

Ranma and Shampoo were struck with a sense of déjà vu, but this time it was not a transformed, crazed Elder that appeared, but a tall boy with long white robes and a snarl of hate on his face.

“Mousse,” Shampoo snarled.

“Correct, my darling Shampoo,” the boy stated, “And once I’ve dealt with your so called husband, we can wed at last.” He pointed at Nabiki and yelled, “Ranma Saotome, I challenge you!”

Ranma blinked, “Um…I’m down here with Shampoo.”

Mousse blinked, then drew a pair of thick glasses out of his sleeves and put them on. He looked around, seeing the entire village in attendance. He then turned to look at who he had pointed at and saw a strange outsider girl.

“I’m sorry miss,” Mousse said, “But I don’t have time to fight a weak little girl like you. I have to go destroy Saotome and make Shampoo happy.” He attempted to jump off the log at Ranma, but Cologne slammed her staff into his stomach.

“Idiot,” the Matriarch snarled, “You just formally challenged an initiate sister. Shampoo is her sponsor and the Chosen One is her mate. And now you have the nerve to jump away and dishonor the tribe by your actions?”

Mousse looked confused, “Well I just thought…”

“You dumb fuck,” snarled Nabiki, “Elder, please tell me that this doesn’t count.”

Cologne shook her head, “Even worse, while the Kiss of Death has been suspended, the Kiss of Marriage is valid. No male has ever challenged, so it wasn’t in the rules. You must fight him, and if you lose you will be part of the tribe, but only as this fool’s wife.”

“I don’t want some ugly outsider,” Mouse declared, “Shampoo is destined to be my wife!”

A wave of cold suddenly swept down his spine, and he turned back to face his unintentional opponent. Air distorted around her and an aura of power could be felt pressing into his chest.

With glacial intent, Nabiki asked a simple question, “Did you just call me ugly?”

Sensing the anger coming off Nabiki, Ranma grabbed Shampoo’s arm and began dragging her away from the log and behind the nearest hut, “Better start this thing, Granny!”

Cologne blinked, but dropped her hand as a signal to start anyway.

Instantly the distorted air around Nabiki seemed to rush forward and slam into Mousse. The Amazon boy was reeled by the impact and went crashing into the support post behind him. Shaking his head and pulling himself out of the splintered indent in the wood, he evaluated anew the strange girl opposite him.

Her stance was wide open, and resembled nothing like a martial arts stance, she seemed to simply be standing there, but she had used such a powerful attack that he did not even see. It was time to go on the offensive before she could react.

He charged, yelling, “Fist of the White Swan!”

Nabiki stumbled back; trying desperately to remember everything Ranma had shown her and managed to get into her first stance, a Tendo School defensive stance that her father had taught her so long ago. The blow came faster then she could track, and felt like a ton of bricks on her crossed arms. She flew back into the post, making an impact that mirrored Mousse’s own. The attack came again, and Nabiki realized that Mousse was intent on killing her. She could see his mind clearly, and fell into it as the attack came closer.

The outsider girl would fall, and then a broken Saotome would be beaten by his superior skill. As he stood above the outsiders, Shampoo would at long last acknowledge him, and take him into her heart. Mousse would be known as the first male in Amazon history to be recognized as a true equal.

As the blow was about to land Nabiki snapped a force field into place, blocking the strike. She warped the field at the point of impact to grip at Mousse, and almost fell off the log in shock when she saw what the boy was using as a weapon.

A duck shaped training toilet hung suspended in mid air, Mousse straining to pull it away from the mental grip that held it in place. Nabiki’s first thought was to wonder how the boy had fit the large object into his robes. Then she realized that it didn’t really matter because the Amazon had just tried to hit her with a training potty. Shaking at the indignity of it, Nabiki mentally crushed the offensive plastic construct making Mousse lose his balance for a moment.

Her hair once more swirling around her, she slid forward along the log while the tall boy was distracted. Concentrating all her telekinetic power in one blow, she launched a haymaker straight at Mousse’s head. As it connected, a shockwave rippled in the air around them, knocking nearby spectators to the ground as Mousse became airborne. The boy was sent spinning through the remnants of the support for the challenge log, and crashed through the hut behind it, landing in a pile of rubble.

Hovering in mid air above the downed log, Nabiki yelled out, “And stay down! Freaky creep tossing toilets at people…”

Covering themselves behind another hut, Ranma and Shampoo stared in wonder at the psychic girl as she lowered herself onto the broken log.

“Remind me never to get on her bad side,” Ranma said quietly, to which Shampoo nodded emphatically.

Cologne moved to the center of the plaza once more and raised her hands, “The challenge has been answered! Nabiki Tendo is a sister to this tribe! Rejoice as our family grows!” There was a scattering of cheers and applause from the villagers who had stayed nearby for Nabiki’s telekinetic tantrum, and the girl had calmed down enough to accept them with a bow before jumping off the tilted log and running over to Ranma and Shampoo.

Giving each girl a hug in turn, Nabiki said, “I guess I made the cut after all.”

“Never had a doubt, Nabs,” Ranma chirped, then turned serious, “Now I have to go over there and get him to give us something called the Phoenix Pill.”

Leaving her two loves to enjoy the victory, Ranma strolled over to the rubble where Mousse was buried. Taking her time, she carefully dug out the Amazon boy, checking him for injury. She found that aside from a full body bruise, Mouse was alright.

“So, can I get that Phoenix Pill for Shampoo now?”

“Why should I help the one who has taken Shampoo from me,” the boy asked weakly.

Ranma considered this for a moment and answered, “Because if you don’t, I let Nabiki hurt you some more.”

“Nothing can equal the pain of rejection you caused me.”

The demoness shrugged and said, “I know a guy back in Japan who talks just like you. Do you have the same writer or something? Never mind, I don’t want to know. Just stop fooling yourself. If you don’t give her damn pill, she’ll hate you even more then she does now, and that will piss me off. Haven’t you embarrassed the tribe enough for one day?”

“She is right, Mousse,” Cologne said as she pogoed up to the prone young man, “Your actions here were disrespectful to our traditions. First you make a challenge to the wrong person, and then you have the idiocy to insult a woman’s appearance? Has growing up in this tribe taught you nothing?”

“Fine,” Mousse growled. He pulled a small bag out of his robes and held it out for Ranma to take, then he slowly stood and pointed dramatically, “Mark my words, I will defeat you Ranma Saotome, and your witch Nabiki Tendo. Then Shampoo will have no choice but to embrace her destiny by my side!”

“You’re pointing at the post,” Ranma drawled out.

Mousse pulled his hand back and scratched the side of his head, “I was…indicating where you would fall to me…that’s all…” With that, the defeated boy began to stride confidently away. Actually, it was more of a limp. And it didn’t help the image any when he tripped over some of the debris, or when he ran into the remaining support.

Ranma could only stare in wonder, “How is a guy like that still alive?”

A short while later, the three teens stood in Shampoo’s hut. The Amazon girl was once more in human form, and the girls shared a hug and smiles of happiness.

Cologne stood to one side and spoke as the celebration calmed somewhat, “Now then, as it could become problematic for Ranma to have a fear of her wife, we must deal with the issue of the bonding.”

The teens sobered at that, and Nabiki stepped forward, “You mentioned that before the other day. How is this going to work, and what will it do?”

Cologne pulled out her pipe, lit it, and took a log pull. She contemplated the three girls for a moment, seeing the determination in the eyes of each of them. Nabiki stood tall with the other two, having proven to herself that she could be a fighter as well. Shampoo was wearing a smile of pride, and of relief, no doubt caused by her new sister’s victory and the claiming of the cure to the curse lock. Ranma simply held the look of someone who had known the outcome of the battle all along.

No doubt because of her faith in the ones she loves, Cologne thought.

Out loud she said, “It is not a procedure to be taken lightly. Ranma will need to infuse each of you with a small amount of her power, imprinting you if you will. The effect will be to mark you as her servants, but the extent of that bond is under her control. Once the process is complete, Ranma will have no need to fear Shampoo’s new form as you will be in essence extensions of her own person. It may be painful, and even I do not know all the effects it will have, so the choice is yours.” With that she took another long drag off her pipe as the girls considered her words.

Ranma turned to the others and said softly, “You both know this means a lot to me, but I won’t ask you to do it if it will hurt you. We’ve been through a lot together and I’d rather fight my own problems then hurt either of you.”

“This make you not fear Shampoo in new body,” Shampoo said, “Is no way I will stop when we are close to being family again.”

Nabiki shook her head, “And you two jokers are going to need me for this to work. After all, I’ve got to keep my eye on you two somehow. I’m in.”

“Thanks,” Ranma simply said, but with a voice heavy with emotion.

Cologne extinguished her pipe and reached into her robe to retrieve a scroll, handing it to Ranma, “This is what you will need to know. It is another part of your ancestor’s legacy, and you have earned it. I’ll leave you now, as this is a private thing. Good luck to you all.” With that she made her way to the door, looking back on the way out with pride at what she saw as the future salvation of her people.

The champion of a generation, the demon of legend, and an outsider with the mind of an Elder, they are the future now.

As Cologne left, Ranma opened the scroll and studied the contents. Reading it quickly once and then going over it again in detail, Ranma absorbed the information within. Like many meditation techniques she had learned, this ritual was a matter of focus. But instead of seeking her center, or trying to focus her ki, this drew on the strange demonic energy that powered her fire blasts, hypnosis, and flight. Seeing as she had been using these abilities often, Ranma believed that she had an understanding of the energy involved.

Closing the scroll, she looked up at Shampoo and Nabiki, “Are you sure you want this? Once it’s done we’ll all be tied together, so be sure.”

Shampoo and Nabiki nodded, and a short time later, all three girls were nude. Nabiki and Shampoo lay on the floor, pillows under their heads for a modicum of comfort. Ranma knelt between them, her eyes closed in concentration.

After a time Ranma opened her eyes, showing that they were once more glowing a deep blue, and spoke with a low voice that seemed to vibrate the hearts of both prone girls, “I love you both.”

With that, Ranma placed a hand on each girl’s bare skin, letting it slide down their stomachs to rest above their sex. Focusing inward, Ranma drew on the flame that resided in her own sex, pulling the heat up and into her arms. Careful not to use too much, Ranma molded the fire with her love for the two girls and let it flow down into her hands. She began to mutter in a low voice that could barely be heard. The strange words finished the process, and the fire leapt from Ranma onto Nabiki and Shampoo.

Both girls winced in pain as the fire touched them, searing their flesh, but the pain quickly passed and was replaced with a warm tingling. Nabiki recognized it as the sensation of Ranma’s love from the times she had shared her thoughts with the aquatranssexual. The warmth spread from their mound outward, and with it came a euphoric wash of love and pleasure.

Nabiki and Shampoo arched their backs, thrusting their breasts into the air as the warmth consumed them, and released a loud moan that echoed around the small hut. Meanwhile, Ranma also felt a rush as the bond was formed. She felt the connection to her loved ones and for a moment was swept away by the feeling of power over them. On a whim, she let her hands move from where her mark had been made on their skin and slid them between the two girl’s legs. Sliding a single digit into each girl’s sex, she gave a simple command and felt a new wave of power as both girls came simultaneously. Drawing a small amount of energy from them, Ranma then withdrew her hands, holding them up and wondering at the power as Nabiki and Shampoo panted from the sudden release.

She slowly withdrew from the sense of control, reminding herself that she did love the psychic and the warrior. She looked down as the three of them came down from the rush, and her eyes met those of her wife and her fiancé. Feelings of warmth passed between the three of them as Ranma leaned down and gave Shampoo, and then Nabiki a deep kiss in turn, allowing each girl a small portion of her own energy to recover. Shampoo and Nabiki slowly sat up and the three girls held hands and smiled at each other.

Nabiki looked down at the new mark on her abdomen, letting go of Shampoo’s hand to lightly trace the shape of the strange character burned into her. Looking back up, she saw that Shampoo had done the same. The Amazon girl then stood, walking over to the table and picking up a small pitcher of water. She turned and looked to Ranma, who held Nabiki’s hand for support, and nodded her head.

Shampoo poured a measure of water out on her head, and the transformation swept over her. As her hands and feet enlarged, pink and white fur appeared to cover them. Her ears faded away as new ones came out the top of her head, also covered in white. A slender tail grew behind her, twitching in agitation as the process began to subside. Finally, Shampoo blinked, and her green eyes gained feline slits that looked into Ranma’s own demon blue eyes.

For a moment, the redhead shuddered, but the fear passed as she found there was no fear in the image before her, only love. Nabiki, while struck by the erotic image of the cat girl before her also had a presence of mind to monitor Ranma’s perceptions. What the Tendo girl found made her smile, as the link seemed to work, smothering out the fear generated by the Neko-ken.

Slowly the demoness stood and walked to Shampoo, embracing the girl in a hug and kissing her deeply. Ranma then stood back and took in Shampoo’s appearance, gazing with eyes of a lover instead of eyes of fear for the first time.

“You are totally hot,” whispered Ranma as she let one hand glide up to cup Shampoo’s face and leaned in again to deliver another searing kiss.

Nabiki agreed heartily, but stood and spoke softly, “Not to be a party pooper, but there is one more thing we should check.” She took a tea kettle from the table and held it up for Ranma to see.

With a sigh, the redhead allowed Nabiki to change her back to his birth form. When the transformation was complete, Ranma looked once more at Shampoo, and froze in fear.

“It…it’s…n…not…wor… ;working…”

Ranma closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply to focus and hold back the fear. Shampoo and Nabiki both hung their heads in disappointment at the result. It was when they were looking down that Nabiki looked over at Shampoo again and noticed something.

“The mark is gone,” she said, reaching out to touch the spot where the demonic character was supposed to be. She also checked her own skin, which was also unmarred.

Thinking fast, Nabiki took the cold water pitcher from Shampoo and poured it on Ranma, changing the shaking male back to demon form. She looked at Shampoo again and saw that Ranma’s mark had returned.

“So that’s how it works,” she muttered. The two semi-human girls looked at her and she elaborated, “It’s Ranma’s demon side that power the bond. When he changed back that power went away and the Neko-ken had an opening.”

Ranma slumped into a chair and groaned, “You almost talk like the damn thing is alive.”

Nabiki knelt before her and replied, “In a very real way it is. It’s your own mind fighting itself. Think about when you confronted Amnara inside your mind, the Neko-ken is like that, only much stronger because it’s been with you for so long.”

“You mean I have another demon inside me?”

Nabiki shook her head, “No, just the mental aspect of the training, it’s like a scar that won’t heal, but in your mind. That’s what trauma is after all, a battle between who you are and what has happened to you.”

Ranma shrugged, not really understanding, but she looked up at the two girls with her and found she didn’t really care about the complicated stuff at the moment. She reached out to Nabiki and pulled the taller girl into her lap, enjoying the feel of their bare skin touching as the psychic leaned into her. Then Ranma motioned for Shampoo to join them, and the cat girl slid down and over, resting her head on Nabiki’s lap while her arms wrapped around the two girls in the chair.

The demoness began to stroke Shampoo’s long blue hair, causing the cat girl to purr lightly. Nabiki looked into Ranma’s eyes and knew that even with new changes, and the odd situations they found themselves in, one thing would not change about the boy turned succubus.

Ranma would always give one hundred percent of her heart to those she loved.

Far away form the loving trio, Hikaru Gosuinkugi sat in his darkened room under the only light source, a simple desk lamp. He rubbed his eyes warily, but had a smile on his face as he flipped the final page of a large, leather bound tome. His research was almost complete, and all he needed now was to wait for the return of Ranma Saotome.

He knew he had to be cautious; after all one mistake on his part would lead to him facing an angry master martial artist, or cost him his soul. He would make his preparations, place his faux samurai pawn, and make sure all the players were in their places before he mad his move.

“The devil really is in the details,” he chuckled to himself as he stared at a picture of a nude Ranma and Nabiki making love in a shower stall.

To be continued.

Endnote: Again, I can not express how much it means to get feedback from readers. Thanks to those of you who sent emails about specific spelling errors and such, it helps as I update the chapters greatly. I know this kinda started as a dirty little fic for my beloved, but the darn thing has a bit of a life of its own now, and I have plans for quite a while now. So until next time…OH NO! JAZZ IS DEAD! (sob sob) I’ll be over in the corner for a moment…