Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Revolution ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters from any anime series found within this Ranma 1/2 - Utena crossover. Ranma and Utena both are licensed by Viz Media in America and are copyright their respective owners.
The Revolution
Chapter Seven
By Dr. Suekeiichi Kaiton
The light was twinkling in through the gossamer curtains draped haphazardly over the tall windows and shining into his eyes. It was early, perhaps only seven and neither of them needed to go to any classes, only a Student Council meeting at two. Still, it was probably for the best if he got up, it wouldn't do for Nanami to walk in and find the two of them naked and stretched out all over each other, now would it?
Saionji waited for Touga to roll off his stomach before rising. His crotch felt sore and his ass stung a bit when he clenched; damn Touga for putting him through that last night, it was supposed to be his turn on the bottom, still, both of them enjoyed the activity so it was really only a case of a bruised anus. A servant had already brought in a tray with coffee and croissants; the wheeled cart sat beside Touga's side of the bed and the scent of fresh ground coffee made him hungry. Reaching over he grabbed a chocolate-filled pastry and rolled over to face the window. He enjoyed sleeping over.
School life had become boring with the advent of the latest semester; the duels had stopped for now since Anthy ran away there were no Bride and therefore no real point in fighting. Juri and Miki were both heavily involved in prepping the fencing club for the regionals while he and Touga had little if nothing to do. Sure he was the captain of the kendo club but he wasn't really all that interested, all he cared about was beating Touga once, just once. The pompous red-haired pretty boy was getting cocky again, Saionji could feel his friend's member swell and slide over his thigh on a silky layer of precum.
The both of them had girlfriends, many as a matter of fact, but they also liked to fool around together, just like they had as children. Akio didn't seem to mind them screwing and it wouldn't impair their ability to duel so there was no problem. Much like Juri's secret predilection for the pretty female fencing members, their illicit relationship fell below the radar. Touga's cell phone rang noisily from the bedside table.
“Yes? I see…handle the details, will you?” The phone shut with a click and Touga's body lay back against the bolster.
“Who was that?”
“Juri. Apparently the Rose Bride will be returning this evening with a new Student Council member.” The redhead flipped back his luxuriously long bangs and nibbled on a buttered scone. It was odd, though, that the cart hadn't had any scones, only croissants; still, strange things did happen around Touga.
“A new Student Council member? And what position will they hold? We already have a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, what other positions are available?” The teal-tressed boy reached over for a cup of coffee. “Or will they just hang around the council chambers like your sister?”
“Nanami makes herself useful, unlike some people who use their position to laze about all day.” The Student Council president pointedly looked to his vice-president.
“I just don't feel motivated to do anything anymore. Anthy will be returning, though?”
“Yes, and apparently the duels will begin again. The new member is apparently a liaison between the high school and university. A freshman.”
Saionji sat up and dangled his legs off the edge of the bed. “We will still be in control of the council, right?”
Touga slipped on a red silk bathrobe and grasped the brass handled bedroom door. “We will retain power over the Academy if that's what you mean. I think this new member is only an observer.” He pointed to the pile of Kyoichi's clothing. “Make sure you don't dawdle, Nanami will stop by on her way out the door. It wouldn't be for the best if she discovered you here.” With that he slipped out the door.
Saionji sighed and gulped down a cup of coffee before pulling on his pants and tunic. Getting back into his own dorm was always a hassle the morning after his tussles with Touga, the dorm mother didn't take kindly to any student staying elsewhere and despite his status as vice-president of the Student Council he still felt her wrath. If he hurried maybe she wouldn't notice…
Down the grand hall from Master Touga's bedroom, Nanami watched as the green-haired fop sneaked out of their garden. She didn't believe, couldn't believe that her virile brother would sink so low as to debase himself with such a stupid individual. It stunned her to think of her brother caressing that simpleton's naked flesh with reckless abandon, to imagine how the sweat might glisten off their manly backs as one penetrated the other, their virile members throbbing with hot blood…she was ashamed to admit that the thought sometimes got her a bit wet.
Still, it bothered her that her beloved brother rutted with such uncultured louts such as the disgraced Saionji. Her brother needed a woman befitting his poise and class, a good woman from a good family - just not better than their own station lest his powerful ego take a mortal blow. She knew her brother's weaknesses, knew his character inside and out, realizing that he would never settle down for any woman for longer than it took to woo and bed her. His heart was set on a very special woman…a girl, really, who grew like a weed around his very soul.
Utena…the girl who ensnared her brother, the very sound of the harlot's name brought fresh waves of rage boiling out from her fevered brain. No one else seemed to remember her save the student council members and even then she could not remember the accursed girl's family name, only her given accompanied by the image of vibrant, pink hair. They were gathered in the council chambers on the verge of revolution when…something happened…she wasn't quite sure what happened. In fact, she couldn't really remember much of anything that happened last semester.
Odd, that, but it couldn't be anything important. She packed her school bag and set out to school, hoping that Tsuwabuki remembered to bring her lunch, the other day he was held up in the council chambers and forgot to give her the bento. She'd had to resort to the normal cafeteria food for the first time in she couldn't remember how long.
She'd just passed the threshold of the mansion when her cell phone rang. Continuing down the path to the lower school building, she fished the slim black machine out of her pocket and accepted the call.
“Hello? Who is this?”
“Anthy Himemiya will return tonight. The Duels will begin again.” The mystery man's voice was garbled, but it was deep and impossibly old. End of the World was up to his usual tricks again. Nanami closed the flap and shoved the phone dejectedly back into her pocket. Like she would care if that witch returned? Ha, Anthy Himemiya could rot in Hell for all she cared. If it wasn't for her there wouldn't be any duels, no danger of Touga losing his confident edge, no danger of losing face; now with her announced return uncertainty would fill their lives. All Nanami knew was they she wasn't going to get sucked into the awful game again.
Above the Ohtori campus but below the Chairman's residence, Touga arrived at the Student Council chambers and was pleased to see Juri already seated in the centre chair. The orange-haired woman with sausage curls lounged artfully against the back of a wrought-iron patio chair with her long lithe neck exposed. Touga often questioned why Juri would prefer women over men, after all she could have any man eating out of her hand in a moment, but thought that perhaps she wouldn't be the same Juri if she were heterosexual. He noticed she had her locket out.
Utena Tenjou's picture was inside the locket now where Shiori Tsukasa used to be, a small front portrait of the pink-haired girl taken before she moved into the chairman's residence. Oh yes, Touga remembered well the days after the Black Rose duels, the death of Ruka Tsuchiya, and the failed revolution. He remembered plotting with End of the World while driving on the edge of the world, remembered the feel of Akio's hands on his flesh, the salty taste of his sweat between his lips, the ecstasy of the wind on his face. Saionji remembered as well, at least he thought he did - they never talked about it for good reason. The Chairman remembered but then again how could he forget?
“Good morning, Juri. Do we know anything about this new liaison to the council?” He sat down at the left side of the table and poured himself a cup of tea from the stainless-steel trolley beside his chair.
Juri looked up from her now closed locket and fixed her eyes on Touga. “Nothing except a name: Ranma Saotome. And if it is to be believed, he's arriving with Utena Tenjou.” She waited a moment for his shock to pass. “We all knew Anthy went off in search of Tenjou, I just didn't expect such quick results.”
“Utena Tenjou…why would she return here to Ohtori? She failed to bring the Revolution, could she deign to try again?” He leaned back and let his head dangle from the lip of the chair's backrest. Tenjou…he longed to see her again longed to smell the faint scent of roses in her hair and feel the forcefulness of her personality. She was such a free spirit unchained by the rigorous ritualization of campus life and for that he admired her. The fact that she was also the only individual he'd ever truly loved was also a major part of his reaction. “I wonder how she is?”
Juri tucked her locket back underneath the collar of her uniform and shifted the position of her breasts. She had to be in the fencing clubroom in an hour to start training the new competitors for the regional championship. “A year can change a person, Touga, she may not be the girl she was…this Saotome character could be her boyfriend.”
“Preposterous! A regal and princely girl such as Utena would never take a common man to be her lover.”
“Naturally she would take someone like yourself?”
Touga had the decency to look away. “Not someone exactly like myself, rather a man of noble birth and bearing.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say, Mr. President. I have to leave for a practice session, will the council meet this afternoon?”
“Plan on it,” he leaned forward on his elbows and clasped his hands before his mouth, “we'll have to discuss how we will handle the return of the Rose Bride. As well as Tenjou.” Juri stood and crossed to the elevator. Touga just leaned back again and looked straight up at the ceiling, wondering how Akio was handling the situation.