Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ To Pass The Time: RW Short Stories ❯ Chapter 1: ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

To Pass The Time

A.n: Story one in "To Pass The Time" Really there should be one ahead of this but that one gonna come later.

Also I know the book I said Rowen is reading isn't the type of book he would read but humor me here. It's a book set back in times of when King Arthur was known as Lord Artos and such and it's a really good book go read it! And if your as good a reader as Rowen your finish it in a day because its 217 pages long.


T'was a day like any other day in the Ronin household, Cye was in the Kitchen cooking because no one else in the house could cook, and if they could they weren't saying anything, Kento right behind him as usual begging for food ignoring the threatening and frying pan waving from Cye.

Ryo sat on the floor in the living room back leaned against the couch playing Suikoden III a game Schala had rented and got him addicted to, shouting incoherent things at the TV like "Come on isn't this chapter long enough," and some other stuff that I'm not allowed to put in this story.

Rowen laid on said couch Ryo was propped up against reading a book entitled "Black Horses For The King" a book by Anne McCaffrey and occasionally ended up hitting Ryo over the head with it when he got to loud, when he was done with that book he moved onto "Lord of the Rings" to find out why the author kept calling him Legolas with blue short hair once she got tired of calling him Rowen Hood.

Sage was. somewhere. more then likely hiding in his room from all those girl who had mobbed him at the mall the other day with he went with Le. I mean Rowen.

Mia. well Mia was typing at her computer cackling evilly and mumbling things like "Yes Master Voldie." And such.

But none of that matter at the moment, what matters is the Kitchen and what Cye and Kento are doing because there the point of all this non sense, that was just to make it longer. Did it work? Good.

Cye was in the Kitchen looking threw the cupboard, Kento behind him holding his head after just getting hit with the almighty frying pan of doom that he had stolen from. someone.

A shadow descended over the Water Ronin as a loud bang echoed threw out the kitchen over and over again.

Ryo sighed as he paused his game (Well he didn't actually pause it he just let it sit there in the middle of a battle.) and got up finding that he needed something to drink. He started off towards the kitchen and pulled open the door to find Kento shouting something and hitting a nearly passed out Cye over and over again with the Magic Frying Pan of Doom.


Ryo slammed the door shut forgetting he wanted something to drink as Rowen walked up to him trying to get by and into the kitchen but Ryo stopped him.

"You don't wanna go in there."

"But I'm a thirsty."

"You still don't wanna go in there."

"Why not?"

"Kento finally snapped and he's giving back the abuse he suffered over the years."


"Not if we wanna live. We'll just have to endure Mia cooking for now on or eat out. besides he had it coming to him."