Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ To Pass The Time: RW Short Stories ❯ Chapter 4: Blue ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

To Pass The Time

Disclaimer: I in no way own Ronin Warriors, I do however own the Aliens ^^;;




Once upon a mid... whoops wrong thing, thats Poe.

Once upon a time there lived these Aliens. They were stranded on Earth after there spaceship crashed and since they were stranded they decided to that it'd be mega fun to screw around with human DNA and make everyone hair color different.

But our story doesn't start there... well know it does but it also starts with our future Ronin Warrior of Life, Rowen Hishiba.

Rowen was just a wittle tike, maybe a few weeks old at the least when the Aliens I mention earlier (if you were paying attention anyways) snuck into his bedroom. Why? To screw with his DNA of course.

Anyways to make a semi long story short. The Alien touched Rowen on the forhead and made him glow a soft blue color... of course not before a bunch of complacations and confessions occared because it wouldn't be a good story without them.

You see the Aliens couldn't decided on what hair color they wanted so they got into a huge argument over it that ended up with the Alien named Bob telling the Alien named Sue that he hated her guts and was in love with an Alien named Lord Zed, who if the insane author remembered her Power Rangers right wasn't an Alien at all (I, for the life of me can't remember what Zed was, and can't figure out why I was thinking of Power Rangers ^^;) and was very ugly.

Anyways so Sue, who was really named Frita (not to be confused with Rita) shot Bob in the head with green electricity and proclaimed Yellow being an ugly color, that blue was the ultimate color, (actually Green is =P) screwed with Rowen's DNA, and turned his hair blue ^^;;

A few years later

"Mommy why is my hair blue?" Chibi Rowen asked curiously as said Mother shrugged.

"No clue now go play in the road."




Now see people, if anyone ever askes you "How did Rowen hair become blue" You can honestly say... the Aliens did it ^^;; after much conflict of course.

Chibi Kento: Lord Zed?

Me: Laughs and Sweat drops:: I'm not sure where that one came from ^^;; and I don't want to know. I blame it on my Chibi Belts muse... and maybe that Sane half of me >> ::mutters::